31 research outputs found

    <i>Canına kıymak</i> – ‘crushing life energy’: a qualitative study on lay and professional understandings of suicide and help-seeking among Turkish migrants in the UK and in the Netherlands

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    ABSTRACT: Currently, little is known about the views that Turkish migrants hold towards suicide, which may differ from the narratives held by native inhabitants of their host countries. Central to improving the provision of mental health services, furthering our knowledge of these views is important. The aim of this research was to explore Turkish cultural understandings on suicide and help-seeking for suicide. A qualitative study included data from 6 focus groups and 7 individual interviews with 38 Turkish-speaking lay people and 4 key informants living in the Netherlands or the UK during the year 2014/2015. Through the analysis of participants’ stories and narratives, the following key themes emerged in relation to suicide: suicide as an escape from failure and as a failure in itself; acculturation orientation; parenting style; and shame and stigma. There were more similarities than differences between the themes among laypersons and key informants from two countries. Canına kıymak (crushing life energy) was a strong metaphor for personal distress. Suicide was perceived as a failing of responsibilities towards the family and community. Future research should aim to give voice to all ethnocultural groups to further the present understanding of suicide and help-seeking processes in these communities

    Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe district, Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Not much is known about the risk factors of major depressive disorder (MDD) in HIV/AIDS in the African socio-cultural context. Therefore a study was undertaken to examine the prevalence and risk factors of MDD in HIV/AIDS in semi-urban Uganda. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken among 618 respondents attending two HIV clinics in Uganda. RESULTS: Prevalence of MDD was 8.1%. Factors associated with MDD at univariate analysis only were female gender, family history of mental illness, negative coping style, alcohol dependency disorder, food insecurity and stress; not associated with MDD were social support, neurocognitive impairment, CD4 counts and BMI. Factors independently associated with MDD were psychosocial impairment, adverse life events, post traumatic stress disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and life-time attempted suicide. CONCLUSION: Psychological and social factors were the main risk factors of MDD among ambulatory HIV positive persons with no evidence for the role of the neurotoxic effects of HIV. Treatment approaches for MDD in this patient group should be modeled on those used among non-HIV groups

    Rates, risk factors & methods of self harm among minority ethnic groups in the UK: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies suggest that the rates of self harm vary by ethnic group, but the evidence for variation in risk factors has not been synthesised to inform preventive initiatives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook a systematic literature review of research about self harm that compared at least two ethnic groups in the United Kingdom.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>25 publications from 1765 titles and abstracts met our inclusion criteria. There was higher rate of self harm among South Asian women, compared with South Asian men and White women. In a pooled estimate from two studies, compared to their white counterparts, Asian women were more likely to self harm (Relative Risk 1.4, 95%CI: 1.1 to 1.8, p = 0.005), and Asian men were less likely to self harm (RR 0.5, 95% CI: 0.4 to 0.7, p < 0.001). Some studies concluded that South Asian adults self-harm impulsively in response to life events rather than in association with a psychiatric illness. Studies of adolescents showed similar methods of self harm and interpersonal disputes with parents and friends across ethnic groups. There were few studies of people of Caribbean, African and other minority ethnic groups, few studies took a population based and prospective design and few investigated self harm among prisoners, asylum seekers and refugees.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This review finds some ethnic differences in the nature and presentation of self harm. This argues for ethnic specific preventive actions. However, the literature does not comprehensively cover the UK's diverse ethnic groups.</p

    Level of suicidal intent predicts overall mortality and suicide after attempted suicide: a 12-year follow-up study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to comprehensively examine clinical risk factors, including suicide intent and hopelessness, for suicide and risk of death from all causes after attempted suicide over a 12-year follow-up period. METHODS: A systematic sample of 224 patients from consecutive cases of attempted suicide referred to health care in four Finnish cities between 1 January and 31 July 1990 was interviewed. RESULTS: After 12 years of follow-up 22% of these patients had died, 8% by committing suicide. The only statistically significant risk factor for eventual suicide was high scores on Beck's Suicidal Intention Scale. Male gender, older age, physical illness or disability and high scores on Beck's Suicidal Intention Scale predicted death overall. CONCLUSIONS: Following attempted suicide, high intention to kill oneself is a significant risk factor for both death from all causes and suicide

    Stabiliteit van persoonlijkheid op latere leeftijd

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    Door middel van literatuuronderzoek wordt onderzocht wat bekend is over de invloed van veroudering op de stabiliteit van persoonlijkheid op hoge leeftijd. De resultaten van 6 longitudinale onderzoeken wijzen op voortzetting van de relatieve stabiliteit tot op hoge leeftijd. De absolute stabiliteit laat een Uvormig beloop van ‘neuroticisme’ zien met een stijging na het 80e jaar, een afname van ‘extraversie’ en een toename van ‘altruı¨sme’. De methodologische en conceptuele problemen bij onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van persoonlijkheid op latere leeftijd kunnen grotendeels ondervangen worden door een persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst te ontwikkelen die aansluit bij de levensfase van ouderen en door de aan veroudering gerelateerde kenmerken als co-variabelen in de onderzoeksopzet te betrekken

    Attitudes and stigma in relation to help-seeking intentions for psychological problems in low and high suicide rate regions

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    Accessibility and availability of mental health care services are necessary but not sufficient for people to seek help for psychological problems. Attitudes and stigma related to help seeking also determine help seeking intentions. The aim of this study is to investigate how cross-national differences in attitudes and stigma within the general population are related to professional and informal help seeking intentions in low and high suicide rate regions.status: publishe