132 research outputs found

    Adaptasi Permainan Papan Tradisional ke dalam Permainan Digital dengan Pendekatan Atumics: Studi Kasus Permainan Mul-Mulan

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    Permainan Mul-mulan merupakan jenis permainan papan tradisional yang kini telah dilupakan karena hadirnya permainan digital yang lebih menarik bagi anak. Melihat Kenyataan itu, dibutuhkan upaya pelestarian yang mampu mengawinkan budaya tradisional dengan budaya modern-digital saat ini. Adaptasi budaya permainan tradisional ke permainan digital merupakan salah satu bentuk solusi pelestarian permainan tradisional yang cukup menjanjikan melihat konsumsi masyarakat yang tinggi terhadap permainan digital saat ini. Adaptasi budaya ini berupa proses akulturasi yaitu area bertemunya dua budaya yang dapat menerima nilai-nilai bawaannya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan model adaptasi permainan Mul-mulan ke dalam permainan digital dengan pendekatan metode ATUMICS. Metode ini mengkombinasikan elemen budaya tradisi dengan elemen budaya modern pada sebuah desain. Melalui metode ATUMICS permainan tradisional dan digital dianalisis untuk mendapatkan susunan ideal dari enam elemen dasarnya, yaitu teknik (Technique), kegunaan (Utility), bahan (Material), ikon (Icon), konsep (Concept), dan bentuk (Shape). Akhirnya terbentuk model produk budaya hasil akulturasi yang dapat mewakili keberadaan produk permainan Mul-mulan

    Perancangan Konsep Adaptasi Permainan Tradisional Bas-Basan Sepur dalam Permainan Digital "Amukti Palapa"

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    Bas-basan Sepur is a traditional board game, commonly played by teenagers that challenge the strategy skills of two players. Like the other traditional games, the existence of bas-basan Sepur is forgotten due to disconnection of cultural inheritance from parents to their children and also the loss of childrenâs playground and play time. Children nowadays are more interested in modern digital games such as video games and mobile games. Accordingly, the effort to reintroduce bas-basan Sepur into a digital game design is quite effective to attract children. The game design includes the process of data collecting, data analyzing, and game designing. With ATUMICS methode (Artefact, Technology, Utility, Material, Icon, Concept, Shape), data on bas-basan Sepur were analyzed to obtain the components of traditional culture, which can be transformed into a digital game. In the process of designing digital games, bas-basan Sepur will be combined with historical narrative, Amukti Palapa - the events of Nusantara unification under the influence of the Majapahit kingdom - to provide the motivation of playing which is more attractive to players. Data on Amukti Palapa were analyzed based on chronological events, places, and characters as the basic level design and visualization of the characters and the game environment assets. As a result, an adventure-board digital game of bas-basan Sepur that brought the chronological story of Amukti Palapa


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    Globalization and the influence of foreign culture has caused a tremendous effect on the culture that had been upheld by the nation, especially the traditional culture of mutual help. In a relatively short time has turned into the properties of selfish, individualistic and indifferent nature and no longer want to care about what happens in the environment.Game a technology-based visual communications media that much-loved community, especially by children. Age of children are of age to play. With their play to develop emotional, physical and cognitive growth. By playing them develop imagination, skill, independence, creativity, and ability bersosialisasi.Semut is one of the most social groups in the genus of insects and live as a community, called "colonies", which was organized extremely well. Their organization is so advanced that it can be said in this respect they have a civilization that is similar to the development of human civilization. The used method is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which consists of several stages, among others: Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly , Testing, Packaging and Distribution. This method is used, because the objects used in this project consists of multimedia elements, namely: text, pictures / graphics, animation and audio. From some of the positive nature of the ants, will be an adventure game that will introduce the meaning of the spirit of mutual cooperation. Children are taught to use their sense of empathy when playing the character of the ants, when there are other ants who need assistance or when the characters need help. So that can foster a spirit to socialize, collaborate and work together.Keywords : game, adventure ,mutual cooperation, mdl


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    Abstract: Online marketing carried out by various companies has increased due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Companies create mobile platforms and websites to develop their business online. Thus, the need for work in the field of mobile applications and websites is increasing, especially in the fields of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). A large salary makes people interested in pursuing work in this field. However, jobs in the UI and UX fields are still not well understood by the public, especially regarding career opportunities and what competencies are needed. So, there is a need for socialization media to the public regarding types of work in the UI and UX fields through infographics. Through data collection using documentation and literature study techniques, qualitative data about work related to UI UX is analyzed and becomes an infographic design concept. The infographic design was made using Keleher's (2020) stages, namely ideation, research, copywriting, and design. The result is an infographic design that contains types of work other than UI UX designer, namely UX researcher, UX strategist, UX writer, information architect, visual designer, and interaction designer. Visualization of infographics with character designs with fields of work and accompanied by explanations through copywriting makes it easier for readers to understand the message conveyed. Keywords: Infographics, user interface, user experience, work Abstrak: Kebutuhan perusahaan untuk melakukan pemasaran secara online meningkat akibat pandemi Covid 19. Perusahaan membuat platform mobile dan situs untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya secara online. Sehingga kebutuhan pekerjaan di bidang aplikasi mobile dan situs meningkat khususnya di bidang User Interface (UI) dan User Experience (UX). Gaji yang cukup besar membuat masyarakat tertarik menekuni pekerjaan di bidang ini. Namun, pekerjaan di bidang UI dan UX masih kurang dipahami masyarakat khususnya peluang karir dan kompetensi apa saja yang dibutuhkan. Sehingga perlu adanya media sosialisasi ke masyarakat terkait jenis pekerjaan di bidang UI dan UX melalui infografis. Melalui pengumpulan data dengan teknik dokumentasi dan studi pustaka, maka data kualitatif tentang pekerjaan terkait UI UX dianalisis dan menjadi konsep perancangan infografis. Selanjutnya perancangan infografis menggunakan tahapan Keleher (2020) yaitu ideation, research, copywiting, dan design. Hasilnya adalah perancangan infografis yang berisi jenis pekerjaan selain desainer UI UX yaitu UX researcher, UX strategist, UX writer, information architect, visual designer, dan interaction designer. Visualisasi infografis dengan desain karakter dan interaksinya sesuai bidang pekerjaan serta penjelasan melalui copywriting memudahkan pembaca memahami pesan yang disampaikan. Kata Kunci: infografis, pekerjaan, user interface, user experienc

