1,656 research outputs found

    PENINGKATAN MUTU PENULISAN SKRIPSI STAIN PAMEKASAN (Studi Tema dan Metode Penulisan Skripsi Program Studi PAI STAIN Pamekasan 2013-2014)

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    Secara khusus riset ini akan mengungkap kecenderungan pemilihan tema-tema dan metode serta tempat riset yang dipilih mahasiswa ketika menulis skripsi serta kebijakan pengajuan judul skripsi di Program Studi (PS) Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) STAIN Pamekasan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis library research, dimana data tentang skripsi yang telah dikumpulkan, diklasifikasikan, diberikan kode yang meliputi tema, metode dan tempat riset skripsi. Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan SPSS 18 untuk melihat kecenderungan tempat, tema dan metode dalam penulisan skripsi serta kebijakan pengajuan skripsi mahasiswa PAI STAIN Pamekasan. Hasil riset menunjukkan kecederungan tema materi pelajaran dipilih 36 mahasiswa (12.2%), pendidik dipilih 35 orang (11.9%), proses pembelajaran sebanyak 29 mahasiswa (9.9%), peserta didik 27 orang (9.2%). Metode yang digunakan metode kualitatif (89%), sedangkan sisanya (11%) menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Tempat penelitian meliputi sekolah dipilih 201 mahasiswa (68%), madrasah 40 mahasiswa (13.6%), serta memilih penelitian skripsi di pesantren 39 mahasiswa (13.3%). Alternatif kebijakan pengajuan judul skripsi dengan berhadapan langsung dengan Ketua Program Studi (PS) PAI STAIN Pamekasan yang diatur sesuai dengan pengaturan di Jurusan Tarbiyah, serta pengajuan melalui on-line yang diajukan dengan cara melalui internet dengan memasukkan judul melalui email Progran Studi (PS) PAI STAIN Pamekasan

    Modeling and Optimal Control for Aging-Aware Charging of Batteries

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    Modeling and Optimal Control for Aging-Aware Charging of Batteries

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    Model Paud Posdaya Sebagai Alternatif Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Masyarakat

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    Partisipasi masyarakat dalam mensukseskan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) sangat penting. Pos Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Posdaya) merupakan forum komunikasi dan wahana pemberdayaan masyarakat di tingkat akar rumput. Pembentukan Posdaya tidak harusmembentuk kelembagaan baru tetapi dapat menguatkan dan menyatukan kelembagaan yang telah ada melalui berbagai kegiatan pemberdayaan. Begitupula Model PAUD Posdaya dikembangkan dengan cara membentuk PAUD baru dan menguatkan PAUD yang telah ada. Model PAUD Posdaya menjadi kuat karena menyatukan dan menselaraskan berbagai kelembagaan masyarakat dalam wahana Posdaya. Kelembagaan masyarakat tersebut misalnya: Bina Keluarga Balita, Posyandu, Bina Keluarga Remaja, PKK, Koperasi, Kelompok Usaha (UKM), Kelompok Lansia, Kelompok Masjid, Kelompok Arisan, Orsos, dan kelompok masyarakat lainnya. Kelompok masyarakat tersebut menyatu dalam wahana Posdaya guna mensukseskan PAUD sesuai potensi dan perannya masing-masing. Keunggulan lainnya adalah partisipasi masyarakat menjadi meningkat melalui berbagai kegiatan pemberdayaan, baik dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, lingkungan, keagamaan maupun bidang lainnya yang ada dalam wahana Posdaya

    Morphological studies on trichomes of Brassicaceae in Egypt and taxonomic significance

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    Trichomes morphology, structure, and taxonomic significance of 82 species belonging to 9 tribes of Brassicaceae from Egypt were studied using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This work was largely based on herbarium material in addition, fresh material of most of the taxa was studied. A total of twelve trichome types could be distinguished and classified into unicellular or multicellular based on the structure of the hair. The unicellular trichomes could be distinguished as simple, hooked, vasculate, clavate simple glandular, appressed medifixed, trifixed, Y-shaped, branched (3–4 fids), dendroid and stellate. The multicellualr trichomes were glandular. We found trichomes as being valuable characteristics for identification of tribes, genera, species, subspecies, and varieties in Brassicaceae. A key for the identification of the investigated taxa based on trichome characters is provided in this paper

    Perubahan Peran Dan Transformasi Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Mewujudkan Good Corporate Governance Dan Corporate Social Responsibility Pada Iain Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi

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    Disparaging Trademarks: Who Matters

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    For more than a century, non-majority groups have protested the use of trademarks comprised of or containing terms referencing the group—albeit for various reasons. Under the 1946 Lanham Act, Congress added a prohibition against registering disparaging trademarks, which could offer protection to non-majority groups targeted by the use of trademarks offensive to members of the group. The prohibition remained relatively unclear, however, and rarely applied in that context until a group of Native Americans petitioned to cancel the Washington NFL team’s trademarks as either scandalous, offensive to the general population, or disparaging, offensive to the referenced group. In clarifying the appropriate test for disparaging, however, the decision makers have overly analogizing the two prohibitions, rendering the disparaging trademark prohibition less effective in protecting non-majority groups from offensive trademarks


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    Indonesia as the country with the most Muslim population in the world faced the challenge of placing LGBT actors in the state-citizen structure. The teachings of Islam expressly reject the LGBT Act, while the State is obliged to present in advocating the rights of LGBT actors for the reasons for enforcing human rights. In the meantime, LGBT actors still have no proper treatment and are vulnerable to discrimination, so the LGBT community seems to have no right to return to repentance. Islam as a religion that has the value of humanity, on the one hand, opened a wide path for the perpetrator to return to the way of God and the other side affirmed that LGBT behavior is the thing forbidden. This research is a juridical-normative study with a theological-normative approach (Syar'i), consisting of research on principles, systematics, and the synchronization of laws using Islamic law to approach objects. The research aims to formulate a new approach to LGBT actors to avoid discrimination and rediscover the path of repentance. The study found that structured efforts to approach LGBT actors will open up opportunities for them to repent and to those who wish to remain standing on their status, can be protected by regulatory Indonesian law has ratified UDHR and partial UDHR (Cairo Declaration).

    Satellite Image Segmentation Using Thresholding Technique

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    Image segmentation is one of the basic techniques of image processing and computer vision. It is a key step for image analysis, comprehension and description. Among all the segmentation techniques, thresholding segmentation method is the most popular algorithm and is widely used in the image segmentation field. The basic idea of automatic thresholding is to automatically select an optimal or several optimal grey-level threshold values for separating objects of interest in an image from the background based on their grey-level distribution. Image segmentation techniques were widely used in image analysis for various areas such as biomedical imaging, intelligent transportation systems and satellite imaging. A major challenge for image segmentation is to segment the complex images with noise, intensity inhomogeneity, texture or multiphase structure. However the main issue in remote sensing is image classification that required determining an appropriate threshold between species in producing accurate segmentation image. Image segmentation on satellite imagery is a complex process and requires consideration of accurate classification system. A pixel in the satellite image may possibly cover more than one object on the ground. A threshold has to be set to classify an overlap of two or more associated spectral properties. Therefore the aim of this study is to determine the optimal threshold value for object classes to ensure the misclassification of image pixels kept as low as possible by analyzing the classification of satellite images at different hierarchical level. Then the optimal threshold value will be proposed on satellite image segmentation for Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka (UTeM) area. An evaluation on the accuracy of the enhanced threshold value in identifying and classifying the urban objects shall be made. A hierarchical threshold is expected to significant improvement result on an image segmentation final image for UTeM area
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