331 research outputs found

    Utilisation et rôles des exemples lors d’enseignements universitaires de chimie

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    Une étude qualitative menée au moyen d’entretiens, auprès de huit enseignants de chimie de deux universités, a déterminé les usages et rôles qu’ils attribuent aux exemples dans leurs enseignements. Un certain consensus se dégage sur la place et les caractéristiques des exemples, sur leurs rôles d’ordre cognitif, pédagogique, motivationnel ou encore médiatif. En revanche, les enseignants interrogés ne s’accordent pas pour désigner ce qui est fait en travaux pratiques, qui sont des exemples par essence pour certains, des situations concrètes pour d’autres. L’analyse des justifications apportées par les enseignants montre que le choix d’utiliser un exemple ou un certain type d’exemple relève d’influences diverses qui conditionnent partiellement les pratiques. Le rôle médiatif vis-à-vis du monde industriel semble accentué en master ou licence professionnelle mais sans que de véritables études de cas intégrant différents types de compétences et connaissances soient répandues.A qualitative study was conducted by means of interviews of eight chemistry teachers in two universities. It determined the uses and the functions that the teachers assign to examples in their teaching. The teachers surveyed agree about the place and caracteristics of examples, about their cognitive, pedagogical, motivational or mediative functions On the contrary they disagree when it comes to designate what is done in practical sessions, which are essentially examples for some and concrete situations for others. The analysis of the justifications given by the teachers shows that choosing to use a specific example or a certain type of example is due to various influences which partially condition the teachers’ practices. The mediative role toward the industrial world seems more important in master or professional degree but no real case studies including several types of skills and knowledge are being conducted

    Navigation system around Kalmykia

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    Navigation system around Kalmykia

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    51 s., 3 s. příl. :obrázky +CD ROMTématem mé diplomové práce je ''Navigační systém pro Kalmycko, Rusko''. Mým cílem je nejen seznámit lidi s pamětihodnostmi a tradicemi Kalmycka, ale vyprávět jim o její buddhistické kultuře. Pro dosažení tohoto cíle jsem prostudovala tradice Kalmyků, dotazovala jsem se obyvatel a z jejich odpovědí byl sestaven žebříček nejdůležitějších památek republiky. Na základě toho byl vypracován koncept navigačního systému, který je založen na integrovaní tradic do moderního projektu. To mě dovedlo k vytvoření internetových stránek, které vypovídají o pamětihodnostech a tradicích Kalmycka v souladu s jeho obyčeji

    Design constructional documentation for selected type of clothes for disabled persons using program PDS Tailor

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    57 s. :il., tab. +CD ROMCílem této práce bylo zhotovit konstrukční dokumentace oděvu pro imobilní osoby s využitím programu PDS Tailor. K dosažení tohoto cíle byl proveden průzkum literárních poznatků a charakterizovány somatické zvláštnosti postižených osob. Na základě výpočtů dynamického efektu tělesných rozměrů, výsledků dotazníkového šetření a naměřených tělesných rozměrů konkrétního vozíčkáře byla provedena modelová úprava pánské bundy. Konstrukční dokumentace navrhovaného modelu bundy byla vypracována v softwaru PDS Tailor

    Tenis sporu ve Türk toplumu

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    Sofyalı Abdi çelebizadelerden 1916 Selanik doğumluyum. 1920'de İstanbul'a temelli yerleştik. Kabataş Lisesini, Kimya Fakültesini bitirdim. (1941). Kim. Y. Müh.liğini 1980'e kadar sürdürdüm. Güzel Sanatlar Y. O.da 12 sene Tekstil Kimyası dersi verdim. 1979-80 senesinde Spor  akademisinde Tenis Bilim Dalı Öğretim görevlisi oldum.Üç ders, on iki kaynak kitabı çevirdim. Günlük spor gazetesi çıkardım. Basketbol ve Tenis Fed. Eğitim Komisyonu Başkanıyım. Spor'a İzmir Amerikan Kolejinde başlayıp Basketbol, Tenis ve Binicilik sporu yaptım. Evli iki kız babasıyım

    Phenotype and Genotype Differences of Meat Type “Tselinny” within Kalmyk Horse Breed

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    In the Republic of Kalmykia, the horse breeding segment is reaching up to 6 % of the whole agricultural industry. The number of horses has a tendency to increase. This is determined by the low cost, as well as by environmental friendliness of keeping horses, and horses’ adaptability to harsh conditions. There are four breeding plants on the territory of Kalmykia, which are actively involved in Kalmyk horses breed rearing. Recently a distinct meat-type was isolated within the Kalmyk breed, which was named “Tselinny” meat-type (further Tselinny). The goal of the presented paper is to compare purebred horses with a pool of horses belonging to newly isolated type Tselinny. Genotype of both populations consists of 14 and 15 alleles, as 84.4 % and 78.8 % of horses have these alleles (purebred and Tselinny type respectively). Animal of Tselinny meat-type do not have 16 and 17 alleles, while more than 10 % of purebred horses of the Kalmyk breed have these two alleles in their genotype. The difference in genotype is confirmed by the difference in phenotype: these are differences in size and meat productivity of horses. Both stallions and mares of Tsenilly meat type are bigger and have higher weight. When we come to the meat productivity, the weight of the meat from young animals of Tselinny type was by 21 % (45 kg) higher. Horses belonging to the Tselinny type differ from purebred animals of Kalmyk breed both in genotype and phenotype. At the same time, exemplar of both groups keep features of Kalmyk horse breed. It is important to develop different types within the breed, based on the intended goal of breeding

    Dikkat ve tenis (the master key of tennis)

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    Teniste vuruş + koşuş + hedefleme (aiming) gibi birçok işin (task) 2 sn. içinde etkili ve karakterli bir biçimde yapma sporunda dikkat en önemli unsurdur Başarı, tenisçinin dikkat kalitesine bağlıdır, dikkatsiz bir tenisçi ne belli bir tekniği uygulayabilir, ne de bellek, transfer anticipation konularında başarılı olabilir.Aşağıda fakülte hatta kulüp koşullarında dikkat egzersizi ilkelerini  anlatmaya çalıştım. Bu küçük yazımla teniste bilimsel düşüncenin pratik tenis yönergenliğinde bir kullanılma örneğini vermek istedim

    Okullarda tenis öğretimi

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    Dünyada en kötü tenis oynayan birkaç ülke içinde Türkiye de vardır. Çünkü, yurdumuzda dünyada bilgi ve bilimden yoksun hocaların hegemonyası hala devam edebilmektedir. İşin dümencisi de Federasyon olması ve genel müdürlüğün buna seyirci kalması bu sonuçlar başkasının oluşmasının olanak sağlayamaz. İşin en kötü yanı, federasyonun aşırı politize olması, tenisin yanlız uluslararası tenis pazarının bir taşra bürosu haline dönüşük rotada yörüngelenmiş olması gelmektedir