26 research outputs found

    A reduction in self-reported confidence accompanies the recall of memories distorted by prototypes

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    When we recall a past event, we reconstruct the event based on a combination of episodic details and semantic knowledge (e.g., prototypes). Though prototypes can impair the veracity of recall, it remains unclear whether we are metacognitively aware of the distortions they introduce. To address this, we conducted six experiments in which participants learned object-colour/object-location pairs and subsequently recalled the colour/location when cued with the object. Leveraging unsupervised machine learning algorithms, we extracted participant-specific prototypes and embedded responses in two-dimensional space to quantify prototype-based distortions in individual memory traces. Our findings reveal robust and conceptually replicable evidence to suggest that prototype-based distortion is accompanied by a reduction in self-reported confidence - an implicit measure of metacognitive awareness. Critically, we find evidence to suggest that it is prototype-based distortion of a memory trace that undermines confidence, rather than a lack of confidence biasing reconstruction towards the use of prototypes. Collectively, these findings suggest that we possess metacognitive awareness of distortions embedded in our memories

    Rhythmic fluctuations in mnemonic signatures during associative recall

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    The intricate linking of information processing and neural representations to the underlying hippocampal neural rhythms during episodic memory retrieval are yet to be fully explored in human subjects. In this doctoral thesis, the temporal order of these relationships was investigated, with emphasis on how the processes evolve and take place over time. Empirical evidence and neural network models suggest that hippocampus and the hippocampal theta rhythm play a central role in episodic memory. In the first two studies, different oscillatory dynamics in the hippocampal circuit thought to provide optimal states for encoding and retrieval were investigated. The third study investigated the role of the hippocampal theta oscillation as an adaptive mechanism in regulating competition between similar memories. And lastly, the fourth study investigated sharp-wave ripples in promoting successful episodic memory retrieval. Throughout the four chapters, memory content was decoded using multivariate pattern classification, and the timing of memory reactivation was linked to two prominent oscillatory brain signatures: the hippocampal theta rhythm on the one hand, and hippocampal sharp-wave ripples on the other. In sum, this doctoral thesis provides support for the powerful computations along the hippocampal theta oscillation, and the close interplay between hippocampus and neocortical areas, foremost at time of retrieva

    A reduction in self-reported confidence accompanies the recall of memories distorted by prototypes

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    When we recall a past event, we reconstruct the event based on a combination of episodic details and semantic knowledge (e.g., prototypes). Though prototypes can impair the veracity of recall, it remains unclear whether we are metacognitively aware of the distortions they introduce. To address this, we conducted six experiments in which participants learned object-colour/object-location pairs and subsequently recalled the colour/location when cued with the object. Leveraging unsupervised machine learning algorithms, we extracted participant-specific prototypes and embedded responses in two-dimensional space to quantify prototype-based distortions in individual memory traces. Our findings reveal robust and conceptually replicable evidence to suggest that prototype-based distortion is accompanied by a reduction in self-reported confidence - an implicit measure of metacognitive awareness. Critically, we find evidence to suggest that it is prototype-based distortion of a memory trace that undermines confidence, rather than a lack of confidence biasing reconstruction towards the use of prototypes. Collectively, these findings suggest that we possess metacognitive awareness of distortions embedded in our memories

    Sociala medier: Frihet eller fängelse? - Instagram-användares inställning till sociala medier och dess inverkan på dem

