111 research outputs found

    Breaking Down the “Heritage not Hate” Movement’s Origin, Usage, and Effect on Race Relations in the Post Civil War Era

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    When the Confederacy first formed, its governmental symbolism and ideology mirrored that of the northern United States. The two Constitutions were incredibly similar – minus the South’s adjustments to further enhance the rights of states and slaveowners – with the Confederate government installing a Legislative Branch, an Executive Branch, and a Judicial Branch. In addition to this Constitutional similarity, the Confederacy also created a flag that looked similar to the United States’ that Confederate troops had trouble differentiating the two in combat. Following a chaotic Battle of Bull Run in July of 1861, General Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard pushed for the creation of a new national flag, and when that was rejected, a battle flag. In September of the same year, Beauregard finalized the “Southern Cross” design of the Confederate Battle Flag. Though this exact flag was never installed as the official Confederate national flag, it has become one of the most recognizable symbols of the Confederate States of America and all it represents following the Civil War. It is that key phrase – “all it represents” – that serves as the foundation for this thesis. The battle flag and the Confederate States of America have become intertwined in meaning and symbolism, as you cannot have one without the other. With that in mind, I intend to analyze how the icon of one of the most shameful periods and practices in the United States’ history has persisted and been defended for much longer than the Confederacy lasted itself. Further, this thesis will study the effect of that persistence – and the broader Confederate memorialization it represents – on race relations in the postwar United States

    أهمية العمل الولائي في الوظيفة القضائية

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    يعد القضاء ضرورة اجتماعية؛ إذ تظهر أهميته من خلال وظيفته في حماية النظام القانوني وتحقيق العدالة، وذلك من خلال إزالة العقبات أو العوارض المانعة لنفاذه. ويؤدي تنوع عوارض نفاذ النظام القانوني إلى تعدد أعمال الوظيفة القضائية؛ إذ ترمي أعمال هذه الوظيفة إلى تحقيق الحماية القضائية للقانون ذاته. هذه الحماية تظهر إما من خلال الأعمال القضائية وإما من خلال الأعمال الوقتية وإما من خلال العمل الولائي، بحيث يقوم العمل القضائي بحماية الحقوق والمراكز القانونية، في حين يقوم العمل الوقتي بإزالة عارض خطر التأخر في حماية تلك الحقوق والمراكز القانونية. أما العمل الولائي فيواجه عارض قصور إرادة الفرد، أو عجزها عن مباشرة الأعمال والتصرفات، وذلك من خلال التدخل في حال الفرد القائم بالنشاط، أو التدخل في النشاط ذاته الذي يريد الفرد القيام به. الأمر الذي يسهم في ممارسة الأفراد حقوقهم والحفاظ عليها، وتجاوز العقبة التي اعترضت النفاذ التلقائي للقانون.

    عوارض ركود الدعوى المدنية

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    عوارض سير الدّعوى المدنيّة هي أحداث أو وقائع تتعرّض لها الدعوى من الناحية الشكلية وقبل الدخول في الموضوع، وتؤدّي إلى وقف السّير في الدّعوى أو تعطيلها مؤقّتاً. فهناك عوارض معيّنة تطرأ على الدّعوى المدنيّة، فتجعلها في حال ركود مؤقّت تمنع سيرها نحو غايتها المنشودة، هذه العوارض بعضها يرجع إلى إرادة الخصوم، وهذا مظهر من مظاهر مبدأ سيادة الخصوم على الدّعوى المدنيّة، وبعضها يرجع إلى نصّ القانون أو تقدير القاضي. كما أنّ قسماً من هذه العوارض يرجع إلى أسباب لا إراديّة تقع دون أن يكون للخصوم يد في وقوعها، أو قدرة على دفعها؛ كالوفاة، أو فقد الأهليّة، أو زوال صفة الممثّل القانوني

    Effects of urea supplementation on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen utilisation and rumen fermentation in sheep fed diets containing dates

