570 research outputs found

    ODD Structures and Where to Find Them

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    In the past twenty years, the technical setup of the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) data framework has been adjusted several times. Each of those transitions was motivated by the wish to improve the ways in which MEI could be integrated with other formats, to simplify the maintenance of MEI, and to encourage more people to actively contribute to the development of MEI. Some of those objectives are contradictory, and accordingly, there is no single right answer for all times about the best possible technical setup for MEI. The main purpose of this poster is to give a historical overview of the technical setups that MEI has gone through in the 20 or so years of its existence, and to illustrate the current workflows. Ideally, this empowers wider parts of the community to contribute to the continued development of both the MEI specification and documentation. Eventually, it will explain the steps necessary to set up a local working environment to participate in these developments

    Patterns of the Ferrocyanide-Iodate-Sulfite Reaction Revisited: The Role of Immobilized Carboxylic Functions

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    4 pagesInternational audienceWe experimentally demonstrate that the standing lamella reaction-diffusion patterns initially observed 17 years ago in a gel-filled open spatial reactor operated with the ferrocyanide-iodate-sulfite bistable reaction requires an upper critical concentration of low-mobility species with weak acid functional groups, a parameter that was overlooked at the time and had made observations difficult to reproduce. The present approach enables the control of the space scale separation between activatory and inhibitory processes. It makes the wealth of exotic pattern dynamics observed earlier easier to reproduce and understand. This contribution should considerably revive the interest in this reaction and boost the search for the control of reaction-diffusion patterns in other bistable systems.Wave and pattern--

    FOXP3 and GARP (LRRC32): the master and its minion

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    The transcription factor FOXP3 is essential for the development and function of CD4+CD25hiFOXP3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, but also expressed in activated human helper T cells without acquisition of a regulatory phenotype. This comment focuses on glycoprotein-A repetitions predominant (GARP or LRRC32) recently identified as specific marker of activated human Treg cells, which may provide the missing link toward a better molecular definition of the regulatory phenotype

    Digital Music Notation Data Model and Prototype Delivery System

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    The UVa Library requests $161,175 in outright funds from NEH to collaborate with the University of Paderborn in Detmold, Germany, to produce a Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) demonstration project and to engage in dissemination efforts that will establish MEI as the predominant academic encoding standard for music notation. The demonstration project will include basic software for transforming material into MEI, a searchable archive of representative MEI-encoded data, and a prototype delivery system for items in the archive. This will allow the scholarly community to overcome the limitations of today's printed editions by extending the potential of digital editions, implementing new methodological techniques for music research, and facilitating collaboration between musicologists

    Глобальная шахматная игра Америки

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    Статья посвящена анализу источников геополитических замыслов политиков против славянских народов центральной и Восточной Европы и, в частности, России. Раскрыты идеи англосаксонской геополитики по недопущению образования Стратегического Континентального Союза вокруг "географической оси истории". Изложена последовательная агрессивная политика США против СССР, Югославии, народов Ближнего Востока. Отмечена нависшая угроза глобализаторов Запада в отношении суверенных России и Украины.Стаття присвячена аналізу джерел геополітичних задумів політиків проти слов'янських народів центральної та Східної Європи та Росії. Розкрити ідеї англосаксонської геополітики з недопущення утворення Стратегічного Континентального Союзу навколо "географічної вісі історії". Викладена послідовна агресивна політика ЗША проти СССР, Югославії, народів ближнього Сходу. Відмічена найвища погроза глобалізаторів Заходу у відношенні суверенних Росії та України.This article is devoted to the analysis of the sources of the geopolitical designs of politicians against Slavonic people of the Central and Eastern Europe and particularly against Russia. The ideas of the Anglo-Saxon geopolitics against creation of the Strategic Continental Union around 'geographical axis of the history" are revealed. Gradual aggressive politics of the USA against USSR, Yugoslavia and Near East is stated. Overhung threat of the western globalizators related to the sovereign Russia and Ukraine

    Efeitos das vitaminas "E" e "C" na supersensibilidade dopaminérgica induzida pelo haloperidol: aspectos comportamentais e enzimáticos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmacologia.Este trabalho avaliou os efeitos das vitaminas E e C na supersensibilidade dopaminérgica induzida por haloperidol, um modelo animal de discinesia tardia. Os resultados mostram que a vitamina E atenuou os parâmetros comportamentais indicativos de supersensibilidade, enquanto a vitamina C potencializou o efeito do neuroléptico, porém a administração concomitante destas vitaminas atenuou os parâmetros que caracterizam o fenômeno. A avaliação das enzimas catalase, superóxido dismutase, e glutationa peroxidase, e ainda da glutationa total, da glutationa oxidada, bem como a razão destas, não foi alterada pelos tratamentos com haloperidol ou com as vitaminas empregadas no presente estudo

