183 research outputs found
Estudo epidemiológico da febre purpúrica brasileira: epidemia em localidade do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), 1986
A case control model was used in the study of an outbreak of Brazilian purpuric fever BPF which occurred in Serrana, S. Paulo State, Brazil, in 1986. Three hypotheses were raised: 1 - purulent conjunctivitis is associated with BPF; 2 - a cluster effect accurs in BPF; 3 - respiratory symptoms may be a variation of the clinical picture of the disease. Numerical values were attributed to different findings, as follows: fever = 5; diarrhea and/or vomiting = 1; haemorrhagic findings = 3; thrombocytopenia and/or leukopenia = 3; Haemophilus aegyptius positive hemoculture and/or Haemophilus aegyptius positive cerebrospinal fluid culture and/or H. a. oropharynx culture = 7; Waterhouse Friedrichsen syndrome = 7. Those cases for which the sum total of points reached or exceeded 13 were considered as confirmed and those obtaining between 8 and 12 were considered as suspect. Children with a score below 5 were taken as control cases. Cases and controls were matched according to sex, age and socioeconomic level. The total groups studied included 14 confirmed cases, 38 suspect cases and 78 controls. It was concluded that purpuric fever is strongly associated with previous and/or present purulent conjunctivities; a cluster effect seems to occur; respiratory symptoms such as coughing and/or coryza were not associated with BPF.Estudou-se um surto de febre purpúrica brasileira ocorrido em Serrana, SP (Brasil) em 1986 e sua associação com conjuntivite purulenta, aglomeração e sintomas respiratórios. Foi adotado o modelo de estudo, caso-controle. Chamou-se caso confirmado o paciente que satisfizesse um conjunto de critérios tendo "score" maior ou igual a 12 pontos, e caso suspeito "score" entre 8 e 12 (o "score" foi efetuado usando-se o seguinte critério: ocorrência de febre, igual a 5 pontos; diarréia e/ou vômitos igual a 1; fenômenos hemorrágicos igual a 3; plaquetopenia e/ou leucopenia igual a 3; hemocultura e/ou lÃquor e/ou cultura de orofaringe positiva para Haemophylus aegyptius igual a 7; sÃndrome de Waterhouse Friedrichsen igual a 7). Tomou-se como controle crianças com "score" menor do que 5. O controle foi pareado com o caso segundo as variáveis idade, sexo e condição sócio-econômica. Levantaram-se informações sobre 14 casos confirmados, 38 suspeitos e 78 controles. Concluiu-se que a febre purpúrica brasileira apresentou forte associação com conjuntivite purulenta pregressa e/ou atual; parece haver associação entre aglomeração e febre purpúrica e que os sintomas respiratórios como tosse e/ou coriza não estão a ela associados, pelo menos na população estudada
Sobrevivência de pacientes adultos com Aids em hospital de referência no Nordeste brasileiro
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of sociodemographic, clinical, and epidemiological factors in AIDS patients survival in a reference hospital. METHODS: A sample of 502 adult AIDS patients out of 1,494 AIDS cases registered in a hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil, was investigated between 1986 and 1998. Sixteen cases were excluded due to death at the moment of the AIDS diagnosis and 486 were analyzed in the study. Socioeconomic and clinical epidemiological were the variables studied. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: Three hundred and sixty two out of the 486 patients studied took at least one antiretroviral drug and their survival was ten times longer than those who did not take any drug (746 and 79 days, respectively, pOBJETIVO: Avaliar, em um hospital de referência, a influência de fatores sociodemográficos e clÃnico-epidemiológicos na sobrevivência de pacientes com Aids. MÉTODOS:Foi estudada uma amostra de 486 adultos com Aids atendidos em hospital de referência no Ceará, entre 1986 e 1998. Foram avaliadas as variáveis socioeconômicas e clÃnico-epidemiológicas. A análise foi realizada pelo método Kaplan-Meier e por regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: Dos 486 pacientes estudados, 362 utilizaram pelo menos uma droga anti-retroviral e tiveram sobrevida dez vezes maior que os que não a utilizaram (746 e 79 dias, respectivamente;
HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men in Brazil
This paper reports human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) prevalence in the 2nd National Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BBSS) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 12 cities in Brazil using respondent-driven sampling (RDS). Following formative research, RDS was applied in 12 cities in the 5 macroregions of Brazil between June and December 2016 to recruit MSM for BBSS. The target sample size was 350 per city. Five to 6 seeds were initially selected to initiate recruitment and coupons and interviews were managed online. On-site rapid testing was used for HIV screening, and confirmed by a 2nd test. Participants were weighted using Gile estimator. Data from all 12 cities were merged and analyzed with Stata 14.0 complex survey data analysis