235 research outputs found

    A School-Based Sexual Health Education Program

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    A small rural community has high incidence rates of chlamydia (4,751 per 100,000) and gonorrhea (970 per 100,000) in females 15–24 years old. Data obtained from Texas Health and Human Services showed that incidence rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea in females 15–24 years old were higher in Navarro County, Texas, than the state of Texas. Texas schools do not mandate sex health education. There is a gap in school-based sexual health education available to 18- and 19-year-old females residing in this rural community in Texas. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the impact of school-based sexual health education on young females’ knowledge and attitudes for healthy sexual choices. The education program was an evidence-based program called Choosing the Best. The target population was females 18–19 years old living in a rural community in Texas. The main challenge of the study was the lack of participants. Due to a lack of participation and only one student attending the study, statistical analysis could not be conducted. The student evaluated the sexual health class by completing pre- and postsurveys using Barrett’s Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool (PKPCT). Qualitative data received from the one student showed positive comments on the benefits of sexual health education. Recommendations for future research are to perform the study in a school environment and lower the age limits for the target population. Using social media delivery methods for broadcasting the education class may reduce adolescents’ fear of attending a sexual health class and would promote attendance. More research needs to be done to evaluate how a school-based sexual health program impacts students’ attitudes toward healthy sexual behaviors

    “Are We Playing a Game Today?” Classroom Engagement and Assessment Through Gamification

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    Today’s classroom demands a different style of engagement and assessment, primarily due to the changing nature of today’s learners. In fact, according to Liz Dwyer in “How Gaming is Changing the Classroom,” by the time students are age 21, they will have participated in over 10,000 hours of video gaming. As a result, using traditional pedagogies and “skill and drill” teaching strategies aren’t as effective with students who are more inclined to favor a controller over a book. Therefore, regardless of the discipline, adding gamification to the classroom can dramatically increase student engagement and also provide instructors with instantaneous assessment tools as well. Karl M. Kapp, author of “Games, Gamification, and The Quest for Learner Engagement,” claims that “Game-based learning can turn disconnected, bored learners into engaged participants.” This session will focus on presenting methodologies for engagement and assessment that lend themselves to gamification as well as offer attendees the opportunity to practice with and build their own games during the session. During the workshop, attendees will have an opportunity to use PollEverywhere, CandyLand, Jeopardy, Bingo, various puzzle activities, and online game repositories

    Benthic Biofilm Potential for Organic Carbon Accumulation in Salt Marsh Sediments

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    Coastal salt marshes are productive environments with high potential for carbon accumulation and storage. Even though organic carbon in salt marsh sediment is typically attributed to plant biomass, it can also be produced by benthic photosynthetic biofilms. These biofilms, generally composed of diatoms and their secretions, are known for their high primary productivity and contribution to the basal food web. The growth of biofilms and the preservation of carbon produced by biofilms depends on the amount of sedimentation; low sedimentation rates will favor decomposition, while high sedimentation rates could decrease biofilm productivity. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to test (1) if biofilms can potentially accumulate carbon in marsh soil and (2) how different sedimentation rates affect the amount of carbon accumulation. Containers filled with a settled mud bed were inoculated with natural biofilms collected from a marsh surface and allowed to grow with favorable light exposure, nutrient supply, and absence of grazing. Mud was added weekly in different amounts, resulting in an equivalent sedimentation rate from 12 to 189 mm/yr. After 11 weeks, the sediment columns were sampled and analyzed for chl a, organic matter via loss on ignition (LOI), and total organic carbon (TOC). Chl a accumulation rates ranged from 123 to 534 mg/cm2/yr, organic matter accumulation ranged from 86 to 456 g/m2/yr, and TOC accumulation rates ranged from 31 to 211 g/m2/yr. These values are on the same order of magnitude of marsh carbon accumulation rates measured in the field. All three metrics (chl a, organic matter, and TOC) increased with increased sedimentation rate. These results show that biofilms can potentially contribute to carbon accumulation in salt marsh soils. Furthermore, areas with high sedimentation rates have the potential for higher amounts of organic matter from biofilms in the sediment

    The Role of CAX1 and CAX3 in Elemental Distribution and Abundance in Arabidopsis Seed

