109 research outputs found

    Single-atom vibrational spectroscopy in the scanning transmission electron microscope

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    Vibrational spectroscopy can achieve high energy resolution, but spatial resolution of unperturbed vibrations is more difficult to realize. Hage et al. show that a single-atom impurity in a solid (a silicon atom in graphene) can give rise to distinctive localized vibrational signatures. They used high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope to detect this signal. An experimental geometry was chosen that reduced the relative elastic scattering contribution, and repeated scanning near the silicon impurity enhanced the signal. The experimental vibration frequencies are in agreement with ab initio calculations.Science, this issue p. 1124Single-atom impurities and other atomic-scale defects can notably alter the local vibrational responses of solids and, ultimately, their macroscopic properties. Using high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the electron microscope, we show that a single substitutional silicon impurity in graphene induces a characteristic, localized modification of the vibrational response. Extensive ab initio calculations reveal that the measured spectroscopic signature arises from defect-induced pseudo-localized phonon modestextemdashthat is, resonant states resulting from the hybridization of the defect modes and the bulk continuumtextemdashwith energies that can be directly matched to the experiments. This finding realizes the promise of vibrational spectroscopy in the electron microscope with single-atom sensitivity and has broad implications across the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science

    Towards atomically precise manipulation of 2D nanostructures in the electron microscope

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    Despite decades of research, the ultimate goal of nanotechnology—top-down manipulation of individual atoms—has been directly achieved with only one technique: scanning probe microscopy. In this review, we demonstrate that scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is emerging as an alternative method for the direct assembly of nanostructures, with possible applications in plasmonics, quantum technologies, and materials science. Atomically precise manipulation with STEM relies on recent advances in instrumentation that have enabled non-destructive atomicresolution imaging at lower electron energies. While momentum transfer from highly energetic electrons often leads to atom ejection, interesting dynamics can be induced when the transferable kinetic energies are comparable to bond strengths in the material. Operating in this regime, very recent experiments have revealed the potential for single-atom manipulation using the Ångströmsized electron beam. To truly enable control, however, it is vital to understand the relevant atomicscale phenomena through accurate dynamical simulations. Although excellent agreement between experiment and theory for the specific case of atomic displacements from graphene has been recently achieved using density functional theory molecular dynamics, in many other cases quantitative accuracy remains a challenge. We provide a comprehensive reanalysis of available experimental data on beam-driven dynamics in light of the state-of-the-art in simulations, and identify important targets for improvement. Overall, the modern electron microscope has great potential to become an atom-scale fabrication platform, especially for covalently bonded 2D nanostructures. We review the developments that have made this possible, argue that graphene is an ideal starting material, and assess the main challenges moving forward

    Atomically resolved chemical ordering at the nm-thick TiO precipitate/matrix interface in V-4Ti-4Cr alloy

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    We have used advanced analytical electron microscopy to characterise the local structure and chemistry at the interface between nm-thick TiO precipitates and the V-based matrix in a V-4Ti-4Cr alloy. Our results reveal the presence of an intergrowth between the fcc TiO and bcc vanadium structures, with a repeat lattice distance that equals 2.5 times the vanadium lattice parameter along the c-axis. Our atomic resolution analysis of the interface will impact the mechanistic understanding of its interaction with interstitials and radiation-induced lattice defects, and consequently trigger the development of improved alloy structures with interfaces engineered for enhanced radiation tolerance

    Vibrational STEM-EELS of Single Si Atom Point Defects in Graphene

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    Enhancement of Electrical Conduction and Phonon Scattering in Ga2O3(ZnO)9-In2O3(ZnO)9 Compounds by Modification of Interfaces at the Nanoscale

