505,120 research outputs found

    Ripple users manual and reference

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    Journal ArticleThis manual assumes a knowledge of the RIPPL project. If the reader if unfamiliar with it, t h e y are encouraged t o read Kevin Smith's Master's thesis titled: "Restructurable Interconnect of P a t h Programmable Logic." It is available in the Marriot Library at t h e University of Utah

    Ultraviolet C II and Si III Transit Spectroscopy and Modeling of the Evaporating Atmosphere of GJ436b

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    Hydrogen gas evaporating from the atmosphere of the hot-Neptune GJ436b absorbs over 50% of the stellar Lyα\alpha emission during transit. Given the planet's atmospheric composition and energy-limited escape rate, this hydrogen outflow is expected to entrain heavier atoms such as C and O. We searched for C and Si in the escaping atmosphere of GJ436b using far-ultraviolet HST COS G130M observations made during the planet's extended H I transit. These observations show no transit absorption in the C II 1334,1335 \AA\ and Si III 1206 \AA\ lines integrated over [-100, 100] km s1^{-1}, imposing 95% (2σ\sigma) upper limits of 14% (C II) and 60% (Si III) depth on the transit of an opaque disk and 22% (C II) and 49% (Si III) depth on an extended, highly asymmetric transit similar to that of H I Lyα\alpha. C+^+ is likely present in the outflow according to a simulation we carried out using a spherically-symmetric, photochemical-hydrodynamical model. This simulation predicts a \sim2% transit over the integrated bandpass, consistent with the data. At line center, we predict the C II transit depth to be as high as 19%. Our model predicts a neutral hydrogen escape rate of 1.6×1091.6\times10^{9} g s1^{-1} (3.1×1093.1\times10^{9} g s1^{-1} for all species) for an upper atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; accepted to ApJ Letter

    Analisis Kinerja Pendapatan Asli Daerah Dikaitkan dengan Belanja Daerah pada Pemerintah Kota Bitung

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    Pendapatan Asli Daerah adalah pendapatan yang dianggarkan dalam APBD meliputi semua penerimaan uang melalui kas umum daerah, yang menambah ekuitas dana, yang merupakan hak daerah dalam satu tahun anggaran yang tidak perlu dibayar kembali oleh daerah. Kinerja adalah gambaran pencapaian pelaksanaan suatu kegiatan/program/kebijakan dalam mewujudkan sasaran, misi, tujuan dan visi organisasi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) pada pemerintah Kota Bitung yang diukur menggunakan analisis rasio keuangan tahun anggaran 2006-2010.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis rasio, antara lain, (1) Rasio Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah, (2) Rasio Efektifitas, (3) Rasio Keserasian, (4) Rasio Pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja pemerintah Kota Bitung dalam khususnya pada PAD dilihat dari tingkat kemandirian masih rendah dan memiliki kecenderungan menurun. Jika dilihat dari keefektifan, secara umum dapat dikatakan sangat efektif karena dari tahun 20062010 rata-rata efektivitas Pendapatan Asli Daerah yaitu 102,38%. Dilihat dari tingkat keserasian, secara umum belum serasi karena kinerja Pendapatan Asli Daerah pada belanja tidak langsung lebih besar daripada belanja langsung. Dan jika dilihat dari tingkat pertumbuhan, secara umum efektiv karena dari tahun 20062010 rata-rata pertumbuhan sebesar 95,70%. Kata kunci: kinerja, rasio, ekuitas dana

    Transport optimization on complex networks

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    We present a comparative study of the application of a recently introduced heuristic algorithm to the optimization of transport on three major types of complex networks. The algorithm balances network traffic iteratively by minimizing the maximum node betweenness with as little path lengthening as possible. We show that by using this optimal routing, a network can sustain significantly higher traffic without jamming than in the case of shortest path routing. A formula is proved that allows quick computation of the average number of hops along the path and of the average travel times once the betweennesses of the nodes are computed. Using this formula, we show that routing optimization preserves the small-world character exhibited by networks under shortest path routing, and that it significantly reduces the average travel time on congested networks with only a negligible increase in the average travel time at low loads. Finally, we study the correlation between the weights of the links in the case of optimal routing and the betweennesses of the nodes connected by them.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Conformal anomaly from gauge fields without gauge fixing

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    We show how the Weyl anomaly generated by gauge fields, can be computed from manifestly gauge invariant and diffeomorphism invariant exact renormalization group equations, without having to fix the gauge at any stage. Regularisation is provided by covariant higher derivatives and by embedding the Maxwell field into a spontaneously broken U(11)U(1|1) supergauge theory. We first provide a realisation that leaves behind two versions of the original U(1)U(1) gauge field, and then construct a manifestly U(11)U(1|1) supergauge invariant flow equation which leaves behind only the original Maxwell field in the spontaneously broken regime.Comment: 24 page


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    The title compound, C12H10Br2, is a bridged ring system based on a homobenzonorbornadiene framework. The exo configuration of one of the Br atoms was previously assigned via NMR correlations and has now been confirmed by the geometry of the solid-state structure. The compound features a Br—C—C—Br torsion angle of 66.68 (12)°, whereby the C atoms in the calculation are respectively sp 3- and sp 2-hybridized

