5 research outputs found

    Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003 Exopolysaccharide Modulates the Early Life Microbiota by Acting as a Potential Dietary Substrate

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    Background: Bifidobacterium represents an important early life microbiota member. Specific bifidobacterial components, exopolysaccharides (EPS), positively modulate host responses, with purified EPS also suggested to impact microbe–microbe interactions by acting as a nutrient substrate. Thus, we determined the longitudinal effects of bifidobacterial EPS on microbial communities and metabolite profiles using an infant model colon system. Methods: Differential gene expression and growth characteristics were determined for each strain; Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003 and corresponding isogenic EPS-deletion mutant (B. breve UCC2003del). Model colon vessels were inoculated with B. breve and microbiome dynamics monitored using 16S rRNA sequencing and metabolomics (NMR). Results: Transcriptomics of EPS mutant vs. B. breve UCC2003 highlighted discrete differential gene expression (e.g., eps biosynthetic cluster), though overall growth dynamics between strains were unaffected. The EPS-positive vessel had significant shifts in microbiome and metabolite profiles until study end (405 h); with increases of Tyzzerella and Faecalibacterium, and short-chain fatty acids, with further correlations between taxa and metabolites which were not observed within the EPS-negative vessel. Conclusions: These data indicate that B. breve UCC2003 EPS is potentially metabolized by infant microbiota members, leading to differential microbial metabolism and altered metabolite by-products. Overall, these findings may allow development of EPS-specific strategies to promote infant health

    Microbiota supplementation with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus modifies the preterm infant gut microbiota and metabolome: An observational study

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    Supplementation with members of the early-life microbiota as “probiotics” is increasingly used in attempts to beneficially manipulate the preterm infant gut microbiota. We performed a large observational longitudinal study comprising two preterm groups: 101 infants orally supplemented with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus (Bif/Lacto) and 133 infants non-supplemented (control) matched by age, sex, and delivery method. 16S rRNA gene profiling on fecal samples (n = 592) showed a predominance of Bifidobacterium and a lower abundance of pathobionts in the Bif/Lacto group. Metabolomic analysis showed higher fecal acetate and lactate and a lower fecal pH in the Bif/Lacto group compared to the control group. Fecal acetate positively correlated with relative abundance of Bifidobacterium, consistent with the ability of the supplemented Bifidobacterium strain to metabolize human milk oligosaccharides into acetate. This study demonstrates that microbiota supplementation is associated with a Bifidobacterium-dominated preterm microbiota and gastrointestinal environment more closely resembling that of full-term infants

    Prediction of Distribution and Intensity of Hydrocarbon Contamination using GIS

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    Contaminated industrial plots are commonplace in a modern society. Hydrocarbon contamination has a widespread effect on animals and plants depending on the urban ecosystems and their resources. Despite the history of petroleum use, the research band of the field has been relatively narrow and has concentrated on heavy metal contamination. The aim of the thesis is to create a simplified method to predict the distribution and intensity of hydrocarbon contaminations that could be utilised by people working in the related industry or by officials. The prediction of the distribution and intensity of hydrocarbon contamination in the soil using geographic information systems is studied using available public sector remediation reports. A total of 19 reports are inspected and information within them is transferred into a computer software. The major factor affecting hydrocarbon contamination values is the distance from a contamination point source. Results show there is a possibility to create a simplified prediction model based on a few available factors, such as the distance from the source and the field test results. The accuracy of such a model is sufficient for day-to-day based operations of the industry and officials. The study suggests that companies and officials working with hydrocarbon contaminated soil should implement in geographic information systems to the planning of contaminated environments. The study recommends greater emphasis on quality control to provide meaningful data for future studies.Pilaantuneet maa-alueet ovat yleinen ongelma nyky-yhteiskunnassa. Hiilivedyillä on haitallinen vaikutus kaupunkiekosysteemien luonnonvaroista riippuvaisiin eläimiin ja kasveihin. Polttonesteiden pitkään jatkuneesta käytöstä huolimatta pilaantuneiden maaalueiden tieteellinen tutkiminen on pääasiassa keskittynyt raskasmetallien haittavaikutusten tutkintaan. Tämän lopputyön tarkoitus on luoda yksinkertainen menetelmä hiilivedyillä pilaantuneiden maa-alueiden laajuuden sekä voimakkuuden ennustamiseen. Menetelmän tulee olla myös sellainen, että sitä voisivat käyttää sekä alalla toimivat yritykset että viranomaiset. Hiilivedyillä pilaantuneen maa-alueen laajuuden ja voimakkuuden ennustamista on tutkittu paikkatietojärjestelmän avulla. Aineistona käytettiin 19:ää julkisen sektorin tilaamaa kunnostusraporttia. Merkittävin hiilivetysaastumaan vaikuttava tekijä on etäisyys saastuman pistelähteestä. Tulokset osoittavat, että yksinkertaistettu ennustamismenetelmä on mahdollista luoda vain muutaman eri tekijän avulla. Menetelmän tarkkuus on tarpeeksi suuri, jotta sitä voidaan hyödyntää alan jokapäiväisessä työelämässä. Tutkimuksen perusteella suositellaan, että alalla toimivat yritykset sekä niitä valvovat viranomaiset käyttäisivät paikkatietojärjestelmiä suunnitellessaan hiilivedyillä pilaantuneiden maa-alueiden kunnostamista. Laadunvalvontaa tulisi kehittää enemmän siihen suuntaan,että syntyvä aineisto olisi käyttökelpoista tulevia tutkimuksia varten

    Additional file 13: Figure S6. of Optimisation of 16S rRNA gut microbiota profiling of extremely low birth weight infants

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    Primer alignment study of the most common bacterial taxa found in ELBW (P29F). a Representation of primers used in this study along the 16S bacterial rRNA gene. b Primer alignment study using 16S rRNA gene from Bifidobacterium bifidum CP 010412 (isolated from Infloran) and the most common bacterial taxa found in an ELBW infant (P29F) with supplementation (Staphylococcus epidermis NR_074995, Enterobacter cloacae CP012165 and Enterococcus faecalis CP014949). We also included two strains of Bifidobacterium as control samples (B.infantis M58738.1 and B.longum ATCC 156697) All sequences are represented in 5′-3’orientation using UPAC nucleotide code, where Y = C or T, R = A or G, K = G or T, M = A or C (PDF 299 kb

    Additional file 12: Figure S3. of Optimisation of 16S rRNA gut microbiota profiling of extremely low birth weight infants

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    Shannon diversity index calculation of 16S rRNA gene sequencing data. Shannon diversity index was calculated using 16S rRNA bacterial community profiles for the three different 16S rRNA libraries tested in this study (27F-519R (region V1 + V2 + V3), 530F-926R (region V4 + V5) and 926F-1394R (region V6 + V7 + V8)). Sequencing data was analysed using the PE protocol. (PDF 16 kb