tools in which each city was treated as its own strata. Missing data for those who did not test were imputed HIV+ if they reported testing positive before and were taking antiretroviral therapy. A total of 4176 men were recruited in the 12 cities. The average time to completion was 10.2 weeks. The longest chain length varied from 8 to 21 waves. The sample size was achieved in all but 2 cities. A total of 3958 of the 4176 respondents agreed to test for HIV (90.2%). For results without imputation, 17.5% (95%CI: 14.7–20.7) of our sample was HIV positive. With imputation, 18.4% (95%CI: 15.4–21.7) were seropositive. HIV prevalence increased beyond expectations from the results of the 2009 survey (12.1%; 95%CI: 10.0–14.5) to 18.4%; CI95%: 15.4 to 21.7 in 2016. This increase accompanies Brazil's focus on the treatment to prevention strategy, and a decrease in support for community-based organizations and community prevention programs
Tuberculosis associated with AIDS: the position in a Northeastern region of Brazil
OBJETIVO: Investigar os principais aspectos da co-infecção pelo HIV e o Mycobacterium tuberculosis nos pacientes adultos assistidos pelo hospital de referência para doenças infecciosas do Estado do Ceará, Brasil, responsável pela notificação de 89,3% dos casos registrados no Estado, entre 1986-92. METODOLOGIA: Foram coletados dados de prontuários de pacientes maiores de 15 anos, com diagnóstico de AIDS, atendidos em hospital de referência estadual, região Nordeste do Brasil. A análise dos dados seguem o critério do Ministério da Saúde, para definição dessa doença. RESULTADOS: A tuberculose apresentou-se em 30,6% dos pacientes estudados (151/493) e foi diagnosticada até o primeiro ano após o diagnóstico da AIDS em 76,8% dos casos. Observou-se um tendência crescente na proporção de casos de tuberculose entre pacientes com AIDS conforme decresce o nÃvel de escolaridade (INTRODUCTION: The main aspects of the HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis coinfection in the adult patients attended by the main reference hospital for infectious diseases in the State of Ceará, Brazil, responsible for the notification of 89.3% of the cases registered in the state between 1986 and 1992 were investigated. METHODOLOGY: Data were collected from the case histories of patients of more than 15 years of age with a diagnosis of AIDS, attended in a state reference hospital in Northeastern Brazil. The analysis of the data obeys the criteria of the Ministry of Health for the definition of this disease. RESULTS: Tuberculosis had been present in 30.6% of the patients studied (151/493) and it was diagnosed by the first year after the AIDS diagnosis in 76.8% of the cases. The proportion of AIDS cases with tuberculosis is significantly greater (p=0,032) among men (94.7%) than among women (88.3%). An increased linear trend in the proportion of cases with tuberculosis was noticed in the AIDS cases according to the decrease in level of schooling (
Assistência especializada para pessoas com aids no estado do Ceará, Brasil
OBJECTIVE To analyze if the distribution of specialized care services for HIV/AIDS is associated with AIDS rates. METHODS Ecological study, for which the distribution of 10 specialized care services in the Ceara state, Northeastern Brazil, was obtained, and the mean rates of the disease were estimated per mesoregion. We evaluated 7,896 individuals who had been diagnosed with AIDS, were aged 13 years or older, lived in Ceara, and had been informed of their condition between 2001 and 2011. Maps were constructed to verify the relationship between the distribution of AIDS cases and institutionalized support networks in the 2001-2006 and 2007-2011 periods. BoxMap and LisaMap were used for data analysis. The Voronoi diagram was applied for the distribution of the studied services. RESULTS Specialized care services concentrated in AIDS clusters in the metropolitan area. The Noroeste Cearense and west of the Sertoes Cearenses had high AIDS rates, but a low number of specialized care services over time. Two of these services were implemented where clusters of the disease exist in the second period. The application of the Voronoi diagram showed that the specialized care services located outside the metropolitan area covered a large territory. We identified one polygon that had no services. CONCLUSIONS The scenario of AIDS cases spread away from major urban areas demands the creation of social support services in areas other than the capital and the metropolitan area of the state; this can reduce access barriers to these institutions. It is necessary to create specialized care services for HIV/AIDS in the Noroeste Cearense and north of Jaguaribe.OBJETIVO Analisar se a distribuição dos serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids está associada à s taxas de aids. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico, pelo qual foi obtida a distribuição de 10 serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids, no estado do Ceará. As taxas médias da doença foram calculadas por mesorregião. Estudaram-se 7.896 indivÃduos notificados com aids, com idade igual ou superior a 13 anos, residentes no Ceará, no perÃodo de 2001 a 2011. ConstruÃram-se mapas para verificar relação entre distribuição dos casos de aids e das redes institucionalizadas de apoio nos perÃodos de 2001 a 2006 e 2007 a 2011. Utilizou-se BoxMap e LisaMap para análise dos dados. Aplicou-se o diagrama de Voronoi para os serviços estudados. RESULTADOS Verificou-se concentração dos serviços de assistência especializada nosclusters de aids na Região Metropolitana do estado. O Noroeste Cearense e o oeste dos Sertões Cearenses apresentaram elevadas taxas de aids, porém baixa quantidade de serviços especializados ao longo do tempo. Houve implantação de dois serviços especializados no segundo perÃodo onde existem aglomerados da doença. A aplicação do Diagrama de Voronoi mostrou que os serviços localizados fora da Região Metropolitana abrangem grande extensão territorial. Foi identificado polÃgono sem nenhum serviço. CONCLUSÕES O cenário de interiorização dos casos de aids demanda a necessidade de criação de serviços de apoio social além da capital e da Região Metropolitana do estado, a fim de diminuir as barreiras de acesso a essas instituições. É necessário criar serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids no Noroeste Cearense e no norte do Jaguaribe
Incentives and barriers to HIV testing among female sex workers in Ceará
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do HIV e descrever os incentivos e barreiras à realização do teste para o HIV entre mulheres profissionais do sexo. MÉTODOS: Este estudo transversal recrutou 402 mulheres de 18 anos ou mais, residentes em Fortaleza, CE, que informaram ter tido relação sexual em troca de dinheiro nos últimos quatro meses. A amostra foi recrutada por meio da técnica Respondent Driven Sampling, entre agosto e novembro de 2010. RESULTADOS: A adesão ao teste de HIV foi de 84,1% e a prevalência estimada da infecção pelo HIV foi de 3,8%. A amostra era jovem (25 a 39 anos), solteira (80,0%), com um a três filhos (83,6 %), tinham oito anos ou mais de estudo (65,7%) e pertencia à s classes sociais D/E (53,1%). A maioria exercia a profissão em locais fechados (bares, motéis, hotéis, sauna – 88,9%), e a prostituição era a única fonte de renda (54,1%). Cerca de 25% da amostra desconhecia onde o teste de HIV era realizado na rede pública e 51,8% nunca fez o teste ou se testou há um ano ou mais. As principais barreiras ao teste foram acreditar que não corre risco de se infectar (24,1%) e o medo da discriminação caso o teste fosse reagente (20,5%). Os incentivos foram relacionados à maior oferta de locais para o teste (57,0%) e de unidades de saúde com horários alternativos (44,2%). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência foi semelhante à encontrada em outras cidades brasileiras de diferentes regiões do paÃs, apesar de superiores a de mulheres não profissionais do sexo. A disponibilidade do teste em locais não relacionados à saúde e a oferta nas unidades básicas em horário não comercial são fatores que incentivam a realização do teste. Não se considerar sob-risco, medo de ser discriminada e desconhecimento dos locais onde o teste é realizado podem ser uma barreira para a realização do exame.OBJECTIVE: Estimating HIV prevalence and describing the incentives and barriers for HIV testing among female sex workers. METHODS: This cross-sectional study recruited 402 women aged 18 years or older, residing in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, Brazil, who reported having had sexual intercourse in exchange for money in last four months. The sample was recruited using Respondent Driven Sampling, between August and November 2010. RESULTS: The 84.1% of the sample tested and the estimated prevalence of HIV infection was 3.8%. The sample was young (25 to 39 years ), single (80.0%), with one to three children (83.6%), had eight or more years of schooling (65.7%), and belonged to social classes D/E (53.1%). The majority worked in fixed locations (bars, motels, hotels, sauna - 88.9%), and prostitution was their only source of income (54.1%). About 25% of the sample did not know where to test in the public health sector and 51.8% either never tested or hadn’t tested for over a year or more. The main reported barriers to testing were the perceptions that there was no risk of becoming infected (24.1%), and, alternatively, fear of discrimination if the test was positive (20.5%). Incentives for testing were the greater availability of testing sites (57.0%) and health facilities with alternative schedules (44.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence for HIV was similar to that found in other Brazilian cities in different regions of the country, although higher than the general female population. Non-traditional venues not associated with the health system and availability of testing in health units during non-commercial hours are factors that encourage testing. Not considering oneself to be at risk, fear of being discriminated against and not knowing testing locations are barriers
Comparing HIV risk-related behaviors between 2 RDS national samples of MSM in Brazil, 2009 and 2016
