12 research outputs found

    Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure Tool for Evaluating the Educational Environment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this systematic review was to study the literature evaluating the educational environment by using DREEM tool and compute overall mean DREEM score by using Meta-analysis. Further, variation in DREEM score was also studied by distributing studies into different time periods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed using PubMed and Web of Science databases, followed by review and analysis. All the studies which used DREEM as a tool, published from 1997 to December 2015 were included. Heterogeneity between the studies was assessed by I2-coefficient and Q-statistics. Where significant heterogeneity existed random effect, model was used. Egger’s symmetric test and Begg’s funnel plot was used to study possibility of publication bias. The PRISMA Guideline for systematics review was used. RESULTS: Out of 128 published DREEM studies, 43 passed the criteria and included in analysis. Overall mean DREEM score through Meta-analysis was 2.426 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.34-2.52). Studies were divided into two groups for analyzing the time effect. Mean score of the studies published during 1997 to 2009 (group 1) was 2.5 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.35-2.64) and for the studies from 2010 to 2015 (group 2) was 2.39 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.29-2.5). CONCLUSION: Overall DREEM score was more towards positive side than negative. Current review revealed that DREEM has not been used as predictor for achievement of any medical college instead it can be used to predict high and low achievers in a medical school. This review can signify DREEM to be suitable and consistent tool showing learning environment of institute and student’s prerequisites

    Conocimiento, actitud y conciencia de COVID-19 entre estudiantes de odontología preclínica y clínica: Una encuesta transversal en línea.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the understanding and perception of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among the undergraduate preclinical and clinical dental students within Pakistan. Material and Methods: An online survey was developed by the researchers and conducted amongst the undergraduate students at various dental colleges of Pakistan. A pretested questionnaire was used and distributed using social media platforms. The questionnaire consisted of demographics, health status, perception related to general hygiene, understanding and learning attitudes of dental students. Knowledge scores and the attitude responses were compared with the demographics using independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and chi-square, as appropriate. Results: A total of 800 undergraduate dental students responded to the survey, out of which 304(38%) were males and 496(62%) were female students. Students in pre-clinical years were 600(75%), while 200(25%) students were in the clinical years. The knowledge of clinical students regarding COVID-19 was statistically higher (4.71/6), compared to the students in pre-clinical years (4.49/6) (p=0.004). Both groups showed adequate knowledge regarding the route of transmission, symptoms and origin of COVID-19, and COVID-19 being a threat to life. Clinical students did not want to re-use the face mask (75%), compared to the preclinical students (68%) (p-0.048). Students in clinical years reported more awareness regarding the recommended hand washing technique during COVID-19 (p-<0.001). Conclusion: It can be concluded that dental students in clinical years have adequate knowledge regarding the COVID-19 as compared to the preclinical students. The study identifies all areas where preclinical and clinical students lack basic knowledge. This should be compensated by arranging different webinars and online courses to increase the understanding of both clinical and preclinical students during the pandemic.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la comprensión y la percepción de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) entre los estudiantes de pregrado de odontología clínica y preclínica en Pakistán. Material y Métodos:  Los investigadores desarrollaron una encuesta en línea que se llevó a cabo entre los estudiantes de pregrado de varias facultades de odontología de Pakistán. Se utilizó y distribuyó un cuestionario, previamente probado, a través de plataformas de redes sociales. El cuestionario comprendía datos demográficos, estado de salud, percepción relacionada con la higiene general, comprensión y actitudes de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de odontología. Las puntuaciones de conocimiento y las respuestas de actitud se compararon con los datos demográficos mediante la prueba t independiente, ANOVA de una vía y chi-cuadrado, según corresponda.  Resultados: Un total de 800 estudiantes de odontología de pregrado respondieron a la encuesta, de los cuales 304 (38%) eran hombres y 496 (62%) eran mujeres. Los estudiantes en los años preclínicos eran 600 (75%), mientras que 200 (25%) estaban cursando años clínicos. El conocimiento de los estudiantes de clínica sobre COVID-19 fue estadísticamente mayor (4.71/6), en comparación con los estudiantes en años preclínicos (4.49/6) (p=0.004). Ambos grupos mostraron un conocimiento adecuado sobre la vía de transmisión, síntomas y origen de COVID-19, y que COVID-19 es una amenaza para la vida. Los estudiantes en fase clínica no querían reutilizar la mascarilla (75%), en comparación con los estudiantes preclínicos (68%) (p-0.048). Los estudiantes en años clínicos informaron más conciencia sobre la técnica de lavado de manos recomendada durante COVID-19 (p<0,001). Conclusión: Se puede concluir que los estudiantes de odontología en años clínicos tienen un conocimiento adecuado sobre el COVID-19 en comparación con los estudiantes en años preclínicos. El estudio identifica todas las áreas donde los estudiantes clínicos y no clínicos carecen de conocimientos básicos. Esto debe compensarse organizando diferentes seminarios web y cursos en línea para aumentar la comprensión de los estudiantes clínicos y no clínicos durante la pandemia

