87 research outputs found

    Inhibition of cholinesterases by albuterol carbamate

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    OdreĎene su konstante brzine inhibicije dviju butirilkolinesteraza (BChE; EC i dviju acetilkolinesteraza (AChE; EC s racemičnim, (R)- i (S)- N,N-dimetilkarbamatom albuterola (4-(2-(tert-butilamino)-1-hidroksietil)-2-(hidroksimetil)fenol. Korištene su ljudska (hBChE) i BChE izolirana iz seruma konja (hoBChE), rekombinantna ljudska AChE (hAChE) i AChE izolirana iz električnog organa jegulje (eeAChE). Karbamat albuterola je progresivno inhibirao sve ispitivane kolinesteraze s konstantama brzine inhibicije reda veličine 103-106 dm3mol-1min-1, pri čemu je najbrţe inhibirao hBChE. Ispitivani karbamat se pokazao selektivnim inhibitorom koji hBChE inhibira 8 puta brţe od hAChE. TakoĎer, karbamat albuterola razlikuje kolinesteraze različitih vrsta, budući da hBChE inhibira 1,7 puta brţe od hoBChE, dok hAChE inhibira 34 puta brţe od eeAChE. Ljudske BChE i AChE su stereoselektivni enzimi koji imaju 13, odnosno 4 puta veći afinitet prema (R)-karbamatu albuterola. Inhibicijski potencijal karbamata albuterola, kao i njegova selektivnost prema hBChE u odnosu na AChE, manja je od do sada ispitivanih karbamata slične strukture.Inhibition rate constants of two butyrylcholinesterases (BChE, EC and two acetylcholinesterases (AChE; EC with racemic, (R)- and (S)- albuterol carbamate (4- (2-(tert-butylamino )-1-hydroxyethyl)-2-(hydroxymethyl)phenyl dimethylcarbamate) were determined. Human (hBChE) and BChE from the horse serum (hoBChE), recombinant human AChE (hAChE) and AChE from the eel (eeAChE) were used. Albuterol carbamate progressively inhibited all cholinesterases with inhibition rate constants ranged from 103-106 dm3mol-1min-1, wherefrom inhibition of hBChE was the fastest. Tested carbamate is a selective BChE inhibitor inhibiting hBChE 8 times faster than hAChE. Also, albuterol carbamate clearly distinguishes cholinesterases of different species, since it inhibits hBChE 1.7 times faster than hoBChE, and hAChE 34 times faster than eeAChE. Human BChE and AChE are stereoselective enzymes having 13 or 4 times higher affinity to (R)-carbamate albuterol. The inhibitory potential of albuterol carbamate, as well as its selectivity toward hBChE relative to AChE, is lower than that of other carbamates with the similar structure

    World coal market

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    Ugljen je neobnovljivi izvor energije i fosilno gorivo bez kojeg je teško zamisliti da bi svijet mogao funkcionirati na način na koji funkcionira danas. Ugljen je danas drugi energent u svijetu za proizvodnju primarne energije. Veliku važnost ugljen ima u proizvodnji električne energije, te u proizvodnji čelika i metala. Iz godine u godinu globalna potreba za energijom raste, najviše u gospodarstvima koja se naglo razvijaju i industrijaliziraju, te tako problemi vezani za energetsku sigurnost postaju sve važniji. Ugljen se smatra sigurnim energentom u proizvodnji energije jer su njegove rezerve u svijetu velike, a i cjenovno je prihvatljiviji od drugih fosilnih goriva. Pretvorba ugljena u električnu energiju odvija se u termoelektranama gdje prilikom izgaranja ugljena dolazi do emisija štetnih plinova u atmosferu koji pridonose klimatskim promjenama. Zbog onečišćenja koje uzrokuje ugljen svijet se sve više okreće proizvodnji energije iz obnovljivih izvora energija, ali se proizvodnja električne energije iz ugljena trenutačno ne može nadomjestiti iz obnovljivih izvora energije zbog velike ovisnosti o vremenskim uvjetima i financijskom ulaganju. Posljednjih godina sve se više spominje proizvodnja „čiste energije iz ugljena“ kako bi to bilo ostvarivo razvijaju se i primjenjuju brojne metode koje vode do toga. Preko 70% svjetske proizvodnje i potrošnje ugljena odvija se u Aziji, gdje se kao najveći potrošač i proizvođač istiće Kina koja većinu svoje energije proizvodi iz ugljena zbog njegove raspoloživosti i cijene.Coal is a non-renewable source of energy and a fossil fuel without which is hard to imagine the world could function at the way it does today. Today coal is the second energy source in the world to produce primary energy. Coal has high importance in the electricity production and production of steel and metals. Year by year the global demand for energy is growing, mostly in economies who rapidly develop and industrialize, and also problems related to energy security are becoming increasingly important. Coal is considered a safe source of energy in energy production because its reserves in the world are large, and the price is more acceptable than other fossil fuels. The conversion process of coal into electricity takes place in thermal power plants where, during the combustion of coal, comes to greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere which contributes to climate change. Due to the pollution caused by coal, the world is increasingly turning to the production of energy from renewable energy sources, but the generation of electricity from coal currently cannot be replaced by renewable energy because of its high dependence on weather conditions and financial investment. In recent years, there has been an increasing reference to the production of "clean coal energy" to make it feasible, many methods are being developed and applied which leads to it. Over 70% of the world's coal production and consumption takes place in Asia, where China is the largest consumer and producer of energy, which most energy producing from coal, because of availability and price

