17 research outputs found

    Nutrition parentérale du nouveau-né : modulation du stress oxydant et conséquences hépatiques

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    Introduction : Les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s ont la particularitĂ© de naĂźtre alors que leur dĂ©veloppement est souvent incomplet et nĂ©cessite la mise en Ɠuvre de soins intensifs visant Ă  poursuivre leur croissance en dehors de l’environnement utĂ©rin. Souvent cependant, le stade dĂ©veloppemental de l’enfant ne lui permet pas d’assimiler une alimentation entĂ©rale du fait de l’immaturitĂ© de son systĂšme digestif. Le recours Ă  une voie centrale dĂ©livrant les nutriments assurant le dĂ©veloppement devient alors une nĂ©cessitĂ©. Ce type de nutrition, appelĂ©e nutrition parentĂ©rale (NP, ou total parenteral nutrition TPN), permet l’administration de molĂ©cules simples, directement dans le sang du prĂ©maturĂ©. Il n’est toutefois pas exempt de risques puisqu’exposĂ©e Ă  la lumiĂšre, la NP peut s’oxyder et gĂ©nĂ©rer des molĂ©cules oxydantes telles que des hydroperoxydes lipidiques susceptibles de se fragmenter par la suite en hydroxy-alkĂ©nals. Ceci devient problĂ©matique au vu de l’immaturitĂ© des systĂšmes de dĂ©fenses antioxydants du nouveau-nĂ© prĂ©maturĂ©. L’utilisation prolongĂ©e de la NP est d’ailleurs Ă  l’origine de maladie hĂ©patiques dans lesquelles le stress oxydant et la nĂ©cro-inflammation sont des composantes majeures. Nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse que l’infusion chez les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s, d’aldĂ©hydes d’origine lipidique est en relation avec le dĂ©veloppement du stress oxydant et de l’inflammation hĂ©patique. Objectif : Notre Ă©tude a consistĂ© Ă  Ă©valuer la relation entre les quantitĂ©s d’hydroxy-alkĂ©nals dans la NP et les effets hĂ©patiques engendrĂ©s sur les marqueurs de stress oxydant et les voies de signalisation responsables d’une induction de processus inflammatoire. Dans ce but, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  mesurer la peroxydation lipidique dans l’émulsion lipidique de la NP et la consĂ©quence de l’infusion en continue d’hydroxy-alkĂ©nals sur les marqueurs de stress oxydant, sur la voie de signalisation mĂ©diĂ©e par le Nuclear Factor ÎșB et sur le dĂ©clenchement du processus inflammatoire hĂ©patique. A la suite de ce travail, nous avons Ă©galement travaillĂ© sur des alternatives Ă  la photoprotection, qui est la seule mĂ©thode rĂ©ellement optimale pour rĂ©duire la peroxydation des lipides de la NP, mais cliniquement difficilement praticable. RĂ©sultats : Nos rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence la gĂ©nĂ©ration de 4-hydroxynonenal in vitro dans la NP, ce phĂ©nomĂšne est augmentĂ© par une exposition lumineuse. Dans ce cadre, nous avons montrĂ© l’inefficacitĂ© de l’ajout de multivitamines dans l’émulsion lipidique comme alternative Ă  la photoprotection. Dans la validation biologique qui a suivi sur un modĂšle animal, nos rĂ©sultats ont permis de dĂ©montrer que l’augmentation des adduits glutathion-hydroxynonenal Ă©tait imputable Ă  l’augmentation de 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) dans la NP, et non Ă  une peroxydation endogĂšne. Nos donnĂ©es indiquent que la probable augmentation hĂ©patique des niveaux de 4-HNE a conduit Ă  une activation du NFÎșB responsable de l’activation de la transcription des gĂšnes pro-inflammatoires du Tumour Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) et de l’interleukine-1 (IL-1). Nous avons alors Ă©valuĂ© la capacitĂ© d’une Ă©mulsion lipidique enrichie en acides gras polyinsaturĂ©s (AGPI) n-3 Ă  baisser les concentrations de 4-HNE dans la NP, mais Ă©galement Ă  moduler le stress oxydant et