147 research outputs found


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    The matter in the article is about the financial independence ratio that one of significant indicators which expresses financial stability of entity. Author shows various views which there are in practice on title, content and calculating of the ratio and expounded own opinions on this matter. On conclude of author is that title, content and defined economical relation any financial indicator should be single logical consistency


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    In article, the solution of problem of the combined use of fuel in operation is considered. It is shown that during the operation of the gasoline automobile engine the requirement to octane number of fuel changes depending on engine operation mode: at increase in rotary speed the required octane number of fuel decreases, and at increase in loading increase in octane number of fuel is necessary. The combined use of low-bracket gasoline with high-octane liquefied gas is given. The condition supporting necessary octane number of fuel on various modes for ensuring without detonation work and optimization of combustion procedure is defined. At all engine operating modes in operation on combined fuel, only a high-octane component should be supplied. To control the change in the ratio of the supplied components of the combined power system, it is necessary and sufficient to use any combination of the following parameters: p_i – vacuum in the intake manifold; n_i – is the engine speed; β – is the degree of opening of the throttle valve of the carburetor, or others, which are functionally dependent on the above. As a result, the feasibility of choosing one or another option is determined by the design features of the fuel combination implementation system

    The Value of Tuberculinization in Veterinary Practice

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    In a scientific study, the biological properties of PPD diagnostics, developed in the laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine by a senior researcher G.Kh. Mamadullaeva, are experimentally explained

    Study of the energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays: EAS size fluctuations at a fixed primary energy

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    During the initial period of the Samarkand EAS array operations the showers were selected on the basis of charged-particle flux density, and during the subsequent periods the showers were selected on the basis of Cerenkov light flux density. This procedure made it possible to measure the shower energy, to estimate the EAS size fluctuations at a fixed primary energy, and to experimentally obtain the scaling factor K(Ne, Eo) from the EAS size spectrum to the primary energy spectrum. Six scintillators of area S = 2 sq m each were added to the array. The fluctuations of EAS sizes in the showers of fixed primary energies and the scaling factors K(Ne, Eo) were inferred from the data obtained. The showers with zenith angles 30 deg were selected. The EAS axis positions were inferred from the amplitude data of the scintillators. The primary energy Eo was determined by the method of least squares for the known EAS axis position using the data of the Cerenkov detector located at 80 to 150 m EAS axis. It is shown that the Cerenkov light flux fluctuations at 100 m from EAS axis, q sub 100, do not exceed 10% at a fixed EAS energy, so the parameter q sub 100 may be used to estimate the EAS-generating primary particle-energy

    Integration methods of a vehicles emergency response system based on navigational units

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    Studying the state of the art of current integration methods of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using neural networks to orchestrate the methods of integration of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using algorithmic electronic control based on new neural networks; to formulate the methodology of electronic model control of an engine with a mechatronic adapter; to design a model enabling calculation of input-output data; to analyze results of cold and hot tests of an engine, develop methods improving tests with the help of mechatronic adapter; to reason power and torque of an engine integrated with the mechatronic adapter; conceptualize the method of assessing fuel economy and environmental performances of an engine; put forward a guidance on research application and estimate economic efficiency. The article discusses the topic of improving the safety of transportation by introducing the latest capabilities of advanced technologies. The proposed solution uses the composition of engineering networks to expand such networks as ERA-GLONASS and e Call, which allows not only to transmit additional information, but also to combine information to determine the necessary means of emergency assistance and coordinate the entire emergency response operation. The key concept of the approach is to model the cyber-physical components of the human device using collections of resources that reflect them. Services have the ability to self-regulate, which allows them to independently adapt their behavior to the context of the vehicle driver's environment

    31P NMR studies of phospholipids

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can provide information on the composition of phospholipid (PL) membranes, lipid headgroup orientation relative to the bilayers normal, and the phase state of PL systems. Interaction of the membrane with ions, drugs, other small molecules and peptides may lead to lipid phase change and lamellar phase disturbances, which can also be revealed in 31P NMR spectra. Traditional 31P NMR spectroscopy has been used for years, mainly to study lipid phase state. In the last few years, however, its utility has been extended by a number of solid-state methods in field-cycling spectroscopy. Membrane mimicking systems have been complemented with bicelles, which are more convenient for studying peptide structure in lipid-peptide interactions. Another challenge is the study of ordered membrane domains (rafts) induced in the presence of cholesterol or certain proteins. As a result, recent work has refined the structure of PL headgroups and elucidated membrane responses to interactions with peptides and other molecules. Selected examples of such fascinating investigations are presented here

    Systematic use of mathematical concepts in professional training of students

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    The article provides the mathematical concepts in the process of vocational guidance of students in higher education, the specifics of teaching higher mathematics based on the characteristics of the educational direction. Today, the higher education system is characterized by the development of intellectual potential, independent thinking and decision-making, and the creation of new generations of science programs is important to achieve this goal

    Context-Based Rules for Grammatical Disambiguation in the Tatar Language

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    © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. The paper is dedicated to the problem of grammatical ambiguity in the Tatar National Corpus and describes the methodology and software used for automation of the disambiguation process. Grammatical ambiguity is widely represented in agglutinative languages like Turkic or Finno-Ugric. Disambiguation in the corpus is based on the context-oriented classification of ambiguity types which has been carried out on corpus data in the Tatar language for the first time. In this study the corpus is used as a source for the research and at the same time as a destination for implementing the results. The grammatical ambiguity types are detected automatically using the finite-state morphological analyzer and then classified. In order to build up the grammatically disambiguated subcorpus, a special software module was developed. It searches for ambiguous tokens in the corpus, collects statistical information and allows creating and implementing the formal context-based disambiguation rules for different ambiguity types
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