587 research outputs found

    Differential Durability and the Life Cycle of Buildings

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    This paper presents findings from research conducted into the differential durability of major components comprising modern buildings, and how this impacts their life cycle energy demand, and hence their sustainability. The purpose of the research is to provide architects with better insights into the life cycle energy implications of material, assembly and system selections. Differential durability is a term used to describe how the useful service life of building components, such as structure, envelope, finishes and services, differs - both between components, and within the materials, assemblies and systems comprising the components. A fuller consideration of recurring embodied energy (maintenance, repair, retrofit and replacement) during the design process has the potential to realize significant opportunities for enhancing the life cycle sustainability of modern buildings. A review of international research generally indicates that with exception to structural elements, all of the other components require varying levels of maintenance, repair and replacement during the life cycle of the building. The extent and intensity of these recurring embodied energy demands vary significantly, depending on how appropriately the durability of materials, assemblies and systems are harmonized, and how accessible they are for periodic maintenance, repair and replacement

    Metaphoric Expressions of the Students about the Concept of Happiness

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    This study aims to reveal the views of students about the concept of happiness through metaphors. The study was designed in descriptive model and analysed with metaphor analysis, a qualitative research method. 188 students who were selected by snowball sampling technique and studying in secondary and high schools constituted the sample of the study. The data collected through a semi-structured interview form was analyzed by content analysis. The results show that the students defined happiness and happiness at school as “a temporary, hard to reach, an increasing and enriching feeling and a state of freedom.” However, , it was also revealed that while the metaphors produced by students about happiness have more positive characteristics; the metaphors produced for the concept of happiness at school have mostly negative characteristics. In this sense, the students described happiness at school with such characteristics as “temporary, impossible, hard to reach, changeable, virtual and defined it as a state of obligation, despair, dependence, loneliness, a form of obligatory relationship and an expression of negative experience and produced metaphors in accordance with these


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    In the current study, is aimed to reveal what kind of practices can be good examples in the first literacy teaching process based on the opinions of primary teachers. For this purpose, the study was designed according to the nested single case design, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of the study is composed of eighteen primary teachers selected by using the criterion sampling method. A standardized open-ended interview form was used as a data collection tool, and the obtained data were analyzed using content analysis. According to the results obtained, the primary school teachers are of the opinion that including games and materials necessary for these games, using digital platforms related to literacy, doing dictation exercises, rhyme reciting, teaching with rhythm and music, creating stories and regular reading activities in the classroom are useful in the initial literacy teaching process. Outside the classroom, it was determined that they found practices such as making children play in the schoolyard, ensuring parental support, giving less homework, using WEB 2.0 tools, recommending mobile literacy applications and writing exercises with natural materials. The primary teachers made suggestions to increase the quality of the initial literacy teaching process, such as using gamification, giving greater importance to practice, creating positive emotions in parents and children, and taking into account the developmental characteristics of children

    Sultan Alp Arslan’s Leadership Characteristics

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    Büyük Selçuklu Devleti Sultanı Alp Arslan, Türk ve Dünya tarihinin önde gelen hükümdarlarından biridir. Saltanat sürdüğü 1063-1072 yılları arasındaki dönemde çok büyük başarılar elde etmiştir. Hiç şüphe yok ki bu başarılar arasında en önemlisi 1071 yılında kazandığı Malazgirt Savaşı’dır. Zaferin kazanılmasında sultana yardımcı pek çok etken olmakla birlikte, Alp Arslan siyasî ve askeri lider olma vasıflarını en belirgin bir şekilde burada göstermiştir. Bu üstün özelliklerin savaşın kazanılmasında oynadığı rol büyüktür. İşte bu nedenle Alp Arslan’ı büyük bir hükümdar ve kumandan yapan liderlik özelliklerini bu çalışma ile ilgililere ve ilim alemine kaynaklara dayalı bir şekilde sunmaya çalışacağız.Sultan Alp Arslan of the Great Seljuk State is one of the foremost rulers of Turkish and World history. During his reign as sultan from 1063 to 1072, Alp Arslan achieved many successes but doutless the most important one was his victory at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. Although there were many factors that aided the sultan in gaining this victory, here is where Alp Arslan demonstrated most clearly his political and military qualities. These superior characteristics played a major role in winning the battle. For this reason, in this study we will endeavor to identify the leadership characteristics that made Alp Arslan a great ruler and commander and present our source-based results to those who are interested and to the scholarly world at large

    The Views of Educational Constituencies about the Compulsory Religious Culture and Morality Education Course

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    In this qualitative study aiming to identify the views of educational constituencies (teachers and academics) about compulsory Religious Culture and Morality Education (RCME) course. The study was designed as a case study and the study group constituted 53 participants, who are graduate teachers and postgraduate students who are studying at the Graduate School of Education.  The data of the study were gathered through face to face interviews using semi-structured interview forms.  The results of the study suggest that the view of the participants regarding religion education is parallel to the general discussions and critics in the society.  In this sense, the study has demonstrated that while some of the participants support the current practice compulsary religion education; a great majority of the participants do not approve both the current practice and the content of the course and they suggested that RCME course should be taught electively in accordance with the demands of students or their parents and the content of the course should be enlarged in a way to include different religions, beliefs and denominations. Accordingly, RCME course should be revised in terms of both its content and status of delivery

