1,235 research outputs found

    Power management and distribution considerations for a lunar base

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    Design philosophies and technology needs for the power management and distribution (PMAD) portion of a lunar base power system are discussed. A process is described whereby mission planners may proceed from a knowledge of the PMAD functions and mission performance requirements to a definition of design options and technology needs. Current research efforts at the NASA LRC to meet the PMAD system needs for a Lunar base are described. Based on the requirements, the lunar base PMAD is seen as best being accomplished by a utility like system, although with some additional demands including autonomous operation and scheduling and accurate, predictive modeling during the design process

    Fuzzy frontiers: Remainers are more fluid than Leavers in their Englishness, but they are similar in the fluidity of their Britishness

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    British and English national identities have long been considered to have porous boundaries whereby English individuals consider the terms more or less interchangeable. Using panel data, John Kenny, Anthony Heath, and Lindsay Richards demonstrate that there is a notable degree of fluidity between identifying as British or English. This is higher than the fluidity between other national identities in the UK as well as more fluid than moving between any partisan or EU referendum identities

    Laporan Kerja Magang Aktivitas Public Relations di PT Investasi Digital Nusantara (Bizhare)

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang terus meningkat memiliki dampak positif seperti mudahnya akses terhadap keuangan secara digital. Dengan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang belum kunjung usai, sektor ekonomi digital akan berkembang dengan hadirnya financial technology (fintech). Financial Technology hadir dan berkembang cukup pesat di Indonesia hingga mendominasi instalasi aplikasi fintech di Asia Pasific. Public Relations secara digital penting untuk dilakukan seiring bertumbuhnya fintech. Public Relations Bizhare turut menjalankan aktivitas komunikasi agar informasi yang kredibel dapat tersampaikan dengan baik kepada khalayak. Aktivitas komunikasi tersebut juga dapat menjaga reputasi Bizhare agar tetap stabil. Konsep yang digunakan dalam laporan ini adalah Public Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility, dan Media Partner. Melalui praktik kerja magang yang dilakukan, penulis dapat melakukan pekerjaan Public Relations seperti, press release, press conference, Corporate Social Responsibility, Media Partner, hingga penulisan artikel. Selama praktik magang, terdapat pengalaman baru yang didapatkan seperti melakukan brief dan mendapat gambaran mengenai doorstop interview saat setelah melakukan press conference

    Pengaruh Pesan Kampanye #AksiCintaBumi terhadap Sikap Ramah Lingkungan (Survei pada Pengguna Blibli)

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    Penggunaan plastik pada era modern ini menjadi hal yang efektif untuk membungkus makanan hingga sebagai bungkus belanjaan. Sedangkan, Indonesia sendiri merupakan salah satu negara penghasil sampah terbesar nomor 2 di dunia setelah China. Kota Jakarta sendiri memiliki tingkat produksi sampah yang tinggi serta diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut hingga tahun-tahun selanjutnya. Hal ini tentu akan berdampak buruk terhadap kondisi lingkungan di masa depan. Blibli sebagai salah satu e-commerce terbaik di Indonesia, memulai program kampanye #AksiCintaBumi dengan mengajak pengguna Blibli agar dapat berkontribusi mengembalikan sampah kardus dan plastik bekas untuk kemudian didaur ulang oleh Blibli menjadi barang pengganti bubble wrap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pesan kampanye #AksiCintaBumi terhadap sikap ramah lingkungan pada pengguna Blibli dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan sifat eksplanatif. Data dikumpulkan melalu penyebaran kuesioner kepada 400 responden yang merupakan pengguna Blibli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara Pesan Kampanye #AksiCintaBumi terhadap sikap ramah lingkungan sebesar 43,1% dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain

    Ecology of Argali in Ikh Nartiin Chuluu, Dornogobi Aymag

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    Argali sheep (Ovis ammon) are listed as threatened in both Mongolia and internationally. Yet, little is known about the biology and ecology of this species. Available data suggests that Argali in Mongolia are declining due to direct poaching and competition with domestic livestock. We initiated several research projects to better understand and conserve the species. In this report we discuss Argali ecology using radio telemetry. We captured and radio-collared 36 Argali using drive-nets, lamb captures, and dating from 2000–2004. Fifteen collared animals have died: 2 due to capture techniques, 8 from predation, 1 from starvation and exposure, 1 from disease, 1 due to maternal neglect, and 2 of unknown causes. In addition, 1 collar ceased working and 4 others dropped off prematurely. We have collected more than 1,040 locations through mid-May 2004. The majority of the Argali were captured in the northern portion of Ikh Nart. Animals have primarily restricted their movements to that area and have not exhibited seasonal movement patterns. Mean home range size for 17 animals with sufficient data (\u3e 45 days with locations) was 57±3.7 km2 (range = 30– 80 km2) using the 100% minimum convex polygon method, with areas of predicted occurrence of 76±5.3km2 for 95% kernel, 32±3.7 km2 for 75% kernel, 11±1.6 km2 for 50% kernel, and 3.8±0.5 km2 for 25% home ranges. Predation was the main cause (72.7%) of mortality in the collared animals for which cause of death could be determined (non-study related)

    Fuzzy frontiers? Testing the fluidity of national, partisan and Brexit identities in the aftermath of the 2016 referendum

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    British and English national identities have long been considered to have porous boundaries whereby English individuals consider the terms more or less interchangeable. However, there is no empirical evidence to demonstrate whether primary feelings of either Britishness or Englishness are highly fluid within-individuals or whether individuals are consistent in their perceptions of their British or English identity. This is especially relevant in the post-Brexit referendum context where national identity is highly correlated with Brexit attitudes. Using panel data, we demonstrate that there is a notable degree of fluidity between identifying as British or English. This is higher than the fluidity between other national identities in the UK as well as more fluid than moving between any partisan or EU referendum identities. Remainers are more fluid than Leavers in their Englishness, whereas they are similar in the fluidity of their Britishness
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