231 research outputs found

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    Generalized Interpolation Material Point Approach to High Melting Explosive with Cavities Under Shock

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    Criterion for contacting is critically important for the Generalized Interpolation Material Point(GIMP) method. We present an improved criterion by adding a switching function. With the method dynamical response of high melting explosive(HMX) with cavities under shock is investigated. The physical model used in the present work is an elastic-to-plastic and thermal-dynamical model with Mie-Gr\"uneissen equation of state. We mainly concern the influence of various parameters, including the impacting velocity vv, cavity size RR, etc, to the dynamical and thermodynamical behaviors of the material. For the colliding of two bodies with a cavity in each, a secondary impacting is observed. Correspondingly, the separation distance DD of the two bodies has a maximum value DmaxD_{\max} in between the initial and second impacts. When the initial impacting velocity vv is not large enough, the cavity collapses in a nearly symmetric fashion, the maximum separation distance DmaxD_{\max} increases with vv. When the initial shock wave is strong enough to collapse the cavity asymmetrically along the shock direction, the variation of DmaxD_{\max} with vv does not show monotonic behavior. Our numerical results show clear indication that the existence of cavities in explosive helps the creation of ``hot spots''.Comment: Figs.2,4,7,11 in JPG format; Accepted for publication in J. Phys. D: Applied Physic

    Horticultural Availability and Homeowner Preferences Drive Plant Diversity and Composition in Urban Yards

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    Understanding the factors that influence biodiversity in urban areas is important for informing management efforts aimed at enhancing the ecosystem services in urban settings and curbing the spread of invasive introduced species. We determined the ecological and socioeconomic factors that influence patterns of plant richness, phylogenetic diversity, and composition in 133 private household yards in the Minneapolis‐Saint Paul Metropolitan area, Minnesota, USA. We compared the composition of spontaneously occurring plant species and those planted by homeowners with composition in natural areas (at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve) and in the horticulture pool of species available from commercial growers. Yard area and fertilizer frequency influenced species richness of the spontaneous species but expressed homeowner values did not. In contrast, the criteria that homeowners articulated as important in their management decisions, including aesthetics, wildlife, neatness and food provision, significantly predicted cultivated species richness. Strikingly, the composition of plant species that people cultivated in their yards resembled the taxonomic and phylogenetic composition of species available commercially. In contrast, the taxonomic and phylogenetic composition of spontaneous species showed high similarity to natural areas. The large fraction of introduced species that homeowners planted was a likely consequence of what was available for them to purchase. The study links the composition and diversity of yard flora to their natural and anthropogenic sources and sheds light on the human factors and values that influence the plant diversity in residential areas of a major urban system. Enhanced understanding of the influences of the sources of plants, both native and introduced, that enter urban systems and the human factors and values that influence their diversity is critical to identifying the levers to manage urban biodiversity and ecosystem services

    Neutron reflection study of the adsorption of the phosphate surfactant NaDEHP onto alumina from water.

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    The adsorption of a phosphorus analogue of the surfactant AOT, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (NaDEHP), at the water/alumina interface is described. The material is found to adsorb as an essentially water-free bilayer from neutron reflection measurements. This is similar to the behavior of AOT under comparable conditions, although AOT forms a thicker, more hydrated layer. The NaDEHP shows rather little variation with added salt, but a small thickening of the layer on increasing the pH, in contrast to the behavior of AOT.We thank BP plc and EPSRC for financial support for this work as well as the ISIS and ILL staff and scientists for the allocation of beam time and technical assistance with NR measurements. We also appreciate Chris Sporikou at Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, for help with the surfactant synthesis.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared at http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/la504837

    Genome-Wide Analysis of GLD-1–Mediated mRNA Regulation Suggests a Role in mRNA Storage

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    Translational repression is often accompanied by mRNA degradation. In contrast, many mRNAs in germ cells and neurons are “stored" in the cytoplasm in a repressed but stable form. Unlike repression, the stabilization of these mRNAs is surprisingly little understood. A key player in Caenorhabditis elegans germ cell development is the STAR domain protein GLD-1. By genome-wide analysis of mRNA regulation in the germ line, we observed that GLD-1 has a widespread role in repressing translation but, importantly, also in stabilizing a sub-population of its mRNA targets. Additionally, these mRNAs appear to be stabilized by the DDX6-like RNA helicase CGH-1, which is a conserved component of germ granules and processing bodies. Because many GLD-1 and CGH-1 stabilized mRNAs encode factors important for the oocyte-to-embryo transition (OET), our findings suggest that the regulation by GLD-1 and CGH-1 serves two purposes. Firstly, GLD-1–dependent repression prevents precocious translation of OET–promoting mRNAs. Secondly, GLD-1– and CGH-1–dependent stabilization ensures that these mRNAs are sufficiently abundant for robust translation when activated during OET. In the absence of this protective mechanism, the accumulation of OET–promoting mRNAs, and consequently the oocyte-to-embryo transition, might be compromised

