167 research outputs found

    Can net photosynthesis and water relations provide a clue on the forest decline of Quercus suber in North Tunisia?

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    Net photosynthesis, sap flow density (SFD) and water use efficiency (WUE) were measured in a Quercus suber forest in north Tunisia in an attempt to explain the forest decline. In general, sap flow was positively related to light intensity and water loss, indicating that high light intensities can increase the SFD up to the saturation point in the cork oak. CO2 assimilation of cork oak in this region was light intensity-dependent. Cork oak showed a general increase in photosynthetic rates with increasing light intensity up to the light saturation point. Increased radiation probably increased the photosynthesis and growth above ground in this area, whereas the below-ground soil had insufficient moisture for uptake through the roots because the high light intensity and temperature induced high evapotranspiration.Key words: Decline, evaportranspiration, light intensity, Quercus suber, sap flow density, water use efficiency

    Etude en rupture d'un composite à fibres végétales d'Alfa

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    National audienceThe behavior under monotonic loading of reinforced natural fibre composites begins to be fairly well known today. However, the fracture behavior is still poorly controlled. This work describes a numerical approach developed to simulate the propagation mechanism of a matrix crack in natural fibre reinforced composites.To this end, the fracture behavior of a REV; constituted of alfa fibre, with linear anisotropic behavior, surrounded by a matrix with non-linear viscoelastic behavior, was investigated using a finite element model. The analysis of the fracture behavior of the composite alfa fibre / epoxy resin shows that under uniaxial longitudinal or transverse load to the fibre, a crack initiated in the matrix is propagated perpendicularly to the direction of the load. Near the interface, the energy release rate decreases and this energy is higher in the presence of interfacial debonding areas generated by problems of fibre wettability. Reaching the interface, the crack is either blocked or deflected. Once deflected, the crack propagates along the interface and causes the complete debonding of the fibre.Le comportement sous chargement monotone des composites renforcés par des fibres naturelles commence à être assez bien connu aujourd'hui. Cependant, le comportement à la rupture est encore mal maîtrisé. Le présent travail décrit une approche numérique développée pour simuler le mécanisme de propagation d'une fissure matricielle à l'interface fibre végétale alfa / résine époxy dans les composites à matrice polymère. A cette fin, le comportement à la rupture d'un VER constitué d'une fibre unitaire d'alfa, de comportement linéaire anisotrope, entourée d'une matrice de comportement non linéaire viscoélastique, a été étudié à l'aide d'un modèle éléments finis. L'analyse du comportement à la rupture du composite fibre alfa/résine époxy montre que sous l'action d'un chargement uniaxial, longitudinal ou transversal par rapport à la fibre, une fissure initiée dans la matrice se propage perpendiculairement au sens de la sollicitation. Au voisinage de l'interface, le taux de restitution d'énergie diminue et ce taux est plus élevé en présence de zones de non adhésion générées par des problèmes de mouillages. Arrivée à l'interface, la fissure est soit bloquée soit déviée. Une fois déviée, la fissure se propage le long de l'interface et entraîne la décohésion de la fibre

    Camel breeding development project in Tunisia

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    Camel breeding is of great socio-economic importance in southern Tunisia. Although, the size of the national camel herd has decreased over the years from 120000 to 56000 heads in 2014. Illegal export, low breeding efficiency, social modernization and lack of investment are the major causes of this decline. To remedy this situation, the Tunisian government has established a national program for development and research on camel production. This program is based on grants to farmers to encourage rearing of replacement females and fattening camels; improvement of pastures and water infrastructure, promotion of applied research in specialized centers. Research eff orts are centered on health, nutrition and improvement of rangelands, development of reproductive biotechnologies and genetic improvement. An attempt was carried out to genotype the local breeds of camels. Development of semen preservation and artificial insemination has met several challenges inherent to the peculiarities of reproduction in this species

    Projet de développement de l’élevage camelin en Tunisie

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    Camel breeding is of great socio-economic importance in southern Tunisia. Although, the size of the national camel herd has decreased over the years from 120 000 to 56 000 heads in 2014. Illegal export, low breeding efficiency, social modernization and lack of investment are the major causes of this decline. To remedy this situation, the Tunisian government has established a national program for development and research on camel production. This program is based on grants to farmers to encourage rearing of replacement females and fattening camels; improvement of pastures and water infrastructure, promotion of applied research in specialized centers. Research efforts are centered on health, nutrition and improvement of rangelands, development of reproductive biotechnologies and genetic improvement. An attempt was carried out to genotype the local breeds of camels. Development of semen preservation and artificial insemination has met several challenges inherent to the peculiarities of reproduction in this species. Keywords: Husbandry, reproduction, biotechnologies, Camel, TunisiaL’élevage du dromadaire joue un rôle socio-économique important dans le sud tunisien mais le nombre de dromadaires a connu ces dernières années une diminution importante de 120 000 à 56 000 en 2014. L’exportation illégale, le rendement faible de l’élevage, la modernisation de la vie des personnes et le manque d’investissement dans ce domaine sont les principales causes de cette diminution. Pour remédier à ce problème, l’état tunisien a proposé un programme national de développement et de recherche dans le domaine du dromadaire basé sur (1) l’encouragement des éleveurs par la subvention de l’élevage des femelles de remplacement et l’engraissement des chamelons, (2) l’amélioration des infrastructures dans les pâturages; notamment l’aménagement des points d’eau pour les animaux et (3) la promotion de la recherche appliquée dans les centres spécialisés. Les principaux thèmes de recherche sont axés sur la santé animale, l’alimentation des dromadaires et l’amélioration des zones de parcours, l’insémination artificielle et le transfert d’embryon et la sélection génétique des animaux. Dans le domaine de la biotechnologie de la reproduction, des essais ont été réalisés dans le typage génétique des dromadaires, la conservation du liquide séminal et l’insémination artificielle pour surmonter les difficultés particulières de la reproduction chez le dromadaire. Mots-clés: Élevage, reproduction, biotechnologies, dromadaire, Tunisi

