576 research outputs found

    Detection rate of actionable mutations in diverse cancers using a biopsy-free (blood) circulating tumor cell DNA assay.

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    Analysis of cell-free DNA using next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a powerful tool for the detection/monitoring of alterations present in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). Plasma extracted from 171 patients with a variety of cancers was analyzed for ctDNA (54 genes and copy number variants (CNVs) in three genes (EGFR, ERBB2 and MET)). The most represented cancers were lung (23%), breast (23%), and glioblastoma (19%). Ninety-nine patients (58%) had at least one detectable alteration. The most frequent alterations were TP53 (29.8%), followed by EGFR (17.5%), MET (10.5%), PIK3CA (7%), and NOTCH1 (5.8%). In contrast, of 222 healthy volunteers, only one had an aberration (TP53). Ninety patients with non-brain tumors had a discernible aberration (65% of 138 patients; in 70% of non-brain tumor patients with an alteration, the anomaly was potentially actionable). Interestingly, nine of 33 patients (27%) with glioblastoma had an alteration (6/33 (18%) potentially actionable). Overall, sixty-nine patients had potentially actionable alterations (40% of total; 69.7% of patients (69/99) with alterations); 68 patients (40% of total; 69% of patients with alterations), by a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drug. In summary, 65% of diverse cancers (as well as 27% of glioblastomas) had detectable ctDNA aberration(s), with the majority theoretically actionable by an approved agent

    SMN1 dosage analysis in spinal muscular atrophy from India

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    BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) represents the second most common fatal autosomal recessive disorder after cystic fibrosis. Due to the high carrier frequency, the burden of this genetic disorder is very heavy in developing countries like India. As there is no cure or effective treatment, genetic counseling becomes very important in disease management. SMN1 dosage analysis results can be utilized for identifying carriers before offering prenatal diagnosis in the context of genetic counseling. METHODS: In the present study we analyzed the carrier status of parents and sibs of proven SMA patients. In addition, SMN1 copy number was determined in suspected SMA patients and parents of children with a clinical diagnosis of SMA. RESULTS: wenty nine DNA samples were analyzed by quantitative PCR to determine the number of SMN1 gene copies present, and 17 of these were found to have one SMN1 gene copy. The parents of confirmed SMA patients were found to be obligate carriers of the disease. Dosage analysis was useful in ruling out clinical suspicion of SMA in four patients. In a family with history of a deceased floppy infant and two abortions, both parents were found to be carriers of SMA and prenatal diagnosis could be offered in future pregnancies. CONCLUSION: SMN1 copy number analysis is an important parameter for identification of couples at risk for having a child affected with SMA and reduces unwarranted prenatal diagnosis for SMA. The dosage analysis is also useful for the counseling of clinically suspected SMA with a negative diagnostic SMA test

    Biomarker and Histopathology Evaluation of Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Galunisertib, Lomustine, or the Combination of Galunisertib and Lomustine

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    Galunisertib, a Transforming growth factor-Ī²RI (TGF-Ī²RI) kinase inhibitor, blocks TGF-Ī²-mediated tumor growth in glioblastoma. In a three-arm study of galunisertib (300 mg/day) monotherapy (intermittent dosing; each cycle =14 days on/14 days off), lomustine monotherapy, and galunisertib plus lomustine therapy, baseline tumor tissue was evaluated to identify markers associated with tumor stage (e.g., histopathology, Ki67, glial fibrillary acidic protein) and TGF-Ī²-related signaling (e.g., pSMAD2). Other pharmacodynamic assessments included chemokine, cytokine, and T cell subsets alterations. 158 patients were randomized to galunisertib plus lomustine (n = 79), galunisertib (n = 39) and placebo+lomustine (n = 40). In 127 of these patients, tissue was adequate for central pathology review and biomarker work. Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1) negative glioblastoma patients with baseline pSMAD2+ in cytoplasm had median overall survival (OS) 9.5 months vs. 6.9 months for patients with no tumor pSMAD2 expression (p = 0.4574). Eight patients were IDH1 R132H+ and had a median OS of 10.4 months compared to 6.9 months for patients with negative IDH1 R132H (p = 0.5452). IDH1 status was associated with numerically higher plasma macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC/CCL22), higher whole blood FOXP3, and reduced tumor CD3+ T cell counts. Compared to the baseline, treatment with galunisertib monotherapy preserved CD4+ T cell counts, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and the CD4/CD8 ratio. The T-regulatory cell compartment was associated with better OS with MDC/CCL22 as a prominent prognostic marker. View Full-Tex

