71 research outputs found


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    Este artigo pretende problematizar algumas questões referentes a contextos de violências vividas por jovens e adultos em suas trajetórias escolares. A partir de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo desenvolvida em um Núcleo de Educação de Jovens e Adultos no município de Florianópolis/SC, objetivou-se analisar as vivências dos estudantes por meio de seus relatos escritos e/ou orais em contextos onde as violências foram evidenciadas em seus discursos. O desenvolvimento deste estudo ocorreu mediante observação do espaço escolar e de algumas atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula, conversas informais, questionário socioeconômico, entrevista gravada e leitura dos cadernos-diário. Por meio das reflexões realizadas e, em decorrência dos dados obtidos, foi possível evidenciar, entre outras demandas relativas à práxis pedagógica, a importância do estabelecimento de relações de ensino e de aprendizagem pautadas no respeito entre sujeitos, tendo em vista, as profundas marcas que as situações de violências produzem em suas trajetórias conforme este estudo evidencia

    Nectarine promotes longevity in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Fruits containing high antioxidant capacities and other bioactivities are ideal for promoting longevity and health span. However, few fruits are known to improve the survival and health span in animals, let alone the underlying mechanisms. Here we investigate the effects of nectarine, a globally consumed fruit, on life span and health span in Drosophila melanogaster. Wild-type flies were fed standard, dietary restriction (DR), or high-fat diet supplemented with 0-4% nectarine extract. We measured life span, food intake, locomotor activity, fecundity, gene expression changes, and oxidative damage indicated by the level of 4-hydroxynonenal-protein adduct in these flies. We also measured life span, locomotor activity, and oxidative damage in sod1 mutant flies on the standard diet supplemented with 0-4% nectarine. Supplementation with 4% nectarine extended life span, increased fecundity, and decreased expression of some metabolic genes, including a key gluconeogenesis gene, PEPCK, and oxidative stress-response genes, including peroxiredoxins, in female wild-type flies fed the standard, DR, or high-fat diet. Nectarine reduced oxidative damage in wild-type females fed the high-fat diet. Moreover, nectarine improved the survival of and reduced oxidative damage in female sod1 mutant flies. Together, these findings suggest that nectarine promotes longevity and health span partly by modulating glucose metabolism and reducing oxidative damage

    Characterization of two novel proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA anchoring in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    Trypanosoma brucei is a single celled eukaryotic parasite in the group of the Kinetoplastea. The parasite harbors a single mitochondrion with a singular mitochondrial genome that is known as the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). The kDNA consists of a unique network of thousands of interlocked circular DNA molecules. To ensure proper inheritance of the kDNA to the daughter cells, the genome is physically linked to the basal body, the master organizer of the cell cycle in trypanosomes. The connection that spans, cytoplasm, mitochondrial membranes and the mitochondrial matrix is mediated by the Tripartite Attachment Complex (TAC). Using a combination of proteomics and RNAi we test the current model of hierarchical TAC assembly and identify TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 as novel candidates of a complex that connects the TAC to the kDNA. Depletion of TbmtHMG44 or TbKAP68 each leads to a strong kDNA loss but not missegregation phenotype as previously defined for TAC components. We demonstrate that the proteins rely on both the TAC and the kDNA for stable localization to the interface between these two structures. In vitro experiments suggest a direct interaction between TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 and that recombinant TbKAP68 is a DNA binding protein. We thus propose that TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 are part of a distinct complex connecting the kDNA to the TAC

    Genome variation and population structure among 1142 mosquitoes of the African malaria vector species Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii

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    Mosquito control remains a central pillar of efforts to reduce malaria burden in sub-Saharan Africa. However, insecticide resistance is entrenched in malaria vector populations, and countries with a high malaria burden face a daunting challenge to sustain malaria control with a limited set of surveillance and intervention tools. Here we report on the second phase of a project to build an open resource of high-quality data on genome variation among natural populations of the major African malaria vector species Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii. We analyzed whole genomes of 1142 individual mosquitoes sampled from the wild in 13 African countries, as well as a further 234 individuals comprising parents and progeny of 11 laboratory crosses. The data resource includes high-confidence single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls at 57 million variable sites, genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) calls, and haplotypes phased at biallelic SNPs. We use these data to analyze genetic population structure and characterize genetic diversity within and between populations. We illustrate the utility of these data by investigating species differences in isolation by distance, genetic variation within proposed gene drive target sequences, and patterns of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. This data resource provides a foundation for developing new operational systems for molecular surveillance and for accelerating research and development of new vector control tools. It also provides a unique resource for the study of population genomics and evolutionary biology in eukaryotic species with high levels of genetic diversity under strong anthropogenic evolutionary pressures

    Resistance to pirimiphos-methyl in West African Anopheles is spreading via duplication and introgression of the Ace1 locus