    Osteite frontale post-sinusitique: Etude rétrospective à propos de 31 cas

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    Objective : Post-sinusitic frontal osteitis is defined as an extension of frontal sinus infection to the adjacent bony structures. It is an emergency that should rapidly be diagnosed and treated. The aim of this study is to analyze epidemiologic, clinical and paraclinical features, and to review different therapeutic modalities of this disease.Materials and methods : We carry a retrospective study about 31 patients diagnosed and treated between 1996 and 2010. All patients underwent complete ENT and neurological examination, biological investigations, sino-nasal and cerebral CT scan. Antibiotherapy was administrated intravenously. Surgical drainage of the frontal sinus was performed eitherby trephination, by osteoplastic flap confection, or by Lemoyne drain placement. Endonasal drainage consisted of middle meatotomy with anterior ethmoidectomy. Frontal sinus cranialisation was performed with coronal approach. Evolution was assessed on clinical, biological and radiological criteria.Results : Mean age was 24,4 years (8-62 years) and sex-ratio 4,16. Frontal headache (10 cases) and intracranial hypertension signs (8 cases) were the most frequent functional symptoms. Frontal tumefaction was noted in 9 patients, associated in 5 cases with orbital tumefaction of the internal eye angle. Rhinological signs were essentially purulent rhinorrhea(9 cases) and nasal obstruction (5 cases). Nasal endoscopy showed purulent secretions at themiddlemeatus in 12 cases. CT scan revealed a typical aspect of frontal osteitis with bony lysis. A sub-periostal abscess was associated in 7 patients. Intracranial extension was noted in 15 cases and orbital extension in 7 cases. Bacteriological examination was positivein 8 cases. Most frequent bacteria were streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus (3 cases each). Antibiotic therapy was initially administrated in all cases. Concerning initial surgical treatment, 9 patients underwent frontaldrainage and 2 others orbital drainage. On the other hand, 4 patients underwent only sub-periostal abscess drainage. This one was associated with cranialisation in another case. For patients having endocranial complications, empyema drainage was realized in 14 cases, associed in 6 of them with cranialisation. Cerebral abscess drainage was performedin one other patient. Clinical and radiological evolution was favourable in 24 patients (77,4%). The seven other patients were reoperated because of persistence or aggravation of clinical symptoms. Later evolution was favourable.Conclusion : Post-sinusitic frontal osteitis a rare and serious affection. Diagnosis, based on clinical and radiological features, should be early made. Adequate treatment have to be instituted to prevent life-threatening complications.Keywords : osteitis, frontal sinus, sinusitis, computed tomography, drainage, cranialisatio

    Unusual cause of severe toxic methemoglobinemia in an infant: a case report

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    Toxic methemoglobinemia is an uncommon blood disorder induced by exposure to certain oxidizing agents and drugs. In severe cases, this condition may rapidly lead to major cardiopulmonary compromise and constitutes an emergency requiring prompt recognition and early management. We report an unusual case of severe toxic methemoglobinemia following wide cutaneous application of a pomade containing benzocaine, resorcin, and oxyquinoline (Nestosyl®) in an infant

    Elusive Origins of the Extra Genes in Aspergillus oryzae

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    The genome sequence of Aspergillus oryzae revealed unexpectedly that this species has approximately 20% more genes than its congeneric species A. nidulans and A. fumigatus. Where did these extra genes come from? Here, we evaluate several possible causes of the elevated gene number. Many gene families are expanded in A. oryzae relative to A. nidulans and A. fumigatus, but we find no evidence of ancient whole-genome duplication or other segmental duplications, either in A. oryzae or in the common ancestor of the genus Aspergillus. We show that the presence of divergent pairs of paralogs is a feature peculiar to A. oryzae and is not shared with A. nidulans or A. fumigatus. In phylogenetic trees that include paralog pairs from A. oryzae, we frequently find that one of the genes in a pair from A. oryzae has the expected orthologous relationship with A. nidulans, A. fumigatus and other species in the subphylum Eurotiomycetes, whereas the other A. oryzae gene falls outside this clade but still within the Ascomycota. We identified 456 such gene pairs in A. oryzae. Further phylogenetic analysis did not however indicate a single consistent evolutionary origin for the divergent members of these pairs. Approximately one-third of them showed phylogenies that are suggestive of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from Sordariomycete species, and these genes are closer together in the A. oryzae genome than expected by chance, but no unique Sordariomycete donor species was identifiable. The postulated HGTs from Sordariomycetes still leave the majority of extra A. oryzae genes unaccounted for. One possible explanation for our observations is that A. oryzae might have been the recipient of many separate HGT events from diverse donors

    Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and atopy in Tunisian athletes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study is a cross sectional analysis, aiming to evaluate if atopy is as a risk factor for exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) among Tunisian athletes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Atopy was defined by a skin prick test result and EIB was defined as a decrease of at least 15% in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) after 8-min running at 80–85% HRmaxTheo. The study population was composed of 326 athletes (age: 20.8 ± 2.7 yrs – mean ± SD; 138 women and 188 men) of whom 107 were elite athletes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Atopy was found in 26.9% (88/326) of the athletes. Post exercise spirometry revealed the presence of EIB in 9.8% of the athletes including 13% of the elite athletes. Frequency of atopy in athletes with EIB was significantly higher than in athletes without EIB [62.5% vs 23.1%, respectively].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study showed that atopic Tunisian athletes presented a higher risk of developing exercise induced bronchoconstriction than non-atopic athletes.</p
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