735 research outputs found

    Feeding preferences of the herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus: The differential influence of algal nutrient content and morphology

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    The tropical rocky shore crab Grapsus albolineatus selectively consumes rare filamentous algae over more abundant foliose algae during the winter in Hong Kong. Laboratory experiments have shown that growth of G. albolineatus is enhanced and mortality reduced when given a diet of filamentous algae as opposed to foliose algae. In the laboratory, G. albolineatus consumed filamentous algae (Enteromorpha clathrata, Hincksia mitchelliae and Chaetomorpha antennina) in greater amounts than any foliose algae (Dermonema frappieri, Pterocladia tenuis, Porphyra suborbiculata, Ulva fasciata, Endarachne binghamiae) in both multiple choice and no choice experiments. The most energy-rich alga was Pterocladia, while Porphyra had the highest protein content. Filamentous algae had lower overall nutrient contents than foliose algae. Consumption rates for Enteromorpha and Hincksia were, however, sufficiently higher than for Porphyra, which ensured that the net intake of nutrients per day was greater. Even though protein assimilation efficiency was higher for Porphyra than Hincksia, G. albolineatus assimilated more protein, per day, from Hincksia. When the confounding effects of morphology and nutrient value were separated, by offering the crab choices of commercially available algae (Laminaria sp.) cut into different forms (foliose and filamentous), G. albolineatus showed a strong preference for the filamentous form, despite both forms having the same nutrient value Preference for filamentous forms is likely to be constrained by the morphology of the chelae, which have delicate tips, and appear unable to tear foliose algae Algal morphology, therefore, appears to be of prime importance and the nutrient content and digestibility of algae of secondary importance in determining the feeding preferences of G. albolineatus. The high consumption rate of filamentous algae outweighs their relative nutrient deficiencies, indicating that they are better suited to meeting the physiological needs of the crab than foliose algae.published_or_final_versio

    Shades and shutters for energy efficiency (1993)

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    "Home economics guide.

    Natural and Human-Induced Variability in Barrier-Island Response to Sea Level Rise

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    Storm-driven sediment fluxes onto and behind barrier islands help coastal barrier systems keep pace with sea level rise (SLR). Understanding what controls cross-shore sediment flux magnitudes is critical for making accurate forecasts of barrier response to increased SLR rates. Here, using an existing morphodynamic model for barrier island evolution, observations are used to constrain model parameters and explore potential variability in future barrier behavior. Using modeled drowning outcomes as a proxy for vulnerability to SLR, 0%, 28%, and 100% of the barrier is vulnerable to SLR rates of 4, 7, and 10 mm/yr, respectively. When only overwash fluxes are increased in the model, drowning vulnerability increases for the same rates of SLR, suggesting that future increases in storminess may increase island vulnerability particularly where sediment resources are limited. Developed sites are more vulnerable to SLR, indicating that anthropogenic changes to overwash fluxes and estuary depths could profoundly affect future barrier response to SLR

    Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary : case study of a highly eutrophic coastal bay system

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 17 (2007): S3–S16, doi:10.1890/05-0800.1.The Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary is classified here as a highly eutrophic estuary based on application of NOAA’s National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment model. Because it is shallow, poorly flushed, and bordered by highly developed watershed areas, the estuary is particularly susceptible to the effects of nutrient loading. Most of this load (~50%) is from surface water inflow, but substantial fractions also originate from atmospheric deposition (~39%), and direct groundwater discharges (~11%). No point source inputs of nutrients exist in the Barnegat Bay watershed. Since 1980, all treated wastewater from the Ocean County Utilities Authority's regional wastewater treatment system has been discharged 1.6 km offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. Eutrophy causes problems in this system, including excessive micro- and macroalgal growth, harmful algal blooms (HABs), altered benthic invertebrate communities, impacted harvestable fisheries, and loss of essential habitat (i.e., seagrass and shellfish beds). Similar problems are evident in other shallow lagoonal estuaries of the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic regions. To effectively address nutrient enrichment problems in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, it is important to determine the nutrient loading levels that produce observable impacts in the system. It is also vital to continually monitor and assess priority indicators of water quality change and estuarine health. In addition, the application of a new generation of innovative models using web-based tools (e.g., NLOAD) will enable researchers and decision-makers to more successfully manage nutrient loads from the watershed. Finally, the implementation of stormwater retrofit projects should have beneficial effects on the system.Financial support of the Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program and Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve is gratefully acknowledged