    Placement and orientation of individual DNA shapes on lithographically patterned surfaces

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    Artificial DNA nanostructures show promise for the organization of functional materials to create nanoelectronic or nano-optical devices. DNA origami, in which a long single strand of DNA is folded into a shape using shorter 'staple strands', can display 6-nm-resolution patterns of binding sites, in principle allowing complex arrangements of carbon nanotubes, silicon nanowires, or quantum dots. However, DNA origami are synthesized in solution and uncontrolled deposition results in random arrangements; this makes it difficult to measure the properties of attached nanodevices or to integrate them with conventionally fabricated microcircuitry. Here we describe the use of electron-beam lithography and dry oxidative etching to create DNA origami-shaped binding sites on technologically useful materials, such as SiO_2 and diamond-like carbon. In buffer with ~ 100 mM MgCl_2, DNA origami bind with high selectivity and good orientation: 70–95% of sites have individual origami aligned with an angular dispersion (±1 s.d.) as low as ±10° (on diamond-like carbon) or ±20° (on SiO_2)

    Sequence-selective detection of double-stranded DNA sequences using pyrrole-imidazole polyamide microarrays

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    We describe a microarray format that can detect double-stranded DNA sequences with a high degree of sequence selectivity. Cyclooctyne-derivatized pyrrole-imidazole polyamides were immobilized on azide-modified glass substrates using microcontact printing and a strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC) reaction. These polyamide-immobilized substrates selectively detected a seven-base-pair binding site incorporated within a double-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide sequence even in the presence of an excess of a sequence with a single-base-pair mismatc

    Base molecular para resistência a fluazifop-p-butyl em capim-camalote (rottboellia cochinchinensis) da Costa Rica

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    Rottboellia cochinchinensis is an annual grass weed species known as itchgrass, or “caminadora” in America´s Spanish speaking countries, and has become a major and troublesome weed in several crops. The application of fluazifop-P-butyl at recommended rates (125 g a.i. ha-1) was observed to be failing to control itchgrass in a field in San José, Upala county, Alajuela province, Costa Rica. Plants from the putative resistant R. cochinchinensis population survived fluazifop-P-butyl when treated with 250 g a.i. ha-1 (2X label rate) at the three- to four-leaf stage under greenhouse conditions. PCR amplification and sequencing of partial carboxyl transferase domain (CT) of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) gene were used to determine the molecular mechanism of resistance. A single non-synonymous point mutation from TGG (susceptible plants) to TGC (putative resistant plants) that leads to a Trp-2027-Cys substitution was found. This Trp-2027-Cys mutation is known to confer resistance to all aryloxyphenoxyproprionate (APP) herbicides to which fluazifop-P-butyl belongs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of fluazifop-P-butyl resistance and a mutation at position 2027 for a Costa Rican R. cochinchinensis population.Rottboellia cochinchinensis, espécie de planta daninha anual conhecida como capim-camalote, ou “caminadora”, em países de língua espanhola das Américas, tornou-se uma planta daninha significativa e problemática em diversas culturas. Observou-se que a aplicação de fluazifop-p-butyl nas doses recomendadas (125 g i.a. ha-1) não conseguiu controlar capim-camalote em uma região em San José, condado de Upala, província de Alajuela, Costa Rica. As plantas da população supostamente resistente de R. cochinchinensis sobreviveram a fluazifop-p-butyl quando tratadas com 250 g i.a. ha-1 (2X a dose do rótulo) na fase de três a quatro folhas em condições de estufa. Amplificação e sequenciamento de reação em cadeia da polimerase de domínio de transferase de ácido carboxílico parcial (TC) do gene acetil-CoA carboxilase (ACCase) foram utilizados para determinar o mecanismo molecular de resistência. Foi encontrada uma mutação de ponto não sinônimo individual de TGG (plantas suscetíveis) para TGC (plantas supostamente resistentes) que conduz a uma substituição de Trp-2027-Cys. Sabe-se que essa mutação de Trp-2027-Cys confere resistência a todos os herbicidas ariloxifenoxipropionatos (AFP) a que fluazifop-p-butyl pertence. Pelo visto, este é o primeiro relato de resistência a fluazifop-p-butyl de uma mutação na posição 2027 para uma população costarriquenha de R. cochinchinensisWest Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida/[]//United States of AmericaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM