37 research outputs found

    Suppressor of gamma response 1 modulates the DNA damage response and oxidative stress response in leaves of cadmium-exposed Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Cadmium (Cd) exposure causes an oxidative challenge and inhibits cell cycle progression, ultimately impacting plant growth. Stress-induced effects on the cell cycle are often a consequence of activation of the DNA damage response (DDR). The main aim of this study was to investigate the role of the transcription factor SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 (SOG1) and three downstream cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors of the SIAMESE-RELATED (SMR) family in the Cd-induced DDR and oxidative challenge in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Effects of Cd on plant growth, cell cycle regulation and the expression of DDR genes were highly similar between the wildtype and smr4/5/7 mutant. In contrast, sog1-7 mutant leaves displayed a much lower Cd sensitivity within the experimental time-frame and significantly less pronounced upregulations of DDR-related genes, indicating the involvement of SOG1 in the Cd-induced DDR. Cadmium-induced responses related to the oxidative challenge were disturbed in the sog1-7 mutant, as indicated by delayed Cd-induced increases of hydrogen peroxide and glutathione concentrations and lower upregulations of oxidative stress-related genes. In conclusion, our results attribute a novel role to SOG1 in regulating the oxidative stress response and connect oxidative stress to the DDR in Cd-exposed plants

    Quantitative expression analysis in Brassica napus by Northern blot analysis and reverse transcription-quantitative PCR in a complex experimental setting

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    Analysis of gene expression is one of the major ways to better understand plant reactions to changes in environmental conditions. The comparison of many different factors influencing plant growth challenges the gene expression analysis for specific gene-targeted experiments, especially with regard to the choice of suitable reference genes. The aim of this study is to compare expression results obtained by Northern blot, semi-quantitative PCR and RT-qPCR, and to identify a reliable set of reference genes for oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) suitable for comparing gene expression under complex experimental conditions. We investigated the influence of several factors such as sulfur deficiency, different time points during the day, varying light conditions, and their interaction on gene expression in oilseed rape plants. The expression of selected reference genes was indeed influenced under these conditions in different ways. Therefore, a recently developed algorithm, called GrayNorm, was applied to validate a set of reference genes for normalizing results obtained by Northern blot analysis. After careful comparison of the three methods mentioned above, Northern blot analysis seems to be a reliable and cost-effective alternative for gene expression analysis under a complex growth regime. For using this method in a quantitative way a number of references was validated revealing that for our experiment a set of three references provides an appropriate normalization. Semi-quantitative PCR was prone to many handling errors and difficult to control while RT-qPCR was very sensitive to expression fluctuations of the reference genes

    Plant sugars are crucial players in the oxidative challenge during abiotic stress. Extending the traditional concept

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    Plants suffering from abiotic stress are commonly facing an enhanced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with damaging as well as signalling effects at organellar and cellular levels. The outcome of an environmental challenge highly depends on the delicate balance between ROS production and scavenging by both enzymatic and metabolic antioxidants. However, this traditional classification is in need of renewal and reform, as it is becoming increasingly clear that soluble sugars such as disaccharides, raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) and fructans – next to their associated metabolic enzymes – are strongly related to stress-induced ROS accumulation in plants. Therefore, this review aims at extending the current concept of antioxidants functioning during abiotic stress, with special focus on the emanate role of sugars as true ROS scavengers. Examples are given based on their cellular location, as different organelles seem to exploit distinct mechanisms. Moreover, the vacuole comes into the picture as important player in the ROS signalling network of plants. Elucidating the interplay between the mechanisms controlling ROS signalling during abiotic stress will facilitate the development of strategies to enhance crop tolerance to stressful environmental conditions.status: publishe

    Reciprocal Interactions between Cadmium-Induced Cell Wall Responses and Oxidative Stress in Plants

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    Cadmium (Cd) pollution renders many soils across the world unsuited or unsafe for food- or feed-orientated agriculture. The main mechanism of Cd phytotoxicity is the induction of oxidative stress, amongst others through the depletion of glutathione. Oxidative stress can damage lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, leading to growth inhibition or even cell death. The plant cell has a variety of tools to defend itself against Cd stress. First and foremost, cell walls might prevent Cd from entering and damaging the protoplast. Both the primary and secondary cell wall have an array of defensive mechanisms that can be adapted to cope with Cd. Pectin, which contains most of the negative charges within the primary cell wall, can sequester Cd very effectively. In the secondary cell wall, lignification can serve to immobilize Cd and create a tougher barrier for entry. Changes in cell wall composition are, however, dependent on nutrients and conversely might affect their uptake. Additionally, the role of ascorbate (AsA) as most important apoplastic antioxidant is of considerable interest, due to the fact that oxidative stress is a major mechanism underlying Cd toxicity, and that AsA biosynthesis shares several links with cell wall construction. In this review, modifications of the plant cell wall in response to Cd exposure are discussed. Focus lies on pectin in the primary cell wall, lignification in the secondary cell wall and the importance of AsA in the apoplast. Regarding lignification, we attempt to answer the question whether increased lignification is merely a consequence of Cd toxicity, or rather an elicited defense response. We propose a model for lignification as defense response, with a central role for hydrogen peroxide as substrate and signaling molecule