    Calcium carbonate dissolution rates in hydrothermal vent fields of the Guaymas Basin

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    Analysis of bivalve shell fragments that were embedded in epoxy blocks, mounted on titanium stakes, and deployed by DSRV Alvin at 5 sites in the Southern Trough of the Guaymas Basin (27°00′N, 111°24.55′W; depth 2012 m) indicates significant variation of calcium carbonate dissolution in in situ exposures of more than 900 days. Arrays of shell fragments of six bivalve species (i.e., Bathymodiolus thermophilus, Calyptogena magnifica, Calyptogena sp., Corbicula fluminea, Crassostrea virginica and Mytilus edulis) were positioned −17 cm, −7 cm and −2.5 cm below the sediment-water interface and 2.5 cm, 7 cm and 17 cm above the sediment-water interface in hydrothermal vent fields of the basin. Maximum dissolution rates for both calcite (mean = 86 μm/yr) and aragonite (mean = 312 μm/yr) were found in epoxy blocks located at the deepest point sampled in the sediment column (depth = 17 cm). Minimum dissolution rates of calcite and aragonite were found 7 cm (mean = 26 μm/yr) and 2.5 cm (mean = 96 μm/yr) above the sediment-water interface, respectively. Intermediate rates of dissolution were recorded 17 cm above the sediment-water interface (mean = 40 μm/yr for calcite and 126 μm/yr for aragonite). Mean rates of aragonite dissolution ranged from 59 μm/yr (site 5; clam area) to 227 μm/yr (site 3; clam area), and those of calcite dissolution ranged from 13 μm/yr (site 3; clam area) to 94 μm/yr (site 4; bacterial mat area). Dissolution rates were consistently highest in the bacterial mat area (site 4; mean = 94 μm/yr for calcite and 223 μm/yr for aragonite). Rates of calcium carbonate dissolution reported here for hydrothermal vent fields of the Guaymas Basin compare favorably with those of Rose Garden (Galapagos Rift) and 21N (East Pacific Rise) hydrothermal vent sites. These results have important implications for assessing biological rate processes in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments

    Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Case study of a highly eutrophic coastal bay system

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    The Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary is classified here as a highly eutrophic estuary based on application of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration\u27s National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment model. Because it is shallow, poorly flushed, and bordered by highly developed watershed areas, the estuary is particularly susceptible to the effects of nutrient loading. Most of this load (similar to 50%) is from surface water inflow, but substantial fractions also originate from atmospheric deposition (similar to 39%), and direct groundwater discharges (similar to 11%). No point source inputs of nutrients exist in the Barnegat Bay watershed. Since 1980, all treated wastewater from the Ocean County Utilities Authority\u27s regional wastewater treatment system has been discharged 1.6 km offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. Eutrophy causes problems in this system, including excessive micro- and macroalgal growth, harmful algal blooms, altered benthic invertebrate communities, impacted harvestable fisheries, and loss of essential habitat (i.e., seagrass and shellfish beds). Similar problems are evident in other shallow lagoonal estuaries of the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic regions. To effectively address nutrient enrichment problems in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, it is important to determine the nutrient loading levels that produce observable impacts in the system. It is also vital to continually monitor and assess priority indicators of water quality change and estuarine health. In addition, the application of a new generation of innovative models using web-based tools (e.g., NLOAD) will enable researchers and decision-makers to more successfully manage nutrient loads from the watershed. Finally, the implementation of storm water retrofit projects should have beneficial effects on the system
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