48 research outputs found

    ザンビア キョウワコク ノウソンブ ニオケル チョウサ ホウコク

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    In order to find out the challenges in education, we conducted the school survey and mathematic lessons on circumference ratio or triangle in one public and three community schools in a rural area in Zambia from 18th to 28th March in 2013. Additionally, the lesson on water was conducted in one basic school and the environmental data were collected on the water as part of the preliminary study on the design of area-based environmental education program according to the concept of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD). We reported here the outline of our activities and discussed the challenges in education in this area with some recommendations for the improvement

    ジゾク カノウナ カイハツ ノ タメ ノ キョウイク ESD トワ ナニ カ : クリティカル リアリズム CR カラノ アプローチ

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    In this study, the critical realist approach was made to explore the ontological definition of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).One defined ESD as that it is aiming at fostering the people who could make contribution to build the sustainable future and society. But as this definition would be the attempt to interpret ESD from its purpose or outcome, they are not the ontological responses to "What is ESD?" but epistemic ones to "How can we recognize ESD?" We think the current interest in ESD in Japan may tend to be largely in the epistemic discussion on "How should we implement or promote ESD?" based on the epistemic understanding of ESD. But to explore and refine the ways of promotion and implementation of ESD based on the realities of teachers, students and their learning environment such as school and local community, we need to seek well-balanced responses to both the ontological and epistemic inquiries. Firstly, we overlook the situation around ESD in its promotion and implementation in Japan with laminated ontology originated from basic critical realism as a clue. It is revealed that the situation could be explained as the relationship among three levels : global level of international educational regime, the education policies and its implementation at a domestic level, and school- and community-based ESD implementations at a local level. These three levels and the relationship among them may be providing the ESD promotion and implementation specific to Japan with an intricate situation as an open system. As the teachers at a local level could be considered as the ones who are \u27thrown into\u27 such an intricate situation as an open system, they need to develop their own view of ESD through their involvement in ESD practice in their school not only based on currently predominant epistemic but also on ontological definitions of ESD. Secondly, based on such a situation around teachers as an ESD practitioner, we explore the ontological definition through the reinterpretation of the concept of \u27Sustainable Development\u27 as the primary concept of ESD using "Transformational Model of Social Activity (TMSA)" originated from dialectical critical realism, then taking into account the idea of "Socialization" as one of primary functions of education, we defined the ESD as the process of socialization to raise and promote students/people to be aware of that their current activities are not only for the maintenance or change of their own society and the way of living, but also for setting the precedent conditions that enable or constraint the activities of future generation. We would like to expect our ontological definition will largely contribute to develop the view of ESD of teacher\u27s own as one of point of reference. Finally, we made some proposals on the outline of learning process as well as activities based on our ontological definition for the reality-based implementation of ESD by teachers in school

    Practical study on environmental education based on the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD) in a rural area of Zambia

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    "Education for sustainable development (ESD)" has been globally promoted with the rise of our concern of socio-ecological risk standing on the outcomes from United Nations Decade of ESD (UNDESD) from 2005 to 2014. The aim of ESD is to raise the good adults or citizens, who have the will, attitude and skills to contribute to build a sustainable society. On the basis of the idea of ESD and collaborating with teachers of three schools in a rural area of Zambia, we conduct our practical study on the development of site-specific environmental education program. It is the three-year research from FY 2013 to FY 2015 of Japan (April 2013-March 2015). Our research purpose is "What EE program would be possible and acceptable to the teachers of schools in a rural area of Zambia?" Then the research questions are "how to link the environmental elements of life in this area with learning activities in the EE program?" and "How does the developed EE program relates to the idea of ESD?" We developed the EE program with lesson plans focusing on water as well as its supplementary materials including environmental quality data (annual change in air temperature and water quality), the booklet entitled as "Story of Mukuyu". In this paper, the structure of our developed environmental education program as well as its relation to the learning in the ESD are primarily described

