182 research outputs found

    The Effect of Calorie Tracking on Eating Behaviors of University Students

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    This paper aims to determine whether tracking calories using a mobile application without any nutrition education has a positive effect on the eating behaviors of university students. The concurrent design, one of the mixed methods designs, was used to compare the quantitative and qualitative data analysis results. The participants are 108 university students who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. In the quantitative part of the study, a calorie tracking form was used; in the qualitative part, an interview form was used to determine eating behaviors. The students were not given any information about healthy nutrition and were only asked to track calories. The change in body mass index values obtained from the calorie tracking form is presented with the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. In evaluating the data obtained from the interview form determining eating behaviors, the data were categorized by content analysis, and the categories were presented as percentage values. According to the data obtained, it has been observed that positive behavioral changes in terms of nutrition can be created even without giving any information about healthy nutrition to the students, just by making them track calories. As a result of the activity, they became aware of which foods would make them gain weight and which would not and gained positive eating behaviors. Based on the results obtained from this study, recommendations for future studies and public health were made


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    The recent studies conducted in Turkey show that the theory of evolution still has not been accepted by the vast majority although the positive progress in science. Despite all the scientific studies on evolutionary education, evolution education has not been improved progressively over the time. It is the responsibility of the academic staff in biological sciences to teach the theory of evolution in the class effectively, and additionally the academic staff trains both today's students and the teachers of the future. Therefore, the views of academic staff in biological sciences will affect the next generation and the future teachers’ perception of the evolution. This study uses embedded design of mixed methods of research design that includes qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to analyze the ratio of the acceptance of the evolution theory by the academic staff in biological sciences. 245 academic staff answered an online questionnaire form. Considering the results, the academic staff in biological sciences should be the last ones who have doubts about accepting evolution, but the findings reveal that almost half of the academic staff in biological sciences does not have an absolute attitude towards the evolution theory. Their rejection of evolution strongly correlated with their religious beliefs. The future of evolution education in Turkey is not a positive one.  Article visualizations


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    Tedarik zinciri üyeleri birbiriyle sürekli etkileşim halindedir. Tedarik zincirinde bilginin paylaşımında ortaya çıkan aksaklıklar zincirde aksamalara ve verimsizliklere neden olur; aşırıstok yatırımlarıortaya çıkar, abartılısiparişseviyeleri ve maliyetlerin yükselmesine neden olan talep dalgalanmalarıoluşur. Bu çalışmada, tedarik zincirinde bilgi çarpıtmasının ortaya çıkardığıetkiler, kırbaç etkisi olarak adlandırılan bu durumun işletmelerde oluşturduğu olumsuzluklar ve çözüm yöntemleri ele alınmıştır

    Seborrheic keratoses: a distinctive diagnoses of pigmented vulvar lesions: a case report

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    Seborrheic keratoses, a benign growth lesion, is a very common cutaneous lesion encountered in white races in the fourth and fifth decade. The occurrence of this lesion on the vulva is rare, as an isolated lesion or in association with lesions elsewhere. A 34-year-old woman reported with a hyperpigmented palpable lesion, approximately 5-10 mm in diameter, was found on the patient's left labium majus. The clinical differential diagnosis of the pigmented lesions of the vulva is difficult often need a biopsy

    Intrauterine levobupivacaine for pain control during intrauterine device insertion

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    Background: Safe, effective, long term and a reversible contraception method is offered by intrauterine devices (IUDs).  The objective was to determine the potency of intrauterine administration of 5 cc levobupivacain for pain relief with IUD insertion, when compared with saline placebo.Methods: This was a prospective randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trial undergoing İUD insertion. The trial medication was intrauterine anesthesia, either 5 mL 0.9% saline (control group), or 5 mL 0.5% levobupivacaine. Our primary outcome was self-reported pain scores on a 10 cm visual analogue scale (VAS) immediately following IUD insertion.Results: 95 women were enrolled, and data for 88 women were analyzed. In IUD insertion procedure, no difference was observed between groups during teneculum placement and solution administration, in the course of VAS scores (p=0.349, p=0.396). There was a significant difference in the VAS scores measuring pain suffering during and after IUD procedure (p=0.001).Conclusions: Intrauterine instillation of 5 cc of levobupivacaine along with saline solution reduces pain with IUD insertion when compared to intrauterine saline placebo. Broad deviation in pain scores and persistent pain after IUD insertion recommends that patient would benefit from more functioning method of pain control than before at IUD insertion and during the post interval