les marqueurs pro-inflammatoires. Enfin, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ©, en collaboration avec l’équipe du Dr Friel, que certains peptides isolĂ©s du lait humain (par un processus mimant la digestion) permettent Ă©galement une modulation du stress oxydant et du processus inflammatoire. Conclusion : Le stress oxydant exogĂšne issu de la NP a conduit par activation de facteurs de transcription intra-hĂ©patiques au dĂ©clenchement d’un processus inflammatoire potentiellement responsable du dĂ©veloppement de maladies hĂ©patiques reliĂ©es Ă  la NP telle que la cholestase. Dans ce sens, les AGPI n-3 et les peptides antioxydants peuvent se poser en tant qu’alternatives crĂ©dibles Ă  la photoprotection.Introduction: Premature infants usually born before full term require intensive care to continue to grow up outside the uterine environment. Premature newborns are born with gastrointestinal systems that are too immature to absorb nutrients safely. Therefore they receive their initial nutrients through intravenous feeding, called total parenteral nutrition which delivers simple nutrients directly into bloodstream. However, light exposed-TPN can generate oxidant molecules such as lipid hydroperoxides, which can potently break up into hydroxy-alkenals. Prolonged use of TPN is also a cause of liver disease in which oxidative stress and necro-inflammation are major components. Thus, we hypothesize that lipid aldehydes contained in TPN are associated with oxidative stress and hepatic inflammation developments. Objectives: The aim of our study is to assess the relationship between quantities of hydroxyl-alkenals generated in TPN and effects on oxidative stress biomarkers and cell-signalling pathways molecules implicated in hepatic inflammation induction. To this end, we measure lipid peroxidation in the TPN lipid emulsion in and the consequence of continuous infusion of hydroxy-alkenals on markers of oxidative stress, on cell-signaling pathway mediated by the NFkB, and on liver inflammation induction. Following these data, we also worked on alternatives of photoprotection, which is the only optimal method for preventing lipid peroxidation, but unfortunately clinically impractical. Results: In vitro studies have highlighted the generation of 4-HNE in the TPN, increased under light exposure. In this context, we have demonstrated that the addition of multivitamins in the lipid emulsion cannot be a valuable alternative to photoprotection. Concerning the biological validation in our guinea pig animal model, our results demonstrated that the increase of GS-HNE adducts was due to increased 4-HNE in the TPN, and does not provide from endogenous peroxidation. Our data also indicate that the increase of hepatic 4-HNE led to an activation of NFkB, responsible for the activation of the transcription of proinflammatory genes TNF-α, IL-1. In the next study, we have evaluated the ability of a lipid emulsion enriched with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to reduce 4-HNE concentrations generated in TPN, and to modulate oxidative stress markers and pro-inflammatory process on the same animal model. We also have demonstrated, in collaboration with Dr Friel’s team, that two antioxidant peptides (derived from a process mimicking digestion process of human milk) allow also a modulation of oxidative stress and inflammatory process in the liver. Conclusion: This form of exogenous oxidative stress from the TPN led to an inflammatory process resulting from the activation of intrahepatic transcription, which is potentially responsible of liver disease development such as cholestasis. In this sense, the n-3 PUFA and antioxidant peptides may arise as a valuable alternative of photoprotection