    Inhibition of cholinesterases by albuterol carbamate

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    OdreĎene su konstante brzine inhibicije dviju butirilkolinesteraza (BChE; EC i dviju acetilkolinesteraza (AChE; EC s racemičnim, (R)- i (S)- N,N-dimetilkarbamatom albuterola (4-(2-(tert-butilamino)-1-hidroksietil)-2-(hidroksimetil)fenol. Korištene su ljudska (hBChE) i BChE izolirana iz seruma konja (hoBChE), rekombinantna ljudska AChE (hAChE) i AChE izolirana iz električnog organa jegulje (eeAChE). Karbamat albuterola je progresivno inhibirao sve ispitivane kolinesteraze s konstantama brzine inhibicije reda veličine 103-106 dm3mol-1min-1, pri čemu je najbrţe inhibirao hBChE. Ispitivani karbamat se pokazao selektivnim inhibitorom koji hBChE inhibira 8 puta brţe od hAChE. TakoĎer, karbamat albuterola razlikuje kolinesteraze različitih vrsta, budući da hBChE inhibira 1,7 puta brţe od hoBChE, dok hAChE inhibira 34 puta brţe od eeAChE. Ljudske BChE i AChE su stereoselektivni enzimi koji imaju 13, odnosno 4 puta veći afinitet prema (R)-karbamatu albuterola. Inhibicijski potencijal karbamata albuterola, kao i njegova selektivnost prema hBChE u odnosu na AChE, manja je od do sada ispitivanih karbamata slične strukture.Inhibition rate constants of two butyrylcholinesterases (BChE, EC and two acetylcholinesterases (AChE; EC with racemic, (R)- and (S)- albuterol carbamate (4- (2-(tert-butylamino )-1-hydroxyethyl)-2-(hydroxymethyl)phenyl dimethylcarbamate) were determined. Human (hBChE) and BChE from the horse serum (hoBChE), recombinant human AChE (hAChE) and AChE from the eel (eeAChE) were used. Albuterol carbamate progressively inhibited all cholinesterases with inhibition rate constants ranged from 103-106 dm3mol-1min-1, wherefrom inhibition of hBChE was the fastest. Tested carbamate is a selective BChE inhibitor inhibiting hBChE 8 times faster than hAChE. Also, albuterol carbamate clearly distinguishes cholinesterases of different species, since it inhibits hBChE 1.7 times faster than hoBChE, and hAChE 34 times faster than eeAChE. Human BChE and AChE are stereoselective enzymes having 13 or 4 times higher affinity to (R)-carbamate albuterol. The inhibitory potential of albuterol carbamate, as well as its selectivity toward hBChE relative to AChE, is lower than that of other carbamates with the similar structure

