60 research outputs found

    Device discovery in future service platforms through SIP

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    This paper proposes an extension to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for contextualized service delivery in a service delivery platform (SDP) that enables device specific multimedia delivery. SIP separates between session establishment and description and is thus, amenable to be extended for advanced implementations which make it an ideal platform for service creation. Device specific multimedia delivery needs rich and flexible device descriptions, and our approach proposes advanced device descriptions through semantic technologies. The proposed SIP extensions have been implemented on a SIP Application Server which functions as SDP in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The validation of the proposed extensions is shown through an Android SIP client application that acts as a device browser and recommender for different multimedia services to users. An example device user agent (UA) application has also been implemented on a laptop

    Production and characterisation of environmentally relevant microplastic test materials derived from agricultural plastics

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    Soil environments across the globe, particularly in agricultural settings, have now been shown to be contaminated with microplastics. Agricultural plastics – such as mulching films – are used in close or direct contact with soils and there is growing evidence demonstrating that they represent a potential source of microplastics. There is a demand to undertake fate and effects studies to understand the behaviour and potential long-term ecological risks of this contamination. Yet, there is a lack of test materials available for this purpose. This study describes the manufacture and characterisation of five large (1–40 kg) batches of microplastic test materials derived from agricultural mulching films. Batches were produced from either polyethylene-based conventional mulching films or starch-polybutadiene adipate terephthalate blend mulching films that are certified biodegradable in soil. Challenges encountered and overcome during the micronisation process provide valuable insights into the future of microplastic test material generation from these material types. This includes difficulties in micronising virgin polyethylene film materials. All five batches were subjected to a thorough physical and chemical characterisation - both of the original virgin films and the subsequent microplastic particles generated - including a screening for the presence of chemical additives. This is a critical step to provide essential information for interpreting particle fate or effects in scientific testing. Trade-offs between obtaining preferred particle typologies and time and cost constraints are elucidated. Several recommendations emerging from the experiences gained in this study are put forward to advance the research field towards greater harmonisation and utilisation of environmentally relevant test materials

    Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization; Schemes, Use Cases and Standardization

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    Traditionally, the media consumption model has been a passive and isolated activity. However, the advent of media streaming technologies, interactive social applications, and synchronous communications, as well as the convergence between these three developments, point to an evolution towards dynamic shared media experiences. In this new model, geographically distributed groups of consumers, independently of their location and the nature of their end-devices, can be immersed in a common virtual networked environment in which they can share multimedia services, interact and collaborate in real-time within the context of simultaneous media content consumption. In most of these multimedia services and applications, apart from the well-known intra and inter-stream synchronization techniques that are important inside the consumers playout devices, also the synchronization of the playout processes between several distributed receivers, known as multipoint, group or Inter-destination multimedia synchronization (IDMS), becomes essential. Due to the increasing popularity of social networking, this type of multimedia synchronization has gained in popularity in recent years. Although Social TV is perhaps the most prominent use case in which IDMS is useful, in this paper we present up to 19 use cases for IDMS, each one having its own synchronization requirements. Different approaches used in the (recent) past by researchers to achieve IDMS are described and compared. As further proof of the significance of IDMS nowadays, relevant organizations (such as ETSI TISPAN and IETF AVTCORE Group) efforts on IDMS standardization (in which authors have been and are participating actively), defining architectures and protocols, are summarized.This work has been financed, partially, by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), under its R&D Support Program in PAID-05-11-002-331 Project and in PAID-01-10, and by TNO, under its Future Internet Use Research & Innovation Program. The authors also want to thank Kevin Gross for providing some of the use cases included in Sect. 1.2.Montagud, M.; Boronat Segui, F.; Stokking, H.; Van Brandenburg, R. (2012). Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization; Schemes, Use Cases and Standardization. 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    High-affinity RNA binding by a hyperthermophilic single-stranded DNA-binding protein

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    Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs), including replication protein A (RPA) in eukaryotes, play a central role in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. SSBs utilise an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB) fold domain to bind DNA, and typically oligomerise in solution to bring multiple OB fold domains together in the functional SSB. SSBs from hyperthermophilic crenarchaea, such as Sulfolobus solfataricus, have an unusual structure with a single OB fold coupled to a flexible C-terminal tail. The OB fold resembles those in RPA, whilst the tail is reminiscent of bacterial SSBs and mediates interaction with other proteins. One paradigm in the field is that SSBs bind specifically to ssDNA and much less strongly to RNA, ensuring that their functions are restricted to DNA metabolism. Here, we use a combination of biochemical and biophysical approaches to demonstrate that the binding properties of S. solfataricus SSB are essentially identical for ssDNA and ssRNA. These features may represent an adaptation to a hyperthermophilic lifestyle, where DNA and RNA damage is a more frequent event.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    Unter dem Begriff Biotechnologie versteht man die Anwendung von Wissenschaft und Technik auf Organismen sowie deren Bestandteile, Produkte und Modelle, um belebte oder unbelebte Materie für die Herstellung von Wissen, Gütern und Dienstleistungen zu verändern. Heute eröffnen sich neue biotechnologische Anwendungsgebiete vor allem aus dem rasanten Erkenntnisgewinn auf dem Gebiet der Molekularbiologie. Von großer Bedeutung ist hier insbesondere die DNA-Rekombinationstechnik, häufig auch als Gentechnik bezeichnet. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten biotechnologischer Verfahren erstreckt sich auf unterschiedliche Gebiete. Diese Unterkategorien werden heute üblicherweise durch bestimmte Farben (Grüne, Rote und Weiße Biotechnologie) gekennzeichnet

    Künstliche Nasen

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    Unter künstlichen Nasen versteht man Messinstrumente zur Analyse von Stoffgemischen in der Gasphase. Sie bestehen üblicherweise aus einer Anzahl gleichartiger elektrochemischer Sensoren, die zu einem Sensorfeld angeordnet sind und einem geeigneten, zumeist auf Mustererkennung basierenden System zur Analyse der von den Sensoren erfassten Daten. Künstliche Nasen, die synonym auch als elektronische Nasen bezeichnet werden, sind in den letzten Jahren bei der Geruchsanalyse immer stärker zu einer kostengünstigen Alternative zu menschlichen und tierischen Testriechern oder aufwändigen Instrumentalanalysemethoden wie der Massenspektrometrie geworden


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    Die Neuroinformatik befasst sich mit der Modellierung und Nutzung von Bau- und Funktionsprinzipien der biologischen Informationsverarbeitung in Nervenzellen mit dem Ziel der Konstruktion technischer informationsverarbeitender Systeme. Als empirische Wissenschaft will die Neuroinformatik biologische Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse im Kontext des Verhaltens von Organismen in ihrer Umwelt untersuchen und modellieren
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