3,095 research outputs found

    Essential BIM input data study for housing refurbishment:Homeowners' preferences in the UK

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    Construction customers are persistently seeking to achieve sustainability and maximize value as sustainability has become a major consideration in the construction industry. In particular, it is essential to refurbish a whole house to achieve the sustainability agenda of 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 as the housing sector accounts for 28% of the total UK CO2 emission. However, whole house refurbishment seems to be challenging due to the highly fragmented nature of construction practice, which makes the integration of diverse information throughout the project lifecycle difficult. Consequently, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore in order to manage construction projects in a collaborative manner, although the current uptake of the housing sector is low at 25%. This research aims to investigate homeowners' decision making factors for housing refurbishment projects and to provide a valuable dataset as an essential input to BIM for such projects. One-hundred and twelve homeowners and 39 construction professionals involved in UK housing refurbishment were surveyed. It was revealed that homeowners value initial cost more while construction professionals value thermal performance. The results supported that homeowners and professionals both considered the first priority to be roof refurbishment. This research revealed that BIM requires a proper BIM dataset and objects for housing refurbishment

    XIAP upregulates expression of HIF target genes by targeting HIF1 alpha for Lys(63)-linked polyubiquitination

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    The cellular response to hypoxia is characterised by a switch in the transcriptional program, mediated predominantly by the hypoxia inducible factor family of transcription factors (HIF). Regulation of HIF1 is primarily controlled by post-translational modification of the HIF1α subunit, which can alter its stability and/or activity. This study identifies an unanticipated role for the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) protein as a regulator of Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of HIF1α. Lys63-linked ubiquitination of HIF1α by XIAP is dependent on the activity of E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ubc13. We find that XIAP and Ubc13 dependent Lys63-linked polyubiquitination promotes HIF1α nuclear retention leading to an increase in the expression of HIF1 responsive genes. Inhibition of the Lys63-linked polyubiquitination pathway leads to reduced levels of nuclear HIF1α, promoter occupancy, HIF-dependent gene expression and cell viability. Our data reveals an additional and significant level of control of the HIF1 by XIAP, with important implications in understanding the role of HIF1 and XIAP in human disease

    Parallel computations and control of adaptive structures

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    The equations of motion for structures with adaptive elements for vibration control are presented for parallel computations to be used as a software package for real-time control of flexible space structures. A brief introduction of the state-of-the-art parallel computational capability is also presented. Time marching strategies are developed for an effective use of massive parallel mapping, partitioning, and the necessary arithmetic operations. An example is offered for the simulation of control-structure interaction on a parallel computer and the impact of the approach presented for applications in other disciplines than aerospace industry is assessed

    PERK/eIF2 alpha signaling inhibits HIF-induced gene expression during the unfolded protein response via YB1-dependent regulation of HIF1 alpha translation

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    HIF1α (hypoxia inducible factor 1α) is the central regulator of the cellular response to low oxygen and its activity is deregulated in multiple human pathologies. Consequently, given the importance of HIF signaling in disease, there is considerable interest in developing strategies to modulate HIF1α activity and down-stream signaling events. In the present study we find that under hypoxic conditions, activation of the PERK branch of the unfolded protein response (UPR) can suppress the levels and activity of HIF1α by preventing efficient HIF1α translation. Activation of PERK inhibits de novo HIF1α protein synthesis by preventing the RNA-binding protein, YB-1, from interacting with the HIF1α mRNA 5′UTR. Our data indicate that activation of the UPR can sensitise tumor cells to hypoxic stress, indicating that chemical activation of the UPR could be a strategy to target hypoxic malignant cancer cells

    BIM Feasibility Study For Housing Refurbishment Projects In The UK

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    Current existing UK housing stock is responsible for 27% of UK CO2 emission. Refurbishing this housing stock can contribute to the 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 as a UK government target. However, there are barriers to refurbish a house due to high initial cost and lack of knowledge and skills in construction sector. To accomplish the CO2 reduction target, BIM should be utilized because BIM is capable of coping with current barriers. Furthermore the UK government mandates public sector to adopt BIM for construction projects from 2016. Hence, this research aims to explore the feasibilities of BIM adoption for housing refurbishment. This research consists of a desk study, web-based questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The data search used mostly public statistics and government reports. The target for questionnaire survey was chosen from local authorities, architects and constructors, construction professional organizations, and BIM software developers as a focused group. The web-based questionnaire was comprised of 16 questions, and it was distributed to 100 construction professionals via email. The findings revealed that the BIM adoption for housing refurbishment projects is feasible and timely, although the clients’ demand and BIM penetration in the housing sector is low. This research identified that the benefits of BIM should be understood by stakeholders to increase BIM awareness and demand. In addition, BIM education and financial supports were identified as the most critical steps for encouraging BIM adoption. Furthermore, the construction professionals are aware of the benefits of BIM whether they are engaged in BIM or not

    Association between Outdoor Air Pollution and Childhood Leukemia: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis.

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    BackgroundA causal link between outdoor air pollution and childhood leukemia has been proposed, but some older studies suffer from methodological drawbacks. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic reviews have summarized the most recently published evidence and no analyses have examined the dose-response relation.ObjectiveWe investigated the extent to which outdoor air pollution, especially as resulting from traffic-related contaminants, affects the risk of childhood leukemia.MethodsWe searched all case-control and cohort studies that have investigated the risk of childhood leukemia in relation to exposure either to motorized traffic and related contaminants, based on various traffic-related metrics (number of vehicles in the closest roads, road density, and distance from major roads), or to measured or modeled levels of air contaminants such as benzene, nitrogen dioxide, 1,3-butadiene, and particulate matter. We carried out a meta-analysis of all eligible studies, including nine studies published since the last systematic review and, when possible, we fit a dose-response curve using a restricted cubic spline regression model.ResultsWe found 29 studies eligible to be included in our review. In the dose-response analysis, we found little association between disease risk and traffic indicators near the child's residence for most of the exposure range, with an indication of a possible excess risk only at the highest levels. In contrast, benzene exposure was positively and approximately linearly associated with risk of childhood leukemia, particularly for acute myeloid leukemia, among children under 6 y of age, and when exposure assessment at the time of diagnosis was used. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide showed little association with leukemia risk except at the highest levels.DiscussionOverall, the epidemiologic literature appears to support an association between benzene and childhood leukemia risk, with no indication of any threshold effect. A role for other measured and unmeasured pollutants from motorized traffic is also possible. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4381

    KAAS: an automatic genome annotation and pathway reconstruction server

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    The number of complete and draft genomes is rapidly growing in recent years, and it has become increasingly important to automate the identification of functional properties and biological roles of genes in these genomes. In the KEGG database, genes in complete genomes are annotated with the KEGG orthology (KO) identifiers, or the K numbers, based on the best hit information using Smith–Waterman scores as well as by the manual curation. Each K number represents an ortholog group of genes, and it is directly linked to an object in the KEGG pathway map or the BRITE functional hierarchy. Here, we have developed a web-based server called KAAS (KEGG Automatic Annotation Server: http://www.genome.jp/kegg/kaas/) i.e. an implementation of a rapid method to automatically assign K numbers to genes in the genome, enabling reconstruction of KEGG pathways and BRITE hierarchies. The method is based on sequence similarities, bi-directional best hit information and some heuristics, and has achieved a high degree of accuracy when compared with the manually curated KEGG GENES database