552 research outputs found

    Dissipative dynamics of fission in the framework of asymptotic expansion of Fokker-Planck equation

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    The dynamics of fission has been formulated by generalising the asymptotic expansion of the Fokker-Planck equation in terms of the strength of the fluctuations where the diffusion coefficients depend on the stochastic variables explicitly. The prescission neutron multiplicities and the mean kinetic energies of the evaporated neutrons have been calculated and compared with the respective experimental data over a wide range of excitation energy and compound nuclear mass. The mean and variance of the total kinetic energies of the fission fragments have been calculated and compared with the experimental values.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Kecepatan Penyesuaian Struktur Modal Optimal Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini menguji keberadaan penyesuaian kecepatan struktur modal perusahaan menuju ke struktur modal optimal sesuai dengan dynamics trade off dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan penyesuaian struktur modal optimal perusahaan. Struktur modal optimal diestimasi dengan menggunakan beberapa variabel yaitu tangibility, firm size, profitability, liquidity, asset utilization, dan business risk. Faktor-faktor yang digunakan untuk menduga kecepatan penyesuaian struktur modal optimal pada penelitian ini adalah jarak antara struktur modal dengan struktur modal optimal (distance) dan financial deficit/surplus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 5%. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan perusahaan-perusahaan di BEI melakukan penyesuaian menuju struktur modal optimal. Kecepatan penyesuaian sebesar 0,128 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan melakukan penyesuaian masih di bawah tingkat hutang optimalnya. Hasil pengujian juga membuktikan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh distance dan financial deficit/surplus terhadap kecepatan penyesuaian struktur modal perusahaan


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    The article is based mainly upon the lectures delivered by Gandhi at various occasions and later published in journals like Harijan, Young India, Harijan Sevak, etc. ‘The story of my Experiments with Truth,’ that is, the autobiography of Gandhi and others works of Gandhi are available in print and the whole of his works have been published under the title 'Complete Works of M.K. Gandhi'. His works are widely distributed and available even in local libraries. The method of data analysis is descriptive and evaluative, in which the textual analysis would be focused on the social and environmental utility. Gandhi was always against a violent consumption of the natural resources and loving to the sustainable use of the things the nature gives us as a gift. For example: Gandhi will say eat the fruit and not the tree, and even in eating the fruit his sense is to avoid its misuse that may lead to the waste of it. The gist of the research highlights the logic of non-violence and Gandhi’s perspective to meet out Ethical problems of environment. It as such, includes his way of solving the environmental crisis

    Performance measurement in humanitarian organisation. The case of Norwegian people's aid

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi – Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Consumer willingnes to pay for renewable energy : a meta analysis

