32 research outputs found

    The integration between strategic cost management techniques to improve the performance of Iraqi manufacturing companies

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    The performance of manufacturing industry in Iraq has been declining over the last few decades.Worst still, many companies in the manufacturing sector in Iraq are yet to adopt Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to improve their performance despite its potency ensure to achieve competitive advantage and better performance.This study examines the integration between Total Quality Management (TQM) and BSC four perspectives in Iraqi manufacturing industry. Data were collected by means of structured questionnaire survey using simple random sampling and a Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the hypothesis of the paper.The result revealed that TQM had a significant positive effect on BSC through the measurement of customer perspective, financial perspective, innovation and learning perspective, and internal business process perspective.The finding implies that Iraqi manufacturing industries can attain the performance of their companies in the different perspective of BSC by proper implementation of TQM technique

    COVID-19 Response and Vaccination in Morocco: Efforts, Challenges, and Opportunities

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    The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted global health systems and has put enormous strain on fragile health systems worldwide. Despite the challenges that the Moroccan health system faces, the country’s rapid and effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic has yielded positive results in terms of virus containment. A convergence of public policies has enabled Morocco to implement multifaceted interventions aimed at achieving large-scale vaccine coverage. These efforts have contributed to the success of Morocco’s national vaccination campaign. While the immunization operation was not devoid of challenges, this experience has paved the way for Morocco to expand its disease surveillance system and explore its potential as a key actor in vaccine and bio-therapeutics supply on the continent

    A contingency model of the association between political turbulence, intensity of competition and balanced scorecard: impact on firm performance

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    Performance of manufacturing industry in Iraq has been declining over the last few decades. Worst still, many companies in the manufacturing sector in Iraq are yet to adopt Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to improve their performance despite its potency ensure to achieve competitive advantage and better performance.This study in view of this has conceptualized a framework that incorporates external factors of Political Turbulence and Intensity of Competition as predictors of Firm Performance through BSC. This paper is conceptual as its framework needs to be tested empirically by future researchers

    The evolution of Malaysian cartoon animation / Faryna Mohd Khalis...[et al.]

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    A cartoon can be defined as an unrealistic style of sketching and or funny figures that can make people laugh. Aside from entertainment purposes, cartoons are also used to send messages without a serious tone and indirectly telling something sarcastically. In April 2019, Malaysia was shocked by the headline that ‘Doraemon’ had been selected to represent the Japanese themed cartoon exhibition in conjunction with Visit Malaysia 2020. Malaysian art activists, specifically those who has a cartoon animation background, were very upset and expressed their dissatisfaction with the news. Local legendary cartoonist Datuk Lat also showed his disappointment and made a stand that a local cartoon character should have been chosen to represent Malaysia. Therefore, this research aims to illustrate the development of Malaysian cartoons from when they first started in newspapers, until their existence today in the form of animation on digital platforms. In sequence, Malaysia produced cartoons in newspapers, magazines, blogs, television and cinema, whereby this is in parallel with the development of technology. From handdrawn art for ‘Usop Sontorian’ to digital animation for the film ‘Upin dan Ipin’, Malaysians should be more appreciative and proud of our local cartoons rather than those from other countries

    Menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of breast cancer: A case-control study in the Fez region, Morocco

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In the Moroccan context, the role of well-known reproductive factors in breast cancer remains poorly documented. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between menstrual and reproductive factors and breast cancer risk in Moroccan women in the Fez region. Methods A case-control study was conducted at the Hassan II University Hospital of Fez between January 2014 and April 2015. A total of 237 cases of breast cancer and 237 age-matched controls were included. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, menstrual and reproductive history, family history of breast cancer, and lifestyle factors was obtained through a structured questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for breast cancer by menstrual and reproductive factors adjusted for potential confounders. Results Early menarche (OR = 1.60, 95% CI: 1.08-2.38) and nulliparity (OR = 3.77, 95% CI: 1.98-7.30) were significantly related to an increased risk of breast cancer, whereas an early age at first full-term pregnancy was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer (OR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.25-0.65). Conclusion The results of this study confirm the role of established reproductive factors for breast cancer in Moroccan women. It identified some susceptible groups at high risk of breast cancer. Preventive interventions and screening should focus on these groups as a priority. These results should be confirmed in a larger, multicenter study

    Buletin galeri seni Merbok UiTM Kedah / Dr Faryna Mohd Khalis…[etal.]