    The Opinions of Teachers About the Innovation Level of Their Schools

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    This study aims to determine the opinions of teachers about the innovation level of their schools. The sample of this research includes 471 teachers working in primary and secondary schools in Sinop, a city in Turkey. “Innovative School Scale” developed by Aslan and Kesik (2017) was used in order to collect data in this study. Percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, T-test and one-way ANOVA were performed to determine teachers' opinions about the innovation level of their schools according to the demographic variables. The findings show that the opinions of teachers about the innovation level of their schools are quite high with a level of “often” in the dimensions of innovative atmosphere, administrative support and the overall scale and with a level of “sometimes” in the organizational impediments. While the teachers’ opinions indicate no significant differences regarding their genders, they show significant differences regarding their subject areas, years of teaching experience and teaching level of school. According to findings, branch teachers, teachers working in secondary schools and teachers having 21 or more years of teaching experience were found to have a higher level of opinions about the innovation level of their schools. The findings and suggestions obtained by the results are expected to contribute to the discussions and literature about increasing innovation level of schools

    Percepcja i wymowa dzieci polskiego pochodzenia, wychowywanych w niemieckim środowisku językowym

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    2. Beschreibung der Ziele/ Methoden/ Verfahren: In dem ersten Teil meiner Arbeit versuche ich folgende Fragen zu beantworten: Ist es wirklich gut, wenn man sehr früh anfängt, eine Fremdsprache zu erlernen? In welchem Alter sind die Kinder aus biologischer Hinsicht dafür am besten vorbereitet? In diesem Teil stütze ich mich nur auf die Literatur und Meinungen einiger angesehener Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem Thema seit langem beschäftigen. Zunächst möchte ich erklären, was der Unterschied zwischen Fremdsprache, Zweitsprache und Zweisprachigkeit ist und in welchem Verhältnis sie zueinander stehen. In einem weiteren Punkt folgt eine Einführung in die Welt der Phonetik und Phonologie der polnischen Sprache. Zunächst präsentiere ich Ziele, Probleme, Hypothesen meiner eigenen Forschungen. Ich habe dargestellt, wo, mit wem, mit welchen Hilfsmaterialien, und auf welche Art und Weise, ich meine Forschungen geführt habe. Das nächste große Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit meinen Forschungen selbst. Ich habe sie in der polnischen Schule namens Jan des III Sobieski der Botschaft der Republik Polen in Wien durchgeführt. Ich habe mit Kindern aus der Vorschule und der ersten Klasse dieser Schule geforscht. Außer der vergleichenden Analyse der Ergebnisse von jüngeren und älteren Kindern habe ich anhand der einzelnen Beispiele die typischen Probleme dargestellt, welche die Kinder von der Polnischen Schule bei der Wahrnehmung und Aussprache haben. Im Anschluss dazu folgt eine Konfrontation der erhaltenen Ergebnisse mit den früher gestellten Hypothesen

    Developing and Testing Visual Privacy Metrics

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    The dense redevelopment of inner cities (intensification) has been accompanied by a dramatic surge in the development of multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) within ever shrinking proximities to one another. Modern multi-unit residential building design often embodies conflicting desires for daylighting and visual privacy, or designers simply do not consider collective occupant discomfort factors. Thus, the focus of this project was to develop and validate conceptual and quantitative variables influencing visual privacy, such that future and existing residential designs can be analyzed from a visual privacy perspective. This paper formulates an approach that combines building physics (visual angles and relative brightness) with social and psychological factors to avoid conflicts between competing aspirations for sustainable and resilient buildings that promote occupant wellbeing

    Safety and efficacy of endovascular treatment for carotid artery stenoses using proximal protection systems: 30-day follow-up

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    Introduction. Although surgical endarterectomy remains the treatment of choice for carotid artery stenosis, carotid artery stenting (CAS) with use of proximal protection systems (PPS) plays an important role as alternative treatment modality, especially in high risk patients. This study was aimed at the assessment of safety of CAS with use of the PPS and also at identification of risk factors associated with this procedure. Material and methods. This was a post hoc analysis, with 30-day follow-up. We analysed results of treatment of 94 patients who underwent 97 CAS with PPS, 47 such procedures in asymptomatic, and 50 in symptomatic individuals. Results. There were 0 strokes during 30-day follow-up. Transient ischaemic attacks occurred in 2 patients (2%) in symptomatic group. Risk factors of these adverse events comprised: tortuosity of the managed artery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, long lesion of the internal carotid artery and history of myocardial infarction. Conclusions. CAS with the use of PPS seems to be a relatively very safe procedure in high risk patients.Introduction. Although surgical endarterectomy remains the treatment of choice for carotid artery stenosis, carotid artery stenting (CAS) with use of proximal protection systems (PPS) plays an important role as alternative treatment modality, especially in high risk patients. This study was aimed at the assessment of safety of CAS with use of the PPS and also at identification of risk factors associated with this procedure. Material and methods. This was a post hoc analysis, with 30-day follow-up. We analysed results of treatment of 94 patients who underwent 97 CAS with PPS, 47 such procedures in asymptomatic, and 50 in symptomatic individuals. Results. There were 0 strokes during 30-day follow-up. Transient ischaemic attacks occurred in 2 patients (2%) in symptomatic group. Risk factors of these adverse events comprised: tortuosity of the managed artery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, long lesion of the internal carotid artery and history of myocardial infarction. Conclusions. CAS with the use of PPS seems to be a relatively very safe procedure in high risk patients