26 research outputs found

    Weyl formulae by reduction of dimension : application to electromagnetic Laplacians

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    La thèse consiste en l’étude spectrale d’opérateurs partiellement semi-classiques. Quand la géométrie du problème suggère une localisation anisotrope des fonctions propres associées aux basses énergies (bord du domaine, lieu d’annulation du champs magnétique), le développement local de l’opérateur amène naturellement à une structure à double échelle. Il s'agit, via un schéma de réduction "à la Born-Oppenheimer", utilisant le formalisme du calcul pseudodifférentiel pour des symboles à valeur opérateur, de montrer l’existence d’un opérateur effectif à symbole scalaire. On en déduit ensuite des formules de Weyl pour le comptage des basses valeurs propres. Cette stratégie est appliquée : au Laplacien de Robin sur un domaine borné, en dimension quelconque et au Laplacien magnétique dans R², dans le cas où le champ magnétique s’annule sur une courbe fermée.The thesis consists in the spectral study of partially semiclassical operators. When the geometry of the problem suggests an anisotropic localization of the eigenfunctions associated to low energies (boundary of the domain, vanishing magnetic field), the local expansion of the operator naturally brings to a doublescale structure. Via a reduction scheme "à la Born-Oppenheimer", using the formalism of pseudodifferential calculus for operator-valued symbols, we can show the existence of an effective operator, with scalar symbol. Then, we deduce Weyl formulae for the number of low-lying eigenvalues. This strategy is applied : to the Robin Laplacian on a bounded domain, in any dimension and to the magnetic Laplacian in R², in the case where the magnetic field vanishes on a closed curve

    Extracellular oxidative metabolisms : a new vision of soil organic carbon mineralization processes

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    Impact of warming on stream ecology in Hengill area, Iceland

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    Global warming is predicted to be more dramatic in the Arctic area where an increase of 4ÂşC is expected over the next century. In Iceland, hot and glacial streams exist with variable temperatures and are found with a short distance of each others. This offers opportunities to study the impact of temperature on stream ecology, particularly in the Hengill area were a warming-up system has been set up on a cold stream in order to study a sudden increase of temperature. The downstream section of the colder stream has been warmed whereas upstream section remains at its natural temperature. Results from this study show that an increase of temperature has an impact on stream ecology with a higher macroinvertebrates density and dominance and diversity changes. Keywords: macroinvertebrates, stream ecology, climate change, geothermal activit