    Neuron-Derived Semaphorin 3A Is an Early Inducer of Vascular Permeability in Diabetic Retinopathy via Neuropilin-1

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    SummaryThe deterioration of the inner blood-retinal barrier and consequent macular edema is a cardinal manifestation of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and the clinical feature most closely associated with loss of sight. We provide evidence from both human and animal studies for the critical role of the classical neuronal guidance cue, semaphorin 3A, in instigating pathological vascular permeability in diabetic retinas via its cognate receptor neuropilin-1. We reveal that semaphorin 3A is induced in early hyperglycemic phases of diabetes within the neuronal retina and precipitates initial breakdown of endothelial barrier function. We demonstrate, by a series of orthogonal approaches, that neutralization of semaphorin 3A efficiently prevents diabetes-induced retinal vascular leakage in a stage of the disease when vascular endothelial growth factor neutralization is inefficient. These observations were corroborated in TgCre-Esr1/Nrp1flox/flox conditional knockout mice. Our findings identify a therapeutic target for macular edema and provide further evidence for neurovascular crosstalk in the pathogenesis of DR

    MicroRNA signatures in vitreous humour and plasma of patients with exudative AMD

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness worldwide affecting individuals over the age of 50. The neovascular form (NV AMD) is characterized by choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and responsible for the majority of central vision impairment. Using non-biased microRNA arrays and individual TaqMan qPCRs, we profiled miRNAs in the vitreous humour and plasma of patients with NV AMD. We identified a disease-associated increase in miR-146a and a decrease in miR-106b and miR-152 in the vitreous humour which was reproducible in plasma. Moreover, miR-146a/miR-106b ratios discriminated patients with NV AMD with an area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC AUC) of 0,977 in vitreous humour and 0,915 in plasma suggesting potential for a blood-based diagnostic. Furthermore, using the AMD Gene Consortium (AGC) we mapped a NV AMD-associated SNP (rs1063320) in a binding site for miR-152-3p in the HLA-G gene. The relationship between our detected miRNAs and NV AMD related genes was also investigated using gene sets derived from the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). To our knowledge, our study is the first to correlate vitreal and plasma miRNA signatures with NV AMD, highlighting potential future worth as biomarkers and providing insight on NV AMD pathogenesis

    The mode of administration of total parenteral nutrition and nature of lipid content influence the generation of peroxides and aldehydes

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    International audienceBackground & aims: The absence of light protection of neonatal total parenteral nutrition (PN) contributes to the generation of 4-hydroxynonenal and peroxides. 4-Hydroxynonenal is suspected to be involved in PN-related liver complications. Aims: To find a practical modality to reduce 4-hydroxynonenal in PN and assess in vivo the impact of PN containing low 4-hydroxynonenal concentration. Methods: Six modalities of delivering PN were compared for the in vitro generation of peroxides and 4-hydroxynonenal: 1) MV-AA-L: light-protected (-L) solution containing multivitamin (MV) mixed with amino acids + dextrose (AA); 2) MV-AA+L: MV-AA without photo-protection (+L); 3) MV-LIP+L: MV mixed with lipid emulsion (LIP). LIP was a)Intralipid20%(R) or b) Omegaven (R). Hepatic markers of oxidative stress (glutathione, F-2 alpha-isoprostanes, GS-HNE) and inflammation (mRNA of TNF-alpha and IL-1) were measured in newborn guinea pigs infused during 4-days with MV-AA+L compounded with Intralipid20%(R) or Omegaven (R). Results: Hydroperoxides and 4-hydroxynonenal were the lowest in MV-AA L and the highest in MV-LIP+L. MV-AA+L with Omegaven (R) was associated with the lowest levels of markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. Conclusion: Compared to Intralipid20%(R), Omegaven (R) reduces oxidative stress associated with PN and prevents liver inflammation. These findings offer an alternative strategy to light protection of PN, which in the clinical setting is a cumbersome modality. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved

    Gut microbiota influences pathological angiogenesis in obesity‐driven choroidal neovascularization

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    International audienceAge-related macular degeneration in its neovascular form (NV AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss among adults above the age of 60. Epidemiological data suggest that in men, overall abdominal obesity is the second most important environmental risk factor after smoking for progression to late-stage NV AMD. To date, the mechanisms that underscore this observation remain ill-defined. Given the impact of high-fat diets on gut microbiota, we investigated whether commensal microbes influence the evolution of AMD. Using mouse models of NV AMD, microbiotal transplants, and other paradigms that modify the gut microbiome, we uncou-pled weight gain from confounding factors and demonstrate that high-fat diets exacerbate choroidal neovascularization (CNV) by altering gut microbiota. Gut dysbiosis leads to heightened intestinal permeability and chronic low-grade inflammation characteristic of inflammaging with elevated production of IL-6, IL-1b, TNF-a, and VEGF-A that ultimately aggravate pathological angiogenesis