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    Vector population control using insecticides is a key element of current strategies to prevent malaria transmission in Africa. The introduction of effective insecticides, such as the organophosphate pirimiphos-methyl, is essential to overcome the recurrent emergence of resistance driven by the highly diverse Anopheles genomes. Here, we use a population genomic approach to investigate the basis of pirimiphos-methyl resistance in the major malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and A. coluzzii. A combination of copy number variation and a single non-synonymous substitution in the acetylcholinesterase gene, Ace1, provides the key resistance diagnostic in an A. coluzzii population from Coˆte d’Ivoire that we used for sequence-based association mapping, with replication in other West African populations. The Ace1 substitution and duplications occur on a unique resistance haplotype that evolved in A. gambiae and introgressed into A. coluzzii, and is now common in West Africa primarily due to selection imposed by other organophosphate or carbamate insecticides. Our findings highlight the predictive value of this complex resistance haplotype for phenotypic resistance and clarify its evolutionary history, providing tools to for molecular surveillance of the current and future effectiveness of pirimiphos-methyl based interventions

    Trajetórias da Educomunicação nas Políticas Públicas e a Formação de seus Profissionais

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    Esta obra é composta com os trabalhos apresentados no primeiro subtema, TRAJETÓRIA – Educação para a Comunicação como Política pública, nas perspectivas da Educomunicação e da Mídia-Educação, do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação. Os artigos pretendem propiciar trocas de informações e produzir reflexões com os leitores sobre os caminhos percorridos, e ainda a percorrer, tendo como meta a expansão e a legitimação das práticas educomunicativas e/ou mídia-educativas como política pública para o atendimento à formação de crianças, adolescentes, jovens e adultos, no Brasil e no mundo

    O sistemismo de Bunge como base teórico-metodológica para pesquisa em Ciência da Informação

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    This paper aims at bringing Mario Bunge's theoretical contributions to the scientific enterprise into the realm of Information Science. The study is justified by the area's interdisciplinary nature and its constant need for interaction with other knowledge areas. It is a theoretical essay based on the analysis of information science concepts and on Bunge's systemism. We further extend the study with the application of fundamentals of systemism in two related studies, one descriptive, other explanatory, on institutional repositories, thus exemplifying research conduction under the fundamental epistemic operation in systemism: the reduction to the system.O objetivo do estudo é aprofundar aspectos epistemológicos da Ciência da Informação (CI) a partir das contribuições do pensamento de Bunge. Justifica-se pela natureza interdisciplinar da CI e sua constante necessidade de interação com outras áreas de conhecimento. Trata-se de um ensaio teórico a partir da análise de conceitos da área de CI e a proposta sistemista de Bunge. O estudo é complementado com a aplicação dos fundamentos do sistemismo em pesquisas sistemistas, uma descritiva e outra explicativa, sobre repositórios institucionais de acesso aberto, exemplificando a condução de pesquisa sob a operação epistêmica fundamental do sistemismo: a redução ao sistema

    Afetividade, conflito familiar e problemas de comportamento em pré-escolares de famílias de baixa renda: visão de mães e professoras

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    The family is considered an essential social system in the transmission of beliefs, ideas and social meanings and has strong influence in childrens behavior. The affectionate relationships established in the family are essential for the emotional development. The low-income families have peculiarities, but generally they try to approach the current social pattern. The objective of this study was to examine the level of affection and conflict in low-income families and their relation to behavior problems in preschool children from the point of view of mothers and teachers. The participants were 59 mothers of preschool children and their teachers, who responded to instruments on affection, family conflict and child behavior problems based on the mothers and teachers point of view. The data highlighted the importance of the degree of affection and conflict between the father and mother, and its relationship with the childrens development problems and that the greater the degree of conflict between the parents more behavior problems children develop, independently of the family structure.A família é considerada um sistema social essencial na transmissão de crenças, ideias, conceitos e significados sociais, e influencia o comportamento das crianças. As relações afetivas estabelecidas na família constituem um dos fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento emocional da criança. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o nível de afetividade e conflito em famílias de baixa renda e sua relação com os problemas de comportamento de crianças pré-escolares, a partir da visão das mães e das professoras. Participaram do estudo 59 mães de crianças em idade pré-escolar e suas respectivas professoras (10), que responderam a instrumentos sobre afetividade e conflito familiar e de problemas de comportamento infantil. Os dados revelaram a relação entre afetividade e conflito dos cônjuges e comportamento infantil. Quanto maior o grau de conflito entre os pais, maiores foram os problemas de comportamento das crianças, independentemente da configuração familiar.La familia es considerada un sistema social esencial en la transmisión de creencias, ideas, conceptos y significados sociales, e influencia el comportamiento de los niños. Las relaciones afectuosas establecidas en la familia constituyen uno de los factores determinantes para el desarrollo emocional del niño. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el de examinar el nivel de afectividad y conflictos en familias de baja renta y su relación con los problemas de comportamiento de niños preescolares, desde la perspectiva de las madres y de las profesoras. Han participado del estudio 59 madres de niños en edad preescolar y sus respectivas profesoras (10), que han respondido instrumentos acerca de la afectividad y conflicto familiar y de problemas de comportamiento infantil. Cuanto mayor es el grado de conflicto entre los padres, mayores han sido los problemas de comportamiento de los niños, independientemente de la configuración familiar