    Types of polymerisation units and their intensity output in private dental clinics of twin cities in eastern province, KSA; a pilot study

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: تُعتبر الحشوات التركيبية ذات الأساس الراتنجي المعالجة بالضؤء هي الخيار المفضل لترميم الأسنان. ينبغي على وحدات المعالجة الضوئية المستخدمة للأسنان أن توفر طاقة ضوئية كافية لضمان خواص ميكانيكية جيدة وثبات الأبعاد والتوافق الحيوي مع الحشوات التركيبية ذات الأساس الراتنجي. وكان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد أنواع وحدات المعالجة الضوئية وكثافة إخراجها الضوئي في عيادات الأسنان الخاصة. طرق البحث: تم استحداث نموذج لتسجيل المعلومات المتعلقة بنوع مصابيح المعالجة وكثافة إخراجها الضوئي. تم تقييم ما مجموعه ٤٠٠ جهاز علاج باستخدام مقياس إشعاع رقمي في ٥٨ عيادة أسنان خاصة. وأُخذت ثلاث قراءات منفصلة مدة كل منها ١٠ ثوانٍ لكل جهاز وتم احتساب المتوسط. واعتُبرت كثافة إخراج أقل من ٣٠٠ ميجاواط لكل سم مربع بالنسبة لوحدات الهالوجين غير مرضية، بينما اعتبرت القراءة غير مرضية لوحدات الصمام الثنائي الباعث للضوء إذا كانت أقل من ٦٠٠ ميجاواط لكل سم مربع. النتائج: من بين ٤٠٠ مصباح علاجي، كان هناك ٣٥٤ مصباح صمام ثنائي باعث للضوء و٤٦ وحدة مصباح هالوجين. واعتبر ما مجموعه ١٣٪ من المصابيح غير مرضية. كانت الكثافة الضوئيه في ١٢.٤٪ من وحدات الصمام الثنائي الباعث للضوء أقل من ٦٠٠ ميجاواط لكل سم مربع، في حين كانت الكثافة الضوئيه في ١٧.٣٪ من وحدات الهالوجين أقل من ٣٠٠ ميجاواط لكل سم مربع. الاستنتاجات: أظهرت دراسة وحدات المعالجة الضوئية أن هنالك توجه في اتجاه وحدات العلاج الضوئي من نوع الصمام الثنائي الباعث للضوء في عيادات الاسنان الخاصة، في حين أن قيمة الكثافة الضوئية المتوسطة الصادرة من وحدات العلاج الضوئي من نوع الصمام الثنائي الباعث للضوء كانت أعلى من تلك الصادرة من وحدات الهالوجين. ويعتبر مقياس الإشعاع، بشكل عام، أداة جيدة لتقييم الكثافة الضوئية الصادرة من وحدات العلاج الضوئي. Abstract: Objectives: Light-cured resin-based composites (RBCs) are the preferred option to restore teeth. Dental light-curing units (LCUs) should deliver adequate light energy to ensure good mechanical properties, dimensional stability, and biocompatibility of the RBC. The aim of this study was to determine the types of LCUs and their intensity output in private dental clinics. Methods: A form was developed to record information related to the type of curing lights and their intensity output. A total of 400 curing devices were evaluated using a digital radiometer in 58 private dental clinics. For each device, three separate 10-s readings were taken and the average was calculated. For quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) units, a light intensity below 300 mW/cm2 was considered unsatisfactory, whereas for light-emitting diode (LED) units, a reading below 600 mW/cm2 was considered unsatisfactory. Results: Out of 400 curing lights, 354 were LEDs and 46 were QTH units. A total of 13% of the lights were considered unsatisfactory. Of the LED units, 12.4% had a light intensity of less than 600 mW/cm2, whereas QTH had 17.3% units with an intensity of less than 300 mW/cm2. Conclusion: The frequency of LCUs showed a trend towards LED units in private dental clinics, whereas the mean intensity value from the LED was higher than that from QTH units. Overall, the radiometer is a good tool to assess the intensity output of LCUs. الكلمات المفتاحية: الصمام الثنائي الباعث للضوء, الهالوجين الكوارتزي التنغستني, مقياس الإشعاع, الحشوات التركيبية الراتنجية, Keywords: Light-emitting diode, Quartz tungsten halogen, Radiometer, Resin composit