    An analysis of conflict situations within the leadership and various structures of the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa, Orange Free State

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    Conflict is inevitable within congregations and can contribute to their growth or decline, depending on how the leadership in a congregation handles a conflict. The Dutch Reformed Church in Africa, Orange Free State (DRCA OFS) has, for over a decade, experienced growing internal conflicts within its leadership in the various structures of the church. Some of these conflicts have culminated in physical violence and litigations. This article aims to analyse the emerging conflict situations within the leadership in the various structures of the DRCA OFS. The leading research question is: What are the dynamics of conflict situations of the leadership in the various structures of the DRCA OFS

    Exploring the effects of digital disruption on radio revenues among urban radio stations in Kenya

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    This study sought to investigate the effects of digital disruption on radio revenues among urban radio stations in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: (i) to explore the trends in radio revenues in a competitive media environment in Kenya; (ii) to examine how radio revenues have been affected by digital disruption; and (iii) to establish new revenue generation strategies adopted by radio stations in Kenya today. The study adopted qualitative approach and employed exploratory research design. Four radio stations in the country were the sample size; Capital FM, Radio Citizen, KBC Radio and Spice FM, where editors, station managers and business managers were interviewed. The sample size also included interviews from media research firms including Media Council of Kenya, Kenya Audience Research Foundation, WPP Group and TIFA Research. Furthermore, there was documents review, where previous studies published by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Media Council of Kenya, Deloitte, Geopoll, Communications Authority, Ipsos and Kenya Audience Research Foundation were reviewed. The research was guided by Strategic Management theory and Media Economics theory. The study used interview guides and document review guide as the data generation tool. This study found out that the audience share has reduced due to a number of factors including digital platforms which provide the information and entertainment that radio and media in general does. These digital platforms have taken away considerable media advertising even as the business environment is very competitive. Despite these, new radio stations are still being opened signifying potential for radio as a business and public interest medium. The findings reveal that some of the trends in radio revenues are decline in revenues, devolution, digital migration and decline in mass market approach by advertisers. Digital disruption has impacted on radio revenues in that there is decline in listenership on broadcasting waves as people access the same information online, the rise of the influencer who are taking away advertisements that were earlier tapped by radio and media in general and move towards embracing digital advertisements only as stations seek to diversify revenue streams. The new revenue generation strategies include increasing direct online marketing through engaging with advertisers and advertising agencies, creating digital assets in diverse platforms where audiences are and learning their trends, establishing media agencies to reduce need for creative work being done by outside companies, banner ads on the radio stations’ website, call center and research for brands, and government. The study recommended maximizing of digital platforms through content and good distribution to tap into internet advertising, providing quality content consistency and content that is differentiated from other platforms, diversifying revenue sources, institutions of higher learning teaching broadcast should consider a unit in revenue generation and the Media Council of Kenya that is running media viability project should consider training media on how to maximize on revenue sources including government advertising


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    Cultivating exhibitions for visual communication design students is to increase the drive to create and enhance the spirit of student appreciation for the work of students to achieve quality and character in the work. The research objective is to know and understand the governance of project learning-based exhibits to improve the quality of learning and build a climate of appreciation for artwork among Udinus visual communication design students. The research method uses qualitative methods which are more emphasized on observation, interviews, documentation. Through the implementation of project learning-based exhibition governance, learning outcomes in improving quality can be achieved.Key Words: Exhibition, Management, Project Learnin

    Prevalence and associated factors of hepatitis B virus among patients attending an STI health facility in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Objectives: The study aimed at determining the distribution of HBV infection, immunity status and associated factors among STI clinic attendees in Kenya.Study design: The study was a cross sectional descriptive study that followed a quantitative approach. It was conducted from April to June 2014. Questionnaires were used to collect data and from the consenting participants blood was drawn and screened for HBsAg, anti- HBV and anti-HBc serologySetting: The study was carried out at the STI clinic -specialized treatment Centre in Nairobi.Subjects: Systematic random sampling was used to enroll the subjects.200 consenting STI attendees aging between the ages of 18 to 60 years were recruited.Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 32.77 years (SD=8.638) and a median of 31 years. Among the 200 samples analyzed, the prevalence rates of HBsAg and anti- HBV were found to be 19/200 (9.5%) and 53/200 (26.5%) respectively. The major associated factors of hepatitis B transmission that were found to statistically significant among the study population were unprotected sex (p -value 0.004*<0.05), number of sexual partners (p-value 0.003<0.05) and those with genital ulcers (p-value <0.001). Majority of the study subjects had immunity from natural infection 53/200 (26.5%).Conclusion: Sexual mode of transmission of hepatitis B was found to be associated with HBV infection among the STI attendees in Kenya. HBV is a vaccine preventable infection and the results highlight the importance of HBV vaccination among STI clinic visiting patients and their clients/partners
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