71 research outputs found

    Lie-algebraic interpretation of the maximal superintegrability and exact solvability of the Coulomb-Rosochatius potential in n dimensions

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    The potential group method is applied to the n-dimensional Coulomb-Rosochatius potential, whose bound states and scattering states are worked out in detail. As far as scattering is concerned, the S-matrix elements are computed by the method of intertwining operators and an integral representation is obtained for the scattering amplitude. It is shown that the maximal superintegrability of the system is due to the underlying potential group and that the 2n-1 constants of motion are related to Casimir operators of subgroups.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, to appear in J. Phys. A : Math. Theo


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    Work is devoted to theoretical researches of calculation of the three-layer designs (TLD) at dynamic loading by the concentrated loading. On these theoretical researches graphic and analytical dependences of relative thickness of punching of freely reinforced filler (SAZ) on its density and height of discrete pyramidal filler by which in case of need it is possible to determine the necessary density of SAZ for this speed of hit of the drummer are given

    The recognition and valuation of an asset’s productivity in business accounting and reporting

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    In this article we have considered the problems of classification and recognition of a specific type of asset, namely cattle embryos, as well as analyzed the characteristic features of this type of asset. We also substantiated its recognition as a biological asset in accordance with IFRS 41 "Agriculture". The possibility of applying the approach to embryos’ valuation by means on fair value has been proved based on the convergence of selection calculations’ methods and the income discounting method. The calculations have shown that the evaluation of the embryos depends on conditions and patterns of their usage. The results of the study will allow more reasonably forming professional judgment in the primary recognition of the biological asset and its valuation at the reporting dates in the financial statements.peer-reviewe

    Образовательный потенциал блогосферы как фактор формирования правовой культуры человека

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused, on the one hand, by the blogosphere’s dynamic development, and, on the other, by insufficient theoretical understanding of the blogosphere and its role in the formation of the legal culture of modern man. The purpose of the study is the identification of the educational resource of the blogosphere, its relevance, and justification of the need for its use in the formation of the individual’s legal culture. Materials and research methods. The variety of research methodologies related to the consideration of the blogosphere’s educational resource as a factor in the formation of legal culture is due to the variety of approaches – cultural-historical, contextual, competency building, personality-centered, aimed at achieving the study goal. Research result. As a result of monitoring the list of hashtags that we compiled, correlated with the theoretical construct "legal culture", conducted according to search queries in social networks, platforms and applications – VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, statistics were obtained for the indicators "mention", "engagement", "sentiment", the TOP-10 hashtag rating was built. The data obtained indicates a high demand among users for legal content, legal information, and effective behavioral practices in legal situations. It is justified that interest in legal educational content in the blogosphere is associated with the current situation of people's life, characterized by variability, non-standard, uncertainty, active development of law-making practice, which involves continuous updating of legislation’s knowledge. Discussion of results and conclusions. The media sphere is represented by many environments, one of which is the blogosphere as a dynamically developing Internet space with educational potential. This potential is significant in the formation of the legal culture of the individual, its cognitive and activity components. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00813 “Educational potential of the media sphere as a space for the development of legal culture and human rights culture in modern Russia”

    Sinteza i biološko vrednovanje novih derivata 2-fenil-benzimidazol-1-acetamida kao potencijalnih anthelmintika

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    The present study describes synthesis of a series of 2-phenyl benzimidazole-1-acetamide derivatives and their evaluation for anthelmintic activity using Indian adult earthworms, Pheretima posthuma. The structure of the title compounds was elucidated by elemental analysis and spectral data. The compounds 4-({[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]acetyl}amino) benzoic acid (3a), N-ethyl-2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl] acetamide (3c), N-benzyl-2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl] acetamide (3d), N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl] acetamide (3f), 2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N-phenylacetamide (3h), 2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N\u27-phenylacetohydrazide (3k), 2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N-(4-nitrophenyl) acetamide (3n) and 2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N-phenylacetamide (3q) were better to paralyze worms whereas N-ethyl-2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl] acetamide (3c), N-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1yl] acetamide (3e), 4-({[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl] acetyl} amino) benzoic acid (3j), 2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N-ethylacetamide (3l) and 2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N-phenylacetamide (3q) were better to cause death of worms compared to the anthelmintic drug albendazole.U radu je opisana sinteza derivata 2-fenil-benzimidazol-1-acetamida i ispitivanje njihovog anthelmintičkog djelovanja na odrasle indijske gliste, Pheretima posthuma. Struktura sintetiziranih spojeva određena je elementarnom analizom i spektroskopskim metodama. Spojevi 4-({[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]acetil}amino) benzojeva kiselina (3a), N-etil-2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il] acetamid (3c), N-benzil-2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il] acetamid (3d), N-(4-hidroksifenil)-2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il] acetamid (3f), 2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-fenilacetamid (3h), 2-[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N\u27-fenilacetohidrazid (3k), 2-[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-(4-nitrofenil) acetamid (3n) i 2-[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-fenilacetamid (3q) jače paraliziraju gliste, a N-etil-2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il] acetamid (3c), 2-[2-(4-nitrofenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-fenilacetamid (3h), 4-({[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]acetil}amino) benzojeva kiselina (3j), 2-[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-etilacetamid (3l) i 2-[2-(4-klorfenil)-1H-benzimidazol-1-il]-N-fenilacetamid (3q) učinkovitije usmrćuju gliste nego anthelmintik albendazol

    Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field

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    The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, νe+np+e\nu _{e} + n \to p + e ^{-}, in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde

    Изменения баланса массы ледника Гарабаши (Эльбрус) на рубеже XX–XXI вв.

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    Long-term series of observations on the glacier of the southern slope of Elbrus manifest the change of two climatic periods in the highlands of the Caucasus. During the first one, relatively cold and snowy period of 1982–1997 with a small positive mass balance, the Garabashi Glacier accumulated a layer of 0.8 m.e. The second period (1998–2017) is characterized by rising summer air temperatures and increasing precipitation in the first decade, and catastrophic melting in 2010–2017. The mass balance of the glacier averaged −0.63 m w.e. yr−1, and in some years it reached −1.00 ÷ −1.50 m w.e. yr−1. In the last ten years, frequency of vast anticyclones covering the southern part of the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus increased. Summer temperatures in the Elbrus region rose to almost the level of the 1950s that was the hottest decade of the XX century. Duration of the summer season on the glaciers increased. Active melting resulted in elevation of the equilibrium line of the Garabashy Glacier by 200 m. In the main part of the glacier alimentation area, i.e. at heights of 3800–4000 m, the large parts of the firn area had disappeared, but open ice of the ablation zone had appeared. The former areas of the "warm" firn zone, where up to 35% of melt water retained within the 20‑meter firn thickness, were replaced by the firn-ice zone, and the ice discharge increased. The glacier alimentation is decreased, and its tongue retreats with increasing velocity. Rocks and entire lava ridges release from ice at different levels of the glacier. The inter-annual variations of the glacier mass balance are controlled by intensity of ablation. In the second period, the correlation coefficient of these values reached 0.97 compared to 0.82 in the first one. In total over 36 years of observations, reduction of the glacier mass during the second period resulted in loss of volume (0.05 km3 or 14%), area (0.51 km2 or 11.4%), and of ice layer (11.4 m).На основе 36‑летнего ряда ежегодных наблюдений за балансом массы и состоянием ледника Гарабаши на Эльбрусе выделены два периода: 1982–1997 и 1998–2017 гг. В первом периоде отмечен небольшой положительный баланс массы (+0,8 м в.э.), а во втором летние температуры в Приэльбрусье повысились на 1 °С, граница питания поднялась на 200 м. За все годы наблюдений ледник потерял 14% своего объёма и 11,4% площади


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    From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute for OBCs were examined and treated 62 children with testicular germ cell tumors. The average age of our patients was 3.7 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children performed a study of tumor markers titer, ultrasound. In 14 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume orhifunikulektomii conducted all 62 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya made in   4 children and 5 children underwent thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 47 children with malignant germ cell tumor. Using a combined method in the treatment of malignant testicular tumors led to 100 % relapse-free and overall survival. С 1990 по 2009 г. в НИИ детской онкологии и гематологии (НИИ ДОГ) на обследовании и лечении находились 62 ребенка с герминогенной опухолью яичка. Средний возраст наших пациентов составил 3,7 года (от 3 мес до 15 лет). У всех детей проводили исследование титра онкомаркеров, ультразвуковое исследование. У 14 детей выявлены метастазы. Оперативное лечение на первом этапе в объеме орхифуникулэктомии проводили всем 62 детям. Забрюшинная лимфаденэктомия выполнена 4 детям и торакотомия с удалением метастазов в легком – 5. Лекарственное лечение проведено 47 детям со злокачественной герминогенной опухолью. Использование комбинированного метода в лечении злокачественной опухоли яичка позволило добиться 100 % безрецидивной и общей выживаемости.

    A Group-Theoretical Method for Natanzon Potentials in Position-Dependent Mass Background

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    A new manner for deriving the exact potentials is presented. By making use of conformal mappings, the general expression of the effective potentials deduced under su(1,1) algebra can be brought back to the general Natanzon hypergeometric potentials