486 research outputs found

    3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

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    Radiance Field methods have recently revolutionized novel-view synthesis of scenes captured with multiple photos or videos. However, achieving high visual quality still requires neural networks that are costly to train and render, while recent faster methods inevitably trade off speed for quality. For unbounded and complete scenes (rather than isolated objects) and 1080p resolution rendering, no current method can achieve real-time display rates. We introduce three key elements that allow us to achieve state-of-the-art visual quality while maintaining competitive training times and importantly allow high-quality real-time (>= 30 fps) novel-view synthesis at 1080p resolution. First, starting from sparse points produced during camera calibration, we represent the scene with 3D Gaussians that preserve desirable properties of continuous volumetric radiance fields for scene optimization while avoiding unnecessary computation in empty space; Second, we perform interleaved optimization/density control of the 3D Gaussians, notably optimizing anisotropic covariance to achieve an accurate representation of the scene; Third, we develop a fast visibility-aware rendering algorithm that supports anisotropic splatting and both accelerates training and allows realtime rendering. We demonstrate state-of-the-art visual quality and real-time rendering on several established datasets.Comment: https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting

    Laparoscopic repair of diaphragmatic defect by total intracorporeal suturing: Clinical and technical considerations

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    OBJECTIVE: The use of laparoscopy in urology is increasing. Tumor of the kidney or adrenal gland and, in some cases, metastatic disease can involve the diaphragm. We describe the application of laparoscopic suturing techniques in the case of diaphragmatic involvement with a renal tumor. METHODS: After resection of the tumor and a small area of the diaphragm, a chest tube was placed under laparoscopic guidance. The tube was kept clamped until the end of the procedure. Decreasing intraabdominal pneumoperitoneum pressure made suturing easier with less tension on the edges of the diaphragmatic incision. Nonabsorbable interrupted horizontal mattress sutures were placed to close the diaphragmatic defect. RESULTS: The repair was uneventful; no intraoperative complications occurred. Extubation was done at the end of the procedure in the operating room. The chest tube was removed on postoperative day 2, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 3. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic repair of the diaphragm should be commensurate with traditional open surgical principles. In this regard, it is essential that surgeons interested in performing “advanced” laparoscopic onco-logic surgery become facile in laparoscopic suturing

    The Impact of Regulation and Economic Conditions on the Dynamics of Financial Markets

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    This dissertation encompasses four studies on selected topics in financial regulation and financial stability. The first paper asks whether there is empirical evidence of cyclicality in regulatory capital requirements prescribed by Basel regimes. This much debated issue was until then only addressed in theoretical papers, or simulation studies. While we do not find evidence on cyclicality in the Basel I or Basel II Standardized Approach, we find statistically and economically significant evidence concerning Basel II IRB portfolios. The second paper implements an agent based model to simulate an artificial asset market. This setup is then used to assess the impact of (i) a short selling ban, (ii) a Tobin Tax like transaction tax, (iii) mandatory Value-at-Risk limits and (iv) arbitrary combinations of these. I present results that show that while reducing volatility, a short selling ban nurtures market bubbles, and a Tobin Tax increases the variance of the returns. In this model a mandatory risk limit is beneficial from all stability perspectives taken. I examine the robustness of the model regarding its initial parameterization and show that high levels of a Tobin Tax lead to substantial market turbulence. The third paper considers the question which macroeconomic variables are linked to a time series of special interest from a financial stability perspective: firm defaults. Furthermore, we evaluate the empirical evidence of a hidden credit cycle by adding a latent factor to our models. We conclude that there is no empirical support of a hidden credit cycle in Austria once sufficient regressors are included and industry sectors differ in their respective macro drivers. The forth paper extends this work by implementing Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) - a modern technique to counter model uncertainty. Furthermore we enrich this statistical approach by combining BMA with Bayesian ridge regression. We draw the conclusion that BMA is indeed a powerful tool to counter model uncertainty. Interest rates and components of inflation are distilled as major drivers for firm failures in Austria. (author's abstract