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    Summary: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of increasing levels of urea (i.e., 0 (U0); 10 (U10); and 15 (U15) g kg–1 of concentrate) in sheep fed diets containing dates (local name: Azzawi), on nutrient intake and digestibility, N utilisation and ruminal fermentation. To maintain iso-nitrogenous and iso-metabolisable energy diets, the dates were added with increasing levels of urea. Sheep were fed a 400:600 (dry matter (DM) basis) concentrate:berseem hay (Trifolium alexandrinum) diet. Twelve Barki sheep (53.871.95 kg body weight) with three/diet were used in a randomised block design to determine digestibility and N balance, while four ruminally cannulated Barki sheep (56.672.15 kg body weight) were used in a 3 3 Latin square design to determine rumen function. Experimental periods were 22 days with the first 15 days for adaptation. The calculated metabolisable energy (MJ kg–1 DM) and actual crude protein (CP; g kg–1 DM) contents were 12.17 and 156.1, 12.69 and 158.2 and 12.60 and 154.8, for the U0, U10 and U15 diets, respectively. Increased urea feeding increased (Po0.05) digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and CP. Rumen ammonia N concentrations, allantoin in urine and the resultant microbial N supply increased linearly (Po0.05), as did the total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations. Results suggest that urea supplementation to sheep diets containing dates improved DM, OM and CP digestibility and substantially increased rumen microbial growth as well as ruminal fermentation function

    Azzawi Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) as a Substitute for Corn as an Energy Source in Sheep Diet: In vitro Gas Production and Fermentation

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    In vitro gas production technique was used in the current study to evaluate Azzawi date (AD) as a substitute for corn grain (CG). The AD was used to replace corn grain at graded levels in the proportion: 0:100 (CG), 25:75 (AD25), 50:50 (AD50), 75:25 (AD75), and 100:0 (AD100). Gas production (GP) was continuously measured by incubating samples in buffered rumen fluid from cannulated sheep and it was recorded at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72h of incubation. Cumulative GP, kinetics of GP (a, b and c), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations were determined, while metabolizable energy (ME), net energy (NE), organic matter digestibility (OMD), microbial protein (MP) were estimated. The gas volume was increased (P<0.05) at 12h with increasing the substitution levels of AD in the feed, the values ranged between 31.3 and 44.7 ml/200 mg DM. However, it was found to be decreased (P<0.05) at 48 and 72h with increasing substitution levels of AD. There were no differences in the gas production found at 24h. Data of VFA, NE, OMD and MP were similar (P>0.05) among the feeds. The energy (ME; MJ/kg DM) value of AD25 (10.4) and AD50 (10.3) were comparable to that of CG (10.5); however it was reduced (P<0.05) with AD75 and AD100. Data demonstrated that, Azzawi date at the level of 50 g/100g of substrate (i.e., AD50) may have similar energy contents as of corn grain, and it can be used as a source of energy in ruminant diets either alone or in combination with corn grain

    Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis of VISTA in acute myeloid leukemia: Insights into its prognostic value

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    The V-domain Ig suppressor of T-cell activation (VISTA) has been recognized as a critical negative regulator of antitumor immune response and is gaining growing interest as a potential pharmacological target in immunotherapy. This molecule is highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells and myeloid compartment, and it has been found upmodulated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, VISTA-associated immune features are relatively unexplored in myeloid malignancies. Herein, we aimed to explore whether this immune checkpoint regulator could play a role in the generation of an immune escape environment in AML patients. We characterized VISTA mRNA expression levels in leukemia cell lines and in large publicly available cohorts of specimens from bone marrow of healthy individuals and AML patients at diagnosis by deploying bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing. We also defined the correlations with leukemia-associated burden using results of whole-exome sequencing of AML samples at disease onset. We showed that VISTA expression linearly increased across the myeloid differentiation tree in normal hematopoiesis. Accordingly, its transcript was highly enriched in AML cell lines as well as in AML patients at diagnosis presenting with myelomonocytic and monocytic differentiation. A strong correlation was seen wit