    Validation of a Cephalad Fluid Shift Countermeasure

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    INTRODUCTION: This project will provide critical data required to objectively determine how an optimized thigh cuff could be incorporated into the NASA integrated physiological countermeasure suite. This project will determine if thigh cuffs used during simulated spaceflight impact intracranial pressure (ICP), ocular structure and function, and intraocular pressure (IOP) using state of-the-art techniques. Additionally, some of the same methods, hardware, and protocols will be employed in the present investigation to enable direct comparisons to the International Space Station (ISS) "Fluid Shifts" experiment with Chibis-Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP). This study will determine the temporal physiological responses of thigh cuff application and removal on ocular and cerebral variables (including invasive ICP) in a microgravity analog. Furthermore, this proposed study will determine tissue pressure distribution applied by thigh cuffs in order to improve comfort, mobility, and efficacy of the countermeasure. Our specific aim is to determine the efficacy of a novel thigh cuff device to mitigate cephalad fluid shifts. We hypothesize that a thigh cuff countermeasure employed in a microgravity analog will temporarily reverse or attenuate ocular and cerebral-volume-pressure variables, approaching normal Earth-based seated posture, the most frequent posture assumed in daily life. In addition, we hypothesize that the magnitude of fluid and pressure redistribution using a thigh cuff countermeasure may require a longer exposure time than that of Chibis-LBNP (using ground-based data from our "Fluid Shifts" project). This project directly addresses Critical Path Roadmap Risks and Questions regarding "Risk of Spaceflight-Induced Intracranial Hypertension/Vision Alterations," and IRP Gap VIIP13: We need to identify preventative and treatment countermeasures to mitigate changes in ocular structure and function and intracranial pressure during spaceflight. METHODS: Noninvasive measures and tissue pressure distributions beneath thigh cuffs The objectives of this study are to: 1) determine the distribution of skin surface pressures beneath the advanced thigh cuff in ten subjects, 2) calibrate the built-in pressure measurement system of the advanced thigh cuff using an industry standard device, and 3) collect subjective feedback and data on the new cuff design to allow for further adjustments prior to invasive studies. A Tekscan Industrial Sensing (I-Scan) system will measure the pressure distribution of the advanced thigh cuff against the skin. In addition, we will measure blood pooling in the thigh and record the circumference of the thigh using Hokanson strain gauge plethysmography. The advanced thigh cuff will be adjusted to obtain a skin contact pressure of 30-50 mmHg as visualized on the Tekscan system. The built-in advanced thigh cuff pressure monitor will be recorded simultaneously to allow direct comparison to the Tekscan measurements. The volunteer will then remove the thigh cuff and remain at rest for five minutes with no legging applied. The thigh cuff will be donned again and pressure measurements will be taken in the same manner for up to 10 repetitions to show reproducibility of pressure after donning. At the conclusion of the study, subjects will be asked to flex their knee, stand, walk, and sit with the thigh cuff activated. During each of these maneuvers the subject will rate their pain/comfort using a modified Borg scale. Effect of thigh cuffs on ICP during simulated microgravity Ommaya reservoir patients will be recruited from the John Wayne Cancer Institute. Ommaya reservoirs provide safe and direct access for the measurement of ICP. Subjects will be instrumented for continuous blood pressure, ECG, and invasive ICP measures. The subjects will be positioned in the upright sitting posture for a 10-minute stabilization period. After the 10-minute stabilization period, imaging measures [ICP, Optical Coherence Tomography, IOP, ocular and vascular ultrasound] will be performed. Following baseline seated measures, the subject will be positioned randomly in the supine, 15deg head-down-tilt, and 15deg head-down-tilt with thigh cuffs and measures repeated. DISCUSSION: Tests to down-select thigh cuff designs will occur in early 2016. Invasive ICP and noninvasive eye imaging tests will begin in spring 2016. Supported by NSBRI through NCC 9-58

    Study of survival of motor neuron (SMN) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) gene deletions in SMA patients

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    In view of the paucity of deletion studies of survival of motor neuron (SMN) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein (NAIP) genes in Indian SMA patients, this study has been undertaken to determine the status of SMN1, SMN2 and NAIP gene deletions in Indian SMA patients. Clinically and neurophysiologically diagnosed SMA patients were included in the study. A gene deletion study was carried out in 45 proximal SMA patients and 50 controls of the same ethnic group. Both SMN1 and NAIP genes showed homozygous absence in 76 % and 31 % respectively in proximal SMA patients. It is proposed that the lower deletion frequency of SMN1 gene in Indian patients may be due to mutations present in other genes or population variation, which need further study

    Longitudinal MRI evidence for decreased survival among periventricular glioblastoma