    Regression analyses in turkey growth description

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na 30 muških i 30 ženskih pura podrijetlom Nicholas 700. Pure su tovljene tijekom 19 tjedana. U cilju opisivanja rasta pura koristile su se stope rasta, asimetrična S-funkcija, eksponencijalna, razlomljena i jednostavna linearana regresijska analiza. Procjena točke infleksije i odvajanje faze rasta dobivena je pomoću asimetrične S-funkcije (Kralik i Scitovski, 1993). Purani su na kraju tova bili teži od pura za 34,63%. Razlike na kraju, ali i tijekom cijelog trajanja tova bile su statistički značajne (P<0,001). Prema asimetričnoj S-funkciji faza progresivnog rasta kod pura započinje nakon 5. tjedna života, dok kod ženki započinje par dana kasnije. Biološki maksimum kod mužjaka bio je 17,966 kg, dok je kod ženki 12,889 kg. Intenzivni rast kod ženki završava početkom 15. tjedna života, a kod mužjaka nekoliko dana kasnije (na kraju 15.tjedna starosti). Točka infleksije kod purana je sredinom, a kod pura na početku 10. tjedna života. Asimetrična S-funkcija najbolje je prilagođena opisivanju rasta pura od istraženih regresijskih modela.Study was conducted on 30 male and 30 female turkeys, Nicholas 700 provenience. Turkeys were fattened during 19 weeks. Growth rate, asymmetric S – function, exponential function, rational function and simple linear regression analysis were used to describe turkey growth. Inflection point and growth phase separation estimate were obtained by asymmetric S-function (Kralik and Scitovski, 1993). At the end of fattening, male turkeys had more weight than females by 34,63%. Differences in weight between male and female turkeys at the end, as well as during fattening were statistically significant (P<0,001). According to asymmetric S-function, the phase of progressive growth in male turkeys begins after the 5th week of life, and in females it begins a few days later. Biological maximum in male turkeys was 17,966 kg, while in females it was 12,889 kg. Intensive growth in female turkeys ends by the beginning of 15th week of life, while in male turkeys it it ends a few days later (by the end of 15th week of life). Point of inflection in male turkeys occurs at the middle of 10th week of life, while in females it occurs at the beginning of the 10th week of life. Asymmetric S – function is best suited for describing turkey growth within the studied regression models

    Na marginama poljskih prijevoda Krležine proze

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes and autoimmune phenomena – case report and literature overview

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    SAŽETAK Mijelodisplastični sindromi heterogena su skupina poremećaja hematopoeze karakterizirana displazijom jedne ili više linija hematopoeze u koštanoj srži, te inefektivnom hematopoezom i citopenijama u perifernoj krvi. Većinom se javljaju u pacijenata starije životne dobi i nose rizik za transformaciju u akutnu mijeloičnu leukemiju. Temelj tradicionalnog shvaćanja patogeneze ovog poremećaja jesu stečene genetske abnormalnosti krvotvorne matične stanice, uslijed starenja ili određenih noksi. Međutim, sve više kliničkih opservacija i imunoloških studija mijelodisplastične sindrome povezuje i s kroničnom upalom. Prikazujemo bolesnicu u dobi od 57 godina, kod koje je inicijalno postavljena dijagnoza autoimunosne bolesti, nedeterminirane kolagenoze, koja je liječena od strane nadležnog imunologa/reumatologa. Postupno se u laboratorijskim nalazima uočava pancitopenija te se hematološkom obradom postavlja dijagnoza mijelodisplastičnog sindroma s viškom blasta tipa 1, visokog rizika po IPSS-u (engl. kratica za International prognostic scoring system). Tijek liječenja ove bolesnice kompliciran je mnogobrojnim infektivnim komplikacijama, što govori u prilog poremećene funkcije imunosnog sustava, čak i prije same pojave autoimunosnih fenomena i mijelodisplazije. Epidemiološke studije pokazuju veću incidenciju autoimunosnih fenomena i bolesti u populaciji bolesnika s mijelodisplastičnim sindromom, u čak 10 – 20% bolesnika. Također pojava autoimunosnih manifestacija može prethoditi dijagnozi mijelodisplastičnog sindroma, i obratno. Pretkliničke studije nam daju uvid u podležeće imunološke patofiziološke mehanizme, pokazujući prisutnost imunosne deregulacije u ovim dvjema, naizgled vrlo različitim, skupinama bolesti. S obzirom na sve više podataka na kliničkoj i pretkliničkoj razini o povezanosti mijelodisplastičnih sindroma i autoimunosnih poremećaja, svakako je potrebno uzeti u obzir mogućnost istovremene pojave obiju bolesti, radi praćenja i liječenja bolesnika.SUMMARY Myelodysplastic syndromes are a heterogeneous group of hematopoiesis disorders, characterized by dysplastic changes in one or more hematopoietic lineages, ineffective hematopoiesis, and peripheral blood cytopenias. They occur mostly in elderly patients and carry a significant risk of acute myeloid leukemia transformation. Acquired genetic abnormalities are the foundation of traditional pathogenesis understanding, however, a growing body of evidence links myelodysplastic syndromes to chronic inflammation. Here we present a case of a female patient with autoimmune phenomena and myelodysplasia, as well as a literature overview corroborating the inflammatory pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndromes. We present a case of a 57-year-old female patient, initially diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, undifferentiated connective tissue disease, continuously assessed and treated by a clinical immunologist-rheumatologist. Peripheral blood cytopenias occurred and worsened gradually, leading to the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts, type 1, high-risk disease. The disease course of this patient was complicated by numerous infectious complications, occurring even before autoimmune phenomena and myelodysplasia. Epidemiological studies show a greater incidence of autoimmune phenomena and diseases in the population of patients with diagnosed myelodysplastic syndromes, even up to 10–20%. Also, the occurrence of autoimmune manifestations can precede myelodysplastic syndromes diagnosis, and vice-versa. Preclinical studies give insight into underlying immunological pathophysiological mechanisms, implying the presence of immune dysregulation in these two, seemingly very different, disease groups. Given the growing body of clinical and preclinical data on the association of myelodysplastic syndromes and autoimmune phenomena, it is necessary to consider the possibility of a joint occurrence in everyday clinical practice, which can have significant implications for patient management and new therapeutic options development


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    U radu je opisan lutein, njegov utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje, sadržaj u smjesama za nesilice te mogućnost povećanja njegova sadržaja u žumanjku jajeta. Lutein se ubraja u skupinu karotenoida i podskupinu ksantofila. Od karotena razlikuje se po tome što sadrži kisik na lancu ugljikovih atoma. Istaknut je pozitivan utjecaj luteina na zdravlje ljudi (očuvanje vida i sprečavanje nastanka različitih oblika tumora). Upravo zbog izraženog antioksidacijskog djelovanja u novije vrijeme je poželjan u ljudskoj prehrani. U hranidbi kokoši lutein se prvenstveno koristio kao jedan od prirodnih pigmenata pomoću kojih se dobivala žuta boja žumanjka i kože tovnih pilića. Narančasta boja žumanjka rezultat je ostalih karotenoida. Mnogobrojni znanstveni radovi upućuju na mogućnost povećanja sadržaja luteina u žumanjku jajeta. Negativne posljedice uključivanja veće količine luteina u smjese za kokoši su loš utjecaj na akumulaciju poželjnih n-3 masnih kiselina i nekih vitamina u mesu i jajima te loša konverzija iz hrane u žumanjak. Maksimalna preporučena količina luteina u smjesi je do 250 mg/kg hrane. Veće količine od navedenih nemaju više izražen učinak na akumulaciju luteina u jajima kokoši. Konzumacija jaja s većim sadržajem luteina imala bi pozitivan utjecaj na zdravlje ljudi, a proizvodnja takvih jaja osigurala veću zaradu proizvođačima.This paper describes lutein, its effect on human health, the content in mixtures for laying hens and the possibility of increasing its content in egg yolk. Lutein belongs to group of carotenoids and subgroup of xanthophylls. It differs from carotene in that it contains oxygen in the chain of carbon atoms. Positive effects of lutein on human health are well known (eyesight preservation and prevention of various forms of tumors). Because of its strong antioxidant effect lutein is very desirable in human diet. In poultry production, lutein has been primarily used as a natural pigment to ensure yellow color of egg yolk and broiler skin. Orange color of egg yolk is a result of the presence of other carotenoids. Many scientific articles indicate the possibilities of increase of lutein content in egg yolk. Negative consequences of large doses of lutein in poultry feed include negative effect on accumulation of desirable n-3 fatty acids and some vitamins in meat and eggs as well as poor conversion from feed into the yolk. Maximum recommended dose is 250 mg of lutein per kg of feed. Any higher dose doesn’t have a significant effect on lutein content in egg yolk. Consumption of eggs with higher lutein content would have a positive effect on human health and production of these eggs would also ensure a higher profit for egg producers