25 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Baseline of Influenza Virus in Wild Aquatic Birds in Hong Kong during the Pre-H5N1 Endemic Era

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    Influenza virus surveillance was conducted on wild ducks and shorebirds in Hong Kong at the Mai Po Nature Reserve to determine whether East Asian wild aquatic birds passing through or overwintering in Hong Kong are reservoirs of H5N1 influenza viruses and to establish an epidemiological baseline of influenza virus in wild aquatic birds during the pre-H5N1 endemic era. Three influenza viruses were isolated from 3178 faecal samples collected over three sampling periods from 1988 to 2001 during the southern and northern migration periods. The isolation rates and viruses were, respectively 0.08% (H10N5) in 1988 – 1990, 0.12% (H11N1) in 1998 and 0.09% (H3N8) in 1999 – 2001. Whereas tracheal and intestinal colon explants from representative shorebirds were susceptible to in vitro infection by the H10N5 virus, orally infected shorebirds were apparently not. Genetic analyses indicated that the nucleoprotein, matrix and nonstructural genes of the three viruses were related to those of aquatic bird viruses in Asia, but not to those of the human H5N1 virus. The present study provided epidemiological baseline information for future influenza virus surveillance in wild aquatic birds in southeast China

    Multiwavelength observations of the M15 intermediate velocity cloud

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    We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell Telescope multibeam HI wide-field mapping, Wisconsin H-alpha Mapper facility images, William Herschel Telescope longslit echelle CaII observations, and IRAS ISSA 60 and 100 micron coadded images towards the intermediate velocity cloud located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously-published Arecibo data, the HI gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with peak HI column density of 1.5x10^(20) cm^(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of 24 cm^(-3)/(D kpc), and maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81x14 arcsec of 14 K. The HI gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum FWHM value of 5 km/s, corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of 540 K. There are indications in the HI data of 2-component velocity structure in the IVC, indicative of cloudlets. This velocity structure is also tentatively seen in the CaK spectra, although the SNR is low. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in H-alpha with intensities uncorrected for Galactic absorption of upto 1.3 Rayleigh, indicating that the cloud is partially ionised. The FWHM of the ionised component, at a resolution of 1 degree, exceeds 30 km/s. The spatial and velocity coincidence of the H-alpha and HI peaks in emission is qualitatively good. Finally, the 100 and 60 micron IRAS images show spatial coincidence over a 0.7 degree field, with low and intermediate-velocity gas, respectively, indicating that the IVC may contain dust.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Molecular characterization of H9N2 influenza viruses: Were they the donors of the “internal” genes of H5N1 viruses in Hong Kong?

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    The origin of the H5N1 influenza viruses that killed six of eighteen infected humans in 1997 and were highly pathogenic in chickens has not been resolved. These H5N1 viruses transmitted directly to humans from infected poultry. In the poultry markets in Hong Kong, both H5N1 and H9N2 influenza viruses were cocirculating, raising the possibility of genetic reassortment. Here we analyze the antigenic and genetic features of H9N2 influenza viruses with different epidemiological backgrounds. The results suggest that the H9N2 influenza viruses of domestic ducks have become established in the domestic poultry of Asia. Phylogenetic and antigenic analyses of the H9N2 viruses isolated from Hong Kong markets suggest three distinct sublineages. Among the chicken H9N2 viruses, six of the gene segments were apparently derived from an earlier chicken H9N2 virus isolated in China, whereas the PB1 and PB2 genes are closely related to those of the H5N1 viruses and a quail H9N2 virus—A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/97 (Qa/HK/G1/97)—suggesting that many of the 1997 chicken H9 isolates in the markets were reassortants. The similarity of the internal genes of Qa/HK/G1/97 virus to those of the H5N1 influenza viruses suggests that the quail virus may have been the internal gene donor. Our findings indicate that the human and poultry H5N1 influenza viruses in Hong Kong in 1997 were reassortants that obtained internal gene segments from Qa/HK/G1/97. However, we cannot be certain whether the replicate complex of H5N1 originated from Qa/HK/G1/97 or whether the reverse transfer occurred; the available evidence supports the former proposal

    Rapid Evolution of H5N1 Influenza Viruses in Chickens in Hong Kong

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    The H5N1 avian influenza virus that killed 6 of 18 persons infected in Hong Kong in 1997 was transmitted directly from poultry to humans. Viral isolates from this outbreak may provide molecular clues to zoonotic transfer. Here we demonstrate that the H5N1 viruses circulating in poultry comprised two distinguishable phylogenetic lineages in all genes that were in very rapid evolution. When introduced into new hosts, influenza viruses usually undergo rapid alteration of their surface glycoproteins, especially in the hemagglutinin (HA). Surprisingly, these H5N1 isolates had a large proportion of amino acid changes in all gene products except in the HA. These viruses maybe reassortants each of whose HA gene is well adapted to domestic poultry while the rest of the genome arises from a different source. The consensus amino acid sequences of “internal” virion proteins reveal amino acids previously found in human strains. These human-specific amino acids may be important factors in zoonotic transmission

    Potential for transmission of avian influenza viruses to pigs

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    Pandemic strains of influenza A virus arise by genetic reassortment between avian and human viruses. Pigs have been suggested to generate such reassortants as intermediate hosts. In order for pigs to serve as 'mixing vessels ' in genetic reassortment events, they must be susceptible to both human and avian influenza viruses. The ability of avian influenza viruses to replicate in pigs, however, has not been examined comprehensively. In this study, we assessed the growth potential of 42 strains of influenza virus in pigs. Of these, 38 were avian strains, including 27 with non-human-type haemagglutinins (HA; H4 to H13). At least one strain of each HA subtype replicated in the respiratory tract of pigs for 5 to 7 days to a level equivalent to that of swine and human viruses. These results indicate that avian influenz

    Role of Quail in the Interspecies Transmission of H9 Influenza A Viruses: Molecular Changes on HA That Correspond to Adaptation from Ducks to Chickens

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    H9 influenza viruses have become endemic in land-based domestic poultry in Asia and have sporadically crossed to pigs and humans. To understand the molecular determinants of their adaptation to land-based birds, we tested the replication and transmission of several 1970s duck H9 viruses in chickens and quail. Quail were more susceptible than chickens to these viruses, and generation of recombinant H9 viruses by reverse genetics showed that changes in the HA gene are sufficient to initiate efficient replication and transmission in quail. Seven amino acid positions on the HA molecule corresponded to adaptation to land-based birds. In quail H9 viruses, the pattern of amino acids at these seven positions is intermediate between those of duck and chicken viruses; this fact may explain the susceptibility of quail to duck H9 viruses. Our findings suggest that quail provide an environment in which the adaptation of influenza viruses from ducks generates novel variants that can cross the species barrier