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    The ability to alter nutrient partitioning within plants cells is poorly understood. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), a family of endomembrane cation exchangers (CAXs) transports Ca2+ and other cations. However, experiments have not focused on how the distribution and partitioning of calcium (Ca) and other elements within seeds are altered by perturbed CAX activity. Here, we investigate Ca distribution and abundance in Arabidopsis seed from cax1 and cax3 loss-of-function lines and lines expressing deregulated CAX1 using synchrotron x-ray fluorescence microscopy. We conducted 7- to 10-μm resolution in vivo x-ray microtomography on dry mature seed and 0.2-μm resolution x-ray microscopy on embryos from lines overexpressing deregulated CAX1 (35S-sCAX1) and cax1cax3 double mutants only. Tomograms showed an increased concentration of Ca in both the seed coat and the embryo in cax1, cax3, and cax1cax3 lines compared with the wild type. High-resolution elemental images of the mutants showed that perturbed CAX activity altered Ca partitioning within cells, reducing Ca partitioning into organelles and/or increasing Ca in the cytosol and abolishing tissue-level Ca gradients. In comparison with traditional volume-averaged metal analysis, which confirmed subtle changes in seed elemental composition, the collection of spatially resolved data at varying resolutions provides insight into the impact of altered CAX activity on seed metal distribution and indicates a cell type-specific function of CAX1 and CAX3 in partitioning Ca into organelles. This work highlights a powerful technology for inferring transport function and quantifying nutrient changes

    Yes, The Government Should Tax Soft Drinks: Findings from a Citizens’ Jury in Australia

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    Taxation has been suggested as a possible preventive strategy to address the serious public health concern of childhood obesity. Understanding the public’s viewpoint on the potential role of taxation is vital to inform policy decisions if they are to be acceptable to the wider community. A Citizens’ Jury is a deliberative method for engaging the public in decision making and can assist in setting policy agendas. A Citizens’ Jury was conducted in Brisbane, Australia in May 2013 to answer the question: Is taxation on food and drinks an acceptable strategy to the public in order to reduce rates of childhood obesity? Citizens were randomly selected from the electoral roll and invited to participate. Thirteen members were purposively sampled from those expressing interest to broadly reflect the diversity of the Australian public. Over two days, participants were presented with evidence on the topic by experts, were able to question witnesses and deliberate on the evidence. The jurors unanimously supported taxation on sugar-sweetened drinks but generally did not support taxation on processed meats, snack foods and foods eaten/ purchased outside the home. They also supported taxation on snack foods on the condition that traffic light labelling was also introduced. Though they were not specifically asked to deliberate strategies outside of taxation, the jurors strongly recommended more nutritional information on all food packaging using the traffic light and teaspoon labelling systems for sugar, salt and fat content. The Citizens’ Jury suggests that the general public may support taxation on sugar-sweetened drinks to reduce rates of obesity in children. Regulatory reforms of taxation on sugar-sweetened drinks and improved labelling of nutritional information on product packaging were strongly supported by all members of the jury. These reforms should be considered by governments to prevent childhood obesity and the future burden on society from the consequences of obesity

    New Leaders, New Thoughts: Perspectives on Leadership in the 21st Century

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    Winona State University\u27s Change Leadership graduate course is comprised of seventeen individuals from different generations, with a broad range of skills, backgrounds, and professional expertise. Despite differences, all share a common goal; the desire to become more effective leaders in today’s evolving world. These 21st Century Leaders study, apply basic theory, and develop skills for management and leadership within organizations. Emerging leaders hope to impact the growth, sustainability, and integrity within those organizations. These New Leaders have studied problems and issues influencing individuals and group behavior within organizations to develop collaborative practices, strategies and to empower and advocate for others. New Leaders, New Thoughts is a collection of theory and perspectives on leadership. “There are many issues facing leadership that make studying leadership a must. For example, being able to relay a task, a process, a vision, a mission, or simply transfer daily events all require what many leaders have a difficult time achieving: effective communication.” -Alex Howell This book was created for the fall 2018 Change Leadership course taught by Dr. Barbara Holmes for the WSU Leadership Education Department.https://openriver.winona.edu/leadershipeducationbooks/1002/thumbnail.jp

    A pilot of the feasibility and usefulness of an aged obese model for use in stroke research

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    Background: Animal models of stroke have been criticised as having poor predictive validity, lacking risk factors prevalent in an aging population. This pilot study examined the development of comorbidities in a combined aged and high-fat diet model, and then examined the feasibility of modelling stroke in such rats. Methods: Twelve-month old male Wistar-Han rats (n=15) were fed a 60% fat diet for 8 months during which monthly serial blood samples were taken to assess the development of metabolic syndrome and pro-inflammatory markers. Following this, to pilot the suitability of these rats for undergoing surgical models of stroke, they underwent 30min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) alongside younger controls fed a standard diet (n=10). Survival, weight and functional outcome were monitored, and blood vessels and tissues collected for analysis. Results: A high fat diet in aged rats led to substantial obesity. These rats did not develop type 2 diabetes or hypertension. There was thickening of the thoracic arterial wall and vacuole formation in the liver; but of the cytokines examined changes were not seen. MCAO surgery and behavioural assessment was possible in this model (with some caveats discussed in manuscript). Conclusions: This study shows MCAO is possible in aged, obese rats. However, this model is not ideal for recapitulating the complex comorbidities commonly seen in stroke patients