22,487 research outputs found

    Multiplex cytokine analysis of dermal interstitial blister fluid defines local disease mechanisms in systemic sclerosis.

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    Clinical diversity in systemic sclerosis (SSc) reflects multifaceted pathogenesis and the effect of key growth factors or cytokines operating within a disease-specific microenvironment. Dermal interstitial fluid sampling offers the potential to examine local mechanisms and identify proteins expressed within lesional tissue. We used multiplex cytokine analysis to profile the inflammatory and immune activity in the lesions of SSc patients

    Search for a signal on intermediate baryon systems formation in hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions at high energies

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    We have analyzed the behavior of different characteristics of hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions as a function of centrality to get a signal on the formation of intermediate baryon systems. We observed that the data demonstrate the regime change and saturation. The angular distributions of slow particles exhibit some structure in the above mentioned reactions at low energy. We believe that the structure could be connected with the formation and decay of the percolation cluster. With increasing the mass of colliding nuclei, the structure starts to become weak and almost disappears ultimately. This shows that the number of secondary internuclear interactions increases with increasing the mass of the colliding nuclei. The latter could be a reason of the disintegration of any intermediate formations as well as clusters, which decrease their influence on the angular distribution of the emitted particles.Comment: 2 pages and one figur

    Habitat use pattern and conservation status of smooth–coated otters Lutrogale perspicillata in the Upper Ganges Basin, India

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    Modelo de uso del hábitat y estado de conservación de las nutrias lisas Lutrogale perspicillata en la zona alta de la cuenca del Ganges, India Las nutrias lisas habitan en varios sistemas fluviales importantes del Asia meridional y sus necesidades medioambientales las vinculan con problemas de seguridad alimentaria e hídrica, debido a la elevada densidad de humanos. La falta de datos de referencia sobre su distribución y ecología es otra limitación notable que la especie está afrontando en la India. El presente estudio se vio impulsado por el rápido descenso de la población de nutrias en el país y se centra en estimar el estado de conservación, el modelo de uso del hábitat y las amenazas asociadas en la zona alta de la cuenca del río Ganges (Asia septentrional). Nuestros resultados contribuyen a comprender mejor las complejas interacciones ecológicas y a elaborar medidas de conservación eficaces. Junto con las preferencias de hábitat, en el estudio también se informa sobre nuevas ubicaciones en la distribución de la especie. Asimismo se ponen de relieve las deficiencias existentes en la conservación de la especie y se sugieren las zonas cuya ordenación debería ser prioritaria.Smooth–coated otters inhabit several major river systems in southern Asia, and their environmental requirements link them to food and water security issues as the region is so densely populated by humans. The lack of baseline data on their distribution and ecology is another major constraint that the species is facing in India. The present study was stimulated by the rapid decline in the otter’s population in the country and focuses on estimating the conservation status, habitat use pattern, and associated threats in the upper Ganges River Basin (N India). Our findings contribute towards a better understanding of the complex ecological interactions and the design of effective conservation measures. Coupled with the habitat preferences, the study also provides new locations in the species distribution. This paper highlights the gap areas in the conservation of the species and suggests areas that should be prioritized for management.Modelo de uso del hábitat y estado de conservación de las nutrias lisas Lutrogale perspicillata en la zona alta de la cuenca del Ganges, India Las nutrias lisas habitan en varios sistemas fluviales importantes del Asia meridional y sus necesidades medioambientales las vinculan con problemas de seguridad alimentaria e hídrica, debido a la elevada densidad de humanos. La falta de datos de referencia sobre su distribución y ecología es otra limitación notable que la especie está afrontando en la India. El presente estudio se vio impulsado por el rápido descenso de la población de nutrias en el país y se centra en estimar el estado de conservación, el modelo de uso del hábitat y las amenazas asociadas en la zona alta de la cuenca del río Ganges (Asia septentrional). Nuestros resultados contribuyen a comprender mejor las complejas interacciones ecológicas y a elaborar medidas de conservación eficaces. Junto con las preferencias de hábitat, en el estudio también se informa sobre nuevas ubicaciones en la distribución de la especie. Asimismo se ponen de relieve las deficiencias existentes en la conservación de la especie y se sugieren las zonas cuya ordenación debería ser prioritaria

    A study on measuring service quality of Domino’s in Panvel Region

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    The purpose of this study is to measure service quality of Domino’s in Panvel Region. Dominos is one of the oldest & finest fast food restaurants since the 1960s. Dominos pizza is most preferred by the customers. The retail franchise outlet of dominos, on the Forbes Private 500 list, Domino's has the position of the 200th largest private firm. In addition to specialty items like flavored crust pizzas, Domino's offers a wide range of ‘pizza products, including pan, thin-crust and deep-dish pizzas’. Here the primary & Secondary method is used for data collection for the research. A Structured Questionnaire was prepared to collect data from the respondents for the analysis. It is observed that Paired Sample T-test ( Perceived & Expected Mean )  and Reliability Analysis is used for scale data. Resulting into P-value  0.971 which indicates that scale data is quite reliable and reductant. factors like “Reliability, Price & Usage, Assurance, Ambience, Empathy” etc are used to measure service quality of Domino’s in Panvel Region. It is concluded that variables like  Convenient staff, order & Management systems, location, cleanliness proves no significant difference between expected and perceived mean of service quality of Dominos in Panvel Region