448 research outputs found

    Slightly generalized Generalized Contagion: Unifying simple models of biological and social spreading

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    We motivate and explore the basic features of generalized contagion, a model mechanism that unifies fundamental models of biological and social contagion. Generalized contagion builds on the elementary observation that spreading and contagion of all kinds involve some form of system memory. We discuss the three main classes of systems that generalized contagion affords, resembling: simple biological contagion; critical mass contagion of social phenomena; and an intermediate, and explosive, vanishing critical mass contagion. We also present a simple explanation of the global spreading condition in the context of a small seed of infected individuals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; chapter to appear in "Spreading Dynamics in Social Systems"; Eds. Sune Lehmann and Yong-Yeol Ahn, Springer Natur

    Percolation and Epidemic Thresholds in Clustered Networks

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    We develop a theoretical approach to percolation in random clustered networks. We find that, although clustering in scale-free networks can strongly affect some percolation properties, such as the size and the resilience of the giant connected component, it cannot restore a finite percolation threshold. In turn, this implies the absence of an epidemic threshold in this class of networks extending, thus, this result to a wide variety of real scale-free networks which shows a high level of transitivity. Our findings are in good agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 Pages and 3 Figures. Final version to appear in PR

    Migration paths saturations in meta-epidemic systems

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    In this paper we consider a simple two-patch model in which a population affected by a disease can freely move. We assume that the capacity of the interconnected paths is limited, and thereby influencing the migration rates. Possible habitat disruptions due to human activities or natural events are accounted for. The demographic assumptions prevent the ecosystem to be wiped out, and the disease remains endemic in both populated patches at a stable equilibrium, but possibly also with an oscillatory behavior in the case of unidirectional migrations. Interestingly, if infected cannot migrate, it is possible that one patch becomes disease-free. This fact could be exploited to keep disease-free at least part of the population

    Intrinsic definitions of "relative velocity" in general relativity

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    Given two observers, we define the "relative velocity" of one observer with respect to the other in four different ways. All four definitions are given intrinsically, i.e. independently of any coordinate system. Two of them are given in the framework of spacelike simultaneity and, analogously, the other two are given in the framework of observed (lightlike) simultaneity. Properties and physical interpretations are discussed. Finally, we study relations between them in special relativity, and we give some examples in Schwarzschild and Robertson-Walker spacetimes.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. New proofs in special relativity and a new open problem in general relativity (see Remark 5.2). An Appendix has been added, studying the relative velocities in Schwarzschild, with new figures. Some spelling erros fixe

    Analysis of Petri Net Models through Stochastic Differential Equations

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    It is well known, mainly because of the work of Kurtz, that density dependent Markov chains can be approximated by sets of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) when their indexing parameter grows very large. This approximation cannot capture the stochastic nature of the process and, consequently, it can provide an erroneous view of the behavior of the Markov chain if the indexing parameter is not sufficiently high. Important phenomena that cannot be revealed include non-negligible variance and bi-modal population distributions. A less-known approximation proposed by Kurtz applies stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and provides information about the stochastic nature of the process. In this paper we apply and extend this diffusion approximation to study stochastic Petri nets. We identify a class of nets whose underlying stochastic process is a density dependent Markov chain whose indexing parameter is a multiplicative constant which identifies the population level expressed by the initial marking and we provide means to automatically construct the associated set of SDEs. Since the diffusion approximation of Kurtz considers the process only up to the time when it first exits an open interval, we extend the approximation by a machinery that mimics the behavior of the Markov chain at the boundary and allows thus to apply the approach to a wider set of problems. The resulting process is of the jump-diffusion type. We illustrate by examples that the jump-diffusion approximation which extends to bounded domains can be much more informative than that based on ODEs as it can provide accurate quantity distributions even when they are multi-modal and even for relatively small population levels. Moreover, we show that the method is faster than simulating the original Markov chain

    The dynamics of audience applause

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    The study of social identity and crowd psychology looks at how and why individual people change their behaviour in response to others. Within a group, a new behaviour can emerge first in a few individuals before it spreads rapidly to all other members. A number of mathematical models have been hypothesized to describe these social contagion phenomena, but these models remain largely untested against empirical data. We used Bayesian model selection to test between various hypotheses about the spread of a simple social behaviour, applause after an academic presentation. Individuals' probability of starting clapping increased in proportion to the number of other audience members already ‘infected’ by this social contagion, regardless of their spatial proximity. The cessation of applause is similarly socially mediated, but is to a lesser degree controlled by the reluctance of individuals to clap too many times. We also found consistent differences between individuals in their willingness to start and stop clapping. The social contagion model arising from our analysis predicts that the time the audience spends clapping can vary considerably, even in the absence of any differences in the quality of the presentations they have heard

    Classification of image distortions in terms of Petrov types

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    An observer surrounded by sufficiently small spherical light sources at a fixed distance will see a pattern of elliptical images distributed over the sky, owing to the distortion effect (shearing effect) of the spacetime geometry upon light bundles. In lowest non-trivial order with respect to the distance, this pattern is completely determined by the conformal curvature tensor (Weyl tensor) at the observation event. In this paper we derive formulas that allow to calculate these distortion patterns in terms of the Newman-Penrose formalism. Then we represent the distortion patterns graphically for all Petrov types, and we discuss their dependence on the velocity of the observer.Comment: 22 pages, 8 eps-figures; revised version, parts of Introduction and Conclusions rewritte

    Emergent spatial correlations in stochastically evolving populations

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    We study the spatial pattern formation and emerging long range correlations in a model of three species coevolving in space and time according to stochastic contact rules. Analytical results for the pair correlation functions, based on a truncation approximation and supported by computer simulations, reveal emergent strategies of survival for minority agents based on selection of patterns. Minority agents exhibit defensive clustering and cooperative behavior close to phase transitions.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Adobe PDF forma