261 research outputs found

    Innovations in poultry reproduction using cryopreserved avian germ cells

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    Meat and eggs from chicken are the major source of animal protein for the human population. The cryopreservation of poultry species is needed to guarantee sustainable production. Here, we describe the existing cryopreservation technologies for avian reproductive cells using embryonic germ cells, spermatozoa and ovarian tissues. We outline strategies to reconstitute chicken breeds from their cryopreserved embryonic germ cells using surrogate hosts and discuss the perspectives for genetic conservation and reconstitution of chicken and wild avian species using surrogate host animals.</p

    Photofragment emission yield spectroscopy of acetylene in the D̃ ¹Πu, Ẽ ¹A, and F̃¹Σu⁺ states by vacuum ultraviolet and infrared vacuum ultraviolet double-resonance laser excitations

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    The photodissociation process of Rydberg states of acetylene was investigated by vacuum ultraviolet and infrared vacuum ultraviolet double-resonance laser excitations. The high-resolving power of the method enabled to discuss absorption peak profiles characteristic of molecules which dissociate in an ultrashort time scale. The term values and homogeneous bandwidths of the vibrational levels in the three overlapping electronic states were determined with high precision from least squares fits to the observed peaks profiles broadened by a fast dissociation process.The present work has been supported by the CREST (Core Research for Evolutionary Science and Technology) fund from Japan Science and Technology Corporation

    Characterization of Genetic Signal Sequences with Batch-Learning SOM

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    An unsupervised clustering algorithm Kohonen's SOM is an effective tool for clustering and visualizing high-dimensional complex data on a single map. We previously modified the conventional SOM for genome informatics, making the learning process and resulting map independent of the order of data input on the basis of Batch Learning SOM (BL-SOM). We generated BL-SOMs for tetra- and pentanucleotide frequencies in 300,000 10-kb sequences from 13 eukaryotes for which almost complete genomic sequences are available. BL-SOM recognized species-specific characteristics of oligonucleotide frequencies in most 10-kb sequences, permitting species-specific classification of sequences without any information regarding the species. We next constructed BL-SOMs with tetra- and pentanucleotide frequencies in 37,086 full-length mouse cDNA sequences. With BL-SOM we also analyzed occurrence patterns of the oligonucleotides that are thought to be involved in transcriptional regulation on the human genome

    Synthesis of Spiro[2-cyclopentene-1,3’-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine] Derivatives and Their Interesting Behavior in 1H-NMR Spectra in Deuteriochloroform

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    Ethyl 2',3'-dihydro-2-methylthio-2',4-dioxospiro[2-cyclopentene-1,3'-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine]-3-carboxylates were synthesized from the reactions of 3-[bis(methylthio)methylene]-2(3H)-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridinones with ethyl 4-chloroacetoacetate in the presence of a base. The 2-methylthio group in these Spiro compounds was easily replaced with some primary and secondary amines to afford the corresponding 2-amino derivatives. Very interestingly, the proton signals of these Spiro compounds in the H-1-NMR spectra in deuteriochloroform (CDCl3) changed with an increase in the sample concentration, and the analysis for the magnitude and the direction of each proton shift disclosed the conformational change of the cyclopentenone moiety in this molecule.ArticleHETEROCYCLES. 81(9):2075-2086 (2010)journal articl

    Recherches sur la fluidité des métaux et des alliages

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    Nous savons maintenant exprimer numériquement la fluidité des métaux et des alliages principaux; il n'en est pas pourtant moins important de remarquer que l'on doit tenir compte de la température de coulée, de même que l'on considère le traitement thermique des métaux pour la discussion de lenr qualité physique, car la fluidité comme nous avons expliqué plus haut, est beaucoup influencé par la température. Peut-être sera-t-il imprudent de faire la comparaison d'après, seulement les résultats obtenus, et il faut rappeler que nous ne pourrons faire la juste comparaison que lorsqu'on sera hien au courrant de l'influence de la température sur les métaux et leurs, alliages. Le pression définie du métal fondu est très importante sur la mesure de la fluidité et nom avons conservé, dans ce but, pendant toute la série des essais, l'hauteur définie de colonne des métaux fondus. Cette méthode serait rationelle pour les métaux du même genre, mais elle n'est pas juste pour tous les métaux et les alliages parce qu'ils n'ont pas le même poid spécjfique. A la pratique de fonderie, on ne peut pas considérer cependant le poid spécifique et la fluidité individuellement et il semble que la méthode que nous avons adoptée n'est pas trop éloignée de la pratique. Qoiqu'on puisse admettre d'après nos résultats que la composition chimique des métaux et des alliages ait de l'influence sur la fluidité, il est nécessaire que nous l'étudions davantage. Toutes les questions telles que la variation de la fluidité sous la température à la coulée et la composition chimique, la relation entre la fluidité, la qualité physique et Ja structure métallographique, sont en ce moment-ci en étude; nous allons les publier aussitôt qu'elles seront finies. Ces essais ont été poursuivis à l'Amenal d'Osaka et nom tenons à remércier Messieurs Yotsuya et Kunimoto, les sons-ingénieurs militaires, du concours aimable qu'ils nous ont donné


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    二分脊椎症は、先天的に脊椎骨が形成不全となって起こる神経管閉鎖障害の1つであり、脳と脊髄の機能不全により神経学的認知特性を伴う。教科学習においても、これらの認知特性が要因となり、学習上の困難を呈すると思われるが、二分脊椎症児の学習の困難さに焦点を当てた研究は少ない。本研究では、二分脊椎症児12名を対象に、認知特性が算数学習に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。二分脊椎症児の知能検査(WISC-IV) の指標得点の分析を行った結呆、全検査IQは標準の範囲内であるが、知覚推理・処埋速度の指標得点の低さが指摘された。また、教研式標準学力検査(CRT)を用いた算数の学習習得状況の把握を行い、WISC-IVの指標得点との相関関係を検討した結果、知覚推理と図形関連の間題の間で正の相関がみられた。これらの結果から、二分脊椎症児の算数学習において、図形や計算等の処理に困難さが見られることが示唆される。A congenital abnormality, spina bifida is one of the neural tube defects that occurs with vertebral hypoplasia. Children with spina bifida have neurological characteristics of impaired cognitive functions due to brain and spinal cord dysfunctions. Children may have learning difficulties in school due to their cognitive characteristics. However, few studies have focused on the learning dis-abilities in children with spina bifida. In this study, we examined the relationship between chara-cteristics of cognitive functions and arithmetic learning disabilities in children with spina bifida. As a result of the intelligence test (WISC-IV) which has four indexes. Although the IQ score was within the standard range, the scores of Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) and Processing Speed lndex (PSI) were low. In addition, we studied the sub-ject\u27s achievement in arithmetic using Criterion Referenced Test (CRT). The results showed that there was a correlation between the index scores of WISC-IV and CRT and a positive correlation between PRI and graphic questions. These results indicate that processing, such as of figures and cal-culations, is difficult for children with spina bifida