    ゲンダイ キョウイク ニンゲンロン ニオケル カタリ : 「キョウイク ト ニンゲン」 タンキュウ ノ タビ

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    The main queries in the class Discussion on the Current Education and Humanity are ‘What is humanity?’ and ‘What is education?’ Definite answers to these questions are not expected from the onset. Accordingly, four lecturers explore these themes from different viewpoints, similar to the metaphor of four visually impaired people trying to identify an elephant. This paper presents the findings of the four lecturers ; the observations they compiled while ‘touching’ the elephant−like questions, guided by their own individual research interests and knowledge. The response to the class varied, from criticism that the goals of the lesson appeared too vague or confusing, to positive comments about the opportunity to explore concepts more deeply and the uniqueness of the class. In the lecture of the 2013 academic year, Chikamori talked about support from the anthropological viewpoint, quoting findings from several different research fields. Tanimura shed light on the contrasting difference in the way of looking at children between E.H. Erikson and E. Lévinas. Ota discussed the possibility of development under the adverse conditions which humans face referring to the deconstruction of J. Derrida. Then Hirose introduced the practice of “Steiner Education” and discussed the possibility of application of it in Japanese primary schools based on the views of humanity and education according to R. Steiner. This paper is like an itinerary describing not only the narratives during our journey to explore “Education and Humanity”, but also providing evidence of something tangible which emerged within the individual travelers. It is our hope that answers of one form or another to the questions ; ‘What is education?’ and ‘What is humanity?’ might begin to appear in the process of reading and reflecting on this itinerary

    アフリカ ノ ダイガク ニヨル キソ キョウイク カイハツ ニ シスル ジリツテキ ケンキュウ エノ シエン : ウガンダ ニオケル ジレイ

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    The quality of basic education is one of big challenges in developing countries. We are providing Lesson Study activity for school-based INSET to researchers of African counties. We had a workshop for researcher and workshops for schools in Uganda, 2007. Lesson Study was accepted very well because of our strategy for dessemination

    ザンビア キョウワコク ノウソンブ ノ ガッコウ デ ミラレル ジュギョウ コウセイ ノ ルイジセイ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : ヒカク セイド ブンセキ オヨビ クリティカル・リアリズム ノ シテン カラ

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    We have conducted lesson development workshops, observations and demonstrations of Social and Development Studies (SDS) lessons from November 2013 in three schools in a rural area of Zambia. It revealed a clear difference in composition between lessons of teachers in rural schools and that demonstrated by us in terms of positioning of hands-on activities. Furthermore, as long as the lessons we observed in two out of three schools, all four SDS lessons had nearly the same lesson composition regardless of schools, topics and grades. In this paper, we discussed how we can grab nearly same pattern of lessons by applying comparative institutional analysis as well as critical realism theories and significance of their application in research of international development in education

    ミナミアフリカ チュウトウ リスウカ キョウイン サイクンレン ケイカク MSSI ニオケル ジュギョウ ノ ドウニュウ ニツイテ : 2000 2001

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    Mpumalanga Secondary Science Initiative (MSSI) Phase 1 (1999-2002) intended to institutionalize the in-service training system through cascading workshop contents, with Curriculum Implementers (CIs) as change agents. More specifically, it aimed at introducing school-based lesson study in South African schools. Lesson Study is a mode of school based, lesson focused professional development which is most commonly practiced in Japanese elementary schools. Based on own observation and secondary analysis of the reports submitted by the short term experts dispatched by JICA to support MSSI, the authors examine he process of introduction and reception of the concept of lesson study in the project. In the analysis, we take the effects of political symbolism elaborated by Jansen on MSSI into consideration. Through this qualitative analytical work, we highlight how the project team practically and frequently adopted itself to the needs of stakeholders and the change of the context for effective and efficient project implementation in order to establish the in-service training system centered on lesson study

    コクサイ キョウイク ニンゲンロン ジョセツ

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    The lesson subject of “Lecture on Human in International Education” has been newly offered to the graduate students from 2012 academic year when the implementation of the current curriculum of International Education Course started. It locates in the course curriculum as constructing the basis for the curriculum. Its aim is at providing students with the opportunity to construct their perspective of culture and human development. The authors of this paper shared the lecture based on their research interests and experiences of international education as well as international educational development. The aim of this study is to make proposal to the way of this lesson in future based on its outcomes through reflecting on and confirming the fouryear’s implementation of this lesson from 2012 to 2015 academic year by “Supporting” and “Meeting” as key words. Briefly saying, what is addressed in this lesson is how human could be grabbed, and could link and meet with, relate to, cooperated with, contribute to and support others with different cultural, historical, social and economic backgrounds in the international environment

    コクサイ キョウイク カリキュラム ノ コウチク

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    The “International Education Curriculum” is defined as that indicated the final and program goals, composition, contents, the ways of implementation, embodiment and assessment of international educational activities conducted by Naruto University of Education and its International Educational Cooperation Center for Teacher Education and Training. The contribution to the realization of sustainable society is set as the final goal of the curriculum. In order to achieve the final goal, we set the three program goals in the fields of international educational development, higher education in Asia and the promotion of the education for sustainable development and the other international education including teacher education. The program components of curriculum, the implications and challenges in its development and implementation were also discussed in this report