26 research outputs found

    New records and rare taxa for the freshwater algae of Turkey from the Tatar Dam Reservoir (Elazığ)

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    P. 533-542Recently, the number of algological studies in Turkish inland waters has increased remarkably. However, taxonomic and floristic studies on algae in the Euphrates basin are still scarce. This study contributes new information to the knowledge of the Turkish freshwater algal flora. Phytoplankton samples were collected from the Tatar Dam Reservoir in the Euphrates Basin between January 2016 and December 2016. Two taxa were recorded for first time and 14 rare taxa for the freshwater algae of Turkey were identified in this study. The new records belong to the phylum Bacillariophyta, whereas taxa considered as rare belong to the phyla Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria, Rhodophyta, Charophyta, Euglenophyta, and Bacillariophyta. The morphology and taxonomy of these taxa are briefly described in the paper and original light microscopy illustrations are providedS

    Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Arteriyovenöz Fistül Komplikasyonu: PTFE Sentetik Greft Yalancı Anevrizma Tamirinde İki Farklı Cerrahi Girişim

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    Kronik böbrek yetmezliği olan hastalarda hemodiyaliz uygulaması hasta için hayat kurtarıcı olup, damar erişim yolu tüm hastaların konforlu hayat kalitesini anlamlı ölçüde etkiler. Son dönem böbrek yetmezliği hastalarında arteriyovenöz fistül kullanımı ne kadar uzun olursa, karşılaşılacak komplikasyonların çeşitliliği de o kadar fazla olmaktadır. Her ne kadar ilk planda otolog damar greftleri kullanılsa da, günümüzde son çare olarak sentetik greftli hasta sayısı da gittikçe artmaktadır. Son dönem böbrek yetmezliği için yapılan arteriyovenöz fistül operasyonlarının geç dönem komplikasyonları ile hemen hemen tüm hemodiyaliz hastaları karşılaşmaktadır. Bu makalede sentetik greft üzerinde tekrarlayan ponksiyonlara bağlı iki farklı lokalizasyonda oluşan yalancı anevrizma tamirinde iki farklı cerrahi tedavi tekniği anlatılmaktadır

    Incidentally diagnosed pericardial rupture and herniation of the heart in a case of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture

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    Perikard ve kalp yaralanmaları travmatik diafragma rüptürüne nadir olarak eşlik eder. Trafik kazası geçiren 42 yaşındaki erkek hastaya diafragma rüptürü teşhisi kondu. Öncelikle laparatomi yapılan hastada, diafragma abdominal yaklaşımla tamir edilmeye çalışıldı. Ancak daha güvenli tamir için yapılan torakotomide perikardın rüptüre olduğu görüldü. Kalp herniye olmuştu. Kalp yerine itildikten sonra perikard ve diafragma primer olarak tamir edildi. Akut diafragma rüptürlerinde ilk yaklaşım genellikle laparotomidir. Ancak abdominal müdahale edilen diafragma rüptürlerinde toraks mutlaka aydınlatılmalı ve intratorasik yapılar her aşamada yakın takip edilmelidir.Pericardium and heart injuries are rare situations accompanying to traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures. We diagnosed diaphragmatic rupture for a 42 year old man after a traffic accident. First, the patient underwent laparotomy and the diaphragmatic rupture was tried to be repair intraabdominally. For more safety repair we decided to perform thoracotomy. This exploration showed that pericardium was ruptured, the heart was herniated. Laparotomy is first choice treatment of acute diaphragmatic ruptures. However, thorax must be lightened absolutely in the diaphragmatic ruptures which repaired intraabdominally and intrathoracic organs must be evaluated closely in every step

    Incidentally diagnosed pericardial rupture and herniation of the heart in a case of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture

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    Perikard ve kalp yaralanmaları travmatik diafragma rüptürüne nadir olarak eşlik eder. Trafik kazası geçiren 42 yaşındaki erkek hastaya diafragma rüptürü teşhisi kondu. Öncelikle laparatomi yapılan hastada, diafragma abdominal yaklaşımla tamir edilmeye çalışıldı. Ancak daha güvenli tamir için yapılan torakotomide perikardın rüptüre olduğu görüldü. Kalp herniye olmuştu. Kalp yerine itildikten sonra perikard ve diafragma primer olarak tamir edildi. Akut diafragma rüptürlerinde ilk yaklaşım genellikle laparotomidir. Ancak abdominal müdahale edilen diafragma rüptürlerinde toraks mutlaka aydınlatılmalı ve intratorasik yapılar her aşamada yakın takip edilmelidir.Pericardium and heart injuries are rare situations accompanying to traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures. We diagnosed diaphragmatic rupture for a 42 year old man after a traffic accident. First, the patient underwent laparotomy and the diaphragmatic rupture was tried to be repair intraabdominally. For more safety repair we decided to perform thoracotomy. This exploration showed that pericardium was ruptured, the heart was herniated. Laparotomy is first choice treatment of acute diaphragmatic ruptures. However, thorax must be lightened absolutely in the diaphragmatic ruptures which repaired intraabdominally and intrathoracic organs must be evaluated closely in every step

