666 research outputs found

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    Before 1971, all the electronics were based on three basic circuit elements. Until a professor from UCBerkeley reasoned that another basic circuit element exists, which he called memristor; characterized bythe relationship between the charge and the flux-linkage. A memristor is essentially a resistor withmemory. The resistance of a memristor (memristance) depends on the amount of current that is passingthrough the device. In 2008, a research group at HP Labs succeeded to build an actual physical memristor. HP's memristorwas a nanometer scale titanium dioxide thin film, composed of two doped and undoped regions,sandwiched between two platinum contacts. After this breakthrough, a huge amount of research startedwith the aim of better realization of the device and discovering more possible applications of thememristor. In this report, it is attempted to cover a proper amount of information about the history, introduction,implementation, modeling and applications of the device. But the main focus of this study is onmemristor modeling. Four papers on modeling of the memristor were considered, and since there wereno cadence models available in the literature at the time, it was decided to develop some cadencemodels. So, cadence models from the mentioned papers were designed and simulated. From the samemodeling papers some veriloga models were written as well. Unfortunately, due to some limitation of thedesign tool, some of the models failed to provide the expected results, but still the functioning modelsshow satisfactory results that can be used in the circuit simulations of memristors

    Assessment of a common nonlinear eddy-viscosity turbulence model in capturing laminarization in mixed convection flows

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    Laminarization is an important topic in heat transfer and turbulence modeling. Recent studies have demonstrated that several well-known turbulence models failed to provide accurate prediction when applied to mixed convection flows with significant re-laminarization effects. One of those models, a well-validated cubic nonlinear eddy-viscosity model, was observed to miss this feature entirely. This paper studies the reasons behind this failure by providing a detailed comparison with the baseline Launder–Sharma model. The difference is attributed to the method of near-wall damping. A range of tests have been conducted and two noteworthy findings are reported for the case of flow re-laminarization

    Tender is the Night: The Historical Configuration of the Failure of the American Dream

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    Tender is the Night is F. Scott Fitzgerald's fourth novel with its anti-sentimental language and depiction of events was marked as one of the most outstanding fictions of the 1930s offering a conspicuous criterion of American fiction since the World War I. The influences of a rich history are apparent in it. The most important events, several themes and some critic's idea, major characters in relation to that era, and Fitzgerald's purpose of creating the major hero of the novel who was ruined by means of his own idealism are analyzed in this article. The dominant setting is the chaotic Western world of post-war which reveals new bindings between the content of Tender and the Western history in relation to World War I, and the story of the protagonist is a microcosm of that history, a chronicle of post- war loss of the kinds of identities associated with stable societies, social altruism and personal responsibility

    Reflection of Hemingway and Fitzgerald’s Health Problems in Their Literary Heritages

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    This paper will demonstrate how Ernest Hemingway and F. Scot Fitzgerald’s experience with their own health problems, influence on their life and writing. Both of them consumed alcohol a lot and they took several physical problems from drinking. While they were fighting with different illnesses and problems, they managed their creative writings forward to illness and death. From the First World War; Hemingway had physical and emotional injuries that according to them wrote his A Farewell to Arms. As F.Scot Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda had mental problem, that time physical penance and healthcare were main themes in his writing

    Expressing Effective Criteria on the Physical Identity of the Urban Street Walls (Case Study: Hafez Street, Shiraz)

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    Urban bodies are effective elements that affect the quality of urban spaces, its improvement causes better quality of the city. Because, streetscape is another main components of urban buildings having impact on visual and physical quality of the building and urban spaces. Resulting in effective decision making by planners. The building's façade, urban walls overlooking the streets and squares are considered as influencing environmental element in context to improve the physical identity quality and aesthetic of the urban spaces. The present study, investigate the urban walls and its role in the quality of physical identity of façade. Then, the Hafez Street, Shiraz and the effective element for the physical identity of this street walls was investigated. It was found that how the obtained results can be used in future research to organize and optimize the walls and street facades.   The research implies analytical-applied method, data was collected through questionnaire. The Morgan table has been used to specify the number of questionnaires. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data analyses were done using Pearson correlation coefficient and SPSS. The correlation test results between the variables by experts and visitors viewpoints presented as agreed and dis-agreed percentage of each independent variables.   The findings showed that indicators ground connecting line, complexity and contrast, positive and negative surfaces, diversity of structure, human scale and skyline, have maximum impact on physical identity of the street walls according to visitors. The experts viewpoints indicators, diversity of structure, complexity and contrast, ground connecting line, human scale, positive and negative surfaces, and rhythm and harmony have maximum impact on physical identity of the Hafez street walls
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