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    Examensarbetets titel Sociala medier: Frihet eller fängelse? – Instagram-användares inställning till sociala medier och dess inverkan på dem Seminariedatum 2015-05-27 Ämne/kurs FEKN90, Examensarbete på civilekonomprogrammet, 30 HP Författare William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Handledare Jon Bertilsson Nyckelord Instagram, sociala medier, destruktiva sidor, imagestrategier, låtsasliv. Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och förstå hur svenska unga vuxna på Instagram förhåller sig till och påverkas av att vara närvarande på sociala medier. Varför det idag verkar vara en självklarhet att finnas representerad online och att bygga upp en fördelaktig bild av sig själv på sociala medier. Metod Vi har till denna undersökning använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats med ett antal djupgående intervjuer som legat till grund för vår analys och det resultat vi har fått fram. Vi har även använt oss av en abduktiv ansats där vi har dragit slutsatser utifrån vår primärdata, samt utgått från sekundärdata i form av befintliga teorier. Teoretiskt perspektiv Uppsatsen bygger till stor del på teorier av Foucault (governmentality), Boorstin (pseudohändelser), Baudrillard (hyperrealitet), Goffman (intrycksmanipulation), Kapferer (image och identitet) samt Maslow (behovspyramid). Dessa teorier har legat till grund för analysen och för de slutsatser som har dragits. Empiri och analys Vår empiri har baserats på den information som har samlats in under de intervjuer som vi har utfört, och den har sedan analyserats utifrån vårt teoretiska ramverk. Slutsats Det verkar som att det i många fall är en låtsasverklighet som visas upp av användare på Instagram. Vi har även observerat potentiellt skadliga följder för de som är aktiva på sociala medier.Title Social media: Freedom or prison? – Instagram users’ attitudes toward social media and its impact on them Seminar date 2015-05-27 Course FEKN90, Master’s thesis, 30 ECTS Authors William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Advisor Jon Bertilsson Key words Instagram, social media, destructive sides, image strategies, pretend life. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to get an understanding of how Swedish young adults on Instagram relate to and are affected by their presence on social media. Why the consensus today seems to be that a presence on social media is a must and that one needs to build a favorable view of oneself on social media. Methodology In this paper we have used a qualitative approach with a number of in-depth interviews which formed the basis for our analysis and the results we have come up with. We also used abductive reasoning where we drew our conclusions based on our primary data, and also from secondary data in the form of already existing theories. Theoretical perspectives The paper is largely based upon theories by Foucault (governmentality), Boorstin (pseudo-events), Baudrillard (hyperreality), Goffman (impression management), Kapferer (image and identity) and Maslow (hierarchy of needs). These theories formed the basis for the analysis and the conclusions made. Empirical foundation Our empirical work has been based on the information gathered during the interviews that we conducted, and it has later been analyzed based upon our theoretical framework. Conclusion In many cases, it seems to be a pretend reality that users on Instagram present. We have also observed potentially harmful consequences for people being active on social media

    Studenter och Fairtrade - En kartläggning av inställningen till Fairtrade hos unga studenter i Lund

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    Examensarbetets titel Studenter och Fairtrade - En kartläggning av inställningen till Fairtrade hos unga studenter i Lund Seminariedatum 2014-06-05 Ämne/kurs FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare Björn Garmfors, William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Handledare Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord Fairtrade, Status, Theory of Planned Behavior, Studenter, Lunds universitet Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga inställningen till Fairtrade bland studenter vid Lunds universitet. Metod Vi har i detta arbete valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod där tio intervjuer har legat till grund för vår fortsatta analys. Vidare använde vi oss av en abduktiv ansats, då denna ger oss möjlighet att dra slutsatser utifrån den insamlade informationen samtidigt som vi kan utgå ifrån befintliga teorier inom det aktuella området. Teoretiskt perspektiv Uppsatsen bygger på ”Theory of Planned Behavior” med olika tillägg som rör etisk konsumtion, samt vår egen vidareutveckling där vi även har tagit status i beaktande. Empiri och analys Vår empiri baseras på den information som vi har samlat in under intervjuerna. Slutsats Studenter känner själva inte att omgivningen lägger någon värdering i deras egna köp av matvaror, men de lägger samtidigt själva värdering i vad andra köper. Det absolut viktigaste vid köp av matvaror för studenter är priset, när man lever med begränsad budget kommer priset först. Studenter vill gärna se sig som etiskt medvetna konsumenter, men känner att de inte har råd att vara det.Title Students and Fairtrade - A study of the attitude towards Fairtrade amongst young students in Lund Seminar date 2014-06-05 Course FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors Björn Garmfors, William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Advisor Clara Gustafsson Key words Fairtrade, Status, Theory of Planned Behavior, Students, Lund University Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify attitudes towards Fairtrade consumption amongst students at Lund University. Methodology In this paper we have chosen to use a qualitative approach where ten interviews have formed the basis of our subsequent analysis. Furthermore, we used an abductive approach, as this allowed us to draw conclusions based on the information we collected and at the same time it allowed us the use of already existing theories in the specific field. Theoretical perspectives The paper is based on the ”Theory of Planned Behavior” along with different extensions regarding ethical consumption, as well as our own expansion where we have taken status into consideration. Empirical foundation Our empirical findings are based on the information we gathered during the interviews. Conclusions Students themselves does not feel that their surroundings valuate their grocery shopping, at the same time however, they valuate other people’s shopping behavior. When shopping for groceries, the single most important aspect is price, when living on a tight budget price comes first. Students want to view themselves as ethically aware consumers, but do not feel that they can afford to be