    COVID-19 knowledge, attitude and awareness among preclinical and clinical dental students: An online-based cross-sectional survey

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the understanding and perception of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among the undergraduate preclinical and clinical dental students within Pakistan. Material and Methods: An online survey was developed by the researchers and conducted amongst the undergraduate students at various dental colleges of Pakistan. A pretested questionnaire was used and distributed using social media platforms. The questionnaire consisted of demographics, health status, perception related to general hygiene, understanding and learning attitudes of dental students. Knowledge scores and the attitude responses were compared with the demographics using independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and chi-square, as appropriate. Results:A total of 800 undergraduate dental students responded to the survey, out of which 304(38%) were males and 496(62%) were female students. Students in pre-clinical years were 600(75%), while 200(25%) students were in the clinical years. The knowledge of clinical students regarding COVID-19 was statistically higher (4.71/6), compared to the students in pre-clinical years (4.49/6) (p=0.004). Both groups showed adequate knowledge regarding the route of transmission, symptoms and origin of COVID-19, and COVID-19 being a threat to life. Clinical students did not want to re-use the face mask (75%), compared to the preclinical students (68%) (p-0.048). Students in clinical years reported more awareness regarding the recommended hand washing technique during COVID-19 (p-<0.0 01). Conclusion: It can be concluded that dental students in clinical years have adequate knowledge regarding the COVID-19 as compared to the preclinical students. The study identifies all areas where preclinical and clinical students lack basic knowledge. This should be compensated by arranging different webinars and online courses to increase the understanding of both clinical and preclinical students during the pandemic.Objetivo:El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la comprensión y la percepción de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) entre los estudiantes de pregrado de odontología clínica y preclínica en Pakistán. Material y Métodos: Los investigadores desarrollaron una encuesta en línea que se llevó a cabo entre los estudiantes de pregrado de varias facultades de odontología de Pakistán. Se utilizó y distribuyó un cuestionario, previamente probado, a través de plataformas de redes sociales. El cuestionario comprendía datos demográficos, estado de salud, percepción relacionada con la higiene general, comprensión y actitudes de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de odontología. Las puntuaciones de conocimiento y las respuestas de actitud se compararon con los datos demográficos mediante la prueba t independiente, ANOVA de una vía y chi-cuadrado, según corresponda. Resultados: Un total de 800 estudiantes de odontología de pregrado respondieron a la encuesta, de los cuales 304 (38%) eran hombres y 496 (62%) eran mujeres. Los estudiantes en los años preclínicos eran 600 (75%), mientras que 200 (25%) estaban cursando años clínicos. El conocimiento de los estudiantes de clínica sobre COVID-19 fue estadísticamente mayor (4.71/6), en comparación con los estudiantes en años preclínicos (4.49/6) (p=0.0 04). Ambos grupos mostraron un conocimiento adecuado sobre la vía de transmisión, síntomas y origen de COVID-19, y que COVID-19 es una amenaza para la vida. Los estudiantes en fase clínica no querían reutilizar la mascarilla (75%), en comparación con los estudiantes preclínicos (68%) (p- 0.048). Los estudiantes en años clínicos informaron más conciencia sobre la técnica de lavado de manos recomendada durante COV ID -19 (p<0,0 01). Conclusión: Se puede concluir que los estudiantes de odontología en años clínicos tienen un conocimiento adecuado sobre el COVID-19 en comparación con los estudiantes en años preclínicos. El estudio identifica todas las áreas donde los estudiantes clínicos y no clínicos carecen de conocimientos básicos. Esto debe compensarse organizando diferentes seminarios web y cursos en línea para aumentar la comprensión de los estudiantes clínicos y no clínicos durante la pandemia

    Frequency of root canal treatment among patients attending a teaching dental hospital in Dammam, Saudi Arabia

