16 research outputs found

    Designing a Real-Time-Based Optical Character Recognition to Detect ID Cards

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    This research 0aims to design a Real-time ID card detection based on Optical Character Recognition (OCR). OCR detects and records information into CSV files using a camera. Hopefully, it can become one of the administrative solutions in Indonesia by using existing identity cards using OCR in real time. This research method was carried out independently in August 2021 using ID cards as objects. The tool involved was a 320x320 pixel webcam camera on an HP Intel Core i5 7th Gen notebook. The software used by Easy OCR was Pytorch-based. ID cards were detected using an algorithm by TensorFlow object detection with SSD MobileNet V2 FPNLite 320x320 as the pre-trained model of Tensorflow. The researchers collected ID card images using a webcam with various light conditions and orientations and label them using labeling. The researchers trained it with only 20 photos. After 3000 training steps, the researchers obtained about 0.17 loss and 0.95. Thus, the ID card detection tool using OCR runs well


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    This study aims to determine whether the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can be used to measure and determine the effectiveness of the UIN Raden Intan Lampung repository. This model will illustrate that have some factors influenced to decide using a new system, namely perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention to use, and actual system use. This test was applied to every instrument of questionnaires using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). This test results that every instrument of questionnaires can measure the efficiency of using the the UIN Raden Intan Lampung Repository and the use of respository in UIN RIL has fulfilled the four aspects of TAM. Keyword: confirmatory factor analysis; repository evaluation; technology acceptance modelABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas sebuah Repositori serta untuk mengetahui efektivitas Repositori UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Model ini akan memberikan gambaran bahwa ada sejumlah faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem yang baru, yakni: perceived ease of use (kemudahan), perceived usefulness (kebermanfaatan), behavioral intention to use (kecenderungan), dan actual system use. Hasil pengujian setiap instrument pertanyaan di masing-masing aspek penyusun Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dengan menggunakan metode Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) menunjukkan bahwa setiap instrument pertanyaan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengukur keefisienan penggunaan Repositori UIN Raden Intan Lampung dan penggunaan Respository UIN Raden Intan Lampung sudah memenuhi ke-empat aspek penyusun TAM


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    Di era globalisasi 4.0 perpustakaan yang berbasis teknologi informasi diharapkan mampu memberikan suatu kemudahan bagi pemustaka serta memberikan informasi yang lebih cepat dan tepat. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi informasi di perpustakaan dapat dilihat dari penerapan Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran dan pengaruh aplikasi SLiMS dalam sistem pengolahan bahan pustaka di perguruan tinggi serta apakah aplikasi SLiMS dapat mempermudah pemustaka dalam sistem temu balik informasi. Penerapan SLiMS pada sebuah perpustakaan merupakan bentuk dari perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini. Saat ini banyak perguruan tinggi yang sudah menerapkan aplikasi yang bernama SLiMS. Hal tersebut dikarenakan penerapan SLiMS pada perpustakaan memberikan banyak dampak positif, termasuk dalam pengolahan bahan pustuka. Manfaat penerapan SliMS dalam pengolahan bahan pustaka pada sebuah perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yaitu: mempermudah pekerjaan pustakawan, meningkatkan kinerja perpustakaan, meningkatkan performa dan produktivitas kerja pustakawan, dan memudahkan sistem temu kembali informasi

    The Role of Public Speaking in Islamic Religious Education Learning in the Digital Age

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    This study aims to determine the role of public speaking in Islamic religious education learning in the digital era. The Literature Review approach was employed for the analysis. Collection of Literature Study data, typically journal articles on Google, Google Scholar, and Research Gate, is one method of resolving difficulties by searching for previously written materials. Critical appraisal was used to analyze journal data derived from the outcomes of this literature study. Critical appraisal is a journal analysis technique that serves as the rationale for the differences, similarities, and flaws. The results suggest that the role of public speaking in Islamic religious education students in the digital era is a benchmark for the creation of character education, personality, culture, courteous, spiritual, creative, and inventive. As a result, teachers are expected to be role models for students and society in general through their public speaking ability


