24 research outputs found
Architecture of Smart Grid Testing Platform and Integration of MultiPower Laboratory
Traditional electrical grids are shifting towards Smart Grids that could deliver electricity in sustainable, economic and secure way. Simultaneously, characteristics of electrical grids are becoming much more complex that require development of several Smart Grid functionalities. This thesis studies architecture modeling of Smart Grid Testing Platform (SGTP) and integration of MultiPower laboratory. The architecture was defined in collaboration with research project team in a project called “Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources” (HEILA). Furthermore, the main goals are to produce an architecture model, which promotes specific Smart Grid related use cases, and interconnect the MultiPower laboratory with the platform.
This thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, background, challenges with Smart Grids, the HEILA project and MultiPower laboratory are introduced. Then, Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) Framework, tools and related architecture definitions in different projects are studied. In addition, information models defined by IEC 61850 standard and Common Information Model (CIM), Smart API, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols are studied because of their central role in the architecture model and integration. Secondly, results are presented with descriptions of the architecture model and integration process.
The architecture model presents how different actors cooperate in order to offer and use flexibility related services on distribution level. The architecture model increases level of details, adds functionalities and changes some of the protocols used when compared to the related architectures. Additionally, self-descriptive and more flexible messaging are introduced as messages contain semantic information and they are not bound to any specific format. The function positioning with two-way communications promotes decentralized data acquisition and control. Generally, that may ease market integration, privacy, autonomy and scalability issues. As a result, the architecture may promote development and utilization of different kind of flexibility related services and products. However, information objects should be added to the standard mapping on information layer of the model since it would increase level of details. The integration was successful since monitoring and controlling of the MultiPower equipment is possible with current version of the SGTP as tests demonstrate. Technical requirements in the use cases were fulfilled.
In future research work in the HEILA project message encryption, validation and CIM utilization should be considered. Moreover, Energy Management System (EMS) and equipment that is more suitable for routine testing should be considered for the MultiPower
Coalitional Game Theory based Value Sharing in Energy Communities
This paper presents a coalitional game for value sharing in energy communities (ECs). It is proved that the game is super-additive, and the grand coalition effectively increases the global payoff. It is also proved that the model is balanced and thus, it has a nonempty core. This means there always exists at least one value sharing mechanism that makes the grand coalition stable. Therefore, prosumers will always achieve lower bills if they join to form larger ECs. A counterexample is presented to demonstrate that the game is not convex and value sharing based on Shapley values does not necessarily ensure the stability of the coalition. To find a stabilizing value sharing mechanism that belongs to the core of the game, the worst-case excess minimization concept is applied. In this concept, however, size of the optimization problem increases exponentially with respect to the number of members in EC. To make the problem computationally tractable, the idea of clustering members based on their generation/load profiles and considering the same profile and share for members in the same cluster is proposed here. K-means algorithm is used for clustering prosumers’ profiles. This way, the problem would have several redundant constraints that can be removed. The redundant constraints are identified and removed via the generalized Llewellyn’s rules. Finally, value sharing in an apartment building in the southern part of Finland in the metropolitan area is studied to demonstrate effectiveness of the method
Coordination concepts for interactions between energy communities, markets and distribution grids
publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Sähkötilojen kuntokartoitus
Opinnäytetyö käsittelee Tampereen Energiantuotanto Oy:n Pirkanmaan alueella sijaitsevien kiinteiden lämpökeskusten sähkötilojen ja muun valitun sähkölaitteiston kuntokartoitusta ja parannusehdotusten kustannusarviota. Työn tavoitteena oli kerätä tiivis tietopaketti lämpökeskusten sähkölaitteiston kunnosta ja tehdä parannusehdotuksista kustannusarviot päätöksenteon tueksi.
Tavoitteisiin pyrittiin tutustumalla voimassa oleviin standardeihin, turvallisuusmääräyksiin ja tarkastuskäytäntöihin sekä laatimalla tarkastuspöytäkirja. Tarkastuspöytäkirjojen pohjalta tehtiin yhteenvedot ja sähkölaitteiston parannusehdotukset. Parannusehdotusten kustannusarviot koottiin käyttämällä tuotteiden listahintoja ja tilaajan varastohenkilökunnalta ja asiantuntijoilta saatuja tietoja.
Tarkastettu sähkölaitteisto oli laaja ja asennettu viidellä eri vuosikymmenellä. Laitteistossa oli hyvä-, tyydyttävä- ja välttäväkuntoisia laitteita. Yhtään huonokuntoista laitteistoa, jolla olisi välitön uusimis- tai korjaustarve, ei löytynyt. Kustannusarviot olivat n. 100–50 000 €. Suurin osa kustannusarvioiden summista oli minimaalisia, muutamia satoja euroa. Kustannusarvioiden suurimmat summat olivat Julkujärven ja Hervannan lämpökeskuksien parannusehdotuksilla.
Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että sähkölaitteisto oli yleisesti hyväkuntoinen. Julkujärven ja Hervannan lämpökeskusten parannusehdotusten pohjalta olisi hyvä tehdä lisätutkimuksia, joiden avulla selvitettäisiin uudistus- tai korjaustarve yksityiskohtaisemmin. Lisätutkimukset auttaisivat laitteiston lopullisen kunnostus- ja parannusohjelman laatimisessa.This bachelor’s thesis is about condition audit, proposals for improvements and estimates of their prices in Tampereen Energiantuotanto Ltd.’s fixed heating plants in Pirkanmaa area. The goals were to gather a compact information package about the condition of electrical installations and to estimate the costs of proposals for improvements to support decision making.
In order to meet these goals valid standards, safety regulations and running practice were studied and audit minutes were compiled. Based on the minutes summaries and proposals for improvements were made. When estimating the costs of the improvement proposals, retail prices and the warehouse staff’s as well as expert’s knowledge were taken into account.
The number of inspected electrical installations was high. The installations had been made in five decades. Electrical installations in good, satisfactory and tolerable conditions were found. There were no installations which would have been in bad condition and would have needed immediate repair. The cost estimates were between 100–50 000 €. The most of the cost estimates were small sums, a few hundred euros. In Julkujärvi and Hervanta heating plants cost estimates were the largest ones.
As a conclusion the condition of electrical installations was good in general. In Julkujärvi and Hervanta heating plants further detections should be made in more detailed way in order to make renovation and improvement plans for the installation
Architecture of Smart Grid Testing Platform and Integration of MultiPower Laboratory
Traditional electrical grids are shifting towards Smart Grids that could deliver electricity in sustainable, economic and secure way. Simultaneously, characteristics of electrical grids are becoming much more complex that require development of several Smart Grid functionalities. This thesis studies architecture modeling of Smart Grid Testing Platform (SGTP) and integration of MultiPower laboratory. The architecture was defined in collaboration with research project team in a project called “Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources” (HEILA). Furthermore, the main goals are to produce an architecture model, which promotes specific Smart Grid related use cases, and interconnect the MultiPower laboratory with the platform.
This thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, background, challenges with Smart Grids, the HEILA project and MultiPower laboratory are introduced. Then, Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) Framework, tools and related architecture definitions in different projects are studied. In addition, information models defined by IEC 61850 standard and Common Information Model (CIM), Smart API, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols are studied because of their central role in the architecture model and integration. Secondly, results are presented with descriptions of the architecture model and integration process.
The architecture model presents how different actors cooperate in order to offer and use flexibility related services on distribution level. The architecture model increases level of details, adds functionalities and changes some of the protocols used when compared to the related architectures. Additionally, self-descriptive and more flexible messaging are introduced as messages contain semantic information and they are not bound to any specific format. The function positioning with two-way communications promotes decentralized data acquisition and control. Generally, that may ease market integration, privacy, autonomy and scalability issues. As a result, the architecture may promote development and utilization of different kind of flexibility related services and products. However, information objects should be added to the standard mapping on information layer of the model since it would increase level of details. The integration was successful since monitoring and controlling of the MultiPower equipment is possible with current version of the SGTP as tests demonstrate. Technical requirements in the use cases were fulfilled.
In future research work in the HEILA project message encryption, validation and CIM utilization should be considered. Moreover, Energy Management System (EMS) and equipment that is more suitable for routine testing should be considered for the MultiPower
Architecture of Smart Grid Testing Platform and Integration of MultiPower Laboratory
Traditional electrical grids are shifting towards Smart Grids that could deliver electricity in sustainable, economic and secure way. Simultaneously, characteristics of electrical grids are becoming much more complex that require development of several Smart Grid functionalities. This thesis studies architecture modeling of Smart Grid Testing Platform (SGTP) and integration of MultiPower laboratory. The architecture was defined in collaboration with research project team in a project called “Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources” (HEILA). Furthermore, the main goals are to produce an architecture model, which promotes specific Smart Grid related use cases, and interconnect the MultiPower laboratory with the platform.
This thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, background, challenges with Smart Grids, the HEILA project and MultiPower laboratory are introduced. Then, Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) Framework, tools and related architecture definitions in different projects are studied. In addition, information models defined by IEC 61850 standard and Common Information Model (CIM), Smart API, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocols are studied because of their central role in the architecture model and integration. Secondly, results are presented with descriptions of the architecture model and integration process.
The architecture model presents how different actors cooperate in order to offer and use flexibility related services on distribution level. The architecture model increases level of details, adds functionalities and changes some of the protocols used when compared to the related architectures. Additionally, self-descriptive and more flexible messaging are introduced as messages contain semantic information and they are not bound to any specific format. The function positioning with two-way communications promotes decentralized data acquisition and control. Generally, that may ease market integration, privacy, autonomy and scalability issues. As a result, the architecture may promote development and utilization of different kind of flexibility related services and products. However, information objects should be added to the standard mapping on information layer of the model since it would increase level of details. The integration was successful since monitoring and controlling of the MultiPower equipment is possible with current version of the SGTP as tests demonstrate. Technical requirements in the use cases were fulfilled.
In future research work in the HEILA project message encryption, validation and CIM utilization should be considered. Moreover, Energy Management System (EMS) and equipment that is more suitable for routine testing should be considered for the MultiPower