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    The electricity generated from renewable source i.e. wind, solar, hydro and biomass are considered to be environmentally stable from the point of Co2 emission and resource depletion. According to International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) the average temperature on earth is predicted to increase between 0.8 and 3.5 Degree Celsius by the year 2100 AD if the CO2 emission policies are not implemented urgently (IPCC Report, 2014). The electricity generated from renewable energy source are costlier than that of electricity generated from the non renewable source like that of fossil fuels. The consumers have to bear this cost either directly through additional cost on their electricity bill as premium or indirectly through green taxes. In the recent year’s various studies has been published in order to study the willingness to pay (WTP) for renewable energy. The increase in the number of study has also made it quite difficult to recognize the real determinants for the consumer WTP, hence it is very important to find out the actual factor which really affect the consumer’s willingness to pay and my study will try to fill the gap in this topic. This study will use both OLS and Meta Regression Model to capture the important factors that effect the consumer WTP. Both the stated preference technique i.e. Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiment (CE) has been used in the studies among which CE has predicted the high estimates. The findings of my study also shows that consumers have higher willingness to pay for the electricity produced from the generic source and the survey specific and methodological variables plays an important role to determine the consumer WTP. Further more this study also uses the meta analytic transfer to the policy sites and compare the results with the actual values and find out the transfer errors. In this study five different models have been used to compare the transfer errors i.e four are meta analytic and one is unit value transfer with income adjustment, among which unit benefit transfer with income adjustment has produced the low transfer error comparing to meta analytic transfer.Den elektrisitet generert fra fornybar kilde dvs. vindkraft, solenergi, vannkraft og biomasse anses å være miljø stabil fra det punktet av Co2-utslipp og ressursmangel. Ifølge International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) den gjennomsnittlige temperaturen på jorda er spådd å øke mellom 0,8 og 3,5 grader Celsius innen år 2100 e.Kr. dersom CO2-utslipp politikk ikke blir gjennomført snarest (IPCC Report, 2014). Den elektrisitet generert fra fornybare energikilden er dyrere enn for elektrisitet generert fra ikke fornybare kilder som det av fossilt brensel. Forbrukerne må bære denne kostnaden enten direkte gjennom ekstra kostnad på strømregningen som premie eller indirekte gjennom grønne skatter. I den siste årets ulike studier har blitt publisert for å studere betalingsvillighet (WTP) for fornybar energi. Økningen i antall studie har også gjort det ganske vanskelig å gjenkjenne den virkelige determinanter for forbrukeren WTP. Det er svært viktig å finne ut den faktiske faktor som virkelig påvirker forbrukerens vilje til å betale, og min studie vil prøve å fylle gapet i dette emnet. Denne studien vil bruke både OLS og Meta regresjonsmodell for å fange de viktige faktorene som effekt forbrukeren WTP. Både uttalt preferanse teknikk dvs. Betinget Verdivurdering og valg Experiment (CE) har blitt brukt i studiene blant CE har spådd de høye estimatene. Funnene i min studie viser også at forbrukerne har høyere betalingsvillighet for elektrisitet produsert fra den generiske kilde og undersøkelsen spesifikke og metodiske variabler spiller en viktig rolle for å fastslå forbrukernes betalingsvillighet. Videre denne studien bruker også meta analytisk overføring til de politiske nettsteder og sammenligne resultatene med de faktiske verdiene og finne ut overføringsfeil. I denne studien fem forskjellige modeller har blitt brukt til å sammenligne overføringsfeil, dvs. fire er meta analytisk og en er andelsverdien overføring med inntekt justering, hvorav enhet fordel overføring med inntektsutjevning har produsert den lave overføringsfeil sammenligne med meta analytisk overføring.M-ECO

    Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal Saham-saham Pada Periode Bullish Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    : Establishment of Optimal Portfolio Shares On Bullish Period In Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study was conducted in order to establish an optimal portfolio of stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange using a single index model on Bullish conditions. Period of research used in this study is 2009-2011. The result is the formation of a stock portfolio consisting of four stocks, namely ASRI (48.72%), INDF (28.24%), BBNI (16.32%), and BKSL (6.71%). The test results of the first hypothesis suggests that there are differences in stock returns a stock portfolio of candidates as compared to the noncandidate portfolio. The results of testing the second hypothesis suggests that there is no difference in the risk of stocks included in candidate portfolios as compared to the noncandidate portfolio

    Research in Progress – Development of an Assessment Tool for the IS2010 Model Curriculum

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    Since 2003, the Center for Computing Education Research (CCER) has provided a direct assessment tool for informationsystem educators to determine if students have achieved specific outcomes identified in ACM model curriculum. To dateover 8,000 students at 20 universities have participated. In this presentation, representatives of the CCER’s parent, theEducation Foundation of the Institute for the Certification of Computer Professionals (ICCP), will update participants onimportant recent events including development and validation of scenario-based questions, mapping efforts between theassessment tool and model curriculum (especially IS2010) and improved reporting capabilities for participating schools. Thepresentation includes a call for participation in a Beta version of a revised examination

    Endothelial Cells in Asthma

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    The occurrence of new blood vessel formation in the airway wall of asthma patients was reported more than a century ago. It was long thought that angiogenesis in asthma was an epiphenomenon of airway inflammation. Therefore, little research has been performed on the role of endothelial cells in this disease. We are moving away from this misconception as an increasing number of clinical studies and findings in murine models of asthma demonstrate a causal link between angiogenesis in the airway and genesis of allergic asthma. In this chapter, we review the evidence supporting key roles for the endothelium and other angiogenic cells in the pathogenesis of asthma

    Holiday Effect Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui reaksi pasar menjelang dan setelah hari libur nasional di Indonesia. Penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan studi peristiwa. Sampel penelitian adalah perusahaan LQ 45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Periode penelitian yang diamati adalah 5 hari sebelum hari libur dan 5 hari setelah hari libur nasional. Variabel yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah aktual return dan abnormal return yang diukur dengan menggunakan market adjusted model. Teknik pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan Paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan abnormal return dan aktual return pada periode penelitian hari libur nasional di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Mayoritas rata-rata return aktual dan abnormal return pada kelompok LQ-45 sebelum libur tidak lebih tinggi daripada sesudah libur