    Equity valuation of Under Armour

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    A dissertação aqui apresentada tem como objetivo apresentar uma avaliação para a Under Armour, - empresa que desenvolve a sua atividade na indústria do equipamento desportivo. A Under Armour representa um exemplo de empreendedorismo, determinação e excelência, personalizada pelo seu fundador e atual diretor executivo. Kevin Plank criou a empresa em 1996, com apenas 23 anos, através do desenvolvimento de um protótipo de uma t-shirt desportiva. Entretanto, a empresa já experienciou uma OPA em 2005 e tem revelado um crescimento exponencial e consistente em termos de receitas, tendo conseguido expandir as suas operações a um nível global. Três modelos diferentes de avaliação foram usados nesta dissertação, com o objetivo de encontrar um intervalo de valores, no qual o valor intrínseco das ações da Under Armour se encontrarão. A avaliação realizada foi ainda comparada com uma outra avaliação externa, desenvolvida por uma empresa especializada na área da avaliação financeira – The Buckingham Research Group. Pretendeu-se, assim, possibilitar uma perspetiva mais alargada ao leitor, quer quanto aos métodos usados na avaliação, quer quanto aos seus resultados. Concluídos todos estes procedimentos, de acordo com a metodologia explanada, foi feita uma nota de investimento, com a recomendação de Buy e um preço-alvo de 37paraasac\co~esClassAdaUnderArmour.ThepresentdissertationisintendedtopresentavaluationforUnderArmourasportswearcompanythathasexperiencedincrediblegrowthintherecentpast.UnderArmourrepresentsastoryofentrepreneurship,focusandgreatness,personalizedbythefounderandcurrentCEO.KevinPlankcreatedthecompanyin1996,whenhewasonly23yearsold,intheformofatshirtprototype.Sincethen,thecompanyhasexperiencedanIPOin2005andrevealedconsistentandextremerevenuegrowthandhasbeenabletoexpanditsoperationsworldwide.Threedifferentvaluationmodelswereapplied,withtheobjectivetofindarangeofvaluesinwhichUAstocksintrinsicvaluecurrentlyfalls.ThepresentvaluationisalsocomparedwithanexternalonemadebyanequityresearchfirmTheBuckinghamResearchGroup.Thiscomparisonshouldcontributeingivingthereaderextraperspectiveregardingthevaluationsmethodologyandoutput.Afterbothprocesses,aninvestmentnotewasissued,withaBuyrecommendationandatargetpriceof37 para as ações “Class A” da Under Armour.The present dissertation is intended to present a valuation for Under Armour – a sportswear company that has experienced incredible growth in the recent past. Under Armour represents a story of entrepreneurship, focus and greatness, personalized by the founder and current CEO. Kevin Plank created the company in 1996, when he was only 23 years old, in the form of a t-shirt prototype. Since then, the company has experienced an IPO in 2005 and revealed consistent and extreme revenue growth and has been able to expand its operations worldwide. Three different valuation models were applied, with the objective to find a range of values in which UA stock’s intrinsic value currently falls. The present valuation is also compared with an external one made by an equity research firm – The Buckingham Research Group. This comparison should contribute in giving the reader extra perspective regarding the valuation’s methodology and output. After both processes, an investment note was issued, with a Buy recommendation and a target price of 37 per share for the Class A common stock

    2020 Scholarly Accolades

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    2020 Scholarly Accolades list of Faculty Intellectual Achievements that was presented at the 2021 King Haggar Haggerty Awards Ceremony. Schools included are: Neuhoff School of Ministry, Braniff Graduate College, Constantin College of Liberal Arts, and Gupta College of Business. Faculty listed are: Jodi Hunt, Marianne Siegmund, Irene R. Alexander, Daniel E. Burns, Bainard Cowan, William L. Cody, Scott Crider, Jonathan E. Dannatt, Richard J. Dougherty, Jacob I. Eidt, Chad Engelland, Thomas Esposito, O. Cist., Valeria Forte, William A. Frank, Elinor Gardner, O.P., Gilbert J. Garza, Kelly L. Gibson, Mark Goodwin, Peter Hatlie, Christina E. Ivers, Brittany K. Landrum, Tammy Leonard, Chris Mirus, Andrew D. Moran, Nefer Muñoz Solano, Cynthia Nielsen, Richard Olenick, Andrew Osborn, Joshua Parens, Marisa Pérez-Bernardo, Mark Petersen, Aida Ramos, Elizabeth Robinson, Gregory L. Roper, Jonathan J. Sanford, Kevin M. Saylor, Phillip A. Shore, Stephanie Swales, Inimary T. Toby, Joseph M. Van House, O. Cist., Matthew D. Walz, Gerard Wegemer, Michael G. West, Christopher Wolfe, Enoch Asare, Jennifer Bannister, Sri Beldona, Greg Bell, Sue Conger, Ali Dadpay, Blake Frank, Julia Fulmore, Jenny Gu, Cara W. Jacocks, Brett Landry, Richard Miller, Laura Muñoz, Renita Murimi, Judith Olson, Richard Peregoy, Michael Stodnick, Susan Rhame, Robert Walsh, J. Lee Whittington, snd Scott Wysong.https://digitalcommons.udallas.edu/king_haggar_haggerty_docs/1001/thumbnail.jp