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    The Ga2O3(ZnO)9 and In2O3(ZnO)9 homologous phases have attracted attention as thermoelectric (TE) oxides due to their layered structures. Ga2O3(ZnO)9 exhibits low thermal conductivity, while In2O3(ZnO)9 possesses higher electrical conductivity. The TE properties of the solid solution of Ga2O3(ZnO)9-In2O3(ZnO)9 were explored and correlated with changes in the crystal structure. High-quality (1−x)Ga2O3(ZnO)9-(ZnO)9 (x = 0.0 to 1.0) ceramics were prepared by the solid-state route using B2O3 and Nd2O3 as additives. The crystal structures were analysed by x-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy–high-angle annular dark field imaging–energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (STEM–HAADF–EDS) techniques. A layered superstructure with compositional modulations was observed in all samples in the (1−x)Ga2O3(ZnO)9-xIn2O3(ZnO)9 system. All the ceramics exhibited nanoscale structural features identified as Ga- and In-rich inversion boundaries (IBs). Substitution of 20 mol.% In (x = 0.2) in the Ga2O3(ZnO)9 compounds generated basal and pyramidal indium IBs typically found in the In2O3(ZnO)m system. The (Ga0.8In0.2)2O3(ZnO)9 compound does not exhibit the structural features of the Cmcm Ga2O3(ZnO)9 compound, which is formed by a stacking of Ga-rich IBs along the pyramidal plane of the wurtzite ZnO, but features that resemble the crystal structure exhibited by the R3¯¯¯m In2O3(ZnO)m with basal and pyramidal indium IBs. The structural changes led to improved TE performance. For example, (Ga0.8In0.2)2O3(ZnO)9 showed a low thermal conductivity of 2 W/m K and a high power factor of 150 μW/m K2 giving a figure of merit (ZT) of 0.07 at 900 K. This is the highest ZT for Ga2O3(ZnO)9-based homologous compounds and is comparable with the highest ZT reported for In2O3(ZnO)9 homologous compounds

    Tungsten Bronze Barium Neodymium Titanate (Ba 6–3 Nd 8+2 Ti 18 O 54 ): An Intrinsic Nanostructured Material and Its Defect Distribution

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    We investigated the structure of the tungsten bronze barium neodymium titanates Ba6–3nNd8+2nTi18O54, which are exploited as microwave dielectric ceramics. They form a complex nanostructure, which resembles a nanofilm with stacking layers of ∼12 Å thickness. The synthesized samples of Ba6–3nNd8+2nTi18O54 (n = 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) are characterized by pentagonal and tetragonal columns, where the A cations are distributed in three symmetrically inequivalent sites. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy allowed for quantitative analysis of the site occupancy, which determines the defect distribution. This is corroborated by density functional theory calculations. Pentagonal columns are dominated by Ba, and tetragonal columns are dominated by Nd, although specific Nd sites exhibit significant concentrations of Ba. The data indicated significant elongation of the Ba columns in the pentagonal positions and of the Nd columns in tetragonal positions involving a zigzag arrangement of atoms along the b lattice direction. We found that the preferred Ba substitution occurs at Nd[3]/[4] followed by Nd[2] and Nd[1]/[5] sites, which is significantly different to that proposed in earlier studies. Our results on the Ba6–3nNd8+2nTi18O54 “perovskite” superstructure and its defect distribution are particularly valuable in those applications where the optimization of material properties of oxides is imperative; these include not only microwave ceramics but also thermoelectric materials, where the nanostructure and the distribution of the dopants will reduce the thermal conductivity

    HAADF-STEM Image Resolution Enhancement Using High-Quality Image Reconstruction Techniques: Case of the Fe3O4(111) Surface

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    From simple averaging to more sophisticated registration and restoration strategies, such as super-resolution (SR), there exist different computational techniques that use a series of images of the same object to generate enhanced images where noise and other distortions have been reduced. In this work, we provide qualitative and quantitative measurements of this enhancement for high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging. These images are compared in two ways, qualitatively through visual inspection in real and reciprocal space, and quantitatively, through the calculation of objective measurements, such as signal-to-noise ratio and atom column roundness. Results show that these techniques improve the quality of the images. In this paper, we use an SR methodology that allows us to take advantage of the information present in the image frames and to reliably facilitate the analysis of more difficult regions of interest in experimental images, such as surfaces and interfaces. By acquiring a series of cross-sectional experimental images of magnetite (Fe3O4) thin films (111), we have generated interpolated images using averaging and SR, and reconstructed the atomic structure of the very top surface layer that consists of a full monolayer of Fe, with topmost Fe atoms in tetrahedrally coordinated sites

    Existence and role of low energy charge-paramagnon modes in the strange metal phase of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+y_{8+y}

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    The strange metal phase is characteristic for the TT-linear dc resistivity behaviour over a large TT-range. The effect of the strength of the charge-paramagnon interactions on the charge fluctuations in optimally doped and underdoped regions of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+y_{8+y} (Bi-2212) may shine light on the anomalous behaviour of the optical conductivity response in the energy range 50 - 500 meV. We present a preliminary analysis of a single initial run of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) measurements done in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) which exhibit linear dispersive modes separated by 50 meV energy gaps up to 250 meV in optimally doped Bi-2212. Our observations show similarities with the fluctuating stripes as predicted by Zaanen