89 research outputs found

    Pencapaian Performa Pada Katup Variabel Timing Fixed Timing Untuk Mesin Yang Optimal

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    Problems will be discussed in this research is how differences in exhaust emissions generated by engine with variable valve timing and valve timing on a fixed volume of motor vehicle cylinder 1300 cc. Variable valve timing technology, which is set when opening and closing the intake valve (intake valve) electronic fuel according to engine conditions. This will make mixing air and fuel that enters into an efficient machine that will produce great power, fuel economy and low emissions. Research emissions (CO, CO2, HC, O2) was performedwith dynamic testing, where the vehicle in a state of the load lifted and given transmission. Unlike the testing generally performed with a static test, in which the vehicle is at rest and without a load. This test is performed to determine how the condition of exhaust gases when the vehicle dynamic (analogous to the vehicle running). In general, machines with variable valve timing to produce better emissions than engines with fixed valve timing. The higher the spin machine and load transmission system will result in CO and HC emissions are decreased and O2 and CO2 increased. Engine with variable valve timing control the suction valve opening times to achieve optimum engine performance at various driving conditions. And set out the engine output as needed

    Mengembangkan Strategi Atraksi Ekowisata Taman Sari Buwana

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    Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produk atraksi ekowisata, dampak yang diberikan, fasilitas yang ada serta kendala yang menghambat pengembangan, dan juga mengetahui strategi yang bisa digunakan dalam pengembangan Taman Sari Buwana. Desain/metodologi/pendekatan: Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi langsung ke lapangan, mengumpulkan dokumentasi dan wawancara kepada beberapa narasumber yang menghasilkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif lalu di analisis dengan analisis SWOT. Temuan: Hasil dari analisis SWOT berupa: pertama, strategi SO: Potensi yang dapat digunakan sebagai area trekking, meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat, memperbanyak petunjuk arah, memanfaatkan lahan kosong, meningkatkan jaringan informasi dan promosi. Kedua, strategi ST: mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada, pelatihan masyarakat, pemasangan petunjuk arah dengan izin, membangun fasilitas yang dibutuhkan, promosi melalui sosial media. Ketiga, strategi WO: jalur trekking alternatif, menambah jumlah karyawan, petunjuk arah yang mudah dibaca, penambahan tempat parkir, pemanfaatan dana pokdarwis. Keempat strategi WT: memaksimalkan fasilitas yang ada, pelatihan karyawan, memperbesar petunjuk arah, menjalin kerjasama dan komunikasi yang baik. Implikasi: Kombinasi antara kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman menghasilkan empat bentuk strategi yang digunakan oleh pihak-pihak terkait untuk mengembangkan Taman Sari Buwana

    The role of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways of apoptosis in the premature rupture of the membranes: A case-control study

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    Background: Premature rupture of membrane (PROM) remains a problem in obstetrics, the mechanisms of PROM have not been clearly defined. Apoptosis is thought to play a key role in the mechanism, via caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways. Caspase-3, Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), and anti-apoptosis B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) are hypothesized to be involved in PROM. Objective: To determine the role of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways in the mechanism of PROM. Materials and Methods: This was a case-control study involving 42 pregnant women with gestational age between 20-42 wk. Participants were divided into the case group (with PROM) and control group (without PROM). Amniotic membranes were collected immediately after the delivery, and samples were taken from the site of membrane rupture. Immunohistochemical examination was done to determine the expression of Caspase-3, AIF, and Bcl-2. Results: The expressions of Caspase-3 (OR = 9.75; 95% CI = 2.16-43.95; p = 0.001) and AIF (OR = 6.60; 95% CI = 1.48-29.36; p = 0.009) were significantly increased, whereas, Bcl-2 expressions (OR = 8.00; 95% CI = 1.79-35.74; p = 0.004) were significantly decreased in the case group. Conclusion: High Caspase-3, AIF, and low Bcl-2 expression were the risk factors for PROM. Thus, it is evident that caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways are involved in the mechanism of PROM. Key words: Premature, Membrane, Apoptosis, Caspase, Pregnancy

    Identifikasi Sel-sel Target Virus Penyakit Jembrana dengan Teknik Imunositokimia Ganda

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sel target virus Jembrana dengan teknik imunositokimia ganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan sapi Bali yang diinokulasi dengan virus Jembrana secara intramuskuler. Pada demam hari kedua setelah inokulasi virus, sapi dinekropsi. Limpa diambil secara aseptik, kemudian direndam dalam buffer formalin 10% selama 24 jam. Potongan limpa diproses untuk pembuatan sediaan histologis dengan menggunakan cryomicrotome. Preparat histologis limpa diwarnai dengan teknik imunositokimia ganda. Untuk mengidentifikasi subset limfosit digunakan antibody monoclonal anti BoCD4 + dan anti BoCD8 + , serta diamino benzidine (DAB) sebagai substrat. Pada pewarnaan ini, sel-sel terinfeksi akan tampak berwarna biru, sedangkan sel-sel marka BoCD4 + atau BoCD8 + akan tampak berwarna coklat. Untuk identifikasi sel-sel terinfeksi virus Jembrana digunakan antibodi monoklonal anti-capsid JDV (BB-Vet Denpasar) dan nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) sebagai substrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel-sel yang terinfeksi virus Jembrana hanya bermarka BoCD4 + , dan sama sekali tidak pada sel BoCD8 + . Simpulan penelitian ini adalah sel-sel BoCD4 + merupakan sel target virus Jembrana