    Diatom Silika İskeletleri ile Güçlendirilmiş Polihidroksibutirat-kohidroksivalerat/Pullulan Üç Boyutlu Doku İskelelerinin Kemik Doku Mühendisliğinde Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje01.11.2018Kemik dokusu kayıplarının tedavisinde kullanılan greft yaklaşımlarında donör kısıtlılığı,bulaşıcı hastalık ve immün reaksiyon riski ile karşılaşılmaktadır. Doku mühendisliği amacıylageliştirilen hücre taşıyıcıları bu sorunların önüne geçmektedir. Projede, kemik dokurejenerasyonunu destekleyecek, temelde doğal malzemelerden oluşan üç boyutlu yeni birtaşıyıcı geliştirilmiştir. Birlikte elektroeğirme yöntemiyle hazırlanan taşıyıcının birinci fiberyapısı temelde bakteriden üretilebilen Poli(3-hidroksibütrat-ko-3-hidroksivalerat) (PHBV) veyapıyı desteklemek için az miktarda Polikaprolakton (PCL) polimerinden, ikinci fiber isepullulan (PUL) polimeri ve tek-hücreli bir alg olan diatomun silika kabuklarından (DS)oluşmaktadır. DS parçacıkları taşıyıcıya eklenmeden önce saflaştırılmış, hücre canlılığınıdestekleyen konsantrasyon ve boyut özellikleri belirlenmiş ve elektroeğirme sırasında fiberleriçerisine başarıyla hapsedilebildiği gösterilmiştir. Projede öncelikle ticari olarak satın alınan(yurt dışı kaynaklı) PHBV ile taşıyıcının hazırlanma koşulları ve özellikleri araştırılmış, dahasonra proje kapsamında Cupriavidus necator bakteri suşu?ndan PHBV üretimi ve valeratyüzdesi optimize edilip bu polimerle taşıyıcılar hazırlanmış ve özellikleri karşılaştırılmıştır. İkifiberli hücre taşıyıcı yapı olarak PHBV/PCL/SA:PUL/DS grubu üretilmiş ve PUL fiberlerininelektroeğirme sırasında çapraz bağlanması için yeni bir yöntem sunulmuştur. Projede ayrıca,Sefuroksim aksetil (SA) antibiyotiği, hidrofobik olan PHBV fiberlerine elektroeğirme sırasındahapsedilmiştir. Geliştirilen bu yeni taşıyıcının yavaş hızda bozunduğu, çok az su alarakyapısını koruduğu, kontrollü antibiyotik salımını desteklediği, içerdiği DS ve çift fiber yapısısayesinde daha yüksek basma dayanımına sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Saos-2 hücreleriyleyapılan in vitro deneylerde DS içeren grupların daha yüksek hücre canlılığı sağladığı ve L929hücreleri ile yapılan deneylerde hidrofilik PUL fiberleri varlığı sayesinde birlikte elektroeğrilmiştaşıyıcıların canlılığı daha iyi desteklediği sonucu elde edilmiştir. SEM ve lazer taramalıkonfokal mikroskobu analizlerinde, hücrelerin taşıyıcı içinde yayıldığı, sağlıklı morfolojideolduğu görülmüştür. Projede üretilen PHBV ile hazırlanan taşıyıcılar aynı karakterizasyonaşamalarına tabi tutulmuştur ve hücre canlılığını aynı şekilde desteklediği görülmüştür.Projede, kemik doku kayıplarının tedavisi için ürüne dönüşme potansiyeli bulunan ve tümmalzemeleri ülkemiz kaynaklarından elde edilebilecek veya üretilebilecek yeni bir 3 boyutluhücre taşıyıcı geliştirilmiştir

    Relationship of glycemic control and diabetes duration with fibromyalgia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Aim: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome characterized by chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain, presence of specific tender points and other somatic symptoms. The objective of the present study was to identify the association of glycemic control and diabetes duration with FM based on 2016 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: A total of 275 consecutive patients with T2DM admitted to a university hospital setting were included in this cross-sectional study. FM was diagnosed based on ACR 2016 criteria in all patients. Age, gender, diabetes duration, and body mass index (BMI) were recorded and metabolic parameters were determined in all participants. Results: HbA1c and fasting blood glucose were not significantly different between patients with FM and without FM. Diabetes duration was independently associated with FM in patients with T2 DM. Conclusions: Development of FM in patients with T2DM was not associated with glycemic control but associated with diabetes duration. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of concomitant FM in long term diabetes patients complaining of pain, fatigue and cognitive symptoms because of its devastating effect on quality of life