881 research outputs found

    Die Rekrutierung in den Lehrberuf: eine international-vergleichende Perspektive

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    Der Beitrag stellt die Indikatoren vor, welche die Rekrutierung in den Lehrberuf messen. Die Rekrutierung in den Lehrberuf wird für zwei Lehrerbildungssysteme – Singapur und Kirgisien – näher ausgeführt. Das singapurische System ist bekannt für die grosse Selektivität zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme in die Lehrerausbildung und für die hohe Übergangsrate in den Lehrberuf. Als Kontrast wird in diesem Beitrag das kirgisische System vorgestellt, das bereits zweimal den untersten Rang in einer PISA-Studie einnehmen musste. Der Lehrermangel in Kirgisien ist so eklatant, dass die Schulen allerlei Notmassnahmen ergreifen, um den Unterricht aufrechterhalten zu können. Diese Überlebensstrategien verdecken das wahre Ausmass des Lehrermangels und zeigen die beschränkte Gültigkeit von Lehrermangelstatistiken. Der Beitrag verweist auf «globale» bildungspolitische Massnahmen zur Aufhebung des Lehrermangels, die von internationalen Organisationen wie der OECD oder der Weltbank weltweit in Umlauf gesetzt werden. Insbesondere die Weltbank hat sich damit profiliert, dass sie einen starken Zusammenhang postuliert zwischen attraktiver Lehrerbesoldung sowie -laufbahnmodellen und einer wirksamen Rekrutierung in den Lehrberuf. Die Autorin postuliert, dass eine international-vergleichende Perspektive nützlich sein könnte für die gegenwärtige bildungspolitische Diskussion zum Thema Lehrermangel in der Schweiz.The study draws on indicators for recruitment into teaching and presents two teacher education systems: Singapore and Kyrgyzstan. The system in Singapore is known for being selective at the moment of admission into teacher education as well as for its high transition rate into the teaching profession at the end of teacher education. The education system of Kyrgyzstan scored in the last two PISA studies at the very bottom of the league table and therefore is in stark contrast to the system of Singapore. Teacher shortage in Kyrgyzstan is rampant and schools have to resort to various emergency measures to ensure that schools remain open. These kind of survival strategies, however, tend to conceal the real extent of teacher shortage and, thus, call into question the validity of official statistics on teacher shortage. This article also addresses the existence of «global» policies for combatting teacher shortage that international organizations such as OECD or the World Bank are disseminating around the globe. The World Bank, in particular, has postulated a close association between attractive teacher salary as well as attractive teacher career ladder and effective recruitment into teaching. The author suggests to adopt an international comparative perspective in the current policy discussion on teacher shortage in Switzerland

    Rough surface scattering based on facet model

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    A model for the radar return from bare ground was developed to calculate the radar cross section of bare ground and the effect of the frequency averaging on the reduction of the variance of the return. It is shown that, by assuming that the distribution of the slope to be Gaussian and that the distribution of the length of the facet to be in the form of the positive side of a Gaussian distribution, the results are in good agreement with experimental data collected by an 8- to 18-GHz radar spectrometer system. It is also shown that information on the exact correlation length of the small structure on the ground is not necessary; an effective correlation length may be calculated based on the facet model and the wavelength of the incident wave

    KKM and Ky Fan Theorems in Hyperconvex Metric Spaces

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    AbstractIn hyperconvex metric spaces, we introduce Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz mappings. Then we prove an analogue to Ky Fan's fixed point theorem in hyperconvex metric spaces

    Modelling of individual behaviour in the degroot-friedkin self-appraisal dynamics on social networks

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    © 2019 EUCA. The DeGroot-Friedkin model describes how an individual's self-confidence in his or her own opinion evolves as that individual participates in a group discussing a sequence of topics; as the individual has more impact or less impact (termed social power) on a given topic discussion, his or her self-confidence increases or decreases due to the process of reflected self-appraisal. This paper proposes a broad generalisation of the DeGroot-Friedkin model by allowing each individual's self-appraisal process to be distorted by behavioural characteristics such as humility. We establish the generalised dynamical model for the evolution of individuals' social power (a measure of an individual's contribution to each topic discussion). For some types of individuals, whom we term 'humble' and 'unreactive', results are provided on the existence of equilibria, whether such equilibria are unique, and convergence to said equilibria. Simulations are used to illustrate that networks of 'emotional' individuals, who at times act like humble individuals and at other times like arrogant individuals, can have at least two attractive equilibria

    Modular uniform convexity structures and applications to boundary value problems with non-standard growth

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    We establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the Dirichlet problem for the variable exponent pp-Laplacian on a bounded, smooth domain ΩRn\Omega \subset {\mathbb R}^n, where the boundary datum belongs to W1,p(Ω)W^{1,p}(\Omega). Our analysis considers a continuous and bounded exponent pp satisfying 1<infxΩp(x)1<\inf\limits_{x\in \Omega}p(x) and supxΩp(x)<\sup\limits_{x\in \Omega}p(x)<\infty , and is based on the uniform convexity of the Dirichlet integral, which is highly non trivial and in the variable exponent case is not related to the uniform convexity of the Sobolev norm