36 research outputs found

    Control of potato late blight by caraway oil in organic farming

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    Caraway (Carum carvi) seeds contain biologically active essential oils, which have shown potential in controlling Phytophthora infestans (P.i.). An attempt is being made to develop a P.i. control strategy for organic farming based on caraway oil

    Universal criterion for the breakup of invariant tori in dissipative systems

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    The transition from quasiperiodicity to chaos is studied in a two-dimensional dissipative map with the inverse golden mean rotation number. On the basis of a decimation scheme, it is argued that the (minimal) slope of the critical iterated circle map is proportional to the effective Jacobian determinant. Approaching the zero-Jacobian-determinant limit, the factor of proportion becomes a universal constant. Numerical investigation on the dissipative standard map suggests that this universal number could become observable in experiments. The decimation technique introduced in this paper is readily applicable also to the discrete quasiperiodic Schrodinger equation.Comment: 13 page

    Screening current effects in Josephson junction arrays

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    The purpose of this work is to compare the dynamics of arrays of Josephson junctions in presence of magnetic field in two different frameworks: the so called XY frustrated model with no self inductance and an approach that takes into account the screening currents (considering self inductances only). We show that while for a range of parameters the simpler model is sufficiently accurate, in a region of the parameter space solutions arise that are not contained in the XY model equations.Comment: Figures available from the author

    Wave transmission, phonon localization and heat conduction of 1D Frenkel-Kontorova chain

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    We study the transmission coefficient of a plane wave through a 1D finite quasi-periodic system -- the Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) model -- embedding in an infinite uniform harmonic chain. By varying the mass of atoms in the infinite uniform chain, we obtain the transmission coefficients for {\it all} eigenfrequencies. The phonon localization of the incommensurated FK chain is also studied in terms of the transmission coefficients and the Thouless exponents. Moreover, the heat conduction of Rubin-Greer-like model for FK chain at low temperature is calculated. It is found that the stationary heat flux J(N)NαJ(N)\sim N^{\alpha}, and α\alpha depends on the strength of the external potential.Comment: 15 pages in Revtex, 8 EPS figure

    Fractal Spin Glass Properties of Low Energy Configurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

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    We study numerically and analytically the classical one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova chain in the regime of pinned phase characterized by phonon gap. Our results show the existence of exponentially many static equilibrium configurations which are exponentially close to the energy of the ground state. The energies of these configurations form a fractal quasi-degenerate band structure which is described on the basis of elementary excitations. Contrary to the ground state, the configurations inside these bands are disordered.Comment: revtex, 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Nonperturbative Eliasson's Reducibility Theorem

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    This paper is concerned with discrete, one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with real analytic potentials and one Diophantine frequency. Using localization and duality we show that almost every point in the spectrum admits a quasi-periodic Bloch wave if the potential is smaller than a certain constant which does not depend on the precise Diophantine conditions. The associated first-order system, a quasi-periodic skew-product, is shown to be reducible for almost all values of the energy. This is a partial nonperturbative generalization of a reducibility theorem by Eliasson. We also extend nonperturbatively the genericity of Cantor spectrum for these Schr\"odinger operators. Finally we prove that in our setting, Cantor spectrum implies the existence of a GδG_\delta-set of energies whose Schr\"odinger cocycle is not reducible to constant coefficients

    The Exact Ground State of the Frenkel-Kontorova Model with Repeated Parabolic Potential: I. Basic Results

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    The problem of finding the exact energies and configurations for the Frenkel-Kontorova model consisting of particles in one dimension connected to their nearest-neighbors by springs and placed in a periodic potential consisting of segments from parabolas of identical (positive) curvature but arbitrary height and spacing, is reduced to that of minimizing a certain convex function defined on a finite simplex.Comment: 12 RevTeX pages, using AMS-Fonts (amssym.tex,amssym.def), 6 Postscript figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization analysis of correlation properties in a quasiperiodically forced two-level system

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    This pre-print has been submitted, and accepted, to the journal, Journal of Mathematical Physics [© American Institute of Physics]. The definitive version: MESTEL, B.D. and OSBALDESTIN, A.H., 2002. Renormalization analysis of correlation properties in a quasiperiodically forced two-level system. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43(7), pp. 3458-3483, is available at: http://jmp.aip.org/jmp/.We give a rigorous renormalization analysis of the self-similarity of correlation functions in a quasiperiodically forced two-level system. More precisely, the system considered is a quantum two-level system in a time-dependent field consisting of periodic kicks with amplitude given by a discontinuous modulation function driven in a quasiperiodic manner at golden mean frequency. Mathematically, our analysis consists of a description of all piecewise-constant periodic orbits of an additive functional recurrence. We further establish a criterion for such orbits to be globally bounded functions. In a particular example, previously only treated numerically, we further calculate explicitly the asymptotic height of the main peaks in the correlation function