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    This paper aims to analyze the role of teacher librarians as agents of information literacy at Madania Parung Elementary School, Bogor. Librarians are information literacy agents in libraries. As the "agents", librarians have duties and responsibilities to users in information literacy. The teacher librarian as an information literacy agent has duties and responsibilities to its users, especially students to be information literate through the activities carried out. The Madania school library has a teacher librarian who can create information literate users from an early age. Therefore, this study examines the role of teacher librarians in information literacy. The research method used is qualitative with phenomenological methods. The results of the study can be seen as the teacher librarian is an information literacy agent at the Madania Parung Elementary School, Bogor. This can be seen from the three main roles of teacher librarians, namely teacher librarians as curriculum leaders; teacher librarians as information specialists; and teacher librarians as managers of information services. These three roles can be realized in activities carried out by teacher librarians, namely library classes, best readers, storytelling, and library tours by collaborating with various parties, both internal to the school and externally through collaboration with schools in the Bogor environment

    Development of Module Sharaf Using a Deductive Approach in The Diniyyah Putri Lampung Boarding School

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    This research aims (1) to produce a sharaf module on fi’l mujarrad and fi’l mazid’s material with a deductive approach that can be used as teaching material later, and (2) to test the feasibility of the product so it can be used effectively and efficiently. This research adopted the development research of Borg and Gall. This research was conducted at Diniyyah Putri Lampung Islamic Boarding School (PonPes), located in Negri Sakti Village, Gedong Tataan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. The deductive approach in this module starts with the provision of rules that must be understood and memorized. Examples are given. After that, the students have been allowed to do exercises to apply the rules or formulas that have been given. Through seven stages of development, the researcher produced a product in the form of a sharaf module with a deductive approach at Ponpes Diniyyah Putri Lampung. The use of products in Sharaf modules developed in this study can make it easier for students to follow Sharaf subjects, especially in fi'l mujarrad and fi'l mazid materials, until students master the ability of qowa'id Sharaf

    The Nenemo Philosophy of the West Tulang Bawang Community as a Media for Conflict Resolution and Local Politics

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    This scientific study is intended to examine in depth and comprehensively the form of the epistemological aspect of the Nenemo philosophy, the urgency of the Nenemo philosophy of the West Tulang Bawang community as a media for conflict resolution and local politics. This type of field research leads to naturalistic research, the nature of qualitative research, primary data sources with purposive sampling as the key informants can be representative and data processing methods obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation from community leaders and cultural experts. The data analysis method is inductive with the stages of reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Nenemo's philosophy itself has a philosophy of a multicultural society by reflecting hard work, nemen which means earnest, nedes which means resilient, and nerimo means sincerely accepting God's gift. In conflict resolution, as in the West Tulang Bawang community, the actual Nenemo philosophy values in applying customary law are also implemented in local law enforcement. Nenemo's philosophy has values and essential human values, reflecting the hardworking and socialist character. Therefore, it is very relevant to actualization as a model in local political development as this distinctive culture is to strive for the civilization of ethnic communities in the challenges of the times. This component is related to exemplary leadership and pioneering, which is carried out by not abandoning lofty ideals based on values born of conscience. Keywords: Nenemo, Philosophy, Culture, Society, Politics, Conflict Resolution


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    The Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision Work Unit (SATKER PSDKP) Lempasing Bandar Lampung is a Unit or Work Unit under the Jakarta Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision Base which is indirectly mandated by Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning amendments to Law number 31 of 2004 on fisheries. The web-based fishing boat monitoring application makes it easy for admins to find out the position of fishing boats and can send SMS Gateway messages to fishermen. Where the admin can detect the location of fishing boats by utilizing the android device used by fishermen and Google Maps Fire. This web-based monitoring is built using PHP, MySQL, GAMMU and bootstrap while the development method is Structured System Analysis and Design (SSAD). This monitoring will provide convenience for the Admin and the captain in detecting the location of the ship and the destination of the ship in looking for fish at se