684 research outputs found

    Occam’s Reader: The First Library-Developed Ebook Interlibrary Loan System

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    An ebook interlibrary loan system called “Occam’s Reader” was developed through collaboration among libraries of the Greater Western Library Alliance. The first of its kind, Occam’s Reader has proved to be a great success due in no small measure to thorough planning, testing, implementation and development through 2012 to 2104. A new version of the system, Occam’s Reader 2.0 is planned for later in 2015. As libraries band together to accomplish a collaborative goal, there really is nothing that can hold them bac

    Saving Face

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    ABSTRACT Saving Face is an exhibition of portrait imagery of famous or infamous figures created through drawing, painting, writing, and assemblage. It is a formal exploration of portraiture that also attempts to reconsider cultural personas by presenting them in new form. The act of creating art work through multiple approaches presents different modes of expression, potentially raising additional interpretations of the subject. Often, the public images formed of these subjects are based on singular events portrayed by the power of mass media. Saving Face is an attempt to artistically question these narrow and limited viewpoints, and raise considerations that may differ from mass perception. These alternative forms are intended to create a space for expanded perception of the subjects

    A Preliminary Survey of the Grammar of 'Folklore': An Introduction to Hominology

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    The Relationship between Primary Grade Teachers\u27 Theoretical Orientation to Reading and Endorsement of Developmentally Appropriate Practice

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between primary grade teachers\u27 theoretical orientation to reading and their endorsement of developmentally appropriate practices, as well as to determine the relationship between certain demographic variables and theoretical orientation to reading. The study consisted of a survey sent through inter-school mail to 156 randomly selected kindergarten through third grade teachers in Millard, Nebraska, Public Schools. The survey included the DeFord Theoretical Orientation to Reading Profile and the Smith Primary Teacher Questionnaire, as well as questions about the respondent\u27s age, teaching experience, grade level taught, and educational background. The relationships among the variables were assessed using correlational analysis and a one-way analysis of variance with a posteriori multiple comparisons. Results indicated that there is a correlation between primary grade teachers\u27 theoretical orientation to reading and their endorsement of developmentally appropriate practices. There were also correlations between theoretical orientation to reading and some of the demographic variables, especially grade level taught and educational background in reading and early childhood education

    Book Raider: Connecting Patrons of Texas Tech University Libraries with Resources Anytime, Anywhere

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    Given the mandate of Texas Tech University to expand its research mission, Texas Tech University Libraries developed new library services through the Book Raider project that allows patrons to use mobile apps to check library holdings and to order materials through interlibrary loan. Library literature shows an increasing desire among patrons to use this type of technology and suggests an open door exists for librarians to create these new modes of access and delivery. Book Raider, a collaborative project of several departments of Texas Tech University Libraries, involved the development of various types of apps across several technology platforms, a project that grows in popularity among students and faculty of the University

    Won't you be my neighbor? An analysis of the effect of density on floral and nectar traits in Nicotiana alata

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    Abstract only availableIt has been shown that heritable, genetic variability can change in response to different environmental conditions (Hoffmann and Merila 1999) and also that some plants can sense proximate neighbors and change their growth patterns accordingly (Pierik et. al., 2003). In order to study the effects of environmental variation on the floral and nectar traits we have imposed three different density treatments (high, medium and low) in a field plot of Nicotiana alata. To analyze the density effect I have investigated the genetic (VE), environmental, additive (VA) and phenotypic (VP) variances for each of the three density treatments. These variances will allow me to calculate values for the heritability (VA/VP) of nectar and floral traits in N. alata. By performing a quantitative genetic analysis using a partial diallel breeding design, these quantitative variances were calculated. Genetic variance was also estimated using ISSR markers and determining the percent of bands that are shared among sibs and half sibs. Results will be shown on poster. Sources Cited: Hoffmann Ary A., and Merila, Juha. “Heritable variation and evolution under favourable and unfavourable conditions”. TREE (1999) 14 (3): 96-103. Pierik, R., Visser, E.J.W., Droon, H. DE. And Voesenek, C.J. “Ethylene is required in tobacco to successfully compete with proximate neighbours. Plant, Cell and Environment (2003) 26: 1229-1234.Plant Genomics Internships @ M

    The constructive universe L

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    The theme explores the universe of constructive set L as it was defined by Godel. The work compares two methods of construction L set: one through the formalization of satisfaction relationand the other one with several (finitely many) called rudimentary functions that generate L. The work continues with verification of the implications Con(ZF)→Con(ZFC + CH). The goal is to give a comprehensive view of the construction L and verification of 's relative consistency CH. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Tato práce zkoumá univerzum konstruktivních množin L, jak ho definoval Godel. Práce srovnává dva způsoby konstrukce L: jeden přes formalizaci relace splňovaní a druhý pomocí konečně mnoha tzv.rudimentárních funkcí, které L generují. Práce dále povede k ověření implikace Con(ZF)→Con(ZFC + CH). Práce má podat ucelený pohled na konstrukci L a ověření relativní konzistence CH. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra logikyDepartment of LogicFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    ´Ik denk niet in culturen...ik denk eigenlijk meer in mijn geloof´:waarom jongeren van Marokkaanse afkomst in Nederland de moslimidentiteit zo sterk benadrukken

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    In de adolescentiefase zouden jongeren in de gelegenheid moeten worden gesteld om te experimenteren met verschillende alternatieven, voordat zij hun bindingen (‘commitments’) ten aanzien van verschillende deelidentiteiten formuleren (Marcia, 1996). Vaak is er een spanning zichtbaar: jongeren moeten bindingen aangaan die niet alleen overeenstemmen met eigen wensen, maar die tevens een antwoord zijn op eisen die hun vanuit de samenleving worden gesteld (Bosma, 1991). Voor Marokkaanse jongeren zou het aangaan van bindingen wel eens lastiger kunnen zijn dan voor autochtone leeftijdgenoten: zij krijgen te maken met verschillende verwachtingspatronen in relatie tot hun identiteitsontwikkeling. Enerzijds kan het voor deze jongeren lastig zijn om te experimenteren met verschillende mogelijkheden, omdat in de Marokkaanse opvoeding respect en gehoorzaamheid centraal staan en omdat het idee dat de adolescentie een fase is waarin gee¨xperimenteerd mag worden door Marokkaanse ouders (nog) niet wordt gedeeld. Anderzijds blijkt uit verschillende onderzoeken dat zowel Marokkaanse jongens als meisjes wel degelijk mogelijkheden zien om verschillende alternatieven uit te proberen en uiteindelijk een eigen weg te gaan. In dit artikel worden de processen van het exploreren van mogelijkheden en het aangaan van bindingen van Marokkaanse jongeren bestudeerd in verschillende identiteitsdomeinen, waarbij de focus ligt op de deelidentiteit als moslim. Het artikel is gebaseerd op de uitkomsten van semigestructureerde interviews en een vragenlijst afgenomen bij tachtig scholieren van Marokkaanse afkomst in middelgrote steden in Nederland

    Checklist "Ik maak me zorgen. In gesprek met ouders"

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    Deze checklist is een productie van de leeropdracht Integrale aanpak kindermishandeling van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen, in samenwerking met het regionale leernetwerk Veilig Opgroeien VONK. Groningen, januari 2022
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