111 research outputs found

    Co słychać w słuchowisku, czyli o technikach pracy z teatrem wyobraźni na zajęciach języka polskiego jako obcego

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę zastosowania 27 technik i strategii, wypracowanych w ramach zajęć dotyczących analizy dzieła literackiego, do nauczania jpjo w ujęciu zadaniowym ze słuchowiskiem radiowym jako materiałem nauczania. Jego zasadniczym celem jest uzasadnienie przekonania autorki o celowości stosowania w nauczaniu sprawności rozumienia tekstu audialnego w jak najszerszym zakresie technik aktywizujących. W części szczegółowej autorka przedstawia w formie stabelaryzowanej dostosowane do każdej z prezentowanych technik pracy ze słuchowiskiem zadania do wykonania przez uczących się oraz podaje, jakie efekty można osiągnąć, stosując te zabiegi metodyczne.The article describes 27 task-based techniques and strategies that were developed while analyzing literary works, and then applied to teaching Polish as a second language. A radio drama was used as the source material, and each technique is presented with an associated task and the description of results that can be reached with the use of the particular technique or strategy. The study demonstrated that activating techniques were the most effective in developing listening skills

    Możliwości wykorzystania aforyzmu w rozwijaniu sprawności mówienia

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    Publikacja wydana dzięki pomocy finansowej Wydziału Edukacji Urzędu Miasta Łodzi i Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego UŁZadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Minimization of Quantum Circuits using Quantum Operator Forms

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    In this paper we present a method for minimizing reversible quantum circuits using the Quantum Operator Form (QOF); a new representation of quantum circuit and of quantum-realized reversible circuits based on the CNOT, CV and CV^\dagger quantum gates. The proposed form is a quantum extension to the well known Reed-Muller but unlike the Reed-Muller form, the QOF allows the usage of different quantum gates. Therefore QOF permits minimization of quantum circuits by using properties of different gates than only the multi-control Toffoli gates. We introduce a set of minimization rules and a pseudo-algorithm that can be used to design circuits with the CNOT, CV and CV^\dagger quantum gates. We show how the QOF can be used to minimize reversible quantum circuits and how the rules allow to obtain exact realizations using the above mentioned quantum gates.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, Proceedings of the ULSI Workshop 2012 (@ISMVL 2012

    Teksty prymarne, adaptowane i sekundarne w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego na poziomie średnim - problemy i postulaty

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Synthesis of Reversible Circuits from a Subset of Muthukrishnan-Stroud Quantum Realizable Multi-Valued Gates

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    We present a new type of quantum realizable reversible cascade. Next we present a new algorithm to synthesize arbitrary single-output ternary functions using these reversible cascades. The cascades use “Generalized Multi-Valued Gates” introduced here, which extend the concept of Generalized Ternary Gates introduced previously. While there were 216 GTGs, a total of 12 ternary gates of the new type are sufficient to realize arbitrary ternary functions. (The count can be further reduced to 5 gates, three 2-qubit and two 1-qubit). Such gates are realizable in quantum ion trap devices. For some functions, the algorithm requires fewer gates than results previously published [1, 5, 8, 14]. In addition, the algorithm also does conversion from arbitrary ternary logic to reversible logic at the cost of relatively small garbage. The algorithm is implemented here in ternary logic, but generalization to arbitrary radix is both straightforward and sees a reduction in growth of cost as the radix is increased

    Early pioneers to reversible computation

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    Reversible computing is one of the most intensively developing research areas nowadays. We present a survey of less known or forgotten papers to show that a transfer of ideas between different disciplines is possible


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    A digital device is called reversible if it realizes a reversible mapping, i.e., the one for which there exist a unique inverse. The field of reversible computing is devoted to studying all aspects of using and designing reversible devices. During last 15 years this field has been developing very intensively due to its applications in quantumcomputing, nanotechnology and reducing power consumption of digital devices. We present an analysis of the Reversible Finite State Machines (RFSM) with respect to three well known sequences used in the testability analysis of the classical Finite State Machines (FSM). The homing, distinguishing and synchronizing sequences areapplied to two types of reversible FSMs: the converging FSM (CRFSM) and the nonconverging FSM (NCRFSM) and the effect is studied and analyzed. We show that while only certain classical FSMs possess all three sequences, CRFSMs and NCRFSMs have properties allowing to directly determine what type of sequences these machines possess

    Regularity and Symmetry as a Base for Efficient Realization of Reversible Logic Circuits

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    We introduce a Reversible Programmable Gate Array (RPGA) based on regular structure to realize binary functions in reversible logic. This structure, called a 2 * 2 Net Structure, allows for more efficient realization of symmetric functions than the methods shown by previous authors. In addition, it realizes many non-symmetric functions even without variable repetition. Our synthesis method to RPGAs allows to realize arbitrary symmetric function in a completely regular structure of reversible gates with smaller “garbage” than the previously presented papers. Because every Boolean function is symmetrizable by repeating input variables, our method is applicable to arbitrary multi-input, multi-output Boolean functions and realizes such arbitrary function in a circuit with a relatively small number of garbage gate outputs. The method can be also used in classical logic. Its advantages in terms of numbers of gates and inputs/outputs are especially seen for symmetric or incompletely specified functions with many outputs