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    Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the frequency and status of root canal-treated teeth in patients treated at the College of Dentistry, University of Dammam in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: A total of 3701 patients visited the clinics during the study period. Through the use of radiographs, 161 patients were initially selected who had endodontically treated teeth. However, after applying the inclusion criteria, the total number of eligible cases was reduced to 155. Patients were divided into three groups according to age (children 1–12 years, adults 13–65 years and geriatrics >65 years). Results: On average, each patient had 2.28 ± 1.88 root canal-treated teeth and 24.02 ± 5.03 teeth without root canal treatment. The average number of endodontically treated teeth increased with an increase in age. The adult group showed the highest number of root-filled teeth 314 (93.4%). Of the 336 endodontically treated teeth, only 75 (22.3%) teeth exhibited periapical radiolucency. First molars (28.43–36.36%) and second premolars (20.1–27.27%) were the most frequently root-filled teeth in both jaws, followed by the first maxillary premolars (11.76%). Periapical lesions showed an almost similar pattern with the highest number of radiolucencies found in the first molars in both jaws (29.3–33.3%) followed by the second premolars in the mandible (30.6%) and first premolars in both jaws (20.8–25%). Conclusion: The first molars and second premolars were the most frequently root-filled teeth in both jaws, followed by maxillary first premolars. Periapical lesions showed an almost similar pattern among teeth with a higher number of radiolucencies found in the first molars in both jaws, followed by the second premolars in the mandible and the first premolars in both jaws

    An Assessment of Various Challenges Perceived by Dental Students amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Digital Questionnaire Study

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    The objective of our study was to evaluate dental students&rsquo; perception of the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic related to their clinical work, education, performance, online examinations, psychological health, and teamwork. A validated online questionnaire consisting of closed ended questions was sent to all the undergraduate dental students at our institute. Data were collected and analyzed statistically using a chi-square test to compare responses of male with female and junior with senior students. A total of 317 undergraduate dental students (N = 317) participated in this cross-sectional study. The most common challenges perceived by the participants were related to their exam duration (77.3%), patient availability (66.9%), difficulty in understanding online lectures (58.4%), and a fear of losing grades (57.4%). Participants reported that the COVID-19 pandemic affected their performance in the courses (75.4%), teamwork (72.2%), educational aspects (67.5%), and psychological health (51.1%). A significantly greater proportion of female students reported the adverse effects of COVID-19 on their psychological health than male students (p = 0.031). Senior students perceived the negative impact of COVID-19 on teamwork significantly more than the junior students (p = 0.004). The majority of students reported challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Female students and senior students perceived more challenges than their counterparts. Future studies from other institutes of this region are recommended to establish a clearer picture of COVID-19 related challenges faced by dental students

    Prevalence of dental fluorosis in school going children of Dammam, Saudi Arabia

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    Objective: Purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of dental fluorosis and its pattern in primary and permanent teeth among 6-12-year-old Pakistani school going children living in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed between June and September 2014. A total number of screened children were 496 among them 259 were males and 237 were females. World Health Organization′s scale was used to examine children for dental fluorosis. Results: Prevalence of dental fluorosis was found to be 33% among a total number of examined children. Among the children who had dental fluorosis (n = 164), it was observed that mild and moderate level of fluorosis were prevailing in 113 (69%) children. Furthermore, a number of males who were suffering from fluorosis was more than the females. There were 97 males and 67 females found affected from dental fluorosis and this difference was found statistically significant (P = 0.038). Conclusion: Prevalence of dental fluorosis among Pakistani school going children was not high. However, the severity of fluorosis was alarming, mild, and a moderate level of fluorosis was observed in most of the children who were affected from fluorosis

    A Microcomputed Tomographic Evaluation of Root Canal Morphology of Maxillary Second Premolars in a Pakistani Cohort

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    This study aimed to investigate variations in the root canal morphology of maxillary second premolar (MSP) teeth using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT). Sixty (N = 60) human extracted MSPs were collected and prepared for micro-CT scanning. The duration for scanning a single sample ranged between 30 and 40 min and a three-dimensional (3-D) image was obtained for all the MSPs. The images were evaluated by a single observer who recorded the canal morphology type, number of roots, canal orifices, apical foramina(s), apical delta(s), and accessory canals. The root canal configuration was categorized in agreement with Vertucci’s classification, and any configuration not in agreement with Vertucci’s classification was reported as an “additional canal configuration”. Descriptive statistics (such as mean percentages) were calculated using SPSS software. The most common types agreeing with Vertucci’s classification (in order of highest to lowest incidence) were types I, III, V, VII, II, and VI. The teeth also exhibited four additional configurations that were different from Vertucci’s classification: types 2-3, 1-2-3, 2-1-2-1, and 1-2-1-3. A single root was found in 96.7% and the majority of the samples demonstrated two canals (73.3%). Further, 80% of the teeth showed one canal orifice. The number of apical foramina’s in the teeth was variable, with 56.7% having solitary apical foramen. The accessory canal was found in 33.3%, and apical delta was found in only 20% of the samples. Variable morphology of the MSPs was detected in our study. The canal configuration most prevalent was type 1; however, the results also revealed some additional canal types