    Sikap dan Kepedulian Masyarakat Terhadap Objek Wisata dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Bali

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    Indonesia is not only rich in natural resources but because of its exotic landscape, consisting of forests, oceans and rivers that can generate extraordinary natural tourism potential. The development of tourism has two possible impacts on the local community, namely tourism will improve the welfare of the community or on the contrary, tourism will marginalize society in all fields. The activities of developing tourist objects cannot be separated from social, economic and environmental conditions. Tourism is an industry whose survival is largely determined by the merits of the environment. This research, it examines and analyzes how the attitudes and concerns of the community towards the development of tourist objects towards sustainable development. The goal is to find out how people's attitudes and concerns affect the development of tourist objects and sustainable development. This study uses an explanatory study with literature studies to identify the impact of people's attitudes and concerns towards sustainable development. Attitudes and behaviors are the formation of perceptions, so a correct perception of an object is needed. With the existence of public concern from the beginning for tourism development, it will further ensure the success and continuation of this tourism development. Continuing development for Bali considers not only the sustainability of natural resources as a basic necessity for life, but also the sustainability of cultural resources. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Kebangsaan Anggota Dewan pada Kinerja Pasar (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    In corporate governance literatures, board diversity is often assumed to increase board efficacy and monitoring, thus increase market performance. In this study board is defined as the combination of board of commissioners and directors since Indonesia uses two-tier board system. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of board diversity as measured by board members nationality on firms market performance as measured by price to book value ratio. This research also used company size and industry type as control variables. Samples consisted of 52 companies in 2006, 69 companies in 2007, and 45 companies in 2008, totalling 166 observation. All sample companies were listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange from the year 2006 until 2008. The hypothesis test using multiple regression analysis showed that board members nationality does not have any significant impact on firms market performance. On the other hand, size and industry type do have significant effects on firms market performance


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    This research aims to describe the process of student cognition in constructing mathematical conjecture. Many researchers have studied this process but without giving a detailed explanation of how students understand the information to construct a mathematical conjecture. The researchers focus their analysis on how to construct and prove the conjecture. This article discusses the process of student cognition in constructing mathematical conjecture from the very beginning of the process. The process is studied through qualitative research involving six students from the Mathematics Education Department in the Ganesha University of Education. The process of student cognition in constructing mathematical conjecture is grouped into five different stages. The stages consist of understanding the problem, exploring the problem, formulating conjecture, justifying conjecture, and proving conjecture. In addition, details of the process of the students’ cognition in each stage are also discussed.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.9.1.4278.15-2

    Hubungan Positif antara Ulkus Kaki Diabetik dengan Persentase Sel Bermarkah Cd4+ Pembawa Malondialdehid

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    Tingginya angka kejadian ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) dan luka di kaki yangsulit sembuh memberi petunjuk kemungkinan ada proses kematian sel imun yangsangat banyak dan belum jelas mekanismenya secara molekuler pada jaringan UKD.Telah diteliti hubungan antara derajat UKD dengan persentase sel bermarkahCD4+ pembawa malondialdehid (MDA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitianobservasional dengan rancangan cross sectional analytic study yang dilakukan diRumah Sakit pemerintah dan swasta di Denpasar, Badung, Tabanan, dan Gianyar.Parameter yang diukur dari bahan darah adalah kadar gula darah memakai metodeenzimatik (heksokinase), dan dari bahan jaringan kaki, dihitung sel bermarkah CD4+pembawa MDA memakai metode imunohistokimia (reagen dari Biodesign danAbcam ). Dari 80 sampel UKD didapatkan 49 (61,2%) penderita laki-laki dan 31(38.8%) penderita wanita, berdasarkan tingkat keparahan UKD, sampel dipilah lagimenjadi: 29 (31,9%) derajat 2; 20 (21,9%) derajat 3; 13 (14,3%) derjat 4; dan18(19,8%) derajat 5, rata-rata persentase sel bermarkah CD4+MDA adalah 75,0 ±20,5 %, Didapatkan korelasi positif kuat antara persentase sel bermarkah CD4+pembawa malondialdehid dengan derajat UKD (r = 0,71; p < 0,01). Pada penelitianini membuktikan ada mekanisme kematian sel imun dan sekaligus menjawabpermasalahan bahwa pada penderita UKD mudah terkena infeksi dan sulit untukdisembuhkan, dengan dibuktikan bahwa ada korelasi positif kuat antara derajat UKDdengan persentase pembentukan MDA dari sel bermarkah CD4+, ini menyatakanbahwa semakin berat derajat UKD semakin banyak mengalami kematian sel imun.