Introduction: Periodic monitoring of sociobehavior characteristics at a national level is an essential component of understanding the dynamics the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic worldwide, including Brazil. Methods: This paper compares descriptive sociobehavior characteristics in 2 national cross-sectional HIV biological behavioral surveillance surveys (BBSS) conducted in 2009 and 2016 among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil. Respondent driven sampling (RDS) was used for recruitment in both years. Overall proportions were weighted according to Gile’s estimator using RDS Analyst Software and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for comparisons between the 2 periods. Further comparisons were stratified by age groups (<25 and 25+ years old). Results: Overall, 3749 and 4176 MSM were recruited in 2009 and 2016, respectively. In 2016, participants were younger than 25 years old (58.3%), with 12 or more years of education (70.4%), with higher socioeconomic status (40.7%), and had a higher proportion of whites (31.8%), as compared to 2009. Also, participants in 2016 reported less alcohol use and binge drinking, but used illicit drugs more frequently. There was an increase among MSM who self-reported their HIV risk as low and had low HIV knowledge while the proportion of those who were never tested for HIV dropped from 49.8% in 2009 to 33.8% in 2016. Although more than three-quarters received free condoms in both years, STD counseling remained low (32% and 38% for 2009 and 2016, respectively). Sexual risk behavior remained at high levels, especially unprotected anal receptive sex and sex with multiple partners. Younger MSM (<25 years old) showed riskier sexual practices than those 25+ years old, when comparing 2016 to 2009. Conclusions: Our results indicate a worrisome risk behavior trend among Brazilian MSM, especially among younger ones. These results can contribute for a better understanding of the HIV epidemics in Brazil, with timely shift in strategies so improved effectiveness in public health prevention efforts can be achieved
Factors associated with self-reported discrimination against men who have sex with men in Brazil
OBJECTIVE: To estimate self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil and to analyze associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 3,859 MSM recruited in 2008–2009 with respondent driven sampling. Data collection conducted in health centers in 10 Brazilian cities. A face-to-face questionnaire was used and rapid HIV and syphilis tests conducted. Aggregated data were weighted and adjusted odds ratio estimated to measure the association between selected factors and self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation. RESULTS: The sample was predominantly young, eight plus years of schooling, pardo (brown), single, low-income, and identified themselves as gay or homosexual. The prevalence of self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation was 27.7% (95%CI 26.2–29.1). Discrimination was independently associated with: age < 30 years, more years of schooling,community involvement and support, history of sexual and physical violence, suicidal thoughts, and unprotected receptive anal intercourse. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of self-reported discrimination among MSM in Brazil is high. These results challenge the assumptions that MSM-specific prevention and support programs are not required or that health professionals do not need special training to address MSM needs
Widespread nasal carriage of Mycobacterium lepraeamong a healthy population in a hyperendemic region of northeastern Brazil.
A case-control study was conducted to determine the presence ofMycobacterium lepraeDNA in nasal secretions of leprosy cases and nonleprosy individuals in Fortaleza, Brazil. It included 185 cases identified by physicians at the Dona Libânia National Reference Centre for Sanitary Dermatology (CDERM). A control group (Co) (n = 136) was identified among individuals from CDERM not diagnosed as leprosy cases. To augment the spatial analysis of M. leprae specific repetitive element (RLEP) positive prevalence, an external group (EG) (n = 121), a convenience sample of healthy students, were included. Polymerase chain reaction for the RLEP sequence was conducted for all participants. Prevalence of RLEP positivity for cases and Co were 69.2% and 66.9%, respectively, significantly higher than for EG (28.1%), and reported elsewhere. Male sex, belonging to a lower socioeconomic status (D/E), history of a previous contact with a case and being older, were associated with being a leprosy case. Our geographical analysis demonstrated that the bacillus is widespread among the healthy population, with clusters of RLEP positive multibacillary cases concentrated in distinct areas of the city. Our results suggest that in endemic areas, as in Fortaleza, surveillance for both nonhousehold leprosy contacts and members of the general population living in cluster areas should be implemented
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