12,007 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Solidification of a Supercooled Liquid in a Narrow Channel''

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    Comment on PRL v. 86, p. 5084 (2001) [cond-mat/0101016]. We point out that the authors' simulations are consistent with the known theory of steady-state solutions in this system

    Microscopic Selection of Fluid Fingering Pattern

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    We study the issue of the selection of viscous fingering patterns in the limit of small surface tension. Through detailed simulations of anisotropic fingering, we demonstrate conclusively that no selection independent of the small-scale cutoff (macroscopic selection) occurs in this system. Rather, the small-scale cutoff completely controls the pattern, even on short time scales, in accord with the theory of microscopic solvability. We demonstrate that ordered patterns are dynamically selected only for not too small surface tensions. For extremely small surface tensions, the system exhibits chaotic behavior and no regular pattern is realized.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of Conformal Maps for a Class of Non-Laplacian Growth Phenomena

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    Time-dependent conformal maps are used to model a class of growth phenomena limited by coupled non-Laplacian transport processes, such as nonlinear diffusion, advection, and electro-migration. Both continuous and stochastic dynamics are described by generalizing conformal-mapping techniques for viscous fingering and diffusion-limited aggregation, respectively. A general notion of time in stochastic growth is also introduced. The theory is applied to simulations of advection-diffusion-limited aggregation in a background potential flow. A universal crossover in morphology is observed from diffusion-limited to advection-limited fractal patterns with an associated crossover in the growth rate, controlled by a time-dependent effective Peclet number. Remarkably, the fractal dimension is not affected by advection, in spite of dramatic increases in anisotropy and growth rate, due to the persistence of diffusion limitation at small scales.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (six color plates

    Solution of an infection model near threshold

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    We study the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model of epidemics in the vicinity of the threshold infectivity. We derive the distribution of total outbreak size in the limit of large population size NN. This is accomplished by mapping the problem to the first passage time of a random walker subject to a drift that increases linearly with time. We recover the scaling results of Ben-Naim and Krapivsky that the effective maximal size of the outbreak scales as N2/3N^{2/3}, with the average scaling as N1/3N^{1/3}, with an explicit form for the scaling function

    Taylor dispersion of gyrotactic swimming micro-organisms in a linear flow

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    The theory of generalized Taylor dispersion for suspensions of Brownian particles is developed to study the dispersion of gyrotactic swimming micro-organisms in a linear shear flow. Such creatures are bottom-heavy and experience a gravitational torque which acts to right them when they are tipped away from the vertical. They also suffer a net viscous torque in the presence of a local vorticity field. The orientation of the cells is intrinsically random but the balance of the two torques results in a bias toward a preferred swimming direction. The micro-organisms are sufficiently large that Brownian motion is negligible but their random swimming across streamlines results in a mean velocity together with diffusion. As an example, we consider the case of vertical shear flow and calculate the diffusion coefficients for a suspension of the alga <i>Chlamydomonas nivalis</i>. This rational derivation is compared with earlier approximations for the diffusivity

    Quantum network of neutral atom clocks

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    We propose a protocol for creating a fully entangled GHZ-type state of neutral atoms in spatially separated optical atomic clocks. In our scheme, local operations make use of the strong dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg excitations, which give rise to fast and reliable quantum operations involving all atoms in the ensemble. The necessary entanglement between distant ensembles is mediated by single-photon quantum channels and collectively enhanced light-matter couplings. These techniques can be used to create the recently proposed quantum clock network based on neutral atom optical clocks. We specifically analyze a possible realization of this scheme using neutral Yb ensembles.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Evidence for J and H-band excess in classical T Tauri stars and the implications for disk structure and estimated ages

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    We argue that classical T Tauri stars (cTTs) possess significant non- photospheric excess in the J and H bands. We first show that normalizing the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of cTTs to the J-band leads to a poor fit of the optical fluxes, while normalizing the SEDs to the Ic-band produces a better fit to the optical bands and in many cases reveals the presence of a considerable excess at J and H. NIR spectroscopic veiling measurements from the literature support this result. We find that J and H-band excesses correlate well with the K-band excess, and that the J-K and H-K colors of the excess emission are consistent with that of a black body at the dust sublimation temperature (~ 1500-2000 K). We propose that this near-IR excess originates at a hot inner rim, analogous to those suggested to explain the near-IR bump in the SEDs of Herbig Ae/Be stars. To test our hypothesis, we use the model presented by Dullemond et al. (2001) to fit the photometry data between 0.5 um and 24 um of 10 cTTs associated with the Chamaeleon II molecular cloud. The models that best fit the data are those where the inner radius of the disk is larger than expected for a rim in thermal equilibrium with the photospheric radiation field alone. In particular, we find that large inner rims are necessary to account for the mid infrared fluxes (3.6-8.0 um) obtained by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Finally, we argue that deriving the stellar luminosities of cTTs by making bolometric corrections to the J-band fluxes systematically overestimates these luminosities. The overestimated luminosities translate into underestimated ages when the stars are placed in the H-R diagram. Thus, the results presented herein have important implications for the dissipation timescale of inner accretion disks.Comment: 45 pages, 13 figure

    Simulation and analysis of in vitro DNA evolution

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    We study theoretically the in vitro evolution of a DNA sequence by binding to a transcription factor. Using a simple model of protein-DNA binding and available binding constants for the Mnt protein, we perform large-scale, realistic simulations of evolution starting from a single DNA sequence. We identify different parameter regimes characterized by distinct evolutionary behaviors. For each regime we find analytical estimates which agree well with simulation results. For small population sizes, the DNA evolutional path is a random walk on a smooth landscape. While for large population sizes, the evolution dynamics can be well described by a mean-field theory. We also study how the details of the DNA-protein interaction affect the evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to PNA

    Influence of the temperature on the depinning transition of driven interfaces

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    We study the dynamics of a driven interface in a two-dimensional random-field Ising model close to the depinning transition at small but finite temperatures T using Glauber dynamics. A square lattice is considered with an interface initially in (11)-direction. The drift velocity v is analyzed for the first time using finite size scaling at T = 0 and additionally finite temperature scaling close to the depinning transition. In both cases a perfect data collapse is obtained from which we deduce beta = 1/3 for the exponent which determines the dependence of v on the driving field, nu = 1 for the exponent of the correlation length and delta = 5 for the exponent which determines the dependence of v on T.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, Figures included, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Phase-Field Model of Mode III Dynamic Fracture

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    We introduce a phenomenological continuum model for mode III dynamic fracture that is based on the phase-field methodology used extensively to model interfacial pattern formation. We couple a scalar field, which distinguishes between ``broken'' and ``unbroken'' states of the system, to the displacement field in a way that consistently includes both macroscopic elasticity and a simple rotationally invariant short scale description of breaking. We report two-dimensional simulations that yield steady-state crack motion in a strip geometry above the Griffith threshold.Comment: submitted to PR