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    Galeri Seni Merbok telah dirasmikan pada 1 Ogos 2016 oleh YBHG. Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr Hassan Said iaitu Naib Cancelor Universiti Teknologi MARA. Walau bagaimanapun galeri ini telah diwujudkan pada tahun 2004 selaras dengan tertubuhnya Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka melalui kursus Seni Reka Perindustrian. Kewujudan galeri ini adalah untuk memberi pendedahan dan maklumat kepada masyarakat dan pelajar-pelajar di universiti, kolej dan sekolah mengenai kursus yang dijalankan melalui karya yang dihasilkan pelajar. Sebagai inisiatif untuk memelihara dan menghargai penubu- han galeri ini, beberapa cadangan pengubahsuaian kecil akan dilakukan untuk penaiktarafan galeri kepada tahap yang lebih baik

    Impact of Dy2O3 substitution on the physical, structural and optical properties of lithium–aluminium–borate glass system

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    In this study, a series of Li2O-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses doped with various concentrations of Dy2O3 (where x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 mol%) were prepared by using a conventional melt-quenching technique. The structural, physical and optical properties of the glasses were examined by utilising a variety of techniques instance, X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis-NIR spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and photoluminescence (PL). The XRD spectra demonstrate the amorphous phase of all glasses. Furthermore, the UV-vis-NIR spectrometers have registered optical absorption spectra a numbers of peaks which exist at 1703, 1271, 1095, 902, 841, 802, 669, 458, 393 and 352 nm congruous to the transitions from the ground of state (6H15/2) to different excited states, 6H11/2, 6F11/2 + 6H9/2, 6F9/2 + 6H7/2, 6F7/2, 6F5/2, 6F3/2, 4F9/2, 4I15/2, 4F7/2 and 6P7/2, respectively. The spectra of emission exhibit two strong emanation bands at 481 nm and 575 nm in the visible region, which correspond to the transitions 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 and 4F9/2 → 6H13/2. All prepared glass samples doped with Dy2O3 show an increase in the emission intensity with an increase in the concentration of Dy3+. Based on the obtained results, the aforementioned glass samples may have possible applications, such as optical sensor and laser applications

    Les facteurs de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région Fès, Maroc

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    Introduction Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. In Morocco, as in many countries that are either developing or in epidemiological transition, breast cancer incidence rates have clearly risen. Numerous risk factors for female breast cancer have been identified in the literature, but their role in breast cancer among Moroccan women remains poorly documented. The purpose of this doctoral work was to investigate the association between several risk factors and breast cancer among Moroccan women in the Fez region, Morocco. Methods Our analyses were based on data from two case controls studies conducted in the Fez region, Morocco: "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) including 237 cases and 237 age-matched controls, and the "BreCaFez Study" (2016-2017) including 300 cases and 300 controls matched by age and area of residence. Detailed information on various risk factors of breast cancer were collected through face-to face interviews. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals, adjusted for potential confounders were estimated by using logistic regression models. Results Our findings suggest that (1) Early menarche and nulliparity were significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer among women of our population, whereas an early age at first full-term pregnancy was associated with a significantly decreased risk of breast cancer. (2) High healthy lifestyle index scores were associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in Moroccan women included in our study. (3) Central adiposity and body shape trajectory were positively associated with breast cancer risk in both pre- and post-menopausal women; whereas, a significant inverse association was observed between silhouette at young ages (6- 11 years) and BC risk for premenopausal women and a borderline significant inverse association for postmenopausal women. (4) Women employed in specific agricultural occupations, particularly those who worked as crop farm laborers, had an elevated risk of breast cancer compared to those who never worked in these occupations and the risk increased with duration of employment. Conclusion Our results showed the association between some risk factors and breast cancer among women in our region. It identified some susceptible groups at high risk of breast cancer. Preventive interventions and screening should focus on these groups as a priority. However, our findings should be confirmed in larger, multicenter studiesLe cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme dans le monde. Au Maroc, comme dans de nombreux pays en voie de développement, l'incidence du cancer du sein a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Le rôle des facteurs de risque reconnus et suspectés dans la survenue du cancer du sein est peu étudié au Maroc. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de déterminer les principaux facteurs de risque du cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région de Fès- Maroc. Méthodes : Ce travail porte sur les données de deux études cas-témoins réalisées dans la région de Fès- Maroc : l'étude "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) incluant 237 cas et 237 témoins appariés sur l'âge, et l'étude "BreCaFez Study " (2016-2017) incluant 300 cas et 300 témoins appariés sur l'âge et le milieu de résidence. Des informations détaillées sur les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein ont été recueillies au cours d'entretiens en face-à-face. Les odds ratios et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ont été estimés à partir de régressions logistiques, en ajustant sur les variables de confusion. Résultats : Nos résultats montrent que (1) l'âge précoce de la ménarche et la nulliparité étaient significativement associés à une augmentation de risque de cancer du sein, tandis que l'âge précoce à la première grossesse à terme est associé à une diminution de ce risque ; (2) un score de mode de vie sain élevé était associé significativement à une réduction du risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre population ; (3) un excès d'adiposité abdominale et une forte évolution de trajectoire de la silhouette étaient associés à une augmentation de risque du cancer de sein chez les femmes en pré- et en postménopause. En revanche, une large silhouette à l'enfance (6–11 ans) était associée à une diminution significative de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes en préménopause et à la limite de la signification statistique chez les femmes en postménopause ; (4) les femmes ayant travaillées dans certaines professions du secteur de l'agriculture, en particulier celles employées comme ouvrière agricole, avaient un risque élevé de cancer du sein, une augmentation significative de ce risque en fonction de la durée de l'emploi a été également observée. Conclusion : Ce travail suggère l'existence d'associations entre certains facteurs de risque et la survenue de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre région. Les résultats de nos études peuvent orienter les mesures et les activités de prévention de cancer du sein dans notre pays. Par ailleurs, des études à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour confirmer et compléter nos résultat