    Nasolabial cyst: imaging findings

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    Nasolabial cysts are rare nonodontogenic lesions of the maxillofacial area. Other odontogenic and non-odontogenic masses should be taken into consideration in definitive diagnosis. In this case report, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of a nasolabial cyst in a 32-year-old male patient were presented with the literature. [Cukurova Med J 2016; 41(1.000): 183-186

    Examination of the specific clinical symptoms and laboratory findings of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

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    Background & objectives: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a fatal disease, caused by a tick-borne virus (Nairovirus), having a high mortality rate. The study was aimed to evaluate the risk factors, the presenting symptoms and findings of the patients with prediagnosis of CCHF disease, and to compare these variables between the CCHF-positive and CCHF-negative patients. It was also aimed to develop a scoring formula for the diagnosis of CCHF. Methods: In total, 281 patients who were admitted to the Sabuncuoglu Serafeddin Training and Research Hospital, Amasya, Turkey between 2011 and 2015 and were prediagnosed with CCHF based on the clinical symptoms, laboratory findings and risk factors were included in the study. The definitive laboratory diagnosis of patients with prediagnosis of CCHF was ensured via molecular and serological methods. In addition, a mathematical diagnostic scoring formula was developed for enhancing the laboratory results of CCHF. Results: The ratio of certain clinical symptoms such as fever (p<0.001), headache (p<0.001), widespread body pain (p<0.001), fatigue (p = 0.001), nausea and vomiting (p = 0.013) in CCHF-positive patients were found to be significantly higher compared to the ratio in CCHF-negative patients. In terms of laboratory findings such as presence of leucopenia (p<0.001), creatine kinase (CK) elevation (p<0.001), thrombocytopenia (p<0.001), aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) elevation (p<0.001), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels (p = 0.002), absence of abnormal findings on chest radiograph (p = 0.042), and the absence of anaemia (p = 0.007), the CCHF-positive patients had higher rates in comparison to CCHF-negative ones. Interpretation & conclusion: It was inferred that certain clinical symptoms and laboratory findings such as fever, headache, widespread body pain, fatigue, leucopenia, nausea, vomiting, high CK levels, thrombocytopenia, AST/ ALT elevation and elevated LDH levels are highly specific and are required to be considered in the definitive diagnosis of CCHF, particularly in regions where this infection is observed as endemic

    First Presentation of the Complete InfectionCycle of Visceralizing Leishmania infantum/donovani Hybrid Strain in Turkey: The Host,Reservoir and Vector

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    Objective: Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a widespread infectious disease of the reticuloendothelial system which is mostly caused by Leishmania infantum and L.donovani. VL is a zoonotic infection and dogs act as the main reservoirs of the disease while the vectors are the female Phlebotomus, that is to say, sandflies. Although Leishmania spp. are attributed to reproduce asexually, the genetic exchange between different strains has recently been demonstrated and causes interspecific hybrids. We aimed to present the complete infection cycle of a hybrid strain of Leishmania infantum/donovani with the host, reservoir, and vector. Materials and Methods: A patient presenting with VL proved to have a dog with canine leishmaniasis. Bone marrow aspirate from the patient and lymph node aspirates from the dog were inspected for Leishmania spp. amastigotes under light microscopy. Samples were cultured in enriched NNN medium. Serological examinations were made using IFAT for the patient serum and rK39 test for both human and dog samples. Light traps were placed to collect Phlebotomus. Leishmania molecular identification was executed by primers and probes specific to ITS-1 and cytochrome B gene region of Leishmania parasites. Results: Leishmania spp. amastigotes were detected in the slides while promastigotes were present in the enriched NNN medium. For patient serum, IFAT IgG was 1/256 positive, and rK39 was positive for both dog and human samples. Fifty-two Phlebotomus were caught (24 male, 28 female): 35 of them were P. similis, ten were P. neglectus/syriacus, six were P .papatasi, and one was P. tobbi. Molecular analysis showed that the Leishmania spp. isolates from the patient, dog, and P.tobbi were identical. Gel image revealed two bands in all three samples, thus leading to the conclusion that the infecting strain was a hybrid of L. infantum and L. donovani. Conclusion: We found identical isolates that are putative hybrids of L. donovani and L. infantum in human, dog reservoir and sandfly.