    Phase separation of competing memories along the human hippocampal theta rhythm

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    Competition between overlapping memories is considered one of the major causes of forgetting, and it is still unknown how the human brain resolves such mnemonic conflict. In the present magnetoencephalography (MEG) study, we empirically tested a computational model that leverages an oscillating inhibition algorithm to minimise overlap between memories. We used a proactive interference task, where a reminder word could be associated with either a single image (non-competitive condition) or two competing images, and participants were asked to always recall the most recently learned word–image association. Time-resolved pattern classifiers were trained to detect the reactivated content of target and competitor memories from MEG sensor patterns, and the timing of these neural reactivations was analysed relative to the phase of the dominant hippocampal 3 Hz theta oscillation. In line with our pre-registered hypotheses, target and competitor reactivations locked to different phases of the hippocampal theta rhythm after several repeated recalls. Participants who behaviourally experienced lower levels of interference also showed larger phase separation between the two overlapping memories. The findings provide evidence that the temporal segregation of memories, orchestrated by slow oscillations, plays a functional role in resolving mnemonic competition by separating and prioritising relevant memories under conditions of high interference

    Data-driven re-referencing of intracranial EEG based on independent component analysis (ICA)

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    Background: Intracranial recordings from patients implanted with depth electrodes are a valuable source of information in neuroscience. They allow for the unique opportunity to record brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution. A common pre-processing choice in stereotactic EEG (S-EEG) is to re-reference the data with a bipolar montage. In this, each channel is subtracted from its neighbor, to reduce commonalities between channels and isolate activity that is spatially confined. New Method: We challenge the assumption that bipolar reference effectively performs this task. To extract local activity, the distribution of the signal source of interest, interfering distant signals, and noise need to be considered. Referencing schemes with fixed coefficients can decrease the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the data, they can lead to mislocalization of activity and consequently to misinterpretation of results. We propose to use Independent Component Analysis (ICA), to derive filter coefficients that reflect the statistical dependencies of the data at hand. Results: We describe and demonstrate this on human S-EEG recordings. In a simulation with real data, we quantitatively show that ICA outperforms the bipolar referencing operation in sensitivity and importantly in specificity when revealing local time series from the superposition of neighboring channels. Comparison with Existing Method: We argue that ICA already performs the same task that bipolar referencing pursues, namely undoing the linear superposition of activity and will identify activity that is local. Conclusions: When investigating local sources in human S-EEG, ICA should be preferred over re-referencing the data with a bipolar montage

    Miljöpåverkan av e-handelslogistik : När är hemleverans mer effektivt än leverans via utlämningsställe?

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    In the literature on B2C logistics of e-commerce, the two main delivery methods - home delivery and delivery to collection-delivery points (CDPs) - have rarely been compared with respect to their environmental effects. This is the case despite a growing e-commerce and the fact that the logistic part of the transportation sector stands for a great amount of the pollution in urban areas. In this report, the two delivery methods have been compared to each other with respect to their environmental impacts through a custom-made network impact model, including simulation using vehicle routing problems (VRPs) and a cross-nested logit model. The results show that one delivery method's advantage over the other (only regarding emissions) is strongly dependent on the distance to the distribution center (DC), the customer density, the density of CDPs and the demographics of that area. Home deliveries proved to be more sensitive to the customer density factor and the distance to the DC than CDP deliveries.I litteraturen om e-handelslogistik har de två huvudsakliga leveransmetoderna -- hemleverans och leverans till utlämningsställe (CDP) -- sällan jämförts med avseende på deras miljöeffekter. Detta trots en växande e-handel och faktumet att logistikdelen av transportsektorn står för en stor del av föroreningarna i städer. I denna rapport har de två leveransmetoderna jämförts med avseende på deras miljöpåverkan genom en skräddarsydd modell, som bygger dels på simulering med hjälp av ruttplaneringsproblem (VRP) och dels på en korsnästad logitmodell (CNL). Resultaten visar att vilken leveransmetod som presterar bäst (räknat utifrån lägst utsläpp), är starkt beroende av avståndet till distributionscentret (DC), kundtätheten, tätheten av utlämningsställen och områdets demografi. Hemleveranser visade sig vara mer känsliga för kundtätheten och avståndet till distributionscentret än leveranser via utlämningsställe

    Miljöpåverkan av e-handelslogistik : När är hemleverans mer effektivt än leverans via utlämningsställe?