    Breast cancer risk factors among Moroccan women in the Fez region, Morocco

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    Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme dans le monde. Au Maroc, comme dans de nombreux pays en voie de développement, l'incidence du cancer du sein a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Le rôle des facteurs de risque reconnus et suspectés dans la survenue du cancer du sein est peu étudié au Maroc. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de déterminer les principaux facteurs de risque du cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région de Fès- Maroc. Méthodes : Ce travail porte sur les données de deux études cas-témoins réalisées dans la région de Fès- Maroc : l'étude "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) incluant 237 cas et 237 témoins appariés sur l'âge, et l'étude "BreCaFez Study " (2016-2017) incluant 300 cas et 300 témoins appariés sur l'âge et le milieu de résidence. Des informations détaillées sur les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein ont été recueillies au cours d'entretiens en face-à-face. Les odds ratios et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ont été estimés à partir de régressions logistiques, en ajustant sur les variables de confusion. Résultats : Nos résultats montrent que (1) l'âge précoce de la ménarche et la nulliparité étaient significativement associés à une augmentation de risque de cancer du sein, tandis que l'âge précoce à la première grossesse à terme est associé à une diminution de ce risque ; (2) un score de mode de vie sain élevé était associé significativement à une réduction du risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre population ; (3) un excès d'adiposité abdominale et une forte évolution de trajectoire de la silhouette étaient associés à une augmentation de risque du cancer de sein chez les femmes en pré- et en postménopause. En revanche, une large silhouette à l'enfance (6–11 ans) était associée à une diminution significative de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes en préménopause et à la limite de la signification statistique chez les femmes en postménopause ; (4) les femmes ayant travaillées dans certaines professions du secteur de l'agriculture, en particulier celles employées comme ouvrière agricole, avaient un risque élevé de cancer du sein, une augmentation significative de ce risque en fonction de la durée de l'emploi a été également observée. Conclusion : Ce travail suggère l'existence d'associations entre certains facteurs de risque et la survenue de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre région. Les résultats de nos études peuvent orienter les mesures et les activités de prévention de cancer du sein dans notre pays. Par ailleurs, des études à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour confirmer et compléter nos résultatsIntroduction Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. In Morocco, as in many countries that are either developing or in epidemiological transition, breast cancer incidence rates have clearly risen. Numerous risk factors for female breast cancer have been identified in the literature, but their role in breast cancer among Moroccan women remains poorly documented. The purpose of this doctoral work was to investigate the association between several risk factors and breast cancer among Moroccan women in the Fez region, Morocco. Methods Our analyses were based on data from two case controls studies conducted in the Fez region, Morocco: "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) including 237 cases and 237 age-matched controls, and the "BreCaFez Study" (2016-2017) including 300 cases and 300 controls matched by age and area of residence. Detailed information on various risk factors of breast cancer were collected through face-to face interviews. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals, adjusted for potential confounders were estimated by using logistic regression models. Results Our findings suggest that (1) Early menarche and nulliparity were significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer among women of our population, whereas an early age at first full-term pregnancy was associated with a significantly decreased risk of breast cancer. (2) High healthy lifestyle index scores were associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in Moroccan women included in our study. (3) Central adiposity and body shape trajectory were positively associated with breast cancer risk in both pre- and post-menopausal women; whereas, a significant inverse association was observed between silhouette at young ages (6- 11 years) and BC risk for premenopausal women and a borderline significant inverse association for postmenopausal women. (4) Women employed in specific agricultural occupations, particularly those who worked as crop farm laborers, had an elevated risk of breast cancer compared to those who never worked in these occupations and the risk increased with duration of employment. Conclusion Our results showed the association between some risk factors and breast cancer among women in our region. It identified some susceptible groups at high risk of breast cancer. Preventive interventions and screening should focus on these groups as a priority. However, our findings should be confirmed in larger, multicenter studie

    Female Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Morocco: comparison with other countries

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. In Morocco, there have been few recent descriptive studies on female breast cancer. The aim of this study was to describe the latest available incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer among Moroccan women and to compare them with rates in other regional and Western countries.Le cancer du sein est la tumeur maligne la plus fréquemment diagnostiquée et la cause principale de mort de cancer parmi des femmes dans le monde entier. Au Maroc, il y a eu peu d'études descriptives récentes sur le cancer du sein féminin. Le but de cette étude était de décrire la dernière incidence disponible et les taux de mortalité de cancer du sein parmi des femmes marocaines et les comparer avec des taux dans d'autres pays régionaux et Occidentaux