62 research outputs found

    Redefining Faculty Workloads in a Physical Therapy Department: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this case study is to describe the creation and implementation of a sustainable workload model in the physical therapy department, as well as the outcomes resulting from that structure. Between 2002 and 2009, both scholarly productivity and faculty practice activity increased as a result of the redistribution of faculty efforts created by the new workload structure. This case demonstrates how the department has been able to successfully expand research and faculty practice while maintaining a high quality educational experience. The workload guidelines have enabled the collective core faculty to be productive in teaching, research/scholarship and service.

    Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an Estonian mine

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    My thesis is a study of what happens to the working class in the context of postsocialism, neoliberalisation and deindustrialisation. I explore the changing work and lives of Russian-speaking miners in Estonia, showing what it means to be a miner in a situation in which the working class has been stripped of its glorified status and stable and affluent lifestyle, and has been stigmatised and orientalised as Other. I argue that a consequence of neoliberal economy, entrepreneurialism and individualism is that ethnicity and class become overlapping categories and being Russian comes to mean being a worker. This has produced a particular set of practices, moralities and politics characterising the working class in contemporary Estonia, which is not only a result of its Soviet past and nostalgia, but also deeply embedded in the global economy following the 2008 economic crisis, and EU and national economic, security and ethnic policies. Miners try to maintain their autonomy and dignity. Despite stricter control of miners’ time and speeding up of the labour process, workers exercise control over the rhythm of work. The ideas of what it means to be a miner and ideals of a good society create a particular moral economy, demanding money and respect in return for sacrificing health and doing hard work. Increasing differences in consumption patterns are levelled with leisure activities such as drinking and sport that are available to all. New management practices such as outsourcing labour and performance reviews assist class formation processes that increase workers’ precarity and the differentiation between workers and engineers in a previously relatively equal community. Despite this, management practices often have unexpected outcomes in everyday situations in which actors with different worldviews and ambitions meet. Miners’ labour politics might not correspond to Western ideas of strong unionism, but show that trade unions can take different shapes depending on local context

    Effect of Running on Anterior Knee Laxity in Collegiate-Level Female Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Abstract: Agility running activities are commonly used in the latter stages of rehabilitation for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. However, the effects of agility running on anterior knee laxity in these patients have not been examined. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in anterior knee laxity before and after 30 minutes of agility running exercise. Subjects (N = 9) were female athletes ( X age = 20.1 ± 1.5 years; height = 171.7 ± 10.4 cm; weight = 65.7 ± 8.6 kg) with unilateral ACL reconstruction (central1/3) patella tendon graft, postoperation range = 9-52 months, X = 24.2 months). Measurements were made at 20° and 90° of knee flexion bilaterally with KT-1000 arthrometry IMEDmetric, San Diego, CA) and recorded in millimeters of displacement. Data were analyzed with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures (p < 0.05). Results showed no statistical differences between the ACLreconstructed knee and the normal knee at 20° and 90° knee flexion. The authors conclude that the central 1/3 patella tendon graft performs comparable to the normal knee when stressed with agility running exercise; therefore, agility exercise is an appropriate, safe, short-term activity

    Retro-trochanteric sciatica-like pain: current concept

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    The aim of this manuscript is to review the current knowledge in terms of retro-trochanteric pain syndrome, make recommendations for diagnosis and differential diagnosis and offer suggestions for treatment options. The terminology in the literature is confusing and these symptoms can be referred to as ‘greater trochanteric pain syndrome’, ‘trochanteric bursitis’ and ‘trochanteritis’, among other denominations. The authors focus on a special type of sciatica, i.e. retro-trochanteric pain radiating down to the lower extremity. The impact of different radiographic assessments is discussed. The authors recommend excluding pathology in the spine and pelvic area before following their suggested treatment algorithm for sciatica-like retro-trochanteric pain. Level of evidence II