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    While the prognosis of patients with glioblastoma (GBM) remains poor despite recent therapeutic advances, variable survival times suggest wide variation in tumor biology and an opportunity for stratified intervention. We used volumetric analysis and morphometrics to measure the spatial relationship between subventricular zone (SVZ) proximity and survival in a cohort of 39 newly diagnosed GBM patients. We collected T2-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI) at pre-operative, post-operative, pre-radiation therapy, and post-radiation therapy time points, measured tumor volumes and distances to the SVZ, and collected clinical data. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression showed that tumors involving the SVZ and tumor growth rate during radiation therapy were independent predictors of shorter progression-free and overall survival. These results suggest that GBMs in close proximity to the ependymal surface of the ventricles convey a worse prognosis-an observation that may be useful for stratifying treatment

    A Methodological Review of Tools That Assess Dust Microbiomes, Metatranscriptomes and the Particulate Chemistry of Indoor Dust

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    Indoor house dust is a blend of organic and inorganic materials, upon which diverse microbial communities such as viruses, bacteria and fungi reside. Adequate moisture in the indoor environment helps microbial communities multiply fast. The outdoor air and materials that are brought into the buildings by airflow, sandstorms, animals pets and house occupants endow the indoor dust particles with extra features that impact human health. Assessment of the health effects of indoor dust particles, the type of indoor microbial inoculants and the secreted enzymes by indoor insects as allergens merit detailed investigation. Here, we discuss the applications of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology which is used to assess microbial diversity and abundance of the indoor dust environments. Likewise, the applications of NGS are discussed to monitor the gene expression profiles of indoor human occupants or their surrogate cellular models when exposed to aqueous solution of collected indoor dust samples. We also highlight the detection methods of dust allergens and analytical procedures that quantify the chemical nature of indoor particulate matter with a potential impact on human health. Our review is thus unique in advocating the applications of interdisciplinary approaches that comprehensively assess the health effects due to bad air quality in built environments

    Olig2-Regulated Lineage-Restricted Pathway Controls Replication Competence in Neural Stem Cells and Malignant Glioma

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    Recent studies have identified stem cells in brain cancer. However, their relationship to normal CNS progenitors, including dependence on common lineage-restricted pathways, is unclear. We observe expression of the CNS-restricted transcription factor, OLIG2, in human glioma stem and progenitor cells reminiscent of type C transit-amplifying cells in germinal zones of the adult brain. Olig2 function is required for proliferation of neural progenitors and for glioma formation in a genetically relevant murine model. Moreover, we show p21^(WAF1/CIP1), a tumor suppressor and inhibitor of stem cell proliferation, is directly repressed by OLIG2 in neural progenitors and gliomas. Our findings identify an Olig2-regulated lineage-restricted pathway critical for proliferation of normal and tumorigenic CNS stem cells

    Metagenomic Analysis of the Outdoor Dust Microbiomes: A Case Study from Abu Dhabi, UAE

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    Outdoor dust covers a shattered range of microbial agents from land over transportation, human microbial flora, which includes pathogen and commensals, and airborne from the environment. Dust aerosols are rich in bacterial communities that have a major impact on human health and living environments. In this study, outdoor samples from roadside barricades, safety walls, and fences (18 samples) were collected from Abu Dhabi, UAE and bacterial diversity was assessed through a 16S rRNA amplicon next generation sequencing approach. Clean data from HiSeq produced 1,099,892 total reads pairs for 18 samples. For all samples, taxonomic classifications were assigned to the OTUs (operational taxonomic units) representative sequence using the Ribosomal Database Project database. Analysis such as alpha diversity, beta diversity, differential species analysis, and species relative abundance were performed in the clustering of samples and a functional profile heat map was obtained from the OTUs by using bioinformatics tools. A total of 2814 OTUs were identified from those samples with a coverage of more than 99%. In the phylum, all 18 samples had most of the bacterial groups such as Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. Twelve samples had Propionibacteria acnes and were mainly found in RD16 and RD3. Major bacteria species such as Propionibacteria acnes, Bacillus persicus, and Staphylococcus captis were found in all samples. Most of the samples had Streptococcus mitis, Staphylococcus capitis. and Nafulsella turpanensis and Enhydrobacter aerosaccus was part of the normal microbes of the skin. Salinimicrobium sp., Bacillus alkalisediminis, and Bacillus persicus are halophilic bacteria found in sediments. The heat map clustered the samples and species in vertical and horizontal classification, which represents the relationship between the samples and bacterial diversity. The heat map for the functional profile had high properties of amino acids, carbohydrate, and cofactor and vitamin metabolisms of all bacterial species from all samples. Taken together, our analyses are very relevant from the perspective of out-door air quality, airborne diseases, and epidemics, with broader implications for health safety and monitoring
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