    Osteoporose beim Mann

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    Die Knochenerkrankung Osteoporose als kostenintensive, chronische Volkskrankheit wird erst seit kurzem auch beim Mann anerkannt und genauer untersucht. Qualitativ durchgefĂŒhrte Studien, die sich mit dem Umgang und dem Erleben der Krankheit speziell bei betroffenen MĂ€nnern befassen, blieben bisher ausgespart. Im Zuge der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neun Interviews mit mĂ€nnlichen Osteoporosepatienten gefĂŒhrt und nach der Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring ausgewertet. Es wurden zwei Fragestellungen bearbeitet: 1. Welche Aspekte sind beim Erleben und dem Umgang mit der Krankheit von Bedeutung? 2. Welchen Einfluss hat das Gesundheitssystem auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung der Krankheit? Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass sich das Erleben und der Umgang mit der Osteoporose bei MĂ€nnern im Wesentlichen unter den Punkten Konfrontation mit der Krankheit, Umstellung der Lebensweise und Integration in den Alltag einteilen lassen. Eine zufĂ€llige wie ĂŒberraschende Diagnosestellung ist die Regel, wobei hĂ€ufig versteckte Symptome den MĂ€nnern anfangs den Umgang erschweren. In Bezug auf den Umgang mit der typischen „Frauenkrankheit“ Osteoporose fĂŒhlen sich die MĂ€nner weniger „betroffen“, sondern eher „verwirrt“. Im Allgemeinen berichten die Patienten ĂŒber eine positive Einstellung zur Krankheit; gleichzeitig haben sie großen Respekt vor möglichen Krankheitsfolgen. Schmerzen/Folgesymptome fĂŒhren zu EinschrĂ€nkungen im Alltag. Wenn die MĂ€nner die Krankheit in den Alltag integrieren, ist es ihnen ein Anliegen, ihre SelbststĂ€ndigkeit zu bewahren. Sie begegnen dem alltĂ€glichen Leben mit erhöhter Vorsicht und hoffen stetig, dass sich ihr Zustand verbessert. Weiters spielt die Ehefrau als UnterstĂŒtzung bei der KrankheitsbewĂ€ltigung fĂŒr den betroffenen Mann eine bedeutende Rolle. DarĂŒberhinaus hat die Beziehung zum Arzt/ zur Ärztin, die Informiertheit der Patienten und dessen Umgang mit Information ĂŒber die Krankheit Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung der Erkrankung. Bei der AufklĂ€rung, Kommunikation und der Ă€rztlichen Kompetenz wurden auf der Beziehungsebene zum Arzt/ zur Ärztin erlebte Defizite aufgedeckt. Wie intensiv die MĂ€nner ihre Krankheit wahrnehmen, hĂ€ngt auch von ihrer Informiertheit ab. Der Umgang mit Information ĂŒber die Krankheit beinhaltet die selbststĂ€ndige Informationsbeschaffung bzw. der bestehende Wunsch nach mehr Information. Insgesamt betrachtet deutet vieles darauf hin, dass ein erhöhter AufklĂ€rungsbedarf bezĂŒglich der Krankheit besteht. Dem Mann als Betroffenen muss von Seiten der Ärzte erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden. Spezielle Fortbildungsseminare fĂŒr praktische Ärzte sollten intensiver angeboten werden, um zu wenig aufgeklĂ€rte MĂ€nner besser zu informieren.Osteoporosis is known as a widespread bone disease that is cost-intensive and chronic. Osteoporosis has been extensively studied in women, but until recently, it was commonly ignored in men. Qualitative studies, which deal with handling and experiencing the illness particularly concerning men, has not been conducted so far. In the course of this diploma thesis, nine interviews with men suffering from osteoporosis were performed and evaluated according to the content analysis according to Mayring. Two questions were taken into consideration: 1. Which aspects are important while experiencing and handling osteoporosis? 2. Which influence does the health system have on the subjective perception of men concerning the disease? The results showed, that experiencing and handling osteoporosis of men can be essentially divided into the items “confrontation with the disease”, “conversion of the way of life” and “integration into everyday life”. A coincidental and diagnosis by surprise is common, whereby frequently hidden symptoms in men complicate handling of the disease. Regarding handling the typical „female disorder “, men don’t really feel shocked, but they are confused. Generally, the patients report a positive attitude to the disease. At the same time, they largely respect possible negative effects of the disease. Pain and subsequent symptoms lead to restrictions in everyday life. When men integrate the disease into their everyday life, it is very important for them to remain independent. Men are much more careful and they constantly hope that their condition improves. Furthermore, their wifes are very important for support and they help to cope with the disease in everyday life. In addition, the relationship with the physician, the level of information of the patients and dealing with information concerning the disease influences the perception of the illness. Concerning the fields of education, communication and medical expertise, some major deficits were discovered. How intense patients experience their disease depends also on their level of information. Handling information about the disease comprises the independent supply of information and the existing desire for more information. All in all it must be said, that there is an increased need of enlightenment concerning the disease. Physicians have to pay an increased attention to male patients suffering from osteoporosis. Special advanced training seminars for general practitioners should be offered more intensively, in order to inform too little educated men better

    Detailed reconstruction of the nervous and muscular system of Lobatocerebridae with an evaluation of its annelid affinity

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    BACKGROUND: The microscopic worm group Lobatocerebridae has been regarded a ‘problematicum’, with the systematic relationship being highly debated until a recent phylogenomic study placed them within annelids (Curr Biol 25: 2000-2006, 2015). To date, a morphological comparison with other spiralian taxa lacks detailed information on the nervous and muscular system, which is here presented for Lobatocerebrum riegeri n. sp. based on immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy, supported by TEM and live observations. RESULTS: The musculature is organized as a grid of longitudinal muscles and transverse muscular ring complexes in the trunk. The rostrum is supplied by longitudinal muscles and only a few transverse muscles. The intraepidermal central nervous system consists of a big, multi-lobed brain, nine major nerve bundles extending anteriorly into the rostrum and two lateral and one median cord extending posteriorly to the anus, connected by five commissures. The glandular epidermis has at least three types of mucus secreting glands and one type of adhesive unicellular glands. CONCLUSIONS: No exclusive “annelid characters” could be found in the neuromuscular system of Lobatocerebridae, except for perhaps the mid-ventral nerve. However, none of the observed structures disputes its position within this group. The neuromuscular and glandular system of L. riegeri n. sp. shows similarities to those of meiofaunal annelids such as Dinophilidae and Protodrilidae, yet likewise to Gnathostomulida and catenulid Platyhelminthes, all living in the restrictive interstitial environment among sand grains. It therefore suggests an extreme evolutionary plasticity of annelid nervous and muscular architecture, previously regarded as highly conservative organ systems throughout metazoan evolution. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0531-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
