7 research outputs found

    organic selenium compounds as potential chemotherapeutic agents for improved cancer treatment

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    Abstract Selenium(Se)-containing compounds have attracted a growing interest as anticancer agents over recent decades, with mounting reports demonstrating their high efficacy and selectivity against cancer cells. Typically, Se compounds exert their cytotoxic effects by acting as pro-oxidants that alter cellular redox homeostasis. However, the precise intracellular targets, signalling pathways affected and mechanisms of cell death engaged following treatment vary with the chemical properties of the selenocompound and its metabolites, as well as the cancer model that is used. Naturally occurring organic Se compounds, besides encompassing a significant antitumor activity with an apparent ability to prevent metastasis, also seem to have fewer side effects and less systemic effects as reported for many inorganic Se compounds. On this basis, many novel organoselenium compounds have also been synthesized and examined as potential chemotherapeutic agents. This review aims to summarize the most well studied natural and synthetic organoselenium compounds and provide the most recent developments in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie their potential anticancer effects

    Novel methylselenoesters induce programed cell death via entosis in pancreatic cancer cells

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    Redox active selenium (Se) compounds have gained substantial attention in the last decade as potential cancer therapeutic agents. Several Se compounds have shown high selectivity and sensitivity against malignant cells. The cytotoxic effects are exerted by their biologically active metabolites, with methylselenol (CH3SeH) being one of the key executors. In search of novel CH3SeH precursors, we previously synthesized a series of methylselenoesters that were active (GI50 < 10 ”M at 72 h) against a panel of cancer cell lines. Herein, we refined the mechanism of action of the two lead compounds with the additional synthesis of new analogs (ethyl, pentyl, and benzyl derivatives). A novel mechanism for the programmed cell death mechanism for Se-compounds was identified. Both methylseleninic acid and the novel CH3SeH precursors induced entosis by cell detachment through downregulation of cell division control protein 42 homolog (CDC42) and its downstream effector ÎČ1-integrin (CD29). To our knowledge, this is the first time that Se compounds have been reported to induce this type of cell death and is of importance in the characterization of the anticancerogenic properties of these compounds

    Methylseleninic Acid Sensitizes Ovarian Cancer Cells to T-Cell Mediated Killing by Decreasing PDL1 and VEGF Levels

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    Redox active selenium (Se) compounds at sub toxic doses act as pro-oxidants with cytotoxic effects on tumor cells and are promising future chemotherapeutic agents. However, little is known about how Se compounds affect immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. We demonstrate that the inorganic Se compound selenite and the organic methylseleninic acid (MSA) do not, despite their pro-oxidant function, influence the viability of immune cells, at doses that gives cytotoxic effects in ovarian cancer cell lines. Treatment of the ovarian cancer cell line A2780 with selenite and MSA increases NK cell mediated lysis, and enhances the cytolytic activity of T cells. Increased T cell function was observed after incubation of T cells in preconditioned media from tumor cells treated with MSA, an effect that was coupled to decreased levels of PDL1, HIF-1α, and VEGF. In conclusion, redox active selenium compounds do not kill or inactivate immune cells at doses required for anti-cancer treatment, and we demonstrate that MSA enhances T cell-mediated tumor cell killing via PDL1 and VEGF inhibition

    Novel Methylselenoesters Induce Programed Cell Death via Entosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells

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    Redox active selenium (Se) compounds have gained substantial attention in the last decade as potential cancer therapeutic agents. Several Se compounds have shown high selectivity and sensitivity against malignant cells. The cytotoxic effects are exerted by their biologically active metabolites, with methylselenol (CH3SeH) being one of the key executors. In search of novel CH3SeH precursors, we previously synthesized a series of methylselenoesters that were active (GI50 &lt; 10 &micro;M at 72 h) against a panel of cancer cell lines. Herein, we refined the mechanism of action of the two lead compounds with the additional synthesis of new analogs (ethyl, pentyl, and benzyl derivatives). A novel mechanism for the programmed cell death mechanism for Se-compounds was identified. Both methylseleninic acid and the novel CH3SeH precursors induced entosis by cell detachment through downregulation of cell division control protein 42 homolog (CDC42) and its downstream effector &beta;1-integrin (CD29). To our knowledge, this is the first time that Se compounds have been reported to induce this type of cell death and is of importance in the characterization of the anticancerogenic properties of these compounds