    Musikedition im Zeichen neuer Medien. Historische Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Perspektiven musikalischer Gesamtausgaben

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    Die Keimzelle der Musikwissenschaft als geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplin liegt in den Bemühungen des 19. Jahrhunderts, die Werke herausragender Komponisten zu konservieren und einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zu erschließen. In diesem Umfeld erschien im Jahr 1851 der erste Band der Bach-Gesamtausgabe, herausgegeben von der Leipziger Bachgesellschaft. Alle nachfolgenden Musiker-Ausgaben entwickelten sich auf dieser Basis und reizten die Möglichkeiten des Buchmediums in zunehmenden Maße aus. Seit etwa zehn Jahren wird versucht, das Potential digitaler Medien für die Musikphilologie zu erschließen. Ausgehend von der Geschichte musikwissenschaftlicher Ausgaben und einer kritischen Reflektion des bisher Geleisteten, weist dieser Band mögliche neue Perspektiven für zukünftige, dem neuen Medium angemessene Editionsformen auf

    Closed‐loop one‐way‐travel‐time navigation using low‐grade odometry for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of FIeld Robotics 35 (2018): 421-434, doi:10.1002/rob.21746.This paper extends the progress of single beacon one‐way‐travel‐time (OWTT) range measurements for constraining XY position for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). Traditional navigation algorithms have used OWTT measurements to constrain an inertial navigation system aided by a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL). These methodologies limit AUV applications to where DVL bottom‐lock is available as well as the necessity for expensive strap‐down sensors, such as the DVL. Thus, deep water, mid‐water column research has mostly been left untouched, and vehicles that need expensive strap‐down sensors restrict the possibility of using multiple AUVs to explore a certain area. This work presents a solution for accurate navigation and localization using a vehicle's odometry determined by its dynamic model velocity and constrained by OWTT range measurements from a topside source beacon as well as other AUVs operating in proximity. We present a comparison of two navigation algorithms: an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and a Particle Filter(PF). Both of these algorithms also incorporate a water velocity bias estimator that further enhances the navigation accuracy and localization. Closed‐loop online field results on local waters as well as a real‐time implementation of two days field trials operating in Monterey Bay, California during the Keck Institute for Space Studies oceanographic research project prove the accuracy of this methodology with a root mean square error on the order of tens of meters compared to GPS position over a distance traveled of multiple kilometers.This work was supported in part through funding from the Weston Howland Jr. Postdoctoral Scholar Award (BCC), the U.S. Navy's Civilian Institution program via the MIT/WHOI Joint Program (JHK),W. M. Keck Institute for Space Studies, and theWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Substance use by adolescents in special education and residential youth care institutions

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    This study examined substance use rates and related background factors among adolescents in special education (SE) and in residential youth care institutions (RYC). Information on substance use from 531 adolescents in RYC, 603 adolescents in SE for students with behavioral problems (SEB) and 1,905 adolescents in SE for students with learning disabilities (SEL) was compared with information from 7,041 adolescents who attended mainstream education. Results show that substance use rates are particularly high among adolescents in RYC and in SEB. For example, 22% of the 12–13 years old in RYC and 16% in SEB was a daily smoker compared with 1% of their counterparts in mainstream education. Background factors, including age, ethnic background and family situation, partly explained the differences in substance use between mainstream education on the one hand and SE and RYC on the other hand, but differences between the groups remained substantial and significant. Several interaction effects were found in the relation between SE/RYC and substance use that were all in line with the risk paradox: some subgroups that are normally at lower risk for problem behavior are at higher risk when they are subjected to high-risk indicators. The elevated risk of substance use among adolescents in RYC/SE was in some cases particularly marked for those who would normally be at lower risk for substance use (girls in SEB for heavy alcohol drinking and cannabis use, ethnic minority adolescents and adolescents with a stable family situation in RYC for respectively heavy weekly alcohol drinking and daily use of tobacco). Results of this study have important implications for health education and intervention programs for adolescents in RYC and SE