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    In the literature on B2C logistics of e-commerce, the two main delivery methods - home delivery and delivery to collection-delivery points (CDPs) - have rarely been compared with respect to their environmental effects. This is the case despite a growing e-commerce and the fact that the logistic part of the transportation sector stands for a great amount of the pollution in urban areas. In this report, the two delivery methods have been compared to each other with respect to their environmental impacts through a custom-made network impact model, including simulation using vehicle routing problems (VRPs) and a cross-nested logit model. The results show that one delivery method's advantage over the other (only regarding emissions) is strongly dependent on the distance to the distribution center (DC), the customer density, the density of CDPs and the demographics of that area. Home deliveries proved to be more sensitive to the customer density factor and the distance to the DC than CDP deliveries.I litteraturen om e-handelslogistik har de två huvudsakliga leveransmetoderna -- hemleverans och leverans till utlämningsställe (CDP) -- sällan jämförts med avseende på deras miljöeffekter. Detta trots en växande e-handel och faktumet att logistikdelen av transportsektorn står för en stor del av föroreningarna i städer. I denna rapport har de två leveransmetoderna jämförts med avseende på deras miljöpåverkan genom en skräddarsydd modell, som bygger dels på simulering med hjälp av ruttplaneringsproblem (VRP) och dels på en korsnästad logitmodell (CNL). Resultaten visar att vilken leveransmetod som presterar bäst (räknat utifrån lägst utsläpp), är starkt beroende av avståndet till distributionscentret (DC), kundtätheten, tätheten av utlämningsställen och områdets demografi. Hemleveranser visade sig vara mer känsliga för kundtätheten och avståndet till distributionscentret än leveranser via utlämningsställe

    Infektionssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att ta emot och initialt vårda patienter från IVA : En intervjustudie

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    Bakgrund: Patienter med komplexa omvårdnadsbehov och ibland även isoleringsbehov överflyttas ofta med kort varsel från intensivvårdsavdelning [IVA] till infektionsavdelning. Vårdavdelningens förutsättningar och begränsade resurser har svårt att möta dessa patienters vårdbehov.           Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva infektionssjuksköterskans upplevelser av omvårdnaden av patienter i samband med överflyttningen från IVA till infektionsavdelning och 72 timmar därefter. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Datainsamlingen utgjordes av elva intervjuer och kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktivt förhållningssätt användes. Huvudfynd: Sjuksköterskorna känner sig ensamma, stressade och oroliga i omhändertagandet och omvårdnaden av patienter i samband med och 72 timmar efter överflyttning. Tidsbrist upplevs vara den dominerande faktorn. Då riktlinjer och rutiner saknas blir omhändertagandet beroende av mottagande sjuksköterskas kompetens och erfarenhet vilket påverkar vården av patienten. Isoleringsvård upplevs vara en del av det vardagliga arbetet och upplevs inte påverka omvårdnadens kvalitet. Slutsats: Genom kompetens och erfarenhet utveckla arbetsmiljö och rutiner för att bibehålla patientsäkerhet och en god arbetsmiljö. Framtida forskning: Att undersöka hur överflyttningsprocessen upplevs av sjuksköterskor på andra sjukhus i samma region men även nationellt. Även hur överflyttningsprocessen upplevs efter att intermediärvårdsplatser startats på avdelningen.Background: Patients with complex care needs, and sometimes even a need for isolation, are often transferred with short notice from the intensive care unit [ICU] to the infection ward. The limited resources of the infection ward make it difficult to meet the care needs of these patients. Purpose: The aim was to highlight nurses' experiences of the care of patients in connection with and 72 hours after the transfer from the ICU to the infection ward. Method: A qualitative interview study, with semi-structured questions, was conducted. The data collection consisted of eleven interviews. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used. Main findings: The nurses feel lonely, stressed and anxious in caring for patients in connection with and 72 hours after transfer. Lack of time is perceived to be the dominant factor. When guidelines are lacking, care becomes dependent on the competence and experience of the receiving nurse, which affects the quality of care. Isolation care is perceived to be a part of everyday work and not to affect the quality of care. Conclusion: Through skills and experience develop the working environment and procedures to maintain patient safety and a better working environment. Future research: To investigate how the transfer process is experienced by nurses in other hospitals in the same region but also on a national level. Also to investigate how the transfer process is experienced after intermediary care places have started in the ward