4 research outputs found

    Coverage Analysis For 3-d Real-world Terrain Models With Heterogeneous Deployments In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Bu çalışmada, kablosuz duyarga ağları için üç boyutlu gerçek arazi modelleri üzerinde kapsama incelenmiştir. Arazinin üç boyutlu modeli oluşturulduktan sonra üç farklı duyarga konuşlandırma stratejisi kullanılarak belirli sayıda duyarga bu araziye konuşlandırılmıştır. İlaveten, herhangi bir duyarga düğümünün algılama modeli, literatürde mevcut üç farklı algılama modelinden biri olarak seçilmiştir. Bu koşullar altında, benzetim senaryoları tasarlanmış ve buna uygun olarak sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Sistem parametreleri (örnek olarak; arazi tipi, konuşlandırma stratejisi, duyarga düğüm sayısı) ile kapsama arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, düğüm fazlalığı hesaplanmış ve kablosuz duyarga ağının olası enerji tüketimi konusu ile ilgili yorumlar verilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar göstermiştir ki, uygulamanın çeşidine bağlı olarak, kapsama gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla sistem parametreleri uygun bir şekilde ayarlanabilir.In this work, coverage for wireless sensor networks is analyzed on three-dimensional real-world terrain models. After creating the 3-D model of the terrain, a specific number of sensors are deployed over the terrain using three different deployment strategies. Moreover, a sensor node may adopt one of the three sensing models existing in the literature. Under these circumstances, simulation scenarios were designed and accordingly, simulations were run to obtain results. The relationships between system parameters (e.g. terrain type, deployment strategy, sensor node count) and coverage is analyzed. Furthermore, node redundancy is calculated and comments are made about possible energy consumption of the wireless sensor network. Obtained results demonstrate that depending on application type, system parameters can appropriately be adjusted so that the coverage requirements are met.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Under the view point of Europen Human Rights Convention the problem of Karabakh

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    Temeli eskilere dayanmakla birlikte, 1988 yılından başlayan Ermenistan – Azerbaycan Dağlık Karabağ sorunu 1990 yılından itibaren savaşa dönüşmüştür. Savaş 1994 yılına kadar çok ağır bir şekilde devam etmiştir. Uluslar arası örgütlerin girişimiyle 1994 yılının mayıs ayından itibaren ateşkes anlaşması imzalanmıştır. Fakat aradan geçen 14 seneyi aşkın sürede taraflar arasında kalıcı barış sağlanamamıştır. Bu savaş sonucunda Azerbaycan topraklarının %20'ye yakını Ermenistan tarafından işgal edilmiş, işgal bölgesinde yaşayan bir milyonu aşkın insan yurtlarını terk etmek zorunda bırakılmış, mülteci konumuna düşmüştür. Halen çok ağır şartlar altında çadırlarda, eski tren vagonlarında yaşamaktalar. Bu çalışmada Karabağ'ın tarihi incelenmiş, Karabağ sorunun ortaya çıkışı, sorunun savaşa dönüşmesi ve barış için uluslar arası örgütlerin girişimleri değerlendirilmiştir. Savaş sırasında ve savaştan sonra Ermeniler tarafından bölgede gerçekleştirilen İnsan Hakları ihlalleri incelenmiş, bu ihlallerin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi açısından değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Karabağ savaşında hakları ihlal edilen bir milyonu aşkın Azerbaycan vatandaşının başta mülkiyet hakkı olmak üzere, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ile teminat altına diğer haklarının korunması için zaman kaybetmeden Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesine başvurması gerektiği önerilmiştir. 20 yılı aşkın süredir devam eden Dağlık Karabağ sorunun bir an evvel çözülmesi ve bölgeden sürülen bir milyonu aşkın insanın kendi topraklarına dönmesi ve savaş sırasında esir alınan yüzlerce insanın iade edilmesi gerekmektedir. Although it's past has consisted in the old years, in 1988 with the beginning of Armenia – Azerbaijan Nagornıy Karabakh problem from the year of 1990 has changed into the war. The war has continued as a very heavy position until the year of 1994. With the entrance of international organizations in the year of 1994 from the month of May the agreement of causefire have signed. But for 14 years which have past from this dateæ the countiously peace has not consisted between the sides. After this war the land of Azerbaijan approximately 20% has invasioned by Armenia æ in these lands which are living people nearly one million had obliged to leave from their lands and they have taken position as refugees. Still they are living under very difficult positions as in tente or in old railway cars. In this study the history of Karabakh has investigated, the creating of the problem of Karabakh , the problem changing into the war and fort he peace the enterprises of international organizations have evaluated. Meanwhile the war and after the war Armenians have occured the violation of human rights and this violations have investigated and their evaluations have done under the view point of European Human Rights Convention. In the war of Karabakh approxiamately one million person as Azerbaijan citizenships whose human rights have been violated as first their ownership rights æ with European Human Rights Convention as taken under the guarantee æ to protect their rights and fort his aim æ without losing any time it has been advised to apply to European Court of Human Rights. More than 20 years as continue the promlem of Nagornıy Karabakh is necessary to solve as soon as possible and from this area as sent approximately one million person to return to their owv lands and after the war as taken thecaptives of war to return to their areas is necessary

    Забезпечення експлуатаційно-технологічних характеристик нового конструктивного рішення штангової насосної установки

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    In Azerbaijan oil production is carried out both in the offshore and onshore. Offshore production is carried out on special platforms, while the onshore exploitation carried out directly by a mechanized method. Thus, the object of study is downhole pumps, which consist of a surface mechanical transmission and downhole equipment. For direct mechanization of ground equipment, a device called rocking machine is used, consisting of transmission and converting mechanisms. The main task of the rocking machine is to ensure the conversion of the rotational motion of the engine into the up and down stroke of the plunger of the pump. The downhole equipment includes rods column that lift liquid from the well, a cylinder and a plunger. However, the existing classic rocking machines have some advantages as well as some disadvantages. In order to overcome them, developed new design solution of the sucker-rod pumping unit, which consisting of a crank-rope-movable counterweight system has been designed. As a result of the research carried out in the article, a progressive expression was proposed for determining the strength condition of the rods column, which is one of the main working elements of the rocking machine. Then, in order to specify the wells in which the rocking machine can be applied, the statement regarding the determination of the value of the linear density of liquid column based on the strength condition of the rod column was put forward. These, in turn, can be determined in which oil wells with specific physical characteristics of the rocking machine with the given technical characteristics can be applied. All this can contribute to the prevention of accidents that may occur due to the breakage of the rods column of rocking machine. The formula proposed in this paper can be applied not only to the existing classic rocking machines, but also to other new design of rocking machines.Видобуток нафти в Азербайджані ведеться як на шельфі, так і на суші. Морський видобуток ведеться на спеціальних платформах, а береговий – безпосередньо механізованим способом. Отже, об’єктом дослідження є свердловинні насоси, які складаються з поверхневої механічної передачі та свердловинного обладнання. Для безпосередньої механізації наземної техніки використовується пристрій, що називається верстат-качалкою, що складається з передавального та перетворювального механізмів. Основне завдання верстата-качалки – забезпечити перетворення обертового руху двигуна в хід плунжера насоса вгору та вниз. Свердловинне обладнання включає колону штанг, що піднімають рідину зі свердловини, циліндр і плунжер. Однак існуючі класичні верстати-качалки мають як переваги, так і недоліки. Для їх подолання розроблено нове конструктивне рішення штангового насосного агрегату, який складається з кривошипно-канатно-рухливої системи противаг. У результаті проведених у роботі досліджень запропоновано прогресивний вираз для визначення стану міцності стрижневої колони, яка є одним із основних робочих елементів верстата-качалки. Потім, щоб уточнити свердловини, в яких може бути застосований верстат-качалка, було висунуто твердження щодо визначення величини лінійної густини стовпа рідини на основі стану міцності стовпа стрижня. Вони, у свою чергу, можуть визначити, в яких нафтових свердловинах з конкретними фізичними характеристиками може бути застосована верстат-качалка із заданими технічними характеристиками. Все це може сприяти попередженню нещасних випадків, які можуть статися через поломку стрижнів колони верстат-качалки. Запропонована в роботі формула може бути застосована не тільки до існуючих класичних верстатів-качалок, а й до інших нових конструкцій верстатів-качалок