    Novel methylselenoesters induce programed cell death via entosis in pancreatic cancer cells

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    Redox active selenium (Se) compounds have gained substantial attention in the last decade as potential cancer therapeutic agents. Several Se compounds have shown high selectivity and sensitivity against malignant cells. The cytotoxic effects are exerted by their biologically active metabolites, with methylselenol (CH3SeH) being one of the key executors. In search of novel CH3SeH precursors, we previously synthesized a series of methylselenoesters that were active (GI50 < 10 ”M at 72 h) against a panel of cancer cell lines. Herein, we refined the mechanism of action of the two lead compounds with the additional synthesis of new analogs (ethyl, pentyl, and benzyl derivatives). A novel mechanism for the programmed cell death mechanism for Se-compounds was identified. Both methylseleninic acid and the novel CH3SeH precursors induced entosis by cell detachment through downregulation of cell division control protein 42 homolog (CDC42) and its downstream effector ÎČ1-integrin (CD29). To our knowledge, this is the first time that Se compounds have been reported to induce this type of cell death and is of importance in the characterization of the anticancerogenic properties of these compounds

    Methylseleninic Acid Sensitizes Ovarian Cancer Cells to T-Cell Mediated Killing by Decreasing PDL1 and VEGF Levels

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    Redox active selenium (Se) compounds at sub toxic doses act as pro-oxidants with cytotoxic effects on tumor cells and are promising future chemotherapeutic agents. However, little is known about how Se compounds affect immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. We demonstrate that the inorganic Se compound selenite and the organic methylseleninic acid (MSA) do not, despite their pro-oxidant function, influence the viability of immune cells, at doses that gives cytotoxic effects in ovarian cancer cell lines. Treatment of the ovarian cancer cell line A2780 with selenite and MSA increases NK cell mediated lysis, and enhances the cytolytic activity of T cells. Increased T cell function was observed after incubation of T cells in preconditioned media from tumor cells treated with MSA, an effect that was coupled to decreased levels of PDL1, HIF-1α, and VEGF. In conclusion, redox active selenium compounds do not kill or inactivate immune cells at doses required for anti-cancer treatment, and we demonstrate that MSA enhances T cell-mediated tumor cell killing via PDL1 and VEGF inhibition

    Selenite and methylseleninic acid epigenetically affects distinct gene sets in myeloid leukemia : A genome wide epigenetic analysis

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    Selenium compounds have emerged as promising chemotherapeutic agents with proposed epigenetic effects, however the mechanisms and downstream effects are yet to be studied. Here we assessed the effects of the inorganic selenium compound selenite and the organic form methylseleninic acid (MSA) in a leukemic cell line K562, on active (histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation, H3K9ac and histone H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation, H3K4me3) and repressive (histone H3 lysine 9 tri-methylation, H3K9me3) histone marks by Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by DNA sequencing (ChIP-Seq). Both selenite and MSA had major effects on histone marks but the effects of MSA were more pronounced. Gene ontology analysis revealed that selenite affected genes involved in response to oxygen and hypoxia, whereas MSA affected distinct gene sets associated with cell adhesion and glucocorticoid receptors, also apparent by global gene expression analysis using RNA sequencing. The correlation to adhesion was functionally confirmed by a significantly weakened ability of MSA treated cells to attach to fibronectin and linked to decreased expression of integrin beta 1. A striking loss of cellular adhesion was also confirmed in primary patient AML cells. Recent strategies to enhance the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs by disrupting the interaction between leukemic and stromal cells in the bone marrow are of increasing interest; and organic selenium compounds like MSA might be promising candidates. In conclusion, these results provide new insight on the mechanism of action of selenium compounds, and will be of value for the understanding, usage, and development of new selenium compounds as anticancer agents