    Beta-Blocker Use Is Associated With Impaired Left Atrial Function in Hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired left atrial (LA) mechanical function is present in hypertension and likely contributes to various complications, including atrial arrhythmias, stroke, and heart failure. Various antihypertensive drug classes exert differential effects on central hemodynamics and left ventricular function. However, little is known about their effects on LA function. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 212 subjects with hypertension and without heart failure or atrial fibrillation. LA strain was measured from cine steady-state free-precession cardiac MRI images using feature-tracking algorithms. In multivariable models adjusted for age, sex, race, body mass index, blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, LA volume, left ventricular mass, and left ventricular ejection fraction, beta-blocker use was associated with a lower total longitudinal strain (standardized beta=-0.21; P=0.008), and lower LA expansion index (standardized beta=-0.30; P \u3c 0.001), indicating impaired LA reservoir function. Beta-blocker use was also associated with a lower positive strain (standardized beta=-0.19; P=0.012) and early diastolic strain rate (standardized beta=0.15; P=0.039), indicating impaired LA conduit function. Finally, beta-blocker use was associated with a lower (less negative) late-diastolic strain (standardized beta=0.15; P=0.049), strain rate (standardized beta=0.18; P=0.019), and a lower active LA emptying fraction (standardized beta=-0.27; P\u3c 0.001), indicating impaired booster pump function. Use of other antihypertensive agents was not associated with LA function. CONCLUSIONS: Beta-blocker use is significantly associated with impaired LA function in hypertension. This association could underlie the increased risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke seen with the use of beta-blockers (as opposed to other antihypertensive agents) demonstrated in recent trials

    Assessing the Impact of Farm-Management Practices on Ecosystem Services in European Agricultural Systems: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

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    Many farm-management practices focus on maximizing production, while others better reconcile production with the regulation of ecological processes and sociocultural identity through the provisioning of ecosystem services (ESs). Though many studies have evaluated the performance of management practices against ES supply, these studies often focused on only a few practices simultaneously. Here, we incorporate 23 distinct management practices in a rapid evidence assessment to draw more comprehensive conclusions on their supply potential across 14 ESs in European agriculture. The results are visualized using performance indicators that quantify the ES-supply potential of a given management practice. In total, 172 indicators are calculated, among which cover crops are found to have the strongest positive impact on pollination-supply potential, while extensive livestock management is found to have the strongest negative impact for the supply potential for habitat creation/protection. The indicators also provide insight into the state of the peer-reviewed literature. At both the farm and territorial levels, the literature noticeably fails to evaluate cultural services. Further, disparities between the number of indicators composed at the farm and territorial levels indicate a systematic bias in the literature toward the assessment of smaller spatial levels

    Landslide resilience in Equatorial Africa: Moving beyond problem identification!

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    Landslides (LS) impacts are acute in Equatorial Africa, which is characterized by mountainous topography, intense rains, deep weathering profiles, high population density and high vulnerability. This study aims to move beyond the recognition of landslide occurrence and investigate effective risk reduction strategies. Based on 5 workshops with local stakeholders, we illustrate the widespread occurrence of LS on 4 representative study areas known for being severely affected by rainfall-triggered LS in Uganda (Mount Elgon, Mount Rwenzori) and Cameroon (Limbe and Bamenda urban regions). The findings highlight the good knowledge of local stakeholders on factors controlling the timing and spatial distribution of these events. Stakeholders identify a wide range of direct, but also far-reaching indirect and intangible cumulative impacts of LS. Finally, the project inventoried and categorized risk reduction strategies currently implemented in the targeted regions, as well as the factors identified by stakeholders as bottlenecks in the implementation of potential alternative strategies. The experience underlines the usefulness of involving stakeholders at an early stage in selecting study areas and defining specific research objectives.En Afrique Équatoriale les glissements de terrain ont des conséquences très lourdes en raison de la topographie montagneuse, des pluies intenses et d'épais profils d'altération, ainsi que d'une densité de population élevée et d'une grande vulnérabilité. Cette étude a pour objet de dépasser la simple identification des occurrences des glissements de terrain et de rechercher des stratégies efficaces de réduction des risques. En nous basant sur 5 workshops organisés avec des acteurs locaux, nous montrons la fréquence générale des glissements de terrain sur 4 zones d'étude sévèrement impactées par les précipitations en Ouganda (Mount Elgon, Mount Rwenzori) et au Cameroun (zones urbaines de Limbe et Bamenda). Il ressort de nos résultats que les acteurs locaux ont une bonne connaissance des facteurs qui déterminent la distribution de ces évènements dans le temps et l'espace. Ils identifient toute une série d'impacts directs mais aussi d'impacts indirects intangibles d'une grande portée.Enfin, le projet a inventorié et catégorisé les stratégies de réduction des risques habituellement mises en œuvre dans les régions touchées, ainsi que les facteurs identifiés par les acteurs comme des obstacles à la mise au point de stratégies alternatives. Cette expérience souligne l'utilité d'engager des acteurs locaux à un stade très précoce de la sélection des zones d'